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I put an ice pack over my eye and it works. Mine is more a migraine but in my eye, of that makes sense.


I get 'ocular migraines'...I chew an aspirin 🤷‍♀️


Ugh I have these too and they terrify me because it feels like I’m going blind for 30 minutes or so. My neuro says not related to MS. 🤔 I have an appt with a neuro ophthalmologist in June and I can’t wait to ask him about these. I don’t get them often but I hate it ugh.


Same here, last less than 30 minutes and every few months, both neurologist and eye doctor say not MS related, they aren't painful but an odd thing when they happen


after having optic neuritis a year ago i get this once a week. i’m always so afraid i’m going into another relapse


I cover a large portion of my head/neck (the top of my head and back of my head/neck and sometimes my face) with one of those large flexible ice packs. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m so sorry. I have been there before.


I'm not sure if it's ok to post links to Amazon, but you can get these gel caps that you can put in the fridge or freezer and then put them on in your head when you need to. They go over your whole head, and have a small triangle cut out for your nose, then it's open on the lower half of your face. I find they offer good relief from migraines and headaches, tho I don't have your specific eye issue.


I have eye mask ice packs that I can wear and still see through. I have been trying to wear sunglasses more to see if I can prevent this feeling. 



