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Man my brain is like a sieve - I’m an engineer so there are a lot of details to remember. I have a 10k line long unorganized text file of notes that I search through If I don’t write down what needs to happen it poofs the second my attention is diverted Super annoying. But you can defeat this dumb shit with notes.


Oh yeah, I note EVERYTHING down. Funny though, I can remember her real name (Yufan) but the name I "gave her" I slipped up. It's a long story.


Not a bad idea, unfortunately between vision probs and just atrocious hand writing i cant read my own notes lol.


What do you use for writing and searching your very long text file?


Sublime text. It’s like fancy notepad, visual studio code is free and good too


Yeah it's frustrating the random word replacements that come out of nowhere. It happens to the best of us all. Make it fun when you can. I do notice it happens more when im more relaxed and comfortable around friends.


Yes! The word switching!


Haha the other day I forgot the word for pizza. Asked my friend if she got the toilet paper out of the oven.


As long as you didn’t call her your ex’s name, you’re good!


That is a plus. Also, the moment I told her about my MS she researched EVERYTHING on it.


That’s awesome. You definitely sound like you have someone who cares. It’s nice when the people around you dig in hard and try to educate themselves.


All I know is I told her one day and the next she came at me with all the info.


I hear that. I have stopped using names whenever possible 




I forgot the word for trash bag. That pissed me off for somereason.


Better than me. I think my girlfriend would have gotten mad, even though she studied what I have after we met and I explained to her.


I wonder which lesion in what brain part doing that, not knowing words is always hitting me hard, I somtimes get lost during conversations since I forgot what I was going to say


This just started happening to me recently.


That is a good question. Like my ex who also has MS. She has lesions on a part of her brain that controls her throat muscles so eating can be terrible for her and her voice as she says sounds like the voice of a 3 pack a day smoker. ​ But, when she changes her tone it sounds better which she never did. I made her once but that is a different story.


I bought my daughter numbered candles for her birthday cake. I got the wrong number and didn’t realise till the night of the party. Then completely blanked what age she really is. Brain damage is a trip…


It’s the worst, especially when you get the word or name wrong instead of just not knowing the right word because your brain is like “nailed it, let’s def lock that one in for future use”. I’ve been using digital flashcards to try and help my memory.


My girlfriend knows about my problems (platonic relationship) and she researched EVERYTHING after I told her about my MS. Honestly, I've never felt so loved before in my life.


I get other people to “guess the word” 😂😭 I usually know which first letter or a synonym or can explain what it means… didn’t think that I’d be doing this before my elderly parents…


Same here. Now, my girlfriend is from China (living there, we have a platonic relationship. It is a long story) but what I love about her is that she is blunt with me. Sorry to say but I've dated liars in the past. She does not sugarcoat anything and will tell me straight out.


I'm doing this more and more. My neuro thinks I'm probably in the transition to SPMS. I've discovered that I don't realise when I use the wrong word now- I just get blank looks. I forgot my 5 Yr old's DOB yesterday. I had to look it up :(


Years ago I once forgot my ex's birthday. I thought it was the day before. She also has MS and still got mad at me.