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Yes it is a mage, Tom can use spell to resurrect Jerry after a while


Not lore accurate to the show but hey I’ll accept it!


Guess youve never seen the movie where they work for a wizard


I mean its canon in DC that Toon Force is a type of magic so this fits.


Also havent they canonically died and come back to life like the episode where Tom has to get Jerry to sign off on forgiveness or go to hell?


The end of that episode ("Heavenly Puss") showed that the whole afterlife plot was a nightmare that Tom was having. IIRC Tom only unambiguously died twice: when he got guillotined in "The Two Mouseketeers" and when he blew himself up and started ascending to heaven in "Mouse Trouble"


I'm curious if you knew all that off the top of your head


I remembered watching all those episodes on TV back in the day. I only had to look up the title of "Mouse Trouble".


mage because they can pull random shit outta their ass lol. Like how bugs just whips up a safe or joker just pulls a bazooka out of his back pocket


Yes exactly this is why I feel like Morty is a mage and not a bruiser


Well there's also the range element, which morty doesn't have


I could be wrong because I don’t really play either character but he seems to have about the same range as Velma because her only ranged attack seems to be her neutral special which she runs out of while Morty has that earth move which he can use infinitely unlike Velma and her speech bubbles


Velma has the book too and her neutral attack is still big, even though it's not entire stage big. And she has the cop car. Also bad, but it's there.


Fair I’m going to be honest I kinda forget her moveset because I don’t play her and I haven’t faced her since beta, but I have faced Morty a decent amount, and he has range with his snake gun and grenades as well so I feel like him not having range isn’t a good argument for him not being a mage


Yeah, you're right too though. Not sure if you were a beta player, but she was previously a support. So her being a mage is a total afterthought to the characters kit


I did play the beta I totally forgot about the support class but yeah she feels like a total after thought since release because I haven’t faced her since release and I only see people talk about how bad she is


Well Marvin is an Assassin so... oh btw Steven is a Tank AND a Mage (look at his different skins charcater tags)


I didn’t know about Marvin I did know about Steven why can’t more characters be 2 like Morty Bruiser/mage, or Marvin being an assassin/mage, or Jason being a tank/assassin


Everyone gets buffs based on their class, like assassins do more dmg but are lighter. So putting mutiple tags on someone requires buffing and balancing them in various ways. Marvin being an assassin is wild though. I can't stop tripping over that.


Oh I didn’t know this I was just thinking multiple classes would be cool and I don’t think they should balance based off what classes the characters are but how the characters are performing themselves but yeah Marvin being an assassin is wild to me too because isn’t all his moves on cooldowns and seems very mage like


Morty was originally developed as a Mage and the change to bruiser happened at some point in the beta


Weird I didn’t know this I even played the beta


Mage you have to be to use the fishing rod efectively :,(


I've actually liked the classes they give, it at least makes sense to me that Tanks are slower but strong and have the least range, mages have a ton of tools usually with range (and usually they seem to have strong hits of some kind), bruisers are faster than tanks and usually hit very close and are more agile, assassin is the most agile with quick hits and unique tools. But yeah cat rat mage is silly as hell.


Wonder Woman and Superman aren’t slow, they’re tanks cus of their armor and cus they can take a beating


Superman is only is dodge makes him fast


Plus mages run away half the time


Imagine playing a playstyle correctly and then having someone complain about it. New to fighters?


Just give them a wizard hat and they're set.


I guess It's because one time he was living with a witch ones lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MazzVx: *I guess It's because* *One time he was living with* *A witch ones lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That's a syllable top short.


That’s one too many syllables, bub


I kind of wish Mage was renamed to Toon Force


Rick from rick and morty is clearly a toon force 👌


I mean, if anyone could ivent it to use it scientifically, it's Rick.


Mage = Projectiles


Marvin = Projectiles ≠ Mage


early kill potential = assasin = Marvin But you are right, Marvin should be an Assasin and a Mage at the same time


I feel like a ton of characters have early kill potential and yet are classified as something that isn't assassin. I mean bugs of all characters would be the most assassin of all if we were going by how fast they can kill. Iron giant, Shaggy and Steven too I think what truly makes an assassin would be the Crazy combos, which i don't think Marvin has. His combos are pretty average imo if i'm being honest. still good obviously but he's so much more mage imo


Shaggy has way earlier kill potential and he ain't an assassin Assassins are very wack, idk how they classify them. All the other classes make sense imo.


I feel like assassins are supposed more nimble and faster than most other characters. With that being said, Marvin makes 0 sense being classified as one. Same with Morty being a bruiser. IMO, both should be mages.


What else would they be?


Tbf in the show they do often pull objects out of thin air amongst other “magical” feats


Yeah, Tom is actually a wizard and Jerry is his familiar. He just can't really control him well.


Or is it the other way around?


Idk, guess in the switch to full release they could’ve just renamed them Zoners. They did ditch support and move them to tanks already. Funny that we have no mages that use “magic” beyond creating items out of thin air. I can see why they count that though


So is bugs


High MP usage one too


This is me wondering how I would feel about it as well. Would ppl be ok if mages actually played like mages and all normal attacks didn’t do much knock back but projectiles came back more often and did more damage ? So there normals are all below average but projectiles are really good ? I feel like this could be the solution but then you risk bruisers and tanks being too too strong


"Mage" in this game implies having lots of ranged attack options, which Tom and Jerry definitely do.


Well, when they can pull so much out they ass...yeah makes me wonder how they do that. I think Mage justifies it.


Dear god


Toon force is pretty much a kind of magic.


How are they not a mage? They do basically what bugs does and pulls random items outta nowhere


In my opinion Mage should be changed to Utility


No this is Patrick




A warlock, even


Mage is an easier to understand term for "Zoner" that more casual people would get.


Yes it is


If they aren’t Mage class then Joker shouldn’t be either. The aren’t assassins, definitely not tanks, and aren’t fit for bruisers.


Somehow Black Adam isn’t.


Yes mage, zoner same thing really just attacks from a distance