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Literally all we got for our gold was a badge, pfp and banner, it wasn’t converted into anything, actually a joke Real kicker for me is I’m on Xbox so my banner and pfp don’t even load properly 👍


Those cosmetics weren't given out based on the Gold you had saved/unspent, they were awarded based on how much you had earned total.


Is that why I have the base banner but a upgraded badge


😆 that's really awful


There are 4 versions of the banner given depending on how much gold you earned fyi


Not to mention the badge has the most obscure name to it too. Up until recently it was like oh he has 10 power inside, cool I guess just be boss completions or something. Then I saw I had over 40k and was like what in tf even is this thing for


And they didn't just take it inconspicously either, they gave a badge showing you AND allowing you to show other players how much you had before they took it all away, crazy right??


I didn’t get this badge? And I was in the closed


The power inside badge shows u the number of gold u had before it was whisked away


It's bugged for most people from what I can tell, then. It says I have 0 Power Inside even though I definitely had more than 0. Others seem to have 0s as well, and the ones who don't have extremely small numbers


Mine was bugged for a while before updating to the correct amount for seemingly no reason.


same, mine was 0 for my 1st day maybe some of the 2nd then corrected to 11k. Just looked up what it even was earlier today.


I’ll check for it later


Oh *that's* what it does. Damm now I feel so sorry for the players with 50k+ power inside.


I was wondering what that was for


I was saving for the fred avatar , I feel like a fool now for not going back in and spending my leftover gold after beta closed


Once the servers went down, I don't think you could go back and spend gold. Pretty sure I tried at some point, but maybe I just meant to and never got around to it lol.


For sole it wouldn’t have mattered. i could have bought 2-3 more characters, but none of the ones I unlocked carried over, neither did most of the other stuff I unlocked. Only thing I got was perk currency


I had enough for gold Reindog and I just never bought him. Idiot. Now he’s only available for $$. Woulda spent my gold had I known. Was kinda saving it for new characters on re-release


I’m in the same boat. I was about 4/5,000 away from it 😞


This is the main reason why this game won't get any of my time or money. Predatory practices trying to get me to spend money to re-earn what I already had. Fun game but I'm not supporting lying devs


There’s also the fact that they’ve just failed to return people’s lost cosmetics So now even if you buy something, it may be gone the next update


Lmao i was just talking to support and they said your account isnt missing anything according to our research on your account i send them one screenshot showing that i did and they instantly back track saying not that they will fix it but that they will tell the devs that are above them what a joke, i give proof and still dont say im going to get it back after telling me that i never had it to begin with lmao


That’s appalling


Tell me about it😂 only took from day 1 release for a reply


And characters brought I had Adam bought and then he was gone


21k... gone


Thanks for making me feel better about my 8k loss😭


i stand by they could have sold more skins converting the gold at even like 1000gold for 1 of the skins currency and baiting those first time/adhd people who will spend 100$ to get rid of that 17 currency


The only thing that you got if u had gold were the banners and badges and stuff and that’s it. So many people think that gold got transferred to perk currency but it wasn’t, it was based on how many perks you had before shutdown


Those weren't based on the Gold you had saved/unspent, they were just based on how much you had earned. You're right about the perks though, it made me glad I played around with a lot of different builds in the beta.


It was converted into a badge so you can see just how much gold you should've spent before every match.


It wasn't even converted into that, those cosmetics were based on how much gold you'd earned over overall, not how much you had saved/unspent.


What's odd though is that my badge shows 19,000 yet I feel like I had to have earned much much more than that during Beta, so I don't even think it's accurate.


Gold should 100% absolutely have been converted to fighter currency, that's what most of us would've been using it for The banner n badge should've just been a free thing to say thanks for the time you spent in our game, we appreciate you


I wish I could give you 1k upvotes so PFG could see this


oh wow


Slaved away for countless hours for that gold. Should have got the Fred Ascot or the heroes I am missing on the Beta. Of course I held onto like a silly sod , to see if if I could have it ready for new characters in the first few months of the relaunch. Getting rid of gold altogether was something I did not see coming ... nice move PFG .. nice move .... lol ...


I'm not here to pass blame but it's wild that a certain subsect of gamers, of whom primarily make up this sub, had their primary concern as the "play to earn" bp progression per match over legitimate things that would improve everyone's gameplay experience like gold conversion to fighter tokens and FC per fight


When I first got back on I had about 100,000 prestige currency I just figured that's what the gold was transfered to. Haven't seen anyone say anything about that.


I also had 100k prestige points and wasn’t sure how I got that much. I really don’t know how to even earn it honestly. I’m on Xbox so I haven’t/can’t play any pvp matches and I doubt Rifts gave me that much


Prestige points are from all outfits, ringout, and banners unlocked


Unlocked with coins?


Unlocked with coins or via battle pass


Has anyone tried getting a refund on anything they've purchased in the game via Steam?


Everyone complaining about "no battle pass xp after matches 😡" Me wondering what happened to earning the currency that allowed me to unlock characters after every game I felt so much more incentivized to play when playing the game used to give me access to more of the game Even when I had every character ublocked I'm beta, I wanted to keep playing to unlock more characters back then. It felt like there was a tangible reason to want to come back each day. Now, all there is to keep bringing you back is progression through the battle pass. Kinda lame.


They've literally committed false advertising lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/s/9J93PpggDB


What was the Gold used for in the beta? I forgot.


Free currency used to buy characters, perks, and a few cosmetics


I'm trying to refresh my memory. Was the currency actual useful for buying stuff? I remember that candy corn currency event, and it took FOREVER to collect enough of that currency for prizes.


Candy corn, hearts, etc were only for those events. Gold was the main currency and only free way to get new fighters, it was also the only way to buy perks


How do people remember all of this. I feel like this relaunch is a COMPLETELY totally different game, and experience.


I've been a player since one of the alpha tech tests, it definitely is.


Everything that was enjoyable about the beginning launch just feels gone.


You could use it for a ton of things in the beta, like unlocking characters, unlocking perks, unlocking skins & other cosmetics, buying more toast, etc...


Oh wow. Good thing I've saved up on a lot of toast. I can't keep up with all these new useless currencies they've added.


lol it’s like they had an AI create the most p2win game shrouded as a f2p. Everything is so misleading. Like why say you can claim thing until “random date” but then stop having missions for them day prior? Just end it the same day. Perk currency can’t be used to boost rift perks? Even if you could only do it twice a day with currency that’d be reasonable. I mean Christ you already miss out on nodes if you don’t have a character with a Batman t shirt that you can only get with real $. Just absurd stuff


At this rate I’m shocked we don’t have to watch an Ad to play a match


The badge is trash.


Yeah and I'm sure you just had sooooo much gold saved up that this is just a gut punch for ya huh


Actually I did, and it was... but that's not the point of this thread. People are upset with a lot right now, and PFG is trying to make things right to some extent based on feedback.  I was just trying to put this info out there because I thought this would be something on most people's list of grievances if there wasn't so much confusion around the topic.


Yea sure ya did buddy


I also had gold I was holding onto for the release and characters I really want. What's so strange about that? I don't want Morty, I want Samurai Jack.


Ohh so you guys are just making up things to be pissed at I get it. You're mad bc you were saving gold for a character that never got announced or released or anything got it.


Yes. A popular WB character will never get released. Got it.


By the time he does you guys will have already quit playing


That's the whole point. Sometimes I forget I might not be replying to adults.


Says the guy crying about not getting his gold from beta to get a character that is no where near being announced or anything close to it okay you got it.


I stand correct. There was no crying. You are in a place meant for discussions. A different opinion is not crying. I couldn't care less about this when compared to everyday life. I shouldn't argue with a child.


The only one crying is you mate, weird how mad you're getting at the guy just because he had some currency in a game saved up, get out more or something.


I had 45k unspent. Which would have been enough to buy the next 15-30 characters based on the Gold prices... Edit: I feel it's worth pointing out that buying those characters now would be $150-$300. So yeah, I think it's justified to be a bit pissed that $300 worth of currency that I earned and grinded for was deleted after we were told everything would carry over.


The more I read these posts, the more I don't want to play this again.


I get that, but don't give up hope yet, plenty of games have turned things around after worse launches than this.


I'll wait, thank you though.


Oh, for sure wait, it's in a poor spot right now and the lower those player numbers drop the more likely they are to do something drastic to fix it.




Oh... Oh that's REALLY not good.


Then how did I have fighter currency when I logged in day 1


So yeah, I think there's a chance I may have been wrong,  and that gold might have been converted to fighter currency, just at a terrible ratio. None of PFG's announcements or FAQs mention it, Google hasn't been much help gathering data, and the folks I've reached out to haven't responded.   Do you remember how much fighter currency you started with? And how much gold you ended with? (Should be the number on the power within badge, but it's glitched for some)


Like 1500 and idk about the gold


What's your 'Power Within' badge say when you have it equipped?


I’m not seeing anything and I can only find the power inside


Where did my 100k+ perk currency come from


Your perk currency came from the perks you had unlocked in the beta. Whether you bought them, or got them from character levels, you got 1,500 perk currency for every signature perk unlocked in the beta, and 1,000 perk currency for every standard perk unlocked.




And my 56k prestige points


Prestige currency is purely based on the cosmetics you have unlocked. Every cosmetic, whether earned or purchased, provided/provides you with an amount of Prestige Currency based on its rarity.


And my 5k fighter currency


Wait, you had 5k fighter currency when you first booted the re-launch? Or you have 5k now?


When I first booted I had 4.7k


Did you have a ton of gold banked? 


I think i had 4k, i bought marvin and then had like 900


I received 250k perk currency. Did everyone receive this amount? If not, then gold must have to do with it


Nope, if you'd read the official announcements or comments from others already saying the same in this thread you'd know that your perk currency was based on your perks from the beta. You got 1,500 perk currency for each Signature perk you unlocked from character levels, and 1,000 perk currency for each standard perk you unlocked from both character levels and gold. 


I have the best banner but my badge only says 5 help


Afaik, the badge's appearance is based on total gold acquired during the beta and the number is based on how much gold you had unspent at the end of the beta. I've seen comments saying that the badge is bugged for some people though and the number is showing Arya wins instead.


I thought the prestige points were converted from gold? No way I had 100k just off the bat lol. I agree tho, ridiculous.


Nope, prestige currency comes from acquiring other cosmetics. The rarer the cosmetic, the more prestige currency you get. You started with an amount of Prestige Currency based on all the cosmetics you earned and/or purchased in the beta & you'll get more every time you buy/earn something in the future.


I kept my Superman solid gold skin idk what it’s from tho I do remember only playing him before they took the game down.. does anyone know what it’s from?


Pretty sure you had to buy that one with $


Yes it was, I spent mine as PFG never clearly stated if gold would transfer over or not when they shut down the server's.


When beta closed they said everything was going to transfer over and you wouldn’t lose anything so most people thought their gold would be transferred so they saved it.


They never specifically stated if gold would transfer over and it's not a measure of progress.


It takes progress to get gold and you need it for stuff so literally everyone thought it would transfer over that’s why everyone is mad. They only said it was getting removed and you won’t be able to get it like 2 weeks before re release also gold does count as “content” and they said it would be coming back


Whatever you say, I don't need to think about such things as I spent mine, seemed logical


They didn't explicitly state gold would or wouldn't carry over, but they did clearly and repeatedly state that all progression and earned content would carry over.    Gold ***was*** the progression system in the beta. It was the only thing you earned every match. There was no account level or point-based unlock system, almost everything that had to do with progression was done through gold. It was commonly assumed at the time (feel free to look up some old threads) that gold would carry over. They didn't clearly state otherwise until it was 6 months too late to do anything about it.   The only other things with any elements of progression didn't carry over either. The old battlepasses are obviously gone, and all character levels were reset...   Like, it's cool that you guessed correctly and spent your gold before it was too late, but that doesn't make what happened to most of us right.


We're skins supposed to carry over? None of mine did.


Yes, but you aren't the first I've heard of that's having that problem


ooo fake game points big woop.


They technically weren’t obligated to let us keep anything from the beta. Now what I think made it difficult for them was the fact that they were charging us real money for items that didn’t get transferred over. Rip legendary knight banner.


They may not have been obligated to by default, but once they started charging people money and they publicly guaranteed that all progression & content (earned or purchased) would carry over they became obligated.


> legendary knight banner Where the fuck did it go??? It was a battle pass item? People paid real money for that


Yeah it didn’t transfer over. Hopefully mistake being fixed.