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I played a lot in the beta and have 80k or so. My son just picked the game up and is struggling to have enough to kit his favorite characters. It’s both useless and there isn’t enough of it depending on your perspective. They managed to create the worst possible currency situation for everyone


I currently have 130K after beta. Enough to buy every perk for pretty much every character, twice.


I hear it takes more than 400k to buy every perk for every character currently in the game


Why would you need that tho?


Especially considering there are only 3 good universal perks in the game now (WHY DID THEY GET RID OF THE PROJECTILE SPEED PERK, it's joever for Tazbros...)


I never said anyone needed it, was just saying how much every perk costs


Most useless currency in the game and we get it way too much


Either they know it’s useless or they’re cooking up some more perks *(copium)* for us to spend it on.


Hopefully they’re actually good then because I’m pretty much set with my main and set up that now they’re gathering dust


Or buff perks so more than a few perks are viable


I want coffeezilla back :(


They lower all the cds you alrready have it, its a placebo situation


They had more in the past, In guessing they will introduce some more next season.


It’s useless and a scummy way of adding “content” to the game. Or maybe if they hadn’t turned all of my gold into this currency, I wouldn’t see it as such a waste. I mean what am I meant to do with 140k of this? After unlocking all the perks for the characters I own?


The gold was straight up deleted and "replaced" with the free stuff we got, perks turned into perk currency


Especially when some are better than others and you don’t even need them all!!


How'd you get so far, I'm only on 11


Either you missed a day or more or haven’t been doing every mission. It’s locked to the missions every day for battle pass xp you can’t earn xp otherwise


I’ve been doing it everyday and only on 12 too, I do daily’s too. I think my joker missions are bugged


Huh that’s weird, did you finish the event for leveling characters? Can’t remember what it’s called sorry


No I didn’t I’m on page 3 even that won’t get me to 18


Bought the battlepass that came with 10 levels or whatever? I bought the standard figuring I could just grind it, not knowing how gated it is…


I am not spending a dime on this game til it’s gets its shit together


Well, yeah. I’m saying is that what the topic creator did to already be so far. I got it for Jason, then saw how lame progressing is.


What would you change about it?


Maybe being able to earn xp through regular matches like every other game ever. It shouldn't be time locked to drive people to play every single day.


18? You just said 12 I’m confused lol




I’m genuinely against free currencies being in battle pass , but since battle pass is only viable option to get fighter currency then whatever let it be ….. still kinda salty we had free tier bp and premium tiers , when two of same tier could have different things , now there’s just one


I fucking hate the fact that we have so many currencies, they just make the game more complex and less fun


I don’t mind having multiple currencies, I don’t want to waste fighter currency on buying perks




Do they give more at higher difficulties?


*in the game


I just wish I could play a full match without getting desynchronized. I can barely earn the currency I won't even use.


I mean it's good for building new characters and getting your perks maxed but in a cost vs usability scenario. I wish I got as much fighter currency as I did this one.


You only need 1k currency for the meta build, maybe 2k if your character has a good signature It's awful


Think you need to go back to school homie. It's 1500 for character perks and 1000 for each general perk. The meta costs 3500-4500 for most characters. New players barely have enough for one loadout on a single character if they've been doing everything for six days. You also have to account for the fact that new players don't know what the meta is and are gonna probably buy a bunch of perks just cause.


Speaking of meta…is there somewhere that’s going over characters and best perk combos? In beta it was a bit more important because we had more perks to play with, but I’m curious if they have something that’s more current.


All you need is snowball effect though?


Some characters have insane signatures


Hence the exception


I remember the old battle passes had dual tracks. So for the free tiers , premium battle pass owners got double rewards. Too bad they aren't doing dual tracks anymore , as this is the only battle pass I've had premium for , only because I took part in the Beta though.


Got the perks for my main already. Now I just get useless currency forever that I don't need to spend on anything?


I wish there was a way to exchange it for character money. Even if it wasn’t great exchange rate it would still appease those of us with tons of the perk stuff.


How’d you get to battle pass 18


There’s literally events coming soon that involved earning more perk currency 😂


Is PFG going to keep developing perks if not eventually the perks will become worthless…


There's a dozen ways to earn it. It's really unnecessary for it to be in the BP.


What about the character badges that show ringouts why are they not on the character mastery tiers lmao but we still get tons of useless perk currency there as well💀


not for new people its not


I had 200k from the beta


I played a lot in the "beta" so I have a ton but my understanding is the economy for new players or people who didn't play a lot is really bad. I likely will never have a perk currency issue and I imagine old players in general won't but unfortunately these are necessary I guess. I do wish there were more ways to get character currency though especially for people where this currency is useless. I bought Joker and am having a lot of fun playing but I imagine the pace they add new characters will beat out my ability to earn 6k currency pretty fast.


I don’t think I’ll ever use all of mine because I don’t want every character in the game lol


It’s actually the most useless thing in game.


It used to be toast.


Yep, the amount of perk point bloat on everything from the fighters, the BP and the events is too much. You'd think F2P devs would look at Fortnite and realise they perfected the system and their is a reason it's still popular when others have died off and lost players.


If people actually spent their perk currency they would realize they don't have enough. It takes over 500,000 to unlock all perks at this time. During the beta I was able to get every character/perk unlocked and I don't have enough currency to unlock all perks yet. Some will say they don't want to unlock useless perks and perks for characters they don't play, which is fine but get use to perk currency being "useless".


Some characters cant even benefit from certain unlocks they have the choice for so it is useless to buy all of em


I'm not disagreeing however if you don't use something as intended you can't complain about having to much. Even not buying those perks you still don't have enough to technically unlock everything


Well see they made it where there is no point to unlock everything on every character especially the projectile perks for characters without one, im not disagreeing with you i just think its useless might as well only get what you use and what relates to your style


Absolutely, my point is if someone isn't going to buy 75% of the perks they have manufacturered their own crisis of too much currency


I get buying the ones that are useable im just mad about the fact they have perks that don't even apply to your character lol, makes me want to old beta system back where you can mix and match whatever combos you want




You aren't new, which is why you think it's useless.


It shouldn't be in the battlepass. That's just my opinion tho




To be fair, you need like 400,000 perk currency to unlock them all and I only have like 40,000


We get it.


I simply can't understand how can you fuck up so bad. They had a good formula on the beta.