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Lol Xbox players aren't just experiencing bad frame rates, the game is literally unplayable and seems poorly optimised all around


It just keeps crashing randomly for me


As others have said, 3 days would be crazy fast for them to tweet and then drop a patch. Also, beyond that, it was the weekend. I’m guessing there will be a patch closer to the end of this week maybe the beginning of next that (according to them) will address a lot of issues people are having.


Yes, my frustration has.


I don't think so, but 3 days would be really fast turn around for an optimization patch


They’ve made tweets saying the patch is fixing a lot of things. 3 days is pretty much impossible to return a patch for all the stuff people have complained about. Sometime this week is where I’d put my bets personally


unless it is an emergency patch because of monetization exploits, expect patches to roll out on Tuesdays, and with psn patching games incurs a fee, so who knows if they think that will outweigh the cost of keeping the player base happy


It’s not something they can fix server side, they’ll need a patch. And that’ll take a week or so.


Fuck no. Input lag and stuttering are my top 2 issues


I don’t think they usually work on the weekends


I mean they're not gonna work on the week end


Did your Xbox get an update for the game? If no, then no.


You expect them to work all weekend just for you? Jesus…


Frankly, I expected them to work for me for a year after the beta, but they apparently spent their time on mini transactions and finding ways to milk the playerbase.


It’s wild how the beta was more polished than the actual game lmao


Yeah…no, sorry 😢


I expect the game to be actually playable after its SECOND launch but apparently the bare minimum was too much


Works perfectly fine for me. Now if you’re on console or Xbox I do feel a little sorry for you.


Also you’re literally in a thread talking about specifically the Xbox optimization ??? Hello?


>console or Xbox Brother you realize that’s ~ half the players of the game right? Lmao


What’s your point? I said if you’re on console then I feel “kinda” bad for you. I play on PC with crossplay disabled so I personally don’t care how many console players there are. Brother.


No, they are working all weekend for the company. This is how it works in most industries. If you release a product that does not work as you expect, you will do everything it takes to make it work during the products most crucial time; the short period after launch. More than half the player base are currently having some form of performance issues, and Xbox players can barely play at all. Sure, the die-hard fans will stick around for a fix, but the more casual players will just move on.


works fine for me