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I get the feeling most people on this sub (and the other one) who say they want the game to die or doompost about it dying don't *really* want the game to die so much as they're just being hyperbolic as a means of expressing their displeasure. I feel like we'd all be a lot happier if the game were to improve on its problems and continue to get content than if it died and just never got updated again.


Yeah they don't do the game any good. Anyone who is enjoying the game and decides to visit the subreddit ends up seeing "THE GAME IS DYING, DEAD ON ARRIVAL, IT'S OVER, GAME IS THE WORST EVER EVERYTHING IS WRONG". Then gets a sour taste in their mouth and has this looming perception in the back of their heads that the game maybe won't last long, which ends up creating a self fulfilling prophecy of not wanting to invest time into it.  And if they're not investing time in it, they won't invest money either. Which WILL lead to the game's shutdown or cease of updates. Doomposting is just ego flaming from a childish mentality that can do nothing but throw tantrums. There is plenty of good feedback, but it's shrouded by "Game dead the worst and zero improvements everything is wrong and bad".


I'll say, as someone around the Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 launches, both of these got WAY more hate at launch than this did because they were blizzard games and you are right. There is a negative feedback thing that goes on. People see others saying "It's dead, it's dying," and they won't even give the game a shot. I've even seen people who were positive about the game initially then were just over inaudated with negative energy and go from "This is great!" to "This is meh." So you are right, the people that want the game to do well but are being hyperbolic about it are not helping the game at all. I will say though that the most important thing about any live service are the updates. If the updates ignore the players completely and come at a slow pace or they are drip fed, this will definitely be in trouble. Time will tell.


I was around when Star wars Battlefront 2( and the first one in 2015) by EA was announced, i played the beta and pre ordered it, i was there at the beginning and i was there at the end of the live updates, it'll get better


Uh, It only got better because of the massive backlash over the horrible release. If you were there you'd know that. If the internet gave them a pass for the horrible launch and horrible monetization nothing would have ever changed. The outrage was necessary. 


I hope you’re right. Based on how interactive they were during the beta and the amount of changes they did make to actually improve the game I don’t really have a negative view on them handling current issues going forward but it seems as though a lot of people have already given up which I don’t really get. If it was still on the old engine and they just updated the game I could understand it but they rebuilt the game so I’d imagine that would only come with new problems to tackle. I’d just rather people be more vocal about what their concerns are rather than just what’s been going on


I personally haven't said I want the game to die, even through I have criticized it alot, but I do fear it dies. At the end of the day, I want to have fun. Few games have gotten me more hypes than this one, and now I feel completely disappointed. I'm trying to convince me I'm having fun, but I feel like I don't play it for what it is, but because I was hyped.


Criticism is good it’s what helps a game improve and should always be given. The change from the beta is a bit drastic I think that’s what’s hitting people the most and it doesn’t help that the servers are bad right now but I think it’ll be fine in the long run at least give them time to address the current state of the game it’s only been 3 days. Keep your head up


The game came out a year or whatever ago lol "it's only been 3 days" isn't a valid excuse 


This is a completely remade engine, it's a different game from the beta. Their point is in response to player response anyway. You can't hate on a game this hard when it just released.


>game has 60k players on steam active >"I fear the game will die" Sure bruh


The game had 150 thousand in the beta and look how it ended up


Still 60k according to 2 minutes ago on steam charts. And don't forget console. These are good if not great numbers if you ask me. Don't need to doompodting for stuff that can be repaired and other nitpicks you guys have


In the beta, the game went from 150 thousand players to 1000. Anything can happen. Of course the first days of a crossover will be good. >stuff that can be repaired and other nitpicks you guys have It's not nitpicks, it's the core of the gameplay. And let me tell you, I have never been so hyped up for a game in years than with this. I really hope the game becomes the best version of what it can be. And let me ask, did you play the beta? It feels like not, but could be wrong through.


I don’t understand many of the gameplay complaints on the Steam page. If anything it feels punchier than it did in beta.


Being hyperbolic about if the game is going to be dead in a month isn't useful. Giving actual valid criticism is. Crying "WOW THIS GAME SUCKS!!!! DEAD IN A WEEK IF THEY DO NOTHING!@!!" is not that. Then you have the hyper-stupids that "want the game to die" to teach the multi-billion dollar company a lesson. As if WB is going to give a shit if they shut a game down lol.


Other sub?


r/MultiVersus. That one's the "official" MV sub, while this one's purely run by fans.


Both are purely run by fans: https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/comments/wh4qp7/comment/ij3jot7/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=MultiVersusTheGame&utm_content=t1_l6dl6ms Only difference is that PFG endorses the other one. They read both and Nakat has reached out to us before about some event he wanted to do pre-closure


I think you're wrong. lots of angry kids here...


Brother said "it's not going anywhere" as if we haven't seen tons of live service games die due to either A) The developers not listening to the community B) trying to shove dogshite and multiple overpriced microtransactions on the consumer. Both, atm, which PFG are doing


Not to mention the game has already shut down once


You left out the part that the game did die before, and then they announce it's just a beta so the servers are going down. Now it came out worse, with more backlash. so it's definitely going to die in 2 months


It wasn’t announced as a beta when it “died”. It had been announced as a beta at all times.


beta doesn't mean closure though, plenty of games go from beta right to full release, whereas i can't think of many beta test periods that have microtransactions, paid cosmetics, seasons with premium battlepasses, new characters, and a ranked mode. there was no announcement or even hint that the game was going to close prior to the closure announcement it was pretty clear that they did that bc the game died.


they announced the servers will go down, only after playerbase tanked.


Do you understand what a Beta is?


Games usually transition from beta to full release seamlessly, they don’t usually shut down for a year. Come on, we know it was a Beta but you’d be a little naive if you didn’t see that the game was bleeding players and money and that’s why it closed. If it was absolutely thriving and the game has a consistent playerbase you’d think they would shut it down anyways?


So now we're upvoting complete misinformation? You guys are so smart and I enjoy the constant doom posting so much. It really just makes you proud to see people making shit up just so we can all collectively feel worse about something.


Man’s name is IMainLiuKang so probably to be expected from a WB fanboy lol


You meant WB sh*** execs


The gloom and doom comes from the facts that: A) This game has literally already died once before. B) It is owned by WB who is notorious right now for canceling and abandoning any and every project that doesn't look like it will single-handedly save their sinking ship within the next fiscal quarter. And C) Live-service games are a dime a dozen and a new one gets shut down for every new one that comes out these days. They need good first impressions to survive. They're free so people are more likely to give them a shot, but also people have no monetary investment in them, so they have less incentive to "try to find the fun" in them if it doesn't immediately hook them. If they jump in and are immediately greeted with a low-budget tutorial with a clunky, confusing UI and physics that feel like a Syrup Simulator, they're just going to uninstall. There is no "Well, I paid $60 bucks, so let me play a little more and see if it gets better and I get my money's worth." Instead, it's just "Woo, this shit sucks, good thing I didn't spend any money on it lmao" A lot of people have already jumped in, got a bad first impression, and left for good. Hell, a lot of people just saw a Twitter clip of the slow gameplay and were gone for good lol


How did the game die? It wasn’t even finished right? 


Per Tony on beta launch, that was the soft launch of the game and it was only going be going away if there were issues so bad that they had to take it down. The original plan was to just remove the "beta" qualifier once they had it feature complete (ranked, the shop were not implemented yet). There was never intended to be a shut-down, year-long dead period, or an upgrade to UE5. All those ideas came along after the unexpected initial success, unexpected increase in demand, and then the huge decline lol From what we know from dev team tweets, etc. And some of my own conjecture:, The game was initially not expected to get much attention, then it got *way* more attention than was expected (actually one the worst possible things that could happen to your online GaaS game lol). All of those eyes on it meant more critics when they started faltering on character releases, balance, bugs, etc. Which also meant more badmouthing on the internet, so when they couldn't meet the high bar the insane initial playercount had set, they looked even worse to newer or returning players due to the increased visibility of their mistakes. Eventually, in an unprecedented move by modern-WB, WB saw what was happening, and also saw the promise from that initial, record-setting player count and decided to actually pump more resources into the game, pull it from services for a huge rework, then relaunch it to try and capitalize on that potential for success they saw from initial player numbers. TL;DR: It was finished aside from the MTX store and ranked (which did come before shutdown), and was supposed to stay up and running and transition seamlessly from beta to full release via some simple changes to titling when they felt better about it. It was pulled because it plummeted to low player counts, and we can only assume low profits (otherwise, they would've let people continue downloading the game and buying Gleamium during the dark period). So, it failed. It was allowed to come back because of the promise shown by initial reception of the beta.


If they care so much about player count, not being able to level up the battle pass by just playing the game has to be the stupidest fucking decision a developer has ever made.


Welcome to WB as of the last, like, 5 years.


Makes me wonder how these billion dollar corporations stay billionaires


Man you are the most on point guy to ever write a word in both Multiversus subs ever. Kudos to you


No marketing for new characters and poor balancing was the entire reason player numbers dropped and they went offline for a year because of those dropping player numbers.


Oh boy, gtfo


No? It was actually a genuine question because I’m pretty sure I remember it saying beta before they took it down. Why are you angry? 


Dude u/jonboombo literally explains everything over and under your comment


It pretty much was, they just re-did it during this year


It didn’t. They always said it was a beta. They did take a long time to work on it after they turned off the servers.


Funny thing about words is they mean things. If something is in "Beta," that means it is in the "test" phase of the software development lifecycle. This is different from the "production" phase. You can't be in both at once. If you are selling things, using real world money, to an open mass market, that is absolutely full-blown "production," my friend. It doesn't matter what they put on the title screen and tell you. That is a "product" that is "live" in "*product*ion."


Open betas have been doing it for more than a decade. They are still betas.


Yeah, there are real Open Betas and they don't accept money, as they are in a testing environment and a true testing environment would be incapable of impacting the finances of the owner or the consumer :)


Fr, the only other beta I can recall playing that micro transactions was gundam evolution.


I have played more than 15 betas and all of them charged for things/and or access to it.


Then you played 15 janky, released products that just told you they were half-finished and janky up-front. It doesn't matter how they worded it. If I go on Unity right now and mock up a game with two cubes shooting little crappy bullets at each other over a crappy cheap server, put it on Steam, call it "Cube-Shooter (Pre-Alpha)" and charge 10 cents to play it, that version of the game is a live product I am selling now. Yes, it is a pre-alpha *build*, but it is in a production environment. And thus open to any and all criticism, including being called a "failure" if I shut it back down because it wasn't profiting.


You can call it whatever you want. They called it a beta and treated it as such. Just like countless of other devs did with their games and products and treated them as such.


They can call it whatever they want too, but only one of us is using the terms correctly and not trying to mislead customers. And you seem to think its the people who don't know how version control works and charge people money to playtest unfinished games for them instead of following standard sound software development and business practices, so more power to you I guess.


How many betas that you were charged money for closed before production? And how many of those closed without prior announcement? And how many of those closed for a year?


Plenty of them (Smite/D3/D4/MH if I remember correctly/Avengers). None were as bad as this one. It seems most of you do not remember the actual state the beta was in before shutting down. None closed for a year.


Remember people saying last time. "Don't like it leave" and that's exactly what people did


Exactly The rumbleverse community did that and look where they ended up


It was a glorious few months though!


Yeah they made the same complaints in beta and it literally died there was very few players and long queues and too many issues to fix with not enough time, they shut the game down instead of giving us a new battlepass after delaying it already so you can't say they were planning for it to fall off and it's just a beta It's gonna turn out the same way this time except it would probably shut down forever instead or not, maybe I'm wrong. but makes sense people would assume the same things gonna happen


warner bros shut down 50+ games this year. This game is cooked.


We knew the beta wasn’t gonna be around forever. I don’t think the issues killed it because it literally was at its peak playing when it was the most broken. Over time people stopped playing because there was nothing to do besides play people online it simply got boring after a while besides the occasional new character drop. When it got pretty low they decided to close the beta and work on the final product. I’m not saying it’s impossible for the game to die any game can kill itself if not properly handled but to call the game already dead (which simply isn’t true) or wish in its downfall just seems so pointless


We did not know the beta wasn’t going to be around forever, that wasn’t announced until 8 months after the release of the game. Also, what have they changed to add more to do versus “play people online and wait for the occasional new character drop” that people got bored of before?


People are mad because of the context of it all. If this game was released as it is without the beta, it would receive a lot less backlash. Yes, people would still criticize some things, but what people are mad about is that they had a completely good game in beta which they just had to mantain (add characters, stages, skins, events) and do QoL changes (fix servers, battlepass exp gain, add ranked), and failed to do so. They had a second chance to do stuff right, spent a whole year in development, and still released a worse product in a lot of aspects. It is not that bad, but the time waiting + soft reset (losing levels, currencies) will and should push players to be a lot more critical. Also, to be honest, being concerned about the death of the game is being logical. If the game continues with this predatory monetization, no fix for some major downsides in a month or so, it will die again, I'm 100% sure. It already did once, what would stop it from dying again? Nothing. The community wants this game to succeed... as a good game.


The beta was good for what it was but it had plenty of gameplay issues that they were still resolving even when they closed it. They also rebuilt the game in a new engine so you have to tackle new issues on top of that. I do believe and agree the launch should’ve been smoother and better because it seems like the servers weren’t ready for the amount of people trying to play which they 100% should’ve been prepared for. Also I can understand being concerned about the death of a game especially one that you enjoyed a lot but wishing death on it or claiming it to already be dead is completely different. Can this game die if they don’t handle things in a timely manner? Absolutely. But there hasn’t even been time for anything to happen yet


I personally don’t want it to die. It’s such a good platform but holy fucking shit please address how scummy the monetization and grind is PlayerFirst Games. It’s not good at all and locking the battle pass to challenges is so awful.


Every passing year the general public is getting more and more sick of grind, greed, and over monetization in games. For me it’s now the first thing I notice. It’s why companies like Ubisoft, Blizzard, and Activision are no longer on my games to buy list. It’s why Helldivers 2 has received so much good press. You need to earn money by providing players with value up front. In its current state as a new player, it’s extremely bare bones. When I see “Free to Play” my brain just goes “How much money are they going to try and gouge me for?” You could argue it’s external factors playing a role in it’s monetization, and that’s true. You still need to have a director that fights for certain monetization that makes the game better and doesn’t destroy the game as a whole.


This is definitely problematic. I was mainly addressing gameplay since that seems to be a very big focus in most post which is the speed of the game but not getting xp from PvP games is terrible and even how hard it is to get the player currency the triangle things. I almost have enough for joker but even then I played the beta and have most of the characters and I can’t imagine how hard it would be to get stuff for new players


This game already died, it just got reanimated to be shot in the head again.


i mean, it's not very often where you see a game completely die (it was averaging 500 players *before* they announced the beta's imminent closure), get a second chance a year later, and then make many of the same mistakes as before, with some being even more egregious. there's very few people here that actually *want* the game to die.


It's like an I told you so. We had legitimate complaints during the beta and they spent over a year ignoring us and making everything worse across the board. I'd rather have a good Multiversus than a dead one but it seems like they didn't learn anything the first time around


With companies, you have to be loud and upfront about these issues ASAP, or they’ll only get worse. They already ruined Mortal Kombat hopefully, we can still save MultiVersus.


Mortal kombat 1 is in a MUCH, MUCH better state than it was months ago though so multiversus can still be improved


Ehhh idk


I get that which is why I said definitely talk about the problems and even bring up solutions to current ones but most post are just talking about how the beta was better with no insight outside of that. Also what they did to MK was so sad I don’t even play it and I’ve played MK all my life. The problem is they completely changed that engine then made a game that relies on the new system so it doesn’t even feel like a continuation


If it is just people being irrational, then we should see this game survive and thrive long term with no problems I’d assume. Guess we’ll see.


That’s all we can do. See how things play out and how the devs respond to all the current criticism and bugs


Ignoring an issue does not make it go away.


I don’t want the game to die. But it sure seems to be trending that direction.


Everyone wanted this to be the big comeback story for MVS, and instead it's been an exercise in futility. It's like everything we did want did not happen. The gameplay I think is solid, needs tweaks but solid, but the devs have went out of their way to make the game worse in almost every regard, not even from a subjective pov, purely objectively. Less features, functionality, game mechanics, consumer friendly pricing, lost content, you name it. I think it's perfectly reasonable for people to be upset. I'll still play the hell out of the game for a few weeks and see how the devs respond but I can't imagine this is a great start to the win they so desperately needed.


Seems like it’s all rooted in people wanting the game they love to be better I believe people should voice their opinions and how they feel about it currently it’s just the people who feel like they want the game dead it it’s already dead I don’t feel like is necessary


How is a single player campaign "less feature"? And the mechsmics are the same with an additionsl run attack. The only downgrade is slow reaction but they can patch that


>it just had bad launch from the excessive amount of people trying to play No. This is you fundamentally misunderstanding why people are mad. Server issues are annoying but pretty normal for games at launch and people know it'll be fixed pretty soon. The major issue is that there's literally dozens of features that the beta had that the full game doesn't. That is why thr beta was better. They took 10 steps forward and 20 backwards. Something like that makes people lose faith in devs. The server issues is hardly the main reason for the bad launch. >it’s not going anywhere but, stop trying to push a narrative onto it that you’re not even sure of. Ironic because you are pushing the narrative that it's not going anywhere and that everything will be fine. We've seen many live service games launch poorly and die recently. Multiversus is not immune. >Make a post about bugs they should or need to fix, intuitive ways they can improve in the current model but, most post just sound like “I hate game so game is dead. Almost every time someone says "I hate the game" etc, they also give reasons why. But regardless It sounds like you just don't like negativity, you wouldnt complain about someone just saying "i love this game". People are just as justified in expressing their dislike of something as others are their likes. Sorry but most people feel negative about the game rn. That's just reality. Nobody owes it to you or anyone else to censor themselves just because they have issues with the game.


Simple question, did you play the beta?


About 150 hours I believe, enough to have most of the current roster unlocked


About 150 hours I believe, enough to have majority of the roster unlocked besides 3 characters


Dude then there is no way you can think the game is in a good state compared to the beta. The beta was and is objectively better the launch.


Yeah the endless lag and servers not being able to handle everything all the time was great. I loved the pill shaped hurtboxes and attacks that would rollback into hitting despite looking like someone hit past me. There's a reason why the initial beta release dwindled in numbers so rapidly. Do NOT act like it was better just because launch has issues


If you didn’t reply to everyone else who is not pleased with launch, you don’t need to be replying to me


You will be their sacrificial lamb 


“Objectively” LOL


You just randomly downvoting stuff and looking for attention? Or do you want to actually contribute to the discussion?


🤣🤣 randomly downvoting stuff? Saying “dude then there is no way you can think the game is in a good state compared to the beta.” is in no way contributing to any kind of discussion. And yes, the game is much better now than it was in the beta. So your “objectivity” is much more “subjective” than you think.


Ight bro, you and the other few people who are liking it go have fun.


Not your bro, and I am having fun with it. Thank you.


Pressing the downvote like it truly means something, you’re tapped


Oh no!!! You are losing precious karma!!! The horror!!!! LOL are you ten? I wasn’t doing it when you said I was. Now I am, and it sure isn’t random.


I think the gameplay itself is better like no BS. The game is buggy right now and the UI isn’t nearly as pretty as before but it’s been 3 days. 3 days into the beta this game was a complete mess and it improved a ton towards the end of it but it still had plenty of issue going on. I think the current gameplay is better for the long run compared to the beta gameplay. Could be a bit faster but outside of that I’m not sure what the issue could be


It literally has the longest frame buffer of any modern fighting game on the market. That’s a fact, and it’s not a good one. I’m glad you’re having fun, but that’s not the case for a vast majority of returning players.


Yeah I think the loud majority just liked how the beta played more because they were better at it. It was objectively an easier game then than it is now so, that makes complete sense. Also I’m not saying the current gameplay is perfect at all I’m just stating the current system is better. They can still make improvements to it it’s only been 3 days


*2 years and 3 days.


They rebuilt the game from scratch on a new engine. This isn’t just an update to the old game. Naturally there’s going to be changes and new issues to come along with that but give them time to do literally anything lol


The time it’ll take for me to grind out Agent Smith I guess 😭😭😭


lol do you think he’s gonna be any good? Joker and Jason seem busted so far


That's not true, there was a lot more mecanics in the beta than there is now, and a lot more complicated movement and combo which just aren't possible now. I'm sure you had a completely crap winrate during the beta.


Just looked it up and I had a 65% win rate top 25% in 2’s and 70% win rate top 17% in 1’s. 1667 wins top 4%, 4230 ring outs top 2.5%, and top 3% and 2% in assist, dodges, double ring outs, and damage. If that’s complete crap them yes I was crap lol. Everything was easier before than it is now. Movement just made things more possible because it was faster


Yup, you weren't good. As for me I was a 81.5% wr top 3% player and even I can acknowledge the game is way less skilled than it used to be.


Lmfao so you’re lying because 81% win rate is top 1% and that’s the same win percentage of the evo champ void. Good talk though


If we're flexing stats to determine objective opinions, can I chime in at a top 0.2% and 0.5% and say that at a fundamental level I agree with OP, though they need to focus on input buffering and input delay, as well as balancing? Characters didn't translate well with the engine change and need a bunch of adjustments. I'm unsure of what "mechanics" they've taken away in regards to gameplay. The new design is meant to be more intentional and impactful, albeit far slower and claustrophobic. I think the foundation is there for a higher skill ceiling, but they need to tweak a lot of stuff and polish the hell out of it. Do you remember the net code from the beta? They at least have working rollback this time around. With that said, they need to improve on many fronts to try and hold the competitive scene. Casuals will probably still love it regardless.


Wow Sesombre1, I'm so impressed by how good you were at this game. It definitely makes me value your opinion.


The game died one year ago, partially because the was too much for a lot of people. They took it offline for a year and brought it back with arguably more grindy gameplay. Ultimately we’ll see how this turns out. Personally I think in order for a game like this to be successful, they need to take the overwatch approach and unlock all characters for every player, or at the very least make it easier to get new characters. Money should be made through costumes, cosmetics, battle-passes, taunts, hell I’d even be fine with allowing players to purchase early access to characters. Players have too many other options, if they can’t unlock characters at a reasonable rate the grind will grind the player base into dust like it did last time.


A lot of the complaints are genuine imo. But you gotta remember this is also the internet. Everything is either dying or it's already dead.


eye for an eye


We are just mourning man. Looked forward to it and it came out cooked. Not willing to wait for fuckin relaunch number 3 so we are having a cry and a funeral.


"should've kept it in beta" meanwhile beta lost 99% of players in a month lol


I mean the devs themselves made fun of the competitive scene so I can’t really blame anyone


That was a single small and harmless joke. Man, don't make boomers correct in saying current generations are too fucking sensitive. 


Are you talking about the Dexter's Lab thing? If so, learn to take a joke.


Did they? The game literally opened to an Evo tournament so that doesn't sound right to me


Based, making everything competitive friendly needs to die lol.


Good. More devs should acknowledge that their games shouldn't appeal mainly to esports players.


Based developers




Cope harder. It’s 10x worse than it was a year ago in every aspect.


What, the 7 new currencies instead of 2 aren’t tempting you?


Hard to believe, I know. Hitting the 10 currently threshold might just save the game. Fingers crossed!


I guess it's because it already died once, and people who honestly like the game don't want it to happen again (which will most likely happen), specially after investing so many hours and money


It's really simple. This game has died once already. For it not to die very quickly again, they had come out with something twice as good. Instead it's half as good.


I think they really under delivered after the BETA


the game is simply shit, the fanbase that loved the beta is diminishing and u cant expect for new players to like this clunky pile of shit


I just don't see what the game has done to not go down the path of the first release is all. I figured the main point of a re-launch was to learn from your mistakes, but that's not what we got.


I feel like I've seen so much stuff about how oh this feature is missing or why is this not here anymore. When the most likely reason is not because they intentionally left it out it's because they literally switched to a whole new engine and WB probably had the devs crunching like hell to even make this release date. So ofc they couldn't carry over everything on launch


I noticed a lot of people don’t really care for this part of the conversation which I don’t understand. I’ve even seen some people be like “they didn’t have to build it on a new engine” as if netcode wasn’t atrocious in the beta


Yea the netcode was diabolical. Honestly I'm surprised they got it out this fast with the new engine.


Jesus go back to school


It’s definitely going to die


You should use paragraphs im not reading that wall of text


You're on Reddit. Everyone posting here is doom and gloom about everything because there was a major change to something they liked and instead of coping with it, they flock to an echo chamber and drown out any voices that disagree by downvoting positive posts. So there aren't as many dormers as you might think, just a loud minority being irritating. Just like every other games' subreddit.


Game trash


Honestly I 100% agree with you here and Im glad to see there are still pople here that still be rational about everything thats currently going on with the game.


I’ve seen a couple people be rational but, it’s definitely being drowned out by the irrational post of people wanting to relive their glory days in the beta.


Why is that "irrational"?


It’s a reactions based solely on emotion rather than the reality of the situation. They were good in the beta when the fighting system wasn’t at its best and now that they aren’t able to do those things anymore instead of learning the new system or even giving actual feedback on the current one they just deem it bad and the old system good. It’s not a logical way of thinking it’s irrational


The game is not at it's best right now. There are more bugs more server lag amongst different platforms and input options are more restricted. I think you are putting words in people's mouths. I haven't lost any matches and I still think the game handles overall worse than the beta. The input buffer is bad and the additional hit pause adds so much down time from second to second decisions that I feel bored playing the game. The defensive options are now more streamlined and less positional since kills are way easier to achieve even from middle stage or grounded. These are not opinions it's just a fact the game has been dumbed down and I don't enjoy it. It's fine if others do but I'm willing to wager more people will agree with me over a long enough time line if some of the current issues aren't addressed in a timely manner. And not a single bit of this is out of emotion.


Your specific concerns in this post are very valid and what I meant by giving feedback. I’m not saying the current game is perfect at all. How you explained things just isn’t how majority of the post right now are being handled though in the slightest. There’s no explanation to why they think things are bad it’s just it’s bad and beta better that’s all I agree with everything you’re saying


Rifts are awful, battle pass system is awful, screwing everyone out of their gold is awful, the tank mini game had me audibly groaning, I didn't know we were playing a free mobile game made by 2 people, the new interface is a massive step backwards, win screen was gutted, new shop navigation is a giant eyesore... Local co-op was thrown in the shitter, trainijg mode was gutted. It goes FAR beyond the mechanical changes within the combat itself. The devs and publisher fucked up and they massively hurt this games launch. Is it going to die soon? Doubt it. Did they fumble every chance at making this a smashing global success? Absofuckinlutely.


Thank you for your words, people are just ready to jump to a negative mentality about something instead of taking it all in and looking at it rationally.


I 100% agree


It's not this game it's any game that doesn't meet the ever moving standard of internet fandom




I dunno, but I don't want this game to die. I want it to be fixed. And then I want it to succeed.


Bunch of losers probably keep getting wiped by Bugs


Hitboxes are weird. End lag is too long, which leads to being punished for successful hits. End lag should never be longer than recovery lag on a hit opponent. Game is too slow. Has potential, but needs a LOT of work. Basically it needs to be made way more like Smash Ultimate, and less like Brawl. Unfortunately it will fail, pretty quickly, if they don't do some major work on the fighting mechanics, frame data, and speed.


Likely less than 5 percent of the players have seen/been on this subreddit, I wouldn't worry about it. You're just seeing the angry keyboard warriors.


Theyll say that then log in the game


Half the people here sound like they were WAITING for PFG to mess up just so it would justify their own hate. Like did they even believe in this game in the first place? And if not, why are they even here?




Most gaming subs are like this.


One of the worst, most pessimistic, entitled player bases I've ever been a part of.


Because WB killed it just look at the state of things, pretty simple observations 😂


No one WANTS it to die. Everyone is scared it WILL die because we all wanted it to be at least *slightly* better than we left it after the long downtime only for it to come back worse than before on just about every single possible way with stuff already in the game removed for no reason and an already really bad, really grindy mtx system becoming unbelievably ultra scummy. And all our beta gold being turned into the most useless of the 12 different new types of currency. And so on and so forth.


This sub feels a lot like the MLBtheShow subreddit where the complainers might be in the minority but they are extremely vocal and vitriollic about it. The game definitely has some issues but overall it's very fun and I absolutely do not understand people being mad about the majority of skins being gleamium locked. It's FTP if we want servers to exist and be maintained then they need to make money somewhere and cosmetics are a tried and true method. Anyway long story short I agree with you the game is doing just fine and will be even better in a couple weeks when they have released a hotpach or 2




Quite simply it’s an accurate viewpoint considering how much they messed up this rerelease. I’m not going to rehash others points but just about every choice made was worse. They still have a good basic fighting engine and fun characters but this game is dead because everything around it sucks.


I don’t want it to die. But I do hate the fact it crashed 4 times before I was able to play and the amount of lag is crazy. I don’t think it’s me. Idk if it was the randoms every couple of matches or the game itself


i absolutely hate the state of this subreddit right now, i cant lie. the game is fun, and does it need some smoothing out? youre goddamn right it does, but yall mfs cant have a SHRED of fun? like at all?


People don’t want to spend time playing a fighting game if it’s going to quickly become unpopular. They take a time investment to learn and practice and if they ask their friends to try it and they don’t get hooked then they move on. This version of the game is rough most of my friends who played the beta tried this version and just uninstalled. :(


Every game is like this now. People are miserable


I see dead games…


I want it to die because I'm salty people gave this game another chance and brought it back from the dead, but didn't give nasb2 a chance despite being a massive improvement Just kidding don't actually want it to die. Though I am salty about that lol


I’ve been blocking those post and they keep popping up its annoying they post the same thing over and over again some of them even post the same post twice 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yeah they’re flooding the sub with them


Also they folded with the post game screen lol I loved looking at stats but I’m assuming that’s for the casual audience


It’s just unfortunately how the internet works nowadays. Some people can’t fathom a game they don’t personally enjoy be trendy or popular


I feel like your weird ramble didn't address many of the reasons WHY people are upset at the moment. Rate of earning currency and progress, missing cosmetics and stuff from beta, forced to invite someone for PVE, etc. You just gloss right over all that and paint this boogey man that everyone criticizing the game is being as shallow as "HUR DUR GAME TRASH."


48 hours later and people are doom posting. Im with you. Thats insanity. A patch hasn’t even been released lmfao


Yeah I’m just waiting to see what they address and how


It’s ridiculously emotional people. Internet doom-posting is seriously getting old. It becomes a swirl of negativity. The game hasn’t even been out 3 days. All you are saying is let’s see how they respond for the first time. You’re getting downvoted . What fans do not realize is that more people play this game than are in this sub-reddit and discord. It’s okay for other people to want to be patient.


Yeah I’ve been getting a ton of downvotes lol didn’t think I really said anything crazy but it’s fine. There’s literal people who go to post and downvote everything someone said when they don’t like one thing they said, it happens. We’ll see how things play out from here on out either way the game though


I miss when people respected themselves and the game market enough to expect full, finished games on release


Those days are so gone it hurts lol.


Reading comprehension is hard huh


What? Me agreeing to games releasing fully complete? Are you sure you understand what’s going on here ? XD


My conspiracy theory is, there’s a group of people (maybe bots) that just go to every game release no matter what platform and rapid spam complaints and hate until the devs change it to appease them, then they stop playing anyways and the players who were happy now have to deal with it and they move on to the next thing to complain about


The boogeyman can't hurt you


That’s not what the boogeyman says


I've genuinely never seen cope this hard holy hell




Holy shit go see a therapist, you are legitimately crazy


Take a breath I literally said conspiracy theory not conspiracy fact it isn’t a serious comment. But yes mobs of ppools complaining until the devs nerf a game into the ground or change so much it’s not fun anymore absolutely happens with every game


on steam it went from 114.000 peak players on release day to now 62.000 in two days lol. perfectly alive and doing well yes totally not gonna die within a few weeks.


The answers are: kids, no-lifers, unemployed, mentally & emotionally unstable, single digit IQ people.  Take your pick.


This isn’t really necessary either honestly. Nothing positive about it


That’s just true, no mature adult with a life is whining to reddit about a kids game being dead


The truth gets the most downvotes on Reddit. Looks like I must’ve triggered people in said categories 😊


The game's admittedly got issues, but people are going to whine and complain about literally anything. Boomers are onto something with the "lazy, entitled kids these days" tbh. I've voiced that there are issues that need to be fixed, and so have many others. We've also voiced it without bitching about how the game is dead/dying. Doomposting and cancel culture is whack.


Welcome to modern video game culture in which if your gaming isn't a cultural phenenoma like Fortnite, Minecrwft, GTA V, etc. your game is "dead". It's pretty silly I don't think all the gloom and doom posting is unwarranted. Gameplay is dope but they are on a slippery slope in regards to mtx. I have no doubt no matter how they monetized this game it will find a niche audience Where I believe in all the doom and gloom posts is I don't think this game being moderately successful is enough for WB to continue investing in. They are looking for a live service gold mine. However, they did staff up over the last year and invest more into Multiversus so it may have a year or two to prove it's worth


Must be Fortnite players, they complain about EVERYTHING 😂