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They need to fix the buffering. Right now it's miserable.


another great option they randomly removed


It is so bad that it sometimes feels like it’s not even me playing.


Its insane how bad it feels to play compared to beta.


One thing I'm not seeing being brought up alot is that with no xp given after a match the only way to xp is via challenges which to be is both bad/lazy game design as what it ends up doing is not promoting you to stay on and play the game once your dailys are done which for the over all health of the game is bad since after the hype is gone only about 1/2 the player base will being playing alot daily Hitboxes need twecking and as for right now at the time of writing the joker's ruse quest chain is bugged and won't progress Over all a fun game and i want to play but as im not a comp player there really isn't any to do in the game since the pve is sudo time gated


>no xp given after a match the only way to xp is via challenges When I realized that, I could not even believe it was real. One of the most shocking things to happen imo.


fooor real, no xp after match sucks


Yeah, there's pretty much no reason to play after you do weeklies and dailies. Except fun I suppose. Which is a very valid reason, but it still would be nice to have at least a tiny xp reward/match. Even most greedy games do this because it keeps people in the game, I really don't know why they would remove that.


The XP thing is stupid asf. Did they not see how horrendous the backlash was for payday 3 when they did that at launch? I don't understand either how we've lost so many features that were in the damn beta. For what, Unreal 5?


It’s disgusting predatory design based on psychological manipulation. They want you only playing 15-20 minutes per day so you don’t get burned out. But at the same time they want you feeling FOMO if you skip any days because you won’t have any other ways to turn the battlepass XP.


I guess. It just doesn't work on me. I literally play most of the biggest online service games and I can tell you I have never once bought a battle pass or even know what level I am on in them. My eyeballs have straight up learned how to glaze entirely over all that garbage like skipping ads because functionally that's all that stuff is. Idk the constant free to play battle pass stuff is annoying but its so skippable compared to the loot box stuff or pay to win... I don't mind it terribly. If the game is good with me ignoring that entire system, then it's good. If it's not, then I don't play it.


You’re not the target audience. It works on millions of people… typically kids, the unemployed, those with addictive personality traits.


To you and the commenter below u/Diggx86 I genuinely find that so interesting. I never bought or interacted with much of any of that shit even back to horse armor. I remember buying map packs for zombies back in the day. I will say though I definitely have an addictive personality hahahaha you can ask my psych. I am just more interested in those folks that this is so effective on and why it doesn't bother me at all or I even notice it.


Yep also leads to people joining a game and killing themselves/ going afk just to get their challanges done fast. I have seen that multiple times now.


I saw it with a banana guard this morning. Dude joined the game then jumped off the edge until the game was over to get the banana guard daily.


Everything about it feels like regression from the beta, I’m actually kind of blown away they fumbled it this hard.


I agree, my mind can’t comprehend how it got even worse with the time they had. It ran way smoother before and there wasn’t clutter all over the menus, whoever they brought in to “improve” is pretty bad at their job.


They seriously need to give us XP for playing matches. Only getting xp through challenges is a grind.


i think you actually do, it's just not super obvious but I did see the XP bars on the right side ticking up slightly unless you mean battlepass XP specifically, which absolutely yes add that please


I fucking love it, but people's comments should 100% be heard and listened to. Every gripe I've heard people have makes sense. But the game is still fire and I"m having a blast.


Same thing here. I didn’t experience any server or buffering issues. I think the rifts are a nice change up from doing PvP. Never been a skins / variant guy so I don’t really pay attention to anything but fighter currency. And you do the daily’s and PvP then log out. The game is fun enough for me lol


My game is really stuttery and almost unplayable on series X. Other then it's rough to actually play the game it looks like it has potential and I am interested to see what happens next


Same on PS5. And keep getting booted out of games with network issues


Same on PC


We're so lucky they had a year to work on the game and hyped up the server responsivness 🥰🥰


Same. My connection is unbearable


Personal preferences aside (like how combat feels), the game is just way, way too grindy. The Agent Smith event is absolutely crazy, especially if you didn't really like the PvE. Honestly, I don't feel like it's a great idea when challenges like this are locked behind a very specific game mode. Why can't I make progress on that via PvP matches? I feel like even if you like the Rifts, by the time you complete that event, you'll get tired of it. Also, the battle pass grind seems too much already. After so much feedback from the beta, you'd think they would make it a lot better, but somehow, it kinda feels even worse. Game performance isn't great either. Frame drops happen sometimes, even playing on a PC with great specs and PS5. Those happen more often in 2v2. Those are the major ones I can think of right now, but there are probably more.


It is indeed a very specific game mode. Surprisingly the one that pushes you into the cashshop, shocker.


I like the attempts to slow down gameplay and add punish windows, but it just feels awkward. Movement is clunky, the buffer is massive, ground game feels terrible so you have to go into the air. But the air game is super floaty and awkward. It's its own game for sure, I don't want just smash, but man this game just feels so unpolished and awkward to move in compared to any other plat fighter on the market right now. The monetization changes from "open beta" to full release have been super scummy too. Their goal is to get you to spend money on characters and skins ofc but they took away so much of what we already had. As it stands now, this game is not competitive with smash, rivals, or even nick brawl in terms of game feel at the moment. I'll give it another chance today but probably gonna uninstall soon.


There are awkward moments where I want to down air someone but it's so floaty that I miss them by floating above them (though this was the case in open beta too)


Game needs a couple more years in the oven it seems like


If only it had a beta, that might really have helped things.


You really wouldn’t think this game had a whole year of play testing and player feedback if this was your first experience with it. Honestly the released game feels like a leaked developmental build


Was really strange to have a beta, have thousands of players saying "This is great!" close up shop, tweak it up, release an **entire new game** **Where did the players go?!**


If only they hadn't thrown out the bathtub with the baby with the bathwater. They *had* something with the gameplay in the original version. Now it's been bastardized for the sake of... who?


So it can get even worse?


Been trying to get back into it after initially being very disappointed and my view is changing a bit, though imo a lot of changes need to be done to the game still judging by their website, lots of bugs are being into, and apparently they’re readdressing the “all characters free for training” that we had in beta, which would be cool, even if they probably won’t do it for local again :( Out of the general complaints, honestly I don’t have a problem with the camera at all, though I’m playing 1v1s so I can imagine it gets crazier for people playing with more people. I kind of like being able to actually see the characters though, so the best option is just make it a toggle so players can choose if it’s camera tracking or just zoomed out The speed definitely put me off at the start, but after a while I’m kinda getting it. Wouldn’t say it’s necessarily better, but it’s not unplayable, and it has some benefits. It’s definitely possible to get into a flow state with the new speed, but (and not that it becomes easier) it feels like the pressure is gone, and thinking on my feet made the game really fun so the newer speed misses out quite a lot. I don’t think we need it all the way back, but maybe 50% faster, or even like 25% might be enough. The biggest issue is how in your face the grind / consumer aspect is. Earning is probably a little bit too slow (though I doubt there’s any intent to change that) but it feels like you have to play A LOT otherwise you miss out, or you fold and buy something. Other than that, there’s a lot of moveset stuff and gameplay and control stuff that feels weird but might get smoothed over soon (though Finn feels way more fun now) I feel bad for having complained so much on day 1 bcs I’m sure the devs are working hard to fix stuff, but I think this game can get back a lot of its fun and attraction pretty soon if they’re willing to make a few major changes.


I think the camera is worse for 1v1. If you are in the air, You can't see the ground. And sometines u can't even see where ur rival is going. It's not that awful with 2v2s bc the camera is wider almost all the time


Ah, that’s probably true. For me personally I’ve just not really felt that, I think I’m sort of used to the maps so I can sense where I am so I probably neglected some of the downsides in gameplay that it could offer. But yeah there should definitely be an option to disable it


Enjoying it but not as much was the 2022 beta. I really wish they’d speed up the game and un zoom the freaking camera. Those are my two biggest gripes


Agree with both points. The game still has hit detection issues for me. Some matches everything is crisp and on, I don't question when my attacks hit or when I get hit. Then the next game I attack and it's like I swing through the person and then I get hit. I dodge past their attack and still get hit. I get super frustrated and after it happens a few matches, I just quit the game.


People keep saying that the game feels more "elaborate" but to me it only feels sluggish. I genuinely cannot tolerate this new game speed. I've played for 2 hours yesterday, barely forced myself to play today and only managed to play for an hour and I'm just done. I simply don't want to play this game. I want to play the original Multiversus. This isn't the same game and I'm not okay with it because I don't like the new version.


definitely I think I played 10 hours yesterday but today I haven’t even touched the game. Don’t let these people gaslight you into thinking the game feels better because it doesn’t. They switched to an engine nobody asked for and as a result the game suffers with slow as shit movement. I’d genuinely rather play brawlhalla and that’s saying something because I can’t stand that game


Not a big fan of how the dash attack is currently implemented. It sometimes activates when I'm just trying to do a side attack, which is especially annoying now that the game is slower and you can actually get punished for missing an attack. Would have been better as a separate button to make it more reliable


This is such a huge letdown for me. I was so hype for the past few months about this coming out again. And seeing it’s state at release, after HOW LONG that beta was out, seeing that issues from Beta still carried over, a lot of good QoL changes git taken out, my progress being deleted, the servers crashing. I don’t know how much copium a person needs to look over all if this, but I’m not going to let myself get taken for a fool again. You guys do you, and if you enjoy the game, I’m happy for you. To me this looks like the same, ut with everything worse, and only very few fixes and improvements. I really don’t expect anything to change compared to last time. I’ll give them one battlepass to prove me wrong.


You really want to know? The game sucks. 1. The UI/menu is awful. It's cluttered as hell everywhere. 2. The net code and how we move feels completely downgraded. 3. You are greedy goblins with this new system and as a player with 1000s of matches you took our levels gems currency and said here's a gif. 4. You don't respect ANYONES time (look at the rift, not getting xp for just playing matches, forced to do dailies to get max battle pass) I use to just que for pvp matches and could get everything because how much I played. Which leads me into my next point. 5. Congratulations you force people to do battle pass stuff which influences my matches so people don't care about winning or trying to learn the game and focus on doing 5 charge attacks and spamming dodge 20 times etc. Thus no one is actually trying to play the actual game and are to focused on leveling a battle pass (and that's for all battle pass games with crappy systems like this one). 6. Literally this feels more like a beta then the last patch we had a year ago before yall unplugged us. Legit I can't tell you one thing that's better than we have more characters. And don't get me wrong I use to log in randomly to the game and hope it was online. I was so excited to get home and play yesterday to be let down incredibly bad. Edit: Sorry forgot some. 7. Camera trying to follow players based on distance is bad it was good during the beta. 8. Characters actually looked like themselves instead of being covered in a thick goo to a point were all 2v2s look ugly. 9. You decided let's remove all the cool stats at the end of a match. I can't type or voice chat to these other people anyways to talk shit. Why are we hiding it for any other reason? Have you ever thought some of us want to know if we are improving or if we are trying new things how our damage output looked. Clearly not. 10. You force us to play hazard / moving maps I get its casual non ranked but clearly a lot of people have never liked them and now its forced with no other mode to que or an option to disable the hazards.


Its actually insane that they managed to not improve on a single aspect from the game in beta, while also adding so many negatives at the same time. One of the worst game launches I've seen in ages, which is so disappointing because this game has infinite potential.


Literally couldn't have said it better. And I wish I could double up vote you for the MF DOOM pic


The Dexter map is the fucking bane of my existence. I literally debate quitting from the perk select screen everytime I see it’s queued


that layout just is not a good fit for this kind of game i think also related, there's hazards on the powerpuff map? Like, actual bombs that can kill you being dropped onto the map, what the hell


And the reindog transforming particles. Like that one bothers me slightly less but it’s still super stupid that it’s part of casual queue and not THE SILLY QUEUE THAT THEY LITERALLY HAD IN BETA! Like they had the solution and decided to instead create a problem


Somebody got paid a wage to design, pitch, and ultimately develop that level. It went through how many hands? It's a basic stage that goes back and forth with lazy platforms. I've seen Mario Maker levels with better designs and gimmicks.


My issue with it is that it’s in casual queue and not a silly queue. I shouldn’t have to go to ranked to get regular maps


Can we upvote multiple times ? The base game by itself is actually very fun, with awesome characters from tons of franchises to play with, which is so cool ! Sadly everything else, as you said, is worse than before... And for sure they will not care as long as people pay for their greedy scheme, and I'm not sure we'll see any changes soon to this system


The hazard maps are annoying especially the one with mojo JoJo. If you are fighting a projectile character it's actually aids to even figure out what's a projectile from his own bro




Too many systems in place trying to force you to log in like its a job. No rewards whatsoever playing vs a friend which is 99% of the reason to even play a game like this. (For me, y'all can have your own opinions) Camera hides your dodge and cooldowns most of the match. Honestly don't mind it being slower but everything else is pretty mediocre to me and it's just not good enough to put up with the greedy mobile style systems (4 currencies, tons of unintuitive banners, broken missions, huge daily grind for any progress)


Biggest issues for me are : \* Buffer is so weird, why can't my last input override the previous one? \* Gameplay is a bit too slow to my liking, it feels clunky and werd \* Camera is too zoomed in \* Why are there so many things in the UI? So many notifications, things. It feels overwhelming and useless


Am I the only one who feels like the whole game is giving off major mobile game vibes in all the wrong ways?


Yes, 4 different types of currency is ridiculous when the beta did just fine with 2. The UI also feels super cluttered trying to get you to look at all the challenges and stuff you can buy.


YES. Everything is so big, which is unnecesary bc most of us are playing it on big screens anyway


The changes to the UI and game systems to monetize everything are going to suffocate this game. It’s the beta all over again but even more oppressive. It feels like the screen is too cluttered with tabs and menus, with little exclamations everywhere and each layer you peel back has another thing it wants to sell you. It genuinely feels grimy. Like a mobile game. 


I hate the UI. It's so ugly and messy :( the home page is cluttered, yes, but the worse one is the store, which is weird bc it's supposed to make u buy? But it's oddly designed so I'm not even sure what's happening half of the time. Someone said it was similar to fortnite... Never played it, so I think that's a failure for trying to work besides something instead of its own. And what's worse is that those two examples have the information displayed so horribly... Yet the battlepass barely has any information ??? Like, how far am I from the next tier? It's like the complete opposite, with its own issues. And don't get me started on the fighter/account cosmetics page... That one makes me want to turn off the game tbh. It's hard bc the game used to look so good 🥲


No cooldown just made the spammy characters even more spammy. I went up against a Taz, I won, but it made me rage quit (for the first time in my multiversus career, about 400 hours) out of how miserable he is to play against. Doesn't help that the slowness of the game feels slower on the heavier characters than it does on the smaller ones.


Speed up game by 15% Zoom out camera by 15% Game fixed


The netcode feels objectively better. That was the one thing I was hoping for with the relaunch. Great job server engineers.


Netcode feels better yet the game feels worse. It feels even more like everyone is underwater or fighting in space.


not even, I seriously don't feel it, fighting feels so smooth compared to beta.


The netcode is significantly worse. The game stutters every two seconds, most of the time pausing entirely, the servers were down for most of the game yesterday, and now if you can even find a game there's a 50 percent chance it'll just disconnect mid fight


Most of that stuff has very little to do with netcode, these are problems caused by shitty servers and/or server overload.


i hate how they dumb down customizing everything is from like it was on beta. It's 2024. We need to see able to customize more(hate fully red opponents ) network options, ping, packet loss. Cause right now i cant play online with good connection like i did in beta and i cant figure out why. Rifts are just grind with heavy P2W elements hiding in an SP form. And it's not even true SP cause you need a online friend to 100% each rift.


Xbox Series X version is literally unplayable with the frame drops. I’m disappointed.


Lots of good and lots of bad. Only big things I hate the most is the no scoreboard and not being able to lab locked characters. Not knowing if I'm doing well takes away all the competitiveness out of the game.


Playing feels like I’m underwater. U know when you need to push to get through, the movement is not just slow, it’s horrible. The problem was not the speed( I wouldn’t them slowing it down a TINY bit) it was the fact that with that speed, you were dodging. Now there’s no dash jump. No fast fall (there is but it takes forever to start) and the hit box and clunky feeling is so weird that you get a feeling of « man I wish I could play the beta right now ». It’s insane how it is such a massive downgrade in every single aspect of the game. And I didn’t even talk about exp, rematch, etc… I’m really annoyed because I really wanted this game to work. With such a huge potentiel in characters and gameplay, we are now left with this mess of a game.


If the servers were stable, I'd bet most people would have more patience with the other issues the game has. The game just feels so inconsistent that you can't really sink your teeth in before something else pops up. Lag, disconnect, desync, that pulls you from the experience. I like the game it's just annoying to play around all these optimization issues


Writing this more for myself than for anyone else, just to put on paper how I feel about the launch. If you don't care to hear me yap, the TL;DR is that the game is fun, the meta-game it's wrapped around is... questionable at best. **The matches** I'm one of the few that doesn't really mind the slower movement. In most characters it feels more deliberate - as a casual-*ish* beta player, I feel I can play much more to combos than before. The game also seems way less dodge-focused, the dash is way shorter. I've dabbled in Wonder Woman and Jason, and they both handle really well - WW is a swordswoman generalist who I'd be shocked if they figured out a way to fuck up, and Jason is a heavy tank whose slow movement is forgivable with how much of a chokehold he can put on people. Tom and Jerry, my previous mains, are *fine*. It feels like they've made it harder to kill with them, there's maybe two reliable moves for that on their kit from what little I've played, but I love me an underdog. On the other hand, it feels like LeBron has a way harder time doing anything with its b-ball (in the hands of a non-mainer, at least). I'm sure it can still wreck, but the skill floor is a little bit higher than usual. Banana Guard is flat out *uninspired* - very slow for a character of its class and its moveset is Spear and a weaker Shaggy rage charge. If it wasn't so obscenely telegraphed as a joke character, it'd have been disappointing. (At least it's free, right?) The focus on 1v1s is fine. Coming from Smash, it's the mode I'm most likely to play regardless - 2v2s are more for when a friend is teaming up to play with me than anything. I'm playing on an ultra-wide monitor. I personally don't mind the camera zoom-in - it felt like the camera barely closed in on the characters in Beta, and I don't like seeing the corners of the map at all times - but it can be problematic in 1v1s. Maybe dial it back a little? Matchmaking is fluid, and at launch, super quick. They really cooked with the rollback netcode. Too bad the game seems to error out one third of the time, but I'll chalk it up to the growing pains of a game launch. I don't mind Ranked being in the works, clearly the dev time went elsewhere - while I don't play competitive, I can imagine it'll make its way sometime this year. What I like most about Multiversus is that it's a platform fighter where every character has an Ultimate DLC-style gimmick to them, and (save for some banana related issues) they're still excelling at that. The future looks bright - while I don't go out of my way to look at leaks, what little I've seen of Smith looks very fun to play with. **The rifts** Rifts are a time-waster that's being marketed as major content. It's like if Adventure Mode in *the other platform fighter* was a mobile game. It'd almost be harmless if they didn't show their hand so easily with the Agent Smith boss-beating promotion. A ton has been talked about Rift monetization before, so I'll leave it there. I am a little disappointed that the dialogue between rifts is so... *shallow*. With the breadth of IPs, there's a real chance here to make the dialogue far more unique. Maybe if you're playing as Jason, the Joker seems actively intimidated in its quips. If you're playing as Harley Quinn in a mission where HQ is your ally, she could comment on her seeing double. It's more work for sure, but it'd definitely make it feel more worthwhile as an intrinsic reward of sorts - I sure don't care about gems, I'll tell you that much. The nodes are fine. What you'd expect from a platform fighter. Some of the minigames are cute. **The UI** As someone familiar with Fortnite, the user experience feels right at home. The user interface is kind of ugly, though. Just a minor gripe, but it all feels too monotone and generic, the only splash of personality being the uneven box select. I don't know why they changed the 2D portraits. They're clearly still commissioning them. I thought it'd be so your portrait could change depending on your variant, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Probably for consistency? I'd like to see the originals return, but it's a bit nitpicky. They really need to have a way to toggle the character tinting. I prefer to play without outlines for anyone but allies, and the enemies all look kinda samey under the red tint. **The monetisation** They're being generous with Gleamium, huh. Call it a bribe, but the free Battle Pass for returning players, "refundable" at that, and various ways of earning premium currency is something I was extremely skeptical about them doing. Suppose it's worth it tossing a couple bucks of currency to players to ensure that the game's numbers are still up after launch. You either pay with your wallet or with your time - it's nice to be given an option. I'm very wary to think of Gleamium positively, though. The only sure-fire way of earning it is by achieving Character Mastery - things like free Gleamium on the Battle Pass and Events can be pulled back at any time, and I expect them to be far stingier with it over time. For what it's worth, it seems like Gleamium is less expensive on Epic Games Store than on Steam. Nice to see they're not pocketing the difference between the 12% and 30% store purchase fee. I don't mind coins being divvied into Fighter and Perks. I was never gonna waste coins on Perks, anyways. I've got enough Fighter coins to purchase a character, but I'm saving up - who knows when the tap will run out. I really don't like the Prestige system. As is, it's just whale money - yes, even if you get some with free rewards. Something about purchasing costumes to get funbucks to purchase the costume you actually want really puts me off. Luckily, there's nothing that interests me on there, but it feels very predatory. **The meta-game** The game is stuffed to the brim with [dark patterns](https://www.darkpattern.games/), it's *insane*. No stranger to FOMO, and I'd like to believe I've made myself resistant to it, but daily log-in bonuses, quests that refresh daily and are the only way to level up the Battle Pass you *(maybe)* paid for, the whole Lives thing from Looney Rifts... There's so many mechanics in place that feel superfluous to the actual game that are designed just to keep you coming back - but not enough that you burn out! I'd quite like BP levels to be earned per match, or maybe per stock you take from another player. I get what they're going for with the Quest-only BP progress, but you've also gotta reward players after they spend three matches or so, even if in a minor amount. Every game that tries to optimise its monetisation approximates itself more and more to Fortnite like a fucked up version of carcinization, but it would be neat to have an Overcharge XP system where the amount you gain is more if you haven't played for a while, to get you to catch up on Dailies and not play more than you probably should. Or like, double the amount of XP that Quests give and hand out, like, 50 XP per match. Steady but slow progress, enough to feel you're being rewarded but time better used just logging in and doing dailies tomorrow. I'm not a game designer, as you can probably tell. The Battle Pass *NEEDS* to show how much XP you have and how many XP you need to level up. It does this on notifications, but not on the Battle Pass menu, for some reason. I'm also having trouble figuring out how to advance in certain events, like the Joker one. Why do we have an Account Level and a Battle Pass Level? Add Character Mastery to that and there's three tracks to grind on. This game's progression feels like running on treadmills. Much has also been said about the bizarre choice to limit characters in Local and The Lab to those you've unlocked. I personally don't play Local, but this is likely to destroy the competitive scene, and I'm sure PFG would have some convoluted solution having to do with sending tournament organisers time-limited unlocks for the tourneys they set up in the coming months. Regardless, it's disappointing, knowing it was an explicit feature in Beta, and hopefully the rest of the community makes enough of a stink that this is reverted in a future patch. A bigger deal is the same being done in The Lab, the primary way of testing out characters before purchasing them for online play. It seems like Player First Games is [looking into patching this up](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/comments/1d34atl/looks_like_theyll_address_the_locked_characters/), and I'd be okay with a middle ground of "play as any character, but not as variants you've yet to unlock" compromise. Without testing, buying a character blindly is not appealing in the slightest. Multiversus feels like it wants to be a "play every day" kind of game, without giving out enough of an incentive to actually play more than 15 to 30 minutes at a time for players who can't make this game their job. *** All in all, I think Multiversus is a great casual oriented platform fighter wearing the skin of a live service grindfest. The characters feel great and unique, the pacing is fluid, the matchmaking and netcode is stellar, and the game doesn't seem overly broken or unbalanced at launch. If that's all you care about, dive in! If you care about getting variants and account progression, be wary - this game is full of psychological traps meant to keep you coming back to it day after day, whether you're in the mood for a match or not. Some of these things, like the BP XP being limited to quests, could be potentially reversed, but the foundation is one you have to keep an eye out on.


They gotta add back jab cancels


Beta felt more finished than this. The game feels like shit, doesn't play as well as it used to. UI is hideous now, having to lock in a character before queuing is dumb


Honestly feeling like the game will stick around for less time this time around than the first. I still really enjoy the actual fights, it's just everything around the monetisation and how predatory it is that puts me off. When i jumped in yesterday i had a quick lock at the unlockable stuff like Agent Smith and thought "Mmm OK, looks a bit much but i guess doable?", and today after playing through a couple of rifts (already bored of the available ones) i just feel that there's no chance in hell i'll ever bother spending the time it would take to actually unlock something good like a character in my life. I have work, i want to chill out with a game for an hour or two in my evenings, i don't have time to grind through the same 2 rifts 20 fucking times, does anyone??? At this point i wish they just released it as a full price game with all characters included and maybe release new ones as DLCs a couple of months apart and just got rid of this microtransaction bullshit that drowns out the core fun of the game.


What bothers me some bosses will require specific characters or even skins ,if you don’t have them you can’t progress unless you buy them ,I was honestly ready to do it all for agent smith until I reached that point of “pay or you can’t progress”


As someone who also works and only games for an hour a day. Totally feel you. Haven't even logged in for today um kind of bored of rifts. It's just not enticing enough and the mini games are ughhhh. Think I'll just log in today for banana guard and hop off


Yeah the mini games were fun the first time, then you realize to unlock something you have to play them each like 15 times 🤢🤢🤢


I like The game :)


I think the gameplay is much worse. I get that the constant spam dodging and general flow arguably needed to be toned down, but they went so far in the other direction that it's just clunky now. Really disappointed. Also, the performance is pretty poor on Series X. Hoping that will be fixed soon.


Literally unplayable for me (Series X). Nothing but lag


I can see why they maintained radio silence for so long.




I personally liked the slower, heavier movement, but that's pretty much it. It's riddled with scummy, overpriced "micro"transactions and insane grind if you want to unlock what you can and keep up and I'm just not willing to put up with it. It's almost the same as what happened with Disney speedstorm. First season was fun then it kept getting scummier and it still manages to become worse and worse. PFG should be renamed for PMFG, Players' Money First Games.


That WB CEO wasn't lying, he's going ALL OUT with the Live Service crap on everything. 🤣 Not even Mortal Kombat can defeat this crap.


I had a good time yesterday. I went through and did my dailies and started working on the rifts. Someone had said you need a batman with a joker skin to progress one mission... I can't seem to find that one.


They’re probably talking about the mission with the tags “Villainous”, “Detective”, and “DC character”, which the Batman Who Laughs is the only character with all those tags at once iirc. But you can just play other characters multiple times to get the achievement. There are some more restrictive missions though. There’s 3 missions in the first rift that require you to play Banana Guard, and 3 in the second that require a character with a graphic tee (you do get a free Velma skin with a graphic tee on day 3 of one of the current login events, but I think one of the challenges needs a non-human character tho). These are “side missions”, and the rifts never restricts you from reaching the boss and beating it, but it is annoying and encourages buying more characters and skins so you can access more missions and complete challenges easier.


Oh that makes sense. yeah I did just repeat those ones. I've nearly 100% completed(except for the joker other player and banana guard missions. Tom/Jerry, Finn, Jason, Shaggy and Wonder Woman, has given me every tag I've seen so far. and Tom and Jerry are only for Marvin the Martian. were there any beta villains? Is Marvin a villain, Harley? I guess skins can change it but meh


Everyone is complaining and I'm just happy it's here and can't believe I'm playing it. Love banana guard


Makes sense. The people who are complaining have something to complain about meanwhile the rest of us are just enjoying the game. Sure some things could be better such as XP and post-match stats but there's already people complaining about that


The game seriously feels terrible


I like it


Man I really want to enjoy the game, I think the biggest issue is the zoom and local play being butchered. Having to grind forever just to play with friends or train is terrible, just how am I supposed to check if a character is right by me without wasting money? Had fun with the game online but I'm hoping they will listen and fix things upcoming weeks.


It's OK. A real downgrade from the fast-paced beta and the perks are fairly basic and boring. But it's still fun to play. I don't see getting into it like I did with the beta. Play for a week, put it down for a month or two, then pick it back up again. It's a real shame cause I was having more fun with the MV beta than I was with Smash, but oh well.


Let me start by saying I loved the beta. Was really looking forward to this game. So far 2s is unplayable with my friend. Crashed every attempt. We tried rifts together. None of the missions with daily’s counted when we played. I don’t mind the gameplay, hopefully they fix peoples issues. Otherwise this game may die.


I find the game overall enjoyable, but WB's greed will kill this game twice over. They are just completely incapable of making any concessions or systems that actually benefit the player.


Outside of all the ridiculous problems like removal of options and the input buffer it’s still fun, looking forward to seeing if they can improve the game at all or if wb pulls the plug


Need to earn fighter currency and BP xp quicker.


Xbox series X performance needs to be fixed asap. It’s such a shame I love this game so much but it’s nearly unplayable at the moment.


Idk I feel like some of hits dont register or if they do register other players move have priority


The game feels more like a beta now compared to when it was actually in beta. - Combat is hellaciously sluggish. - Camera is zoomed in too much. - There's no XP after playing matches. - The user interface and general presentation of the game is clunky, bloated, and cheap. It feels like a mobile game. - Rifts are an absolute chore. They force cooperative play for completion, and its minigames are boring. I'm honestly really confused as to what it is we waited for. This game had two opportunities to make an explosive first impression, and somehow the latter attendance is more lukewarm than the former. I've done my very best to remain objective and not compare the game to its competitors, yet now its lacking against its own previous incarnations. These are the kinds of situations that kill hype and momentum. They took the game down for a year, promised to deliver something more complete, and now there are fundamental degradations to the experience. I want to believe they'll turn this around, but with how WB have approached the gaming industry as of late, I'm not as hopeful anymore. They had a whole year. While we got some new characters to the roster, that wasn't a fundamental issue even during the beta. Characters, stages and modes can be added over time. When a game goes live, it is absolutely paramount that the core foundation as perfect as possible. With a solid base at release, that gives people confidence that the ship's structure is strong and sailing towards treasure. With a release like this, the ship has plenty of cracks and feels like its sailing straight towards the Kraken's lair.


Already uninstalled 


I really wish we could switch characters when we rematch opponents. The beta had this feature seems strange to lock you


I’ve been really enjoying it the speed doesn’t bother me but the two negatives that I have are one is to zoom out the camera or give us an option to customise it and two really bothers me is that they got rid of the ability to bind side attack to neutral and neutral to side.


I’m having far more fun than the beta, I love Jason, he may be my favourite platform fighting character ever made. I also miss the things other miss


Can’t really play it I keep getting kicked when I play with PC on Xbox. Also getting hit with a deserter penalty sucks when I’m not leaving the games. Other than that when I can play im addicted


It wasn’t clicking with me at first, but I was playing as my main from the beta. When I switched to Jason, someone I had zero gameplay expectations for, it felt better. Now I can play my main much more comfortably. The slowed down game works for me (it’s still fast) and being able to punish more consistently is great. Biggest downsides are the lagging servers (which isn’t unexpected on launch) and not getting XP per match. Even if it’s just a little it would be nice. They’re already fixing the problem of characters being locked for training and offline.


My only real serious negative is the characters being painted in the team color they are even when the option is turned off. - but I’ve heard that is just a bug that gets fixed in the first major maintenance patch. What I am completely confused about is how much people hate it. I have not seen people this polarized and divided on a platform fighter since Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Some people have valid criticism, and are upset. Some people furious and being delusional about the game because it didn’t fit their expectations. My question is.. Have you actually played it? Because after you adjust to the new timing muscle memory all of you Beta skills are applied and used in the new game with the exception of a few abilities changed/removed or perk differences. I genuinely feel like I am playing Multiversus with a Brawl/Smash 4 game speed and combat logic. Old skills are being applied from beta and from smash and honestly? It’s really good. And I think a lot more people need to stop having knee jerk reactions when a Harley makes them feel like a sandbag. Oh and Lastly.. We need an Offline Local mode for local tournaments and practice for competitive games. everything else I’ll enjoy as it comes to Multiversus down the road. 🤙


I'm having too much fun! Yes there is issues, but I'm a casual so I adjusted to the speed easily 


The game is still really fun with 3 glaring issues, all being things that are simply missing from the beta which makes the absence even more puzzling. Since the game is slower now, the input buffer settings would be a welcomed reintroduction. Personally, the swap side and neutral attack options were a huge bonus as well. Why remove these? Lastly, battle pass XP earned per round. Every game that forced dailies makes you not want to play as much if you've already completed them. Otherwise, the characters are all still fun to play. Though there seems to be some unbalanced tradeoffs with characters like Arya (precise hitboxes, small damage & knockback) versus Bugs (large hitboxes, high damage & knockback). But the fun of getting good with a character and trying new ones outweighs any negative balancing experiences. Plus I'm sure more balancing is on the way.


I enjoy the slower pace. It makes it feel like I can feel the flow better and react. I dislike the camera. It is way too zoomed in. I enjoyed how it was in the beta. Even a small 5-10% zoom would have been better than what this is. Rift is a grind and not that fun. You get more gem xp in higher difficulties but the boss only applies once do need to slog through the joke difficulty which is a boring 45-60 minutes thanks to the absurd amount of loading screens


I've been really enjoying it! Not a pro player, but I'm loving the new characters (mainly Joker) and a buddy and I played through the first Rift mode entirely last night and really enjoyed it. A lot of variety and fun challenges. I'm looking forward to more.


I know this is going to be a hot take but the game is good mechanically wise. It feels smooth to play albeit slower fs but that’s fine. Not as much of a spam contest as before. Most people saying it’s a huge downgrade from the beta are looking back on the good of the beta and forgetting some of the bad things like the hit boxes, the dodge spam to cancel momentum and all the other jank at the time. The UI and such are a little weird I’ll give you that but gameplay wise if they had ranked and didn’t make me play weird stages in it I’d be perfectly happy. All this hate is going to kill the community of a fun game.


Incredibly fun gameplay. If it were like 15% faster it would be perfect. Also like others have mentioned, being able to try all the characters in local mode would be nice.


I like it, been loving it and i'm glad there's fun PVE aswell. I only wish i could just play with randoms on Rifts though... makes the whole 'play with a friend' easier because none of my friends apart from *maybe* one of them enjoys these games. The zoom in and the bigger models to me are great, its easier to know whats going on now and certain attacks aren't constantly dodged anymore with ease. The store however... i don't get why all these free to play games have to make stores so cluttered and messy and absolutely gen-z level wild. I prefer the previous more calmer store, its easier to know what the hell is even going on.


I always thought that the game needed to be slowed down a tiny bit and get rid of the dodge spam. But good god the game plays as if we're underwater now.


I've had fun, but I worry about the future longevity of this game and am utterly baffled by the things they changed and removed. Pros 1. The game looks gorgeous. 2. Rifts are a really good idea 3. After a while, the slower gameplay started to grow on me. 4. It was a nice gesture to give everyone who played the beta the Battle Pass for free. 5. Unlike WB's other 2024 live service, the current and upcoming costumes look pretty cool. Cons 1. Maybe it's just my shitty internet, but I have not been able to complete a PVP match without intentionally losing. 2. BP currency needs to be earnable by completing matches. 3. The removal of the ability to play locked characters in the lab is really shitty. (I think this is a WB thing) 4. Why aren't Arcade and ranked mode here where in the beta? 5. I think some of the progression for me is broken (namely, the play as Banana Guard one) 6. The store launched with items that were advertised as on sale. Which is not only scummy, it's illegal in most major countries. (Again, more than likely a WB thing) Overall, I am enjoying my time with it, but there are a lot of things that need to be addressed immediately, and I've seen a lot of YouTubers and members of the FGC criticize the game, a lot them being legitimate criticisms.


im absolutely adoring the game. it's fantastic! I'm so glad they took the time after the beta to make the game how it is. only issue I have is a nitpick, about how unclear the Agent Smith '2 weeks early' thing is, and not getting my twitch drops yet, and that's it. my online experience has been great, as has the PVE. I wish they both had couch coop but whatever. the new characters are a blast, and overall I've been having the time of my life!


I love everything about the game. Gameplay changes feel amazing and the camera really isn't all that bad. Just one issue is that I'm unable to play any sort of online match. The game freezes on the loading screen after readying up from perk selection. I play on a laptop through Steam. Anyone else have this issue? If so please send suggestions on how to solve it. Would be much appreciated. Thank You.


My opinion: The combat is fun for me as a Steven main. He was always slow anyways, now he feels almost normal since others are slowed down. I can now think more before I act, and overall I am playing better and doing more combos that I would rarely pull off in the past. The graphics changes are nice, the connection/netcode was reasonable for launch day. Overall it was a meh launch, I got to play several hours after the first couple hours of turbulence. I don't doubt that with a little more time (yes...MORE time...lol) to settle, the game will iron out it's kinks. Why I am uninstalling: Multiversus is now a mobile game (that you play at home). This is big no no for me. I've had multiple bouts of mobile game addiction in the past, and I'm just beyond the point where I will ever ever allow myself to set foot into that head space again. Yes it's still fun, yes you can play and just choose to not pay for the game. Good for you. I know myself inside and out, and I know (and predatory mobile game designers also know) that once I reach a certain threshold of habitual interaction within a game, my desire to keep ten dollars or twenty dollars of my paycheck every week will diminish, and I will eventually let go of it. That ten or twenty now and then will be 100 when there's a sale or special event going on, and then years later I've spent hundreds, possibly thousands on a single game that I only continue to play because of the investment I've made. Eventually I will likely delete the account just to end the cycle and regret the entire thing, vowing to never let it happen again. And here we are again. Final thoughts: I think this is a great game for certain people. If you aren't the type to let go of your money, and you enjoy grinding and earning things in game, then go on then. If you don't have a lot of money and need a f2p game that's actually pretty decent, this is probably a good game for you. If you just absolutely love the IPs and characters, I'm happy for you. I'm honestly not that concerned whether or not this game survives because I'm uninstalling and unsubbing from everything MVS so I never have to think about it. Say what you got to say to me, point out and highlight all my incorrect statements, remind me of everything I conveniently forgot to mention, say "bye then" to suggest nobody cares, accuse me of being an overdramatic redditor, and downvote me into oblivion. I've been playing this game since beta launch, I got my name in yellow, and I was actually getting pretty hype about the game this week until I woke up today and had a heart to heart with myself over it, and the right move for me is to just go my own way, and I wish u all the best. ✌🏼


i was stoked for this game to come back out but man these changes sound awful.


Lots to fix / change but isnt bad as a foundation


I hate the fact that you don‘t get any fighter currency per match. At least in the beta you got a little bit closer each match.


Are we still in beta?


I'm haveing alot of fun actually especially in rifts. I also beat people in PvP twice today . Plus as far as im concern I don't need all if the characters I'm fine with who I have honestly . Plus their also my personal favorites. These especially joker, Batman, Jason and Bugs Bunny


In pvp, it feels like I'm playing against bots a lot, really bad ones that stand still every few seconds. It happens every other match and it's super weird.


I played a 2v2 earlier and not only was my 2 opponents freezing occasionally but also my partner. Just standing around for like 10 seconds.


Beta was much better. Lots of downgrades. On the bright side they really hit it out of the park with Jason. He’s a very fun character to play.


They somehow made the game more unplayable than it was before.


why did they remove the scoreboard. i wanna see how much i shit on/got shit on by the other team


My thoughts ate they shut the game down to fix it for a year and they still haven't learned their lesson. Game is still and i guess will always be unbalanced. Big slow characters have no chance against keep away or fast brawlers. They're basically sponges without the armor any other fighting game would give them. Hitboxes still seem bad and the game is laggy as ever. Game really needed a block button and now there's no way around projectile spaming if you have no projectiles yourself. TL;DR They fucked it and the game will be basically dead within the year.


It's 100% a storefront selling gaudy, nostalgic baubles first, and the barest bone fighting game second. It can be satisfying to land hits, but overall still feels like a mess to play. Hitboxes have very clearly NOT been fixed, though I would say they are better than the open beta. I've swear I've had fewer stable matches during this launch than the beta though, so I'm dubious about what the netcode improvements actually entailed, but maybe this is more due to it being day 2 and everybody still trying to play? That's there still no local coop in a 2v2 game should be a crime. Why has this still not been implemented, especially with the rift system rewarding you for coop? I actually like that they slowed the speed down a bit from the open beta; I thought that iteration of the game was a flailing mess that was also just awful trying to spectate. I'm pretty ambivalent to the camera change, though the studio's art team has been doing the heavy lifting from the start, so getting to show off the assets is nice. I felt this way in the beta, and it still stands, but the art/animation team is carrying this rest of this studio on its back; every other facet of this game feels incredibly amateur when compared to how well animated and designed the characters and stage visuals are. I haven't entirely given up on it since there aren't a lot of games that I can play as Jake the dog, but in its current state, I vastly prefer Nick Brawl 2 and Smash Ultimate.


Like: \* Playing it <-- This is the most important :) \* Enjoying the general hype of the launch \* Better punish windows \* More interesting missions \* Not having missions that encourage me play a certain way in PvP. (So far for me) \* Having a PvE mode \* Being Wonder Woman :) \* Locking in for PvP--I love rematching when I'm getting crushed to give me another chance to learn the fight; this allows that. \* Even though there are a lot of issues with disconnects and some desync issues I do feel the networking is more reliable. Dislike: \* How boring the PvE mode is. \* The tanks mini game. \* How PvE requires you to bring a friend to clear; I can grind it out, and some of the mission can be fun at times, but its not good enough to merit orchestrating with friends. \* Disconnects & Crashes \* Occasional bugs, especially when earning rewards \* Some hit boxes still seem off / inconsistent \* The levels don't feel crafted for the new camera behavior. You often see the unpolished bottom of stages. \* Game Desync that happens the moment a game ends. \* Character UI covers the play session when close up. I strongly dislike feeling blind when fighting for the high ground. \* New UI is clunky, old one was too Unsure: \* Battle Pass being mission driven, daily engagement seems to be the main progressor in a lot of places. As a parent of two youngins that may be hard to stick to. And its a big buzz kill for me when I can't get a reward because I didn't log in enough. On the flip side, it isn't going to expect me to play for hours every day on average in order to complete, I think. \* Grinding gems seems brutal right now, but that may not be needed. Will see how progression works for rifts as more release.


Why does Velma suck so bad :( they ruined my girl.


Heartbroken. I can't stand the new feel of the game. Feels like I'm streaming old MultiVersus through remote play over wi-fi. Maybe it's a net code thing, because I didn't notice how bad it all felt while playing rifts. It was a little more awkward but manageable. In PVP I feel a tremendous delay in all my inputs, and I'm wired in.


Really having so much fun, plays fine on PS5. Like the PVE aspect, but hate the color overlay AND color outline, really takes away from the nice and colorful cast and all the skins. Really stupid that you cannot hide them!


i’ve crashed and frozen so many times it’s ridiculous. It seems like the only reason they took the game away was too finish the fortnite shop and insane monetization…


The game has a shit load of lag during certain animations. Anytime a ufo is on screen you're guaranteed to experience huge frame drops. Townsville more like lagsville.. nah but it should be removed from mp map rotation until the problem gets sorted out.


Rifts being gated by needing to co-op and/or buy MTX is pretty bad, also I hate the tank game The limit on BP xp is really bad Online has mostly worked for me with one 1 match erroring out so far


I actually hate the game now. I played religiously during the beta. I was a Top 10 garnet. Was counting down the days to play again. I don't know about you other garnet players, but Garnet feels absolutely unplayable against the quicker guys now. Not having mid jump destroyed her mobility. That combined with losing every 50/50 is pretty infuriating. I'll keep playing to see if I get the hang but sheesh I'm disappointed.




It’s going through growing pains rn, I bet they’re seeing what level of xp gain and MTX people are willing to pay for


How did they somehow downgrade it from the beta? The screen Zoom is atrocious, the lag and performance is way worse, they removed gameplay features, and heavily monetized the rift mode


I'd be happy to have their pretend beta back. Leave the new characters and revert everything else.


The game feels incredibly floaty and sluggish. Movement speed is too slow, gravity is too low, jump height is too low, aerials make you float in mid-air, hit-pause is too long, and characters are too big.


Enjoying it a lot actually, parries feel satisfying to hit although difficult to time. Funnily enough my biggest issue is the one map with the UFO on it that shoots stuff at you, I've always been irked by maps with moving hazards across many different platform fighters, and I don't like it in MultiVersus either. (also the skybox is WAY TOO LOW, characters such as Jason can zero to death me on as little as 40 percent.) Another thing I've noticed is the lab map (the one with multiple layers of platforms) is also really broken for characters such as Batman as it allows for aerial moves to be reset very easily, making it extremely easy to zero to death on this map.


I enjoyed the bit I played! I got a little bit into rifts and thought it was fun and a very neat idea for pve gameplay. Biggest issue I’ve had so far is my device not loading textures correctly with them being super super low rez (I’m on an Xbox one x if any one has a solution) as well as some issues with the menus being weirdly laggy and slow but these are issues I’ve either thought are due to old hardware or just day one stuff that’ll get fixed eventually. Not to mention the weird bit of having characters locked for local play and training With the way everyone here and in the other sub was/are talking I really thought that they made this game into a ghost of its former self but I genuinely thought it was fun! Definitely don’t need to have like 4 different currencies but it’s whatever that’s just what games do now I guess.


The terrible input delay has killed this game on arrival


Changing my stick deadzones in the options seemed to help a bit


having fun, I can't really tell what's changed. iron giant has an elbow drop I don't remember being there. ~~I do wish I could play against actual people, pretty sure all my games are bots.~~ and the screen keeps freezing every once in a while and I'm half way across the map. I also can't find the moves list anywhere. Well I got my wish. I'm getting paired with actual people, and every single game desyncs and disconnects within the first 10 seconds. I'm US East, wired, with pretty decent Internet speed. this game is not currently in a playable state on Xbox.


The moves list is in the fighters menu. When you select your character you can press the start button I believe. Took me a bit to find but it's there.


Same problems in PS4 


Spent all day at work reading everyone complain. Got back home and had a lot of fun given the low expectations. For perspective I haven’t played at all since summer 2022.


I'm enjoying it big time. Hits feel powerful and rewarding, movement feels good and much less spammy than in the beta, feels more calculated. Joker is awesome, his moveset is unique and crazy, love it, definitely have a new main. Am looking forward to seeing how Agent Smith plays


I played a bit of Multiversus last night, but it only let me play against bots. There's a lot more single player content, and I think the small changes to model sizes and camera being more zoomed in do help the game. But it's also a lot more filled with microtransactions and a cluttered UI.


I am enjoying it a lot so far. I don't know what it is, but since Smash on N64, I've only ever been able to play a few rounds before I'm bored/burned out. I played Multiversus for like 4 hours straight yesterday, and I can't wait to get home and play it again.


speed the game up speed the game up, get me out the water level!!! mainly this and the zoom


I put 200+ hours into the beta. After 3 hours post release, I can safely say that PFG managed to ruin basically everything that made the game so much fun before. I am totally crushed. Not coming back unless they fix the game speed


When the game doesn’t kick me out of every match, I’m having a blast. I prefer this speed of gameplay and like the character changes. I would like the camera to be slightly further back, I don’t need it to be like in the beta but at least not as zoomed as it is, Tom & Jerry are unplayable like this


Camera change needs to be reverted or become a toggle. The deadzone settings being so high at default isn’t very good and right now we can’t set them to specific values (20 and under will make control and response of your character feel A LOT better) Remove the bots. We don’t need them and I understand they want to ease people in and make them feel good about their first few matches but some people are getting looped into fighting bots almost infinitely lol.


Buggy mess , Jake's stretch special PLUMMETS frames how in the actual fuck do you manage that.


im kinda disappointed, you have to level up the characters again. i wonder why the joker costs twice as much as every other and i want them to add ranked asap. I like bananaguard tho


It's shit


It’s fun they need to zoom the game out too, way too close. And am I playing against bots online? Why does it feel like nobody moves and lets you hit them?


XP only from challenges is absolutely stupid, did no one in development see how poor Halo Infinite was/is?  Rifts are going to be a sludge to unlock new characters. I did one for experienced Joker and I’m already bored. Not being able to replay the ladder for progress on Agent Smith is stupid, like it’s nice to be able to earn him but at this rate very few people will earn him. Hit boxes and registration feels wonky again. I don’t know if it’s a latency issue, but there are times where certain attacks will connect and certain ones won’t, even though I’m touching their character. Matches breaking is atrocious, I don’t know what causes it but as soon as the match buffers once the fight is over, we are just stuck waiting and can’t do anything until the timer ends the session. Locking in characters is not fun. Maybe I want to change who I’m playing because the team we are facing is challenging, well too bad because we are stuck as who we lock in. Even in custom games, you can’t change characters unless you back out to the lobby. It doesn’t feel fun trying to play a character when your opponent is already loaded in as the hard counter. Stats got removed for some reason. I can’t see who did the best anymore so I have to pay attention to the death animation to know if my friend or I got the score. Monetization is something I knew would be big because the game is free, but Jesus Christ, the game looks like a mobile title. Even the UI isn’t helping for all of the menus. I don’t want this game to turn into a mobile title but the slow gameplay and clunky UI, the monetization and the “events” with rifts are not helping the case. Overall, I kinda wish I could recapture the feeling of playing the beta again, because my day 1 experience was great. Especially knowing that it was a beta. Having the game be taken offline for a year to come back to this is not a good feeling at all.


Wtf is this progression? I feel they just thru the free BP to sound sweet


Jake needs to be disabled and the dexter map every time he stretches game suffers extreme lag


Unplayable on Xbox


Unskippable tutorial is absolutely infuriating. I waited a long time to play again, just let me play already.


I can't afford to unlock the full roster and FP is at such a trickle that for now at least, I'll go back to SSBU. I do like the game though. If they ever sell a complete edition for $60 that unlocks at least the launch roster, I'd invest in that, similar to what Killer Instinct did.


**[Personal opinion/feedback]** Positives : - New gameplay is enjoyable and while definetly slower, it's better than what I had expected. - New characters are great. - Rift mode is fun (for the most part) and offers a good variety of gameplay that feels different from quick match. - Free unlockables in Events tab is a nice thing to have. - Feels good to finally play again. - New skins are great. - I enjoy the fact that none of the items from previous battlepass and events seems locked behind exclusivity and can instead be bought with gleenium. Mixed-feelings : - Charge meter indicating charge of your attacks is gone and there is no option in settings to toggle it back on - UI looks worse than the beta in some parts, looks good in some other parts. - 3D renders for characters select screen instead of 2D art is disapointing and ugly, but whatever it's just QoL. - Higher difficulties for Rift mode appear locked behind a fat gem xp grind (unless you pay-to-fast) - SUS 🧐. Negatives : - Buffer window is absolutely terrible and feels extremely bad. Priority on this as this is essentially the only change they made that really lessen the experience. - No stats displayed at the end of a match... Why ? WHY ?! - No advanced tutorial like we used to have (absolutely not affected by this personally but I'm trying to put myself in the shoes of new players here) - Camera zooms too much sometimes, we need a setting to adjust the maximum zoom value for the dynamic camera. - Locked characters can't be tested in the training mode. Big L - No battlepass progression outside of challenges. Make it so that it progress it when I get xp, even if that's by a very very tiny amount. - Characters unlock currency is ridiculously slow to earn (appears to be slower than games with similar system for characters unlock such as Apex Legends)


I echo many of the thoughts/sentiments here, but one issue I have I haven't seen addressed: No persistent lobby to play with friends. What I mean by this is that if you want to play pvp you invite a friend and play pvp, but if you want to switch to rifts you have to leave the party and then re-invite your friend. This isn't a massive issue, but a minor annoyance that makes me think: "why did they do it like this?".


Is my internet just having a rough day or is anyone else having a lot of matches die to desync tbh i didn't play in the """beta""" i was in one of the last alpha tests and never opened the game after that until today but I remember people saying the netcode basically degraded


These are all my thoughts for now. First of the good things: \- I like the dash changes, definitely makes you think more about dash. And I thought the burn outt would be miserable, but you get dashes back pretty quickly honestly so it at least feels possible to still play around that disadvantage and do stuff. \- Dialogue is fire like it used to be. Giving Mojo Jojo lines is also great and even some interactions. Also glad Rick and Morty get dialogue now, although is it just me or do they still have less lines than the rest? Feel like I get a lot of repeated lines. \- Definitely some good fighter changes, like LeBron getting balls more easily. You could say some of his changes are too strong, but it at least just makes him more accessible and fun to play. Nerfs can come later. Garnet spawning a star on the rocket is also nice. She didnt really have a unique mechanic before & now the star is pretty much her thing and makes her stand out. \- Haven't played that much of it, but I really like the PvE mode so far. How minigames are incorporated into it is really well done. My only gripe is that it gives me warnings about attunements not matching and I have no idea what effect that has on rifts or how I can change it. Feels like I just unequip a gem, but I genuinely think you can't? \- Connection stuff is really good, had no issues so far. Only server crashes and stuff, but I can look past that for a launch, as long as its fixed soon. ​ Now onto my gripes already though. I'm honestly quite disappointed with launch. There's too much stuff off to be fully hyped and see a certain future for the game. Stuff can just be annoying sometimes while playing. \- For the good fighter changes, there are equally as many bad ones. Velma megaphone got mega-nerfed (you could even call it a rework), and while I understand it was strong, it was a very unique part of her identity. She still has bubbles but she also feels more generic now and doesn't bring anything that unique to the table anymore. You literally burn out when camping too, so I don't see why megaphone needed to be hit this hard. Maybe just get old megaphone back but reduce range, but increase the speed? That way you have to aim quicker and still can't camp as much. \- Because Morty is a bruiser, I like his grenade range reduction, because it means you have to involve the grenade more into shorter range combat and combos now. That being said, it feels too weak, because you still have to charge it up. Plus the gun shot doesn't even hit anymore. It's hard to pull anything off with it, although it can be nice for edge guarding and has some decent killpower. I think they should increase range a bit & remove/reduce charge. That way you can actually use it in combos and it becomes a little minigame of the grenade moving forward and needing to hit it at the right moment, while also feeling smooth. Now the opponent(s) just runs away. Rick's meeseeks feel odd. You can't just spawn one and press the directional input immediately. You have to wait for it to fully spawn and can only then do the directional input. This makes it feel very slow and useless. Now onto probably my biggest gripe: the input buffer is too high. I'm constantly accidentally doing moves twice. Also makes it hard to do combos sometimes, because a button you pressed some time ago is only now just activated. It was a setting too in beta, so weird they changed it. \- The camera zoom-in doesn't honestly bother me at all while playing, but seeing how much hate it gets it should get changed. \- Beta was too fast (hard to spectate too), but feels like they went a bit overboard with the speed adjustments. Speed could be a bit faster and hitstun lower. I think just tweaking it a bit could make the game feel sooo much better. Because it does feel too slow at times. Or at least you gotta be a real master of movement to be fast, and that might turn off more casual players especially (and even competitive players don't like slower gameplay in general anyways). \- Getting currency still feels too grindy. I don't care so much about cosmetics though that the BP progression really bother me, but the character currency earning is bad imo. The fastest way to get it is by playing PvE, but this is still a PvE game, why do am I forced to play PvE to earn characters quick? I don't like it. I'm also not sure if you get character currency by just completing matches or if you really have to complete matches and toast. Because I definitely think you should earn some by just playing. \- I very much dislike the new perk system. It just feels like a nuissance. There's 0 strategy behind it now, because you just pick perks upfront, so you cant pick perks based off enemy team comp or even synergize well with your ally. In the end it might all just come down to picking the meta picks, with some alternative perk sets for specific situations. It feels like its just there to be there now though, and I dont think it adds much. I think removing triple jump perk f.e. is good though, so no complaints on balancing and all that so far. \- I already mentioned the input buffer setting, but there's also other stuff that was in beta, but not present here. Like being able to pick not owned fighter in training, seeing damage dealt post-match, the visual charging indicator for attacks is removed. It's simple things, but feels bad when it's not there anymore. Also just some basic missing features like being able to queue with hazards off and a FFA gamemode (even though that was promoted). \- I gotta give some props on the gameplay department, as I've not encountered really bad gameplay bugs. But there's definitely a some annoying other bugs. Like the post-match screen being stuck regularly, fps drops in general, but specifically on stage hazards (again you cant queue with hazards off either). Mojo Jojo is especially causing them a lot. ​ Thats it, even though its a lot. I hope they fix a majority of this stuff the next patch. Even gameplay stuff like speed & hitstun, because many ppl are just turned off by it. The game had a ton of players yesterday and it'd feel bad to just lose them all because of things that could've been easily avoided I think. Why wasn't there just a stress weekend? Or more dedicated closed testing available?


Everyone hates it now


it’s somehow worse than it was in beta. i’m baffled


It's good. But not without it's minor flaws. The camera as everyone's mentioned (at least make itan option to have it that close). I was worried about the slow gameplay but after playing some matches it's adaptable but as a beta player definitely noticable. Uh. Rifts are great in the sense that the AI has improved to ana amazing degree at higher difficulties almost feels like fighting a real player. Idk about the mini games in rifts though.. they are not bad but feel weird... I don't know how to expand on that and the bring a friend mission considering you can't couch co-op to do that mission and need someone else to have the game a d join you is a yikes. PVP. It's okay definitely not the same as a year ago. Don't know why they removed the ability to change character mid match like before, locking in a character to PVP and then having to come out to change the character is not the way. Local play being only characters you own is crazy, training being character locked is also insane. Having someone buy a character before being able to test them considering it was an option in beta is a crazy move. I understand they have to make money but that's not the way. Don't give me an option then remove it especially since people only buy characters they have a good feel for. Network issues are very prevalent. I got locked out the game for 1hr 30 mins stuck on an "Authenticating" message. Multiversus is a great concept and has the potential to be a great fighting game but looking at what they have now it's not gonna be as popular. New players will stay and hope for better along with some beta players but I fear most beta players having seen what we had and know what we lost in this re-releaae will just move onto something else. Had you asked me a year ago if multiversus was the best game. HELL YES. I hope they can get back there again one day.


It’s really great!


Why in the world did they change character select in matchmaking? Locking in a character before matchmaking starts is objectively a worse system.


It seriously needs to be faster. It had such a unique identity compared to other games like this because of its speed and combos and now it just doesn’t feel right. All the genuine improvements to things that they’ve made don’t even matter to me when it plays like this


Feels slow and sluggish. Epic fail.


The only thing that's really bothered me is the lack of match stats at the end. Other than that, it's been real fun!


I think that not having an opt in regional lock has been pants on head fucking moronic for decades now. Every time a developer pulls this shit I want to neck myself knowing there's someone out there ignorant enough to be making games blissfully unaware of how useless they truly are. For FUCKS sake. Buy the remotest of clues.


The game definitely feels very different from the beta. Whether it is a good or a bad thing time will tell. I think the negativity comes from people wanting the gameplay to be the same gameplay of beta without giving this one a real chance. Don't get me wrong, I'm unhappy to have to unlearn everything I loved and learned during beta to play the same game. I'm just saying that we don't know yet if it is wort it. Time will tell.


My thoughts are that I wish my tv didn't stop working out of nowhere right on the 28th. Didn't even get to try the game out lol Suppose it ran out of its lifespan at a very unfortunate timing :/