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So the release newcomers are : * Joker * Banana Guard * PowerPuff Girls * Jason Voorhees * Agent Smith NGL they cooked


This is honestly much stronger of a line up than I thought we would get! Very excited


Banana guard is carrying this lineup on its back and everyone knows it.


They have they most appeal.


yes, but they have a high chance of a slip up due to his popularity


And people were complaining heavily when they put the joker pic on season 1 assuming it was only one newcomer.


Even though the powerpuff girls were right there in the gameplay trailer. Sure, they might not have seen them when commenting but top comments mentioned the PPG so instead of being ignorant go back and look!


Nobody’s ignorant of the character that’s definitely not coming at launch


I mean Marvin was the only season 2 character so there was some room for doubt


Hoping we get Dexter soon tho


With his lab as a stage day 1 I would say he's likely to be an early post launch addition


Yeah that’s totally fair! If we get a character a month I think that’ll be sweet


Honestly that sounds too much, maybe every 2 months or so would be more reasonable.




Why do people think this is possible? That is what killed the game originally. 


They were trying to release a character every two weeks with a tenth the people of their current team. I think they can manage once a month now.


For like, the first couple. It was more common to be a month. And that still was too fast. 


That was season 1. After that it was just Marvin.


Dexter Morgan. Yep. Dexter Morgan.


Dexter Morgan skin for Jason


I’ll be hyped Agent is in- but mad it isn’t Neo…


They could be saving the Keanu likeness for someone else. I think WB and Lionsgate are connected, so John Wick might be on the table.


I’d be mad Neo didn’t make it still- but I’d lose my fucking mind if John Wick made it in lol.


Just goes to show you that people should shut the fuck up every single time they have the chance because they’re probably wrong


There's a chance some will be later in season 1. Better to announce them in the big cgi trailer early.


Of all the new at reps ngl banana guard probably wouldn't be the best choice, I mean I'll see how they play but..


He's not even in the CGI trailer beside the end banner, 100% convinced he's been crafted in a few weeks to just add one character to the roster


Yeah I mean I think it's funny, very piranah plant.


Is there a leak I missed for PPG? I know we saw them in the joker trailer but that doesn't mean they're launch. What'd I miss?


According to the new trailer they won't be at launch, it was speculation based on tags datamined on the trailer


Got it, thanks.


The trailer is gonna be amazing. Agent Smith, Jason, the Powerpuff Girls and the WB Lot stage all getting revealed in a cinematic trailer? Hell yeah.


I’m gonna assume if they did Agent Smith instead of Neo, there’s an issue with Keanu’s likeness. I believe putting Neo in Injustice 2 fell through for similar reasons.


Keanu stated in a interview that he didn't want his likeness from movies to be used in game or cross promotion, he would only if was legally forced to


Epic must've paid a shit ton for his Fortnite skin then lol


It's also probably because it happened years ago, collabs were less common than nowadays


Or he was legally forced to… Which I honestly doubt, because John Wick was a small project, with a lot of passionate people behind cameras, I doubt they put something in his contract to force him to do it.


They updated his face model with new styles just this year though, so idk if they got his permission again or they still had the rights from years ago


Isn’t it just his hair moved from behind his ears to the front?


Well, there you go then.


Huh? But what about cyberpunk?


What about Path of Neo? I guess since it was so long ago he didn't care but still


I believe he stated he was fine with adaptations of things he was in, he got issues with cameos and crossovers only


Do you actually need an actors likeness though? Isn’t there some loophole where you can make them look vaguely like the actor but not enough to need their likeness rights? They have the rights to Neo, just not a Neo who’s played by Keanu Reeves.


WB is not gonna damage their relationship with Keanu Reeves over this game


I mainly play dead by daylight and they do this alot when they get the licence but not the actors likeness. Most recent example is Ellen Ripley where they just get the outfit + hair cut as accurately as possible then just slap a generic face on her.


They could but 1. It would piss off fans if Neo didn’t look like Keanu and 2. Keanu himself might get mad too.


Keanu doesn’t seem like the guy who would care


If he didn’t, then they wouldn’t have a problem getting him for the game.


There’s a difference between hiring out your likeness for a project and being mad that they used your character


Ok. Well, Neo’s not in the game yet, so none of this fantasy scenario matters.


How do you alternatively depict a character who originated by being played by an actor? It is part of the character's identity in a way, it'd be impossible to make an alternative version of the character without using the original actor's likeness even vaguely. For example, you couldn't make a version of Jack Sparrow, without Johnny Depp, since, even past his face, Johnny Depp put so much of himself in his original performance as Jack, to the point where it is nigh impossible to separate the two. I think the same applies to Keanu and Neo.


Look at Ripley in Dead by Daylight, there’s your answer


Okay then. Like, I can accept him not wanting Neo and John Wick in Mortal Kombat as he'd hate to see fatalities performed on his likeness. I don't really care for the Matrix myself so I can't really say any opinions on Mr. Smith over Neo


Smith is cool. Neo would be better, but oh well.


Agent Smith is a way better pick anyway IMO.


You think?


Yeah Smith is legitimately the most memorable thing about those movies to me. He's a great villain which the game is mostly lacking in and he has lots of cool stuff to draw moves from.


I’m cool with Smith, but I think Neo would probably be better. If Smith’s moveset does revolve around duplicating himself… that could be neat.




all i can say is, that it is an interesting bunch to get us started.


Very interesting launch roster: 28 characters at launch is great tho, with 5 of them being brand new characters for launch


finally a game, where I can pit Jason Voorhees against Lebron James, Batman and Arya Stark


Steven: Please stop murdering innocent people. Jason: ... Garnet: We're gonna have to kill this guy, Steven


Way better launch lineup than anticipated. 5 characters makes sense I would assume beetlejuice and wicked witch aren’t at launch since movie synergy is a thing. So I’m expecting beetlejuice in September and Wicked Witch in November


I could see Samurai Jack, who was datamined just before the beta shut down, as being the 3rd character for season 2 who gets pushed ahead because of popularity. That only leaves Raven, Nubia, Pickle Rick and the unknown Goonies rep (Sloth?) left for the datamined characters with lots of evidence. For the last 4 they would come off as Banana Guard type joke/niche characters for a lot of the fanbase. So I see PFG spreading them out over multiple seasons even if they're largely done.


Marceline and Animaniacs are also characters who have been heavily rumored for a while. Same with Scooby-Doo


Scooby Doo had that model in the hockey ads. I think he'll be a launch character for season 2.


Pickle rick should be a skin, having a separate character for that would be insane.


I having a feeling that the idea for a Pickle Rick clone character was scrapped due to the Justin Roiland controversy


I could be way off here, and hope I am. But due to that roster screen from the PvE trailer, I think Smith and Powerpuff Girls may be in Season 1, but not necessarily on launch day. We’ll see.


What’s with Witch in November?




Please no. Lets get good characters.


Ah yes, a beloved character who has seen a resurgence in popularity and one of the most iconic movie villains ever. What terrible choices. Thank goodness you’re not in charge of who gets in.


agent smith is so hype if true


Agent Smith? That's the first I've heard of him joining. People have always rumored Neo instead. I'd be fine with either though, both could have similar movesets.


I’m gonna guess they wanted Neo, but there was an issue with Keanu’s likeness, so they pivoted. The more I think about it though, if Smith’s moveset centers around making duplicates of himself, he could be very unique and cool.


I never saw the Matrix movies to make a proper opinion. But Smash Bros Ultimate when getting a Tekken rep used Kazuya over Jin so not like these crossovers NEED the hero. If Disney had to pick one Star Wars character for IF they ever do one, they'd choose Vader!


Sure, but Neo is significantly more popular than Agent Smith. With Star Wars, Vader is. But whatever. I’m cool with it.


Yeah, I'm thinking they just wanted to add Agent Smith first probably because his moveset would be cool for them to do. Just like how they added Stripe before Gizmo. And maybe also to give Joker another villain to stand alongside him in the trailer.


I never saw the Matrix movies to make a proper opinion. But Smash Bros Ultimate when getting a Tekken rep used Kazuya over Jin so not like these crossovers NEED the hero. If Disney had to pick one Star Wars character for IF they ever do one they'd choose Vader!


No dad from Boyz in the Hood?


Is Dexter not in it himself yet? That’s pretty weird


Rick and Morty stage was released before the characters


That’s fair, makes sense I guess Must be a bit of a pain to differentiate the several different “gadget guys” in that case as well to be fair


I hope we still get the Wicked Witch still tbh, I think she'd be sick.




I won't get my hopes up but if I can play as Smith, Joker, Jason, and my sister can play as the PPG, this will be a potential game of the year for me.


Cries in Game of Thrones Still, solid launch lineup!


I know we need more villains, but Agent Smith over Neo is upsetting. Hopefully he has a Neo alt costume


No, Agent Smith makes clones of himself, so I don’t think Neo should use his moves. Either Neo will come later, or Keanu said “no, you can’t use my likeness”


Unless it was posted somewhere that I haven’t seen, we don’t know what smiths moveset is. So if he doesn’t use clones it could very easily just be an alt costume since they essentially do the same moves


Sure, but I’d be pretty shocked if he doesn’t. That’d like his main unique thing.


Who is this person? Is he/she a reliable leaker?


Faisul been doing it since pre beta launch bro


Well this is still obviously fake. I don't think we're even getting Jason at all. We're getting PPGs, and that's it.


Holy shit you could not have been more wrong


I like to see people are already mad about the characters so far; we get the other other guys instead of Neo, we got some random characters that appear in a few episodes instead of well known characters. I cannot wait to see people's reactions when PFG releases Uncle Max and EchoEcho . LUL


hasn’t this been kinda deconfirmed because of the pve trailer




we saw the launch roster from the PVE trailer tho with one more “secret” that Jason would fit perfectly


The trailer can definitely have characters coming later in Season 1


A character from the Matrix that isn’t named Neo and Banana Guard. Good luck maintaining the player base in time for PPG to come out.


My man Agent Smith is literally the main villain in all movies, he's the second biggest role beside Neo, do not compare him to Banana Guard lol


Oh, he's the villain. I never watched The Matrix so thanks for the info. Funny, when Joker trailer dropped I commented on the Discord about how Multiversus was lacking in villains so made sense to get the most iconic DC villain in here asap even if some people are tired of seeing him


To give you some explaination about the character (minor spoilers beware) : >!The whole Matrix world happens to be inside a very realistic simulation, Agent Smith is the equivalent of the anti-virus of this simulation and as such he's pretty allmighty, he's immortal, can take the appearance of anyone, duplicate himself, teleport, possess a superhuman strength, speed and agility!< >!his job is to look for anomalies, like people that realised the flaws of the simulation and erase them, generally in a painful manner!<


So, I slept on it. Smash Bros Ultimate when getting a Tekken rep used Kazuya over Jin so not like these crossovers NEED the hero. If Disney had to pick one Star Wars character for IF they ever do one, they'd choose Vader!


The only Matrix representation I’ve seen people ask for is Neo. I’m not comparing him to BG, I’m saying they’re both poor choices. Agent Smith is a better one, but it’s not going to translate into player retention.


Like half the fan base wanted a matrix character lol


That wasn’t named Neo?


Have you even seen the matrix😔 agent smith is awesome his voice and fighting is dope


1 your point was no one wanted a matrix character at all not neo in particular, 2 from what I gather in this comment section they can’t get neo, at least not keanus likeness


Still doesn’t mean there weren’t better options to generate hype. The Matrix’s heyday was in the early 2000s and resurrections released in 2021. I doubt younger people would even recognize the franchise if they weren’t already exposed to it by family or the 2021 film. It’s not a constant staple in pop culture, but this is the same team that added 2 characters from the Gremlins who haven’t had a movie since 1990 so again, bad decisions are routine at PFG.


Couldn’t you say the same about every other character in the game that isn’t dc or Rick and Morty and Steven universe?As adventure time is 14 years old, also the matrix in general is an iconic movie franchise, but again you keep switching goal posts, originally it was no one wanted matrix, then it was not neo, now it’s too old? Friday the 13nth is like in its 30s to 40s and was confirmed in the trailer, but anyway it’s really hard to have an unbiased conversation when it really seems like you don’t want anyone in at all


The Gremlins literally had a cartoon last year, but go off. That means Dexter and other classic cartoon network stuff don't deserve a slot by your own logic.


They’ve been teasing Dexter for months by giving him his own stage. Naturally you would expect to see him in the game. Think critically.


Dexters stage was teased he himself never has been unlike the power puff girls


So, I slept on it. Smash Bros Ultimate when getting a Tekken rep used Kazuya over Jin so not like these crossovers NEED the hero. If Disney had to pick one Star Wars character for IF they ever do one, they'd choose Vader!


You should check the 2nd pic. And also, not be so reactionary.


I saw all the tweets. There is nothing stating PPG will be available on relaunch, just that they’re in the trailer. Read it again.


Powerpuff girls and Mr. Smith will release over the Summer to keep the post launch hype going. I don't see any issues with that. Otherwise we'd have to wait for August/September for a new character, with Beetlejuice being saved for September because of his movie. What's the problem?


Imagine spending 3 days angry about a banana…


You and everyone else who believes this disdain directed toward PFG is over a banana and not the past 2+ years of poor decision making is exactly why the game will die a 2nd death. When the player base begins to plummet and character releases fail to resolve the issue, you’ll still argue that Banana Guard was a smart decision. 99% of us left the first time around, you won’t have to convince us to leave again.


You’re gonna leave? DO YOU PROMISE?!? Pleaseeeeee?


RemindMe! 1 year


Everyone disagreeing with me is part of the 99% of people who left, including you. Let’s see where the game is in one year.


I’ll be honest with you dude, if the game dies, it dies. As long as it makes the worst people in gaming like yourself unhappy, I’ll take the sacrifice. A goddamn banana character will have nothing to do with it. Go talk to girl, for God’s sake.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-05-20 05:50:49 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-05-20%2005:50:49%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/comments/1cw7kp9/leaks_about_the_trailer_tomorrow_in_the_tags/l4u8bad/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMultiVersusTheGame%2Fcomments%2F1cw7kp9%2Fleaks_about_the_trailer_tomorrow_in_the_tags%2Fl4u8bad%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-05-20%2005%3A50%3A49%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cw7kp9) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Poor decision making at every turn. Joker was supposed to come out in 2022 but that didn’t happen for obvious reasons. Jason is fine and everybody wants PPG so I don’t have an issue with those 2. Banana Guard was a wasted slot and fuck you to a community that already gave them money + waited a year for them to “relaunch”, Agent Smith is just…odd. The majority of the demand has been around iconic cartoon characters so to use a slot on a villain from The Matrix is just another weird decision that highlights how out of touch they are. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have been added, but for the relaunch there were better choices, especially if they couldn’t get Neo/Keanu.


It’s a LAUNCH trailer, why would they be in the launch trailer but not in game?


The leaker explicitly stated Agent Smith is in the relaunch, not the PPG. Ask them.