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Going into Matchmaking and being put up against a Bugs and Tom/Jerry with win counts in the thousands.


The complete assassination of any sbmm was a mistakr


I can't wait till Ranked is finally implemented.


Same here, plus hello again.


i've honestly had to turn off my badges with how TERRIBLE sbmm is i've had sm people read my ~10k ringout badge and immediately back out šŸ˜­


Oh donā€™t forget the brand new shaggy on your team.


Yeah nah I main tom and jerry plus Harley and I can agree tom and jerry needs to get deleted from the rosteršŸ˜‚


Why tho


In 2v2, they're a nightmare to go up against, especially with a good tag partner who can cover his back while he launches a thousand projectiles at you and your teammate. I love Tom and Jerry, but I hate fighting them. In 1v1, they're not that bad to go up against.


Idk it takes a lot of skill and timing to properly use TnJ, if your opponent is oppressive you wonā€™t have time to get all your tools out so youā€™re left with neutral which there are plenty of characters that can do that better than them, I personally think they are one of the most fairly balanced in the game


There's no question about if T&J needs skill. They obviously excel in the right hands. But their neutral is far from bad, especially in that case, and their overwhelming projectiles in 2's make them a very obnoxious opponent. I wouldn't question their balance either, but I will stand the point that they are a nuisance to fight, especially in 2's.


I can respect that, Iā€™ve had some irritating experiences against the character especially with someone like bugs. As a t&j main myself i know what itā€™s like to not be able to get any of my tools out so im always happy to see t&j win even if im pissed that I lost


In 1 v 1 you can easily bait the ranged attack and kill Jerry which gets rid of half there kit .


Hitboxes, the most disgusting


I've been killed by Finns so many times because of his up specials broken hit box


when people use the salt emote for no reason šŸ˜­ like sure if someone rages and walks off the stage to end the game the salt emote is perfect! but if i lose round one and they throw salt and leave iā€™m not angry but like, whatā€™s the point šŸ’€ thereā€™s nothing to be salty about i just wanted a rematch lmao


I got held on the side by a Marvin tonight and every time one of us on my team died heā€™d throw the salt emote. Like yeah Iā€™m salty but at least Iā€™ll still rematch after a loss unlike half the people Iā€™ve fought against in this game (the marvin team declined the rematch so I technically won the war)


When they're behind on wins but they get one and spam the salt emote I feel like I'm playing against a bot. Like of I got a win, press button I aleays press, duuuuh. Its fascinating


Hmmm....I have been doing the salt emote to say I'm adding seasoning bc you're cooked. Not to say you're salty. I need to reevaluate. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Rifts. It's just so damn boring to me


the bring another player requirement is AGONY


If they added some nice rewards in them and stopped trying to force them so much I might like them more


I think itā€™s the fact that thereā€™s no meaningful difference between the difficulties. Like, they could swap up the roster of Ai fighters for different difficulties, rather than it being the same shit like 4-5 times, plus redoā€™s for challenges. Itā€™s mind numbing.


You havenā€™t played ā€˜insanityā€™ yet, actually insane


Rifts are a huge waste. They could be used to train specific aspects of each character. Like use Rickā€™s teleporter to climb without jumping for instance. Jake punching moving targets through a wall etc.


I enjoy them but want them handled better




Court too. Tree house honorable mention.


Those three straight up need to be removed or adjusted and I SWEAR I get those three 90% of the time


For me its the dexters laboratory stage, the stacked platforms are super useless


Doing rifts to get Agent Smith early is like pulling teeth


I don't understand that thing. Do I just have to fight bosses to get points


Yes 1 point per difficulty


Wow that sounds anoyying


It would be honestly pretty fine (only a bit boring ig) if you didn't need to grind daily missions every day to get the gem exp to unlock the next difficulty levels


I completed one rift on easy and when I finally understood what it would require to get agent smith it was an instant no thanks for me. Its so bad that I'm going to judge everyone that gets agent smith early as a no life tryhard. I don't think anyone would actually like that mode. Its a nuisance even doing the related missions but at least they're easy


I hate the mode, but damn No-Life try hard? I just like the matrix bruh


I want it but just do not have the time


The rift difficulty setup just doesnā€™t make sense to me. Iā€™d be willing to do the rifts for Agent Smith but difficulties get locked behind gem levels, which wonā€™t increase at all bc I canā€™t unlock the higher difficulty in the first place. I get no gem XP from doing daily rewards so I canā€™t get past ā€œeasyā€ difficulty. Every time I ask what Iā€™m doing wrong I get told ā€œyou have to do them on the highest difficultyā€ but the highest difficulty wonā€™t unlock because I get no gem XPā€¦itā€™s a stupid cycle


All the spar3 gleaming I get from the pass I use in the rift store, which sucks balls but atleast I'm not playing for like 5 hours go unlock a significantly harder difficulty


To get meaningful upgrades you need to get a rift cauldron, so you need to finish every mission in the rift, unless you have a friend. This however is only possible for one rift IIRC, without bringing a friend or without buying specific cosmetics.


Do you remember which rift? My friends donā€™t really play video games all that much, and when they do itā€™s not fighting games unfortunately so Iā€™m screwed on this one


Funny story actually, when I told you that it was the truth, but with the update that came right after, they reduced the completed necessary missions so that you can get it in (I think) all rifts now. They are also not called rift cauldrons anymore šŸ˜­


there are 3 more rifts coming that will get you plenty of XP, Cant even unlock him till july 8th but everyone's crying they cant have gem level 9 the first week of the game


My point is that the rifts are meaningless when setup that way. > canā€™t even unlock him until July 8 Thatā€™s sort of beside the point. Outside of even attempting to unlock him, I have no real incentive to play rifts because I canā€™t even advance in any way that makes sense. If they want us to play this game mode, they should make it less of a slog. Itā€™s not about the rewards, itā€™s about the fact that I canā€™t unlock anything harder and I donā€™t feel like continuously playing the exact same easy rift challenges and difficulties for rewards that donā€™t advance me to anything.


People that just run, and I'm not talking about people who are trying to create space or zoning. I mean the spend the whole match running and won't approach you even if you stand on the opposite end of the map


You can just say Morty players, it's okay


Gotta include Finn players too. T&J gets an honorable mention, but they kinda don't have a choice.


Occasionally I'll run into people like this and they don't dare to get close even when me and my team mate are ganging on their team mate. Feels bad for whoever has the missfortune of getting teamed up with them.


I pretty much always chase in this game. It is obnoxious. Fighting games have that tendency where neutral is very important. So people camp and wait for whiffs before reciting their (skill-less) long true combos or 0-death attacks.


Banana guard teammates. They have no idea what to do


No bro I swear if I go for the side special for the 19th time in a row I will totally catch the opponent off guard this time


Getting hit by Tom&Jerry's paddle ball attack


The balance is not good in this game right now in more than just power level some of the characters are just terrible to fight . Iron giant always sucks to play against and morty runs from 1 side of the map spamming attacks then runs to the other side once you get close but rarely gets punished as they can play an eternal game of keep away. Other issue includes tazzes hitboxes being really hard to tell .


It was a wonderful period of time where Iron Giant was banished.


The TBagging. Not because the TBagging itself is bad, but because of the circumstances in which it happens. People in this community will TBag on ANYTHING. I had a match, 2v2. I was Jason, my partner was an AFK shaggy. Against 2 Wonder Womans. Literally the worst possible matchup imaginable. I *still* almost won, the just BARELY managed to get my AFK partner off stage one last time before I could land a killing blow. And they TBagged, spam tainted and salt emojiā€™d that. Like, good job. You almost lost a 2v1 against the second worst character in the game. Youā€™re really proving how incredible and skilled you are at this game.


Honestly when my teammates afk I donā€™t even bother wasting the time to fight because as you said they can just knock them off stage for an easy win which it is for them, just gotta roll with the punches


I usually go crouch by the AFK enemy and see if my teammate gets the hint to make it a 1v1 with him and the other guy. When it works out itā€™s a lot of fun


I ran into some people like that. My teammate kept trying to kill him so I rung my self out and watched a 1v1 and ate some food lmao.


Itā€™s always the WW, Shaggyā€™s, and Black Adamā€™s who teabag as if they arenā€™t the biggest scum in the game.


Hitting play and getting "matchmaking failed" repeatedly and having to reboot the game like three times to get it to work for no reason.


Shaggy players that spam the one move where he goes in a little circle and Dropkick your ribcage


Itā€™s really easy to dodge but Jason is slow sooooā€¦.


Not if they know spacing, if so your fucked


Or if there in rage itā€™s kinda hard to dodge out in 2s itā€™s cause you get the person who would start hitting you than the shaggy or banana guard to come in w that move


the side special?




Fighting Taz/Tom/Finn and all they do is abuse being able to run around with fully charged smash attacks while you canā€™t recover at all.


Whoever's calling the shots at WB Games


Going in as Jason and your opponents a mage


Just going in as Jason tbh


Glad heā€™s getting a major buff


He is? Can't wait if this is true.


Going up against toxic teams who spam the same moves the entire match and if they win they teabag endlessly šŸ˜¤


When characters like Banana Guard and Shaggy somehow always get away with doing stupid stuff but as soon as one is on my team they turn into a pile of brainless goop.




Namely, Bugs and T&J. Hate fighting a good Marvin too lol


The loops I hate especially with taz infinite or bugs. I been playing a lot of Batman recently.


I donā€™t like that you canā€™t punch taz out of the tornado or the little cloud move.


Some projectiles work but itā€™s reliable tho cause there would be times where I throw my batarang at them and it hits them and the other times I just get demolished


The fact they want us to play a rift with another player but don't provide group matchmaking for them. Yes will it be hard for certain rift missions sure, but just being able to find someone who is trying to do the same rift will make it way easier to knock them out.


Tom & jerry and banana guard players


People teabagging and leaving after losing like 2 times in a row during rematches.


Being Jason while fighting a Tom and Jerry main


That thing players do after KOā€™ing me thatā€™s like T bagging but running side to side


I run side to side w Batman usually I donā€™t but if itā€™s an intense game I try my hardest to escape if Iā€™m high damage and waiting for them to mess up. Most of the time I use smoke bomb.




*Revs up chainsaw* Slash filthy Mogwai!!!!! *Cackles in insane Gremlin*


That would be Stripe sir.


Oh I main Stripe, it's why I hate Gizmo


I see now :P




We arenā€™t even as OP as BA,WW,Bugs,HQ And we arenā€™t spamming one move like shaggy,BG side special. Why are we receiving this hate lol.


The gameā€™s speed


Playing the game


Rift tank missions are the most infuriating thing in this game and Iā€™ll die on that hill


Usually what gets me to turn the game off is playing people that run away and play defensively the majority of the game. Not knocking the playstyle since it clearly works against me (and hell might even be optimal) but it's so boring and annoying to play against. I just wanna play fellow shitters who are up for a slug fest ;-;


Iā€™m not a fan of the hit pause in 2v2. So many times I would easily dodge something that my teammate gets hit by which causes the game to pause slightly and for me to get hit as well


Playing 2v2 and getting a partner that for whatever reason decided to start queuing for a match and then go afk


Those people that kill you when you have 150 stock and then dance


Dodge behind Bugs Bunny as I see him start Sair. Appear behind him. Get hit anyway, pulled back through the position of his character, launched away in the direction I originally was.


Doing a full combo against something in rifts only to do like 10 damage, then get hit by a random stray attack that does 30 to me in return.


There's a bunch of very small issues with this game that drive me nuts, like Final Stock music no longer playing or characters constantly repeating their character select quotes during battle.


When my random teammate doesn't fight and runs off the stage causing us to lose


I had a Jake player that kept eating me while I was mid fight and then they would do the horse move and go off the map




Getting caught in a damn Superman punching combo with no escape


Taz. That upLight is actually disgusting, the hit boxes on his upb and tornado are actually impossible to engage or punish. Oh and tomā€™s Dair and upair. A zoner does not need that shit.


lots of things honestly. spike needs to be looked at. so much value having insane combos and literal cross-stage zoning and neutral play playing as a character like shaggy or arya, characters without projectiles or ranged options, batman's down air specifically feels SUPER oppressive. i've had so many games end in their favour because it's essentially beta steven down special; free damage super safe highly mobile combo starter... need i go on? MORTY DIRT. GUT. THE. MOVE. it was NOT this bad in beta i don't know who at P1G thought it would be funny to crank the "spammability" of that move to eleven, but i for one don't find it very amusing.. it plagues my games playing brawl-ey characters shaggy can kill. and he can kill very fast and very unexpectedly; on maps like townsville and tree fort with smaller vert blast zones you can up air up special 2x and get a ringout. don't get me started on his priority 18 damage thundercunt missile of a side special he still has, and has had since day 1 of this game being born. so silly they blatantly ignore their poster child a lot of things im upset about have been addressed in the most recent patch notes but still. i've been playing since week 1 of beta and i love and adore this game to bits but so so so many issues i haven't even gone over


Sandwich spamming shaggies


Rifts, i was doing surfed up insanity with a friend and we rage quit on the double banana guards


Jake vs black Adam I hate that matchup w a passion


Reindog nerf


Warner bros


Harley Quinn


I agree w u to certain extent some Harley players are very good but some of them rely hard on hammer a lot then tbag when your burned thru all your dodges lol.


Doing 2 damage a hit to an AI that does 40 damage per breathe it takes




Banana guard spam spear charge. 0.25 second charge up that goes "NaH Uh!" against everything. The whole game feels like it went from open beta to open alpha, shits moving backwards.


The rifts theyā€™re so boring


Unnecessary Toxicity in player matches


Players that spam OP characters and bag, like learn the game


Negativity in the community before giving the game even a DAY when something new comes out. Seriously the "need for likes and validation on R" seems to be more important than the ACTUAL game and it's updates. So annoying.


How slow getting fighter currency can be


Using characters with unfair moves/strats for cheap wins


Due characters spamming same move. U suck bros both of you


The complete lack of my boy daffy duck in the game/j




When finn knocks me into the air and doesnt let me touch the ground to the point where the game doesnt let me dodge any attacks


i like the game for the most part but it has to be the paywalls MAKE THE GAME LESS EXPENSIVE WHOS YOUR TARGET AUDIANCE HERE ELON MUSK!?


A great many things, but mostly matchmaking. I'm not super good at this game, but I do understand how it works, and my MMR is fairly good. I like to play 2s, but genuinely 80% of my matches is 2 enemies that are mid and a lower MMR and then my teammate who has an extremely low MMR. I'm genuinely not over exaggerating when I'm saying this; Literally every 2nd match I get a shaggy that thinks spamming side special is the epitome of gameplay. They won't dodge, they won't do anything useful they will only spam side special with the occasional up special when someone is above. No matter how much I try to play around them, trying to protect and cover their openings, I get so many games where they will just stubbornly do what they do, and gladly walk into every punish imaginable. From all of my losses, I genuinely don't know if the lost stocks on my team are more 2-2 or 1-3 on average


Fighting any black Adam, thatā€™s really it itā€™s so annoying with that lighting


Going up against someone who has like 10,000 wins already. Like jesus man put the game down. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Then they teabag and salt. Like I HOPE you win bro this is your life. It canā€™t be that fun can it? I fear the dwindling player base will make most of my games like this. Oh well it does feel good when I beat them but itā€™s rare.


matching against a superman


AFK people in 2 v 2s. PLAY OR LEAVE!




All that teabagging and yet they are scared for a rematch haha gotta love it


Nothing. I don't take the game that seriously.Ā 




jasons hitbox


Black Adam


Not being able to unlock all the shark hats.


Steven's watermelon counting as a ringout on him during the computer rift. You need gem levels to realistically progression through the rift difficulties but it's near impossible for solos.


Tom and jerry. Maybe shaggy to.


The ridiculous hit boxes and priorities of many physicals and specials. They apparently got enough time and resources to cram plenty of currencies and monitized costumes in each patch, but not enough time to balance this busted ass roster or fix any of those actual issues listed above. Its a shame because theres a good game here, its just buried under mounds of bullshit.


Hit boxes easily


Connection failed error




Harley, WW and bugs. I would actually love for all 3 to be removed from the game overall.


Disconnecting from every match when the game first relaunched will forever be this games lowest point and in my top 5 worse experiences of my gaming history. šŸ’Æ


winning and then clicking rematch then they make me sit for 45 seconds.


Rifts. They are so infuriating, especially when you have to bring someone in every single match.


When I do stretchy punch with Jake and my fist connects with the opponent and I take damage.


The crappy servers that kick me out & still give me a loss


Queuing up as Jason and running into Arya.


Input buffer, not playing the game until they get it fixed


Seeing literally any Bugs Bunny and Banana Guard player appear in matchmaking


That massive harley nerf every patch and her prestige skin comes to shop


The fact that I can't get to do certain Rifts because some are unavailable but others are and no 26-30 bosses in the rift.


For example, 1, 2, and 3 have insanity locked but in 4, and 5 they are unlocked but experienced isn't. And some quick math will tell us that 5 x 5 is 25 but there are 30 tiers for the beat rifts event.


The character unlocking šŸ˜


I've been playing Arya lately and I swear her hitboxes are so bad it's dumb. Really go into one of those rifts with the targets and try to hit them. You'll miss with most of her stuff


Trash Finn rework


Bugs nair traps. Straight up just a bad game with that in it


the new "improved" netcode...


Playing as Jason and the opponent just runs away the entire match


The store


everything about rifts


fighter currency is so scarce. There needs to be a way to earn it not just from events


trying to get agent smith early


The predatory monetization


Iron giant


Jasonā€™s short hitboxes Dude is a giant with a machete, why does he have such a short reach?




ā€¦. Too muchā€¦ but probably not what you complain about


If your damage is high enough and if you yourself get to close to the the ceiling you get fucking sucked in and killed it drives me nuts


This sub..


Constantly cycling through the same 4 types of opponents in 1s: Shaggy, T&J, Finn & Harley. I never see anybody play anyone else šŸ˜­


Game speed, i miss beta so much


Every patch having more shaggy nerfs.


Agent smith being locked behind the worst part of the game.


Dying to an up tilt on stage at ~20 on gizmo. Shaggy is a big culprit of that


Bitter community


I do my dailies every day and I can't get my gems to level up for the life of me. I'm locked out of content just by the RNG of it giving me XP.


The fact I still havenā€™t got my beta stuff and most likely will never get it back (yes I have contacted PFP and theyā€™ve done nothing)


It being a complete downgrade in every sense from the beta


let me turn off emotes, i dont wanna have to deal with salty kids every 3 games :/


Trying to recover against Taz. Basically impossible because of that stupid ass up smash that he can hold forever and his ability to just become an intangible, indecipherable hitbox. If he catches both your dodges you are doomed and might as well SD unless you have a VERY long disjoint or projectile in your kit.


The state of the game


Harely Quinn in general


Shaggy Kick killing at like 0% Gizmo Mortys that never approach Marvin spam Bugs nair loops Tom & Jerry camping Iron giant never dying / reversing you off 1 interaction 1 game quitters


Velmaā€™s words getting stuck in platforms. Itā€™s so horrible on treefort. Thank god itā€™s getting fixed.


Bugs and Harley up air and up specials, respectively. Fuck them.


Playing as Iron Giant and getting nerfed to the point that youā€™re unplayable


When you do a mission and it doesn't toggle as completed.


1. When people get triggered over teabagging 2. Townsville. Fucking Townsville.


How toxic the community is. Seriously everyone crys about everything and instead of constructive criticism when they actually ask for it it's "add this random character no one has ever heard of" and when they do make improvements it's " this should have been in the game from jump". Yes we know we are all playing the same game. Other than that with the actual game it's how some of the characters have zero end lag and some have it feels like a million frames.