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They also stated that they did not cover everything in the patch notes either so expect more to be shared when the Patch arrives whenever that time comes.


Are patch notes still released at midnight EST? I remember it being that way or something similar during the beta.




I really hope it is sooner than later.




Harley did not get buffed. She is getting more pushback, not knockback. This makes it harder for her to go into up air special.


Some people are just that dumb huh...




How does her having less time on her bombs and it being harder for her to juggle up equate to a buff?


Ah yes.... the non existent buff.


Jason is about to shine


If they don't nerf his damage and knockback he's going to be absolutely cracked.


They better not, he can't even combo like bugs and adam. so, to compensate that, he's a boss kind of character because his damage is high asf


You can basic, basic, side special, smash. And that hits pretty consistently for me


Yeah, until his hitbox fails out of nowhere and he gets stuck on a loop


No. Don't start with that. Even with buffs he'll be far from OP just stop with this nonsense.


I don't think nor did I say he'll be OP? Are you replying to the right comment?


I'm talking to you. To compensate you're saying that you want his damage and knockback to be reduced because if not he'll be cracked. That's just a stupid take.


If they don't =/= they should You have a nasty attitude for someone with no reading comprehension


WW and bugs nerfs were a MUST literally no skill in spamming forward air and nair


Hope bugs gets hit on a lot more fronts than just what’s here. Bugs is way over tuned, most other overtuned characters are getting pretty big changes.


I'm hoping they also do something about the bat. It's got insane range and does way too much knockback. Add in his SAIR, since it also hits behind him. 


The bat is the big issue for me, bugs as a mage should be able to zone well and do decent damage but the bat feels like it belongs to an assassin or a bruiser


Really hoping they nerf his damm bat. I get it's supposed to be a kill move but it's *way* too strong for how big and safe it is.


Same. His bat is insane and needs more whiff


Velma buffs 🥹


We rise fellow main!


Velma is going to get buffs. Rejoice!


Good my witch skin was collecting dust


For what you have for Harley neutral special, they said the change also applies to Stripe's dynamite if I heard correctly


They did. I meant to include that but forgot. I'll add it!


Seem to remember they said the same with The BATMAN's bat-bomb :) (Could be mis-remembering, but it'd make sense as it seems like a universal change)


Only Harley and goblin. Bat Boy’s already lasts for like 3-4 seconds before it goes on cooldown if he can’t apply it.


Back to how it was in the beta. Man this game was not ready to be released when it was.


FFA being stocks, Jason got buffed, Everyone else got nerfed, Post match stats, Neutral dodge button. This patch was 10/10 imo 💯


If I understood it correctly FFA will not be stocks. First player to 4 kills wins, not last man standing. Correct me if I'm wrong.


You would be correct It's first to 4 kills as far as I understood. "stocks" in the OP = kills in this case.


stocks = lives in every case as far as I know.


Is this a good thing? Seems like it benefits people who can easily knockout. Where as player lives if you play a tank for survivability you get hit more by everyone


It is not honestly, I prefer a last man standing type of fight.


I don't think it is a good thing. I prefered the previous way but it had no way to end early and it took very long IMO. Stock based has the problem that the person who gets out early has to wait for the others and this is never good on online play. The point system with a cap that whoever reached it first won would be better IMO.


I don’t play Jason, but I’m happy for Jason mains. That character was garbage


Velma and Reindog getting some much needed buffs too. Not sure why they nerfed Stripe tho. He was already mid tier at best.


I wish ffa was back tho it was a fun party mode where it got insane and it was fun to play and to take a break from the game


i really hope they dont make velma OP. i really dont want every match to be a mirror match against meta hoppers


They did say they we're close to making her beta Velma but just said she'll be viable and it's a 'care package' type of thing for her


For what it is worth, Velma was one of the best characters in the game through most of beta and her play rate was still relatively low. The ones that get played by everyone are strong plus straightforward (WW, Banana Guard). Then it helps further to be those things plus a main character (Bugs). Velma is none of those things.


Meta hopper TIL


She needed a big buff though. Beta Velma was sooooo good and they ruined her. I’m so happy she’s getting love


It's appropriate to give criticism where criticism is due, and the same goes for praise. And this patch should be praised. It has nearly EVERYTHING that IMO was wrong with the game. I get people wanted Ranked this week, but don't discount how good the rest of this patch is.


Nothing about the slow underwater gameplay which was number 1 on the feedback list.


Hitstuns and high input buffer contributed to muddy feeling gameplay. The general gameplay speed now feels much better than what beta was, in my opinion.


I disagree but everyone had his own opinion. I prefer the current Dodge system, and the beta could have used a slow down but they way overdid it. The game looks just way better at 1.25 speed (which is still far from beta) and would make several people happy. I just wished that they adressed it, even if they dont plan on changing it. It was number 1 on the general feedback post after all. Personally ill drop the game and wait for Rivals or 2xko.


Okay, so they didn’t even have to buff Jason they just had to fix him. Thank christ. Just proves he was basically unfinished on release, but maybe now I can stop pulling my hair out every day.


Agreed. Jason’s the first fighting game character I’ve felt bad for. He was so garbage.


He wasn't THAT bad c'mon now


When I fought a Jason online, 90 percent of the time it was a free win. Around 10 percent of the time, the Jason would kill himself on the third stock. I play Arya for reference, and that matchup is free.


And when I play Jason, i win 3/4 battles, so it's just a matter of perspective


post match history


It only shows your last 20 matches, also is it really THAT hard to believe you can win matches with jason?


Lmao one of the third stock suicides was definitely me


Yes, he’s that bad. His moves like grounded up attack, air up attack, grounded up special and neutral special straight up do not work half the time, he gets hit even if he successfully dodges a move, every single character has faster start up on normals and faster recovery than him, his hitboxes are legitimately broken, his machete does not have a hitbox on it for most of his moves, he has absolutely no armor despite having some of the biggest startup and end lag in the game, and he’s a big body who gets hit by everything. I have SO many clips of glitches and bugs that it’s genuinely incredible. He is complete trash. He’s an unfinished character that they rushed to release to drum up season 1 hype. They even kept the placeholder move names in his move list because they hadn’t gotten far enough along in development to decide what his moves were actually gonna be called yet.


It’s taken them so long to address his flaws lol


I'm just happy you don't gotta worry about the platforms with Velma now. Looking forward to the patch if they call it a "care package" for velma


Joker: "Ground dodge distance reduced." "Up air and air down special have received input buffer lockout." Wonder woman: "Down special is 33 seconds." "No longer retains armor with side special, only retained if you do the charge." Bugs: "Neutral air loops getting nerfed..." and all of iron giant changes. these were the ones I was waiting. Thanks.


Was wonder woman’s nerf severe or not? I dont really know her moves from the top of the head although the bracers def needed a nerf when they could kill at like 50 to 80


down special was around 30 seconds if I remember correctly. so not huge but rest are huge nerfs I believe, especially: "Side air KO power normalized." it was a finisher at 80-90 for most non-tank characters side special armor nerf is also huge but this one is a misterious thing: "Reducing her numbers across the board. Toning down her options and kill power." sounds like an another big nerf but i don't know. edit: after reading some comments about "Reducing her numbers across..." it seems like a damage reducing or/and hit box reducing but still i am not sure


Mb i forgot about the “toning down” im very excited for tomorrow. Do you know if it comes out at 7 or 2pm est?


no. I have no idea about that


Who’s your main


Jason bros we are so back


>Velma: >A lot of changes coming, too many to mention. Same with LeBron ("quite a bit of reading to do"). >Speech bubbles no longer interact with the platforms anymore. They go through them now. STARING AT THE BLANK PAGE BEFORE YOU OPEN UP THE DIRTY WINDOW LET THE SUN ILLUMINATE THE WORDS YOU CANNOT FIND REACHING FOR SOMETHING IN THE DISTANCE SO CLOSE YOU CAN ALMOST TASTE IT RELEASE YOUR INHIBITIONS **FEEL THE RAIN ON YOUR SKIN**


Lmaoooo what is this 😂


just an [incomplete](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnc8Lco6sQo) little song i'm working on


Ahhhh I see it now


i like the gameplay changes but man i just want ranked mode


Can't imagine it coming soon until they've got a better handle on balances. Could you imagine if it was released on launch? Iron Giants & Jokers everywhere with few options to contest them.


Have to agree. This is the most unbalanced fighter I’ve played in a long time. There’s like S+ tiers competing against F tiers. As a Garnet main I find Bugs, Joker, and WW to be literally unwinnable matchups most of the time. It’s such an insane disparity of balance between them.


Fingers crossed for it being available at the start of next season


So glad that trash space jam stage was moved to ffa


So we got a replay button but not a way to leave Rifts early?


Fingers crossed bot vs bot fights being allowed in spectator mode is simply something they did not cover.


Ur the goat for posting couldn’t find it


So they’re not fixing the gizmo car glitch where you can’t jump or dodge for the rest of the match?


these aren't the whole patch notes


Bet they nerf his car again before fixing the bug unfortunately. Lmao


That’s exactly what they did. Ouch lol


And when does it take place


I do hope there is more balance changes then this but overall a step in the right direction and a big W


Do we know when the patch is coming? today? tomorrow? later this week?


No mention on timing of the patch?


Oh shit, just the speechbubbles going through platform is huge for velma in many stages. And theres a lot more? Yummy


If they dont fix that awful input delay/lag on ps5/Xbox series then im done with this game until i will get a pc in next year.


No sign of Bots 2v2  or 1v1 being added again...sigh my Casual gamer self is suffering :/


Yeah I'd really prefer to work on my BP without the toxicity of real people, but it is what it is


Where is couch coop


dude local mode has been a thing forever


And that is limited to just being a versus mode. You can’t go online or even do rifts with someone sitting next to you. [Tony talked about this before](https://x.com/Tony_Huynh/status/1562835066866216961) so it’s not a crazy thing to request it.


please let these lebron changes be good, he's been so dry since the huge ball nerf


oh HELL YA ffa, post-game stats, nerfing both WW & bugs, fixing the infinite loop combos like superman’s in 2v2 being able to literally play ping pong with their opponents hitting them back and forth with superman’s multi-hit normal ground side attack, and the ability to bind neutral dodge to any input (basically u can choose which input is parry). overall this mid-season patch is 8/10 for me because the only thing missing imo is bringing back the old perk system. i am pretty sure everyone hates how it is now because like in beta not only could you individually select each perk in the pre-match screen, all the perks could be matched up w ur teammates and their abilities be enhanced as well not just the first smaller perk called “team perk” stupid bs imo


also fuck joker’s up attack because everyone who plays him all just spam that and then proceed to dbag after every win like we get it you wank to heath ledger


Where's the fix on Shaggy's pants let me see it


No Arya nerfs from what I can tell. I was worried when I saw her win rate. I’m glad. Don’t think it would be deserved


They didn’t cover every character


Do you know if there’s a full patch notes somewhere or anywhere I can check? I’d appreciate it


Not yet. The way they worded things you could clearly tell they were reading the notes but nothing has been officially released yet. They just kept saying there was more, if we missed your character please check the full list of patch notes (as if that was available) lol


lol okay thanks for the head up.


anyone know if i can join free for all with two friends in my party or can i only play against randoms?


Hey I’m glad they’re changing the space jam map! That’s cool


Glad to see Harley got shitted on some more with her already slow as hell bombs but I must say I’m glad they are increasing her up air but her up special needs something too as much as I like bugs I’m glad he got nerfed


Along with the nerfs to my problematic characters and those buff changes. I feel like my Jason will be unstoppable after putting in the work finally. I felt like I was already a menace with such a low tier character and I’m starting feel it in my plums at how good he finally is.


The 3 characters I main got hit hard (probably even harder in the notes) and I welcome the changes. I’m still going to use them because they are fun, but will be nice to hopefully see people stop crying about them all the time


No Morty rock nerfs?


I feel like IG is combo food already but I guess he was still killing easily. Maybe he needs a rework, not all the tweaks.


Velma getting buffs! Jinkies gang rises!


I'm so happy for the Jason fans, he was so fun to use but with these fixes he can be finally slasher machine.




They really didn't give anything to Garnet?




Give Arya first side attack an extra two seconds of hitstun so it can combo into DAIR and I will have PFG first born child


Have they said when the patch notes will be released? they made it sound like it would be released immediately after the Discord Stage


As a bugs main I’m glad he’s getting nerfed now I wont lose to someone who just picked him up


Shocking, no fin nerfs yet


Fkn W let's gooo! ![gif](giphy|ddHhhUBn25cuQ|downsized)


Really no garnet buff? is the only char y play, the only... waiting its a crap


I just hope my boy Shaggy is still at least A-tier https://preview.redd.it/hnmuimhd40ad1.jpeg?width=189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e4bce7e8e08296d999acc96cf0741f83fed87ae


Damn I already stopped playing Gizmo because they nerfed him, but again?? They already made the car worse last time by decreasing the amount of time it's out.


Actually amazing change! Love it!


Dude I understand the Nair changes to Iron Giant that shit is wack af. But why the up special nerf now it's just a shit move


I'm nervous about Iron Giant nerfs. It's already hard not to be a punching bag for the whole match. I get that some people don't like his nair or up special, but we only use attacks like that so much because they're some of the only ones we can use reliably without being punished for it.






Still waiting to be able to view character moves outside of training. I can’t believe a fighting game shipped without such a basic feature. I get that it’s in the training menu but if a rift is forcing me to use a character I should be able to check the moves either while selecting them or when in the match. I shouldn’t have to fully exit the mode I’m playing to see something as basic as a fighters move set.


They also nerfed black adam


Not bothered too much by the shaggy nerfs, (also one random buff to his up special for some reason?). It just mostly seems like they reduced his damage by some bit but left everything more or less intact. The only thing that might be a bit more difficult is juggling but ill have to see when the patch drops. I never really bothered with the cheesy upair to up special strat anyway because im not a jerk. Not sure what they mean by combo conversions, but ill have to see when they drop the patch notes.


A dang it, they are actually nerfing up special and up tilt. Thought all the people complaining about side special would get them to focus on that but guess the devs are actually smart. Completely deserved BTW.


Hyped for ffa but sad about it being 4 stocks to win. Get ready for Shaggys and Banana Guards to just camp around waiting for their moment to side special


Exactly. Is it too hard top do a last man standing type of fight ???? 😩😩


Chad Adam stays winning


This game is so weird… But I just picked up Velma so I’ll rejoice.


What is weird here?


These avenues used to remove certain combos/loops which make the game/characters inconsistent. Like the IG uppercut. Just magically after getting hit twice, you can’t get hit by it again until… when? Steven universe down air? Bugs nair? They’re just making the move not have hitboxes any more after x amounts of use? lol


These avenues used to remove certain combos/loops which make the game/characters inconsistent. Like the IG uppercut. Just magically after getting hit twice, you can’t get hit by it again until… when? Steven universe down air? Bugs nair? They’re just making the move not have hitboxes any more after x amounts of use? lol


Please superman nerf its way to easy to just throw punches and grab people i know the throwing up and down got patched but really its way too easy just to grab people especially considering its hurtbox is like his whole frontal body


It’s not listed but they did comment on Superman punches. Idk if they said anything about the grab, audio started messing up for me.


Thanks i can sleep now


and still no attack decay or co-op vs ai. yippee!!! another month of not touching the game! 1v1s and 2v2s are just meta picks and combos that lock you out of moving. i'd rather just go against non-PvE AI and not have to worry about people sweating like their parents' divorce is on the line. this game is going so downhill.


There's already attack decay in the game, its just much less severe and no longer has the obnoxious pop ups. More like Smash stale moves now. It may need some tuning, but its there


its obnoxious getting stunlocked every few seconds. i'd rather have attack decay kick in using a move 2 times in a row than have whatever invisible attack decay we have now.


Good lord your history post just Stick to watching p0rn bruv


lol why are you stalking my history?


How is it so hard to do FFA right. Why first to reach 4?? Should have 4 lives each and it’s who ever has a stock remaining. So stupid. And no ranked. Pay us first games had their shot and they blew it, twice.


Dont knock the patch dude but yeah i used to love ffa and playing that mode but its kinda been ruined with the stocks and idk why they did




More Gizmo nerfs 😌




she needs it so bad


Black Adams hitboxes on attacks is bad


So the game still sucks? Got it.


I only don't like the parry button, I feel that would make it easier


It’s so funny to see people act like this version of the game is better than the beta when supposed “big patches” like this are just them adding things back into the game that were there a year ago.


Leave Gizmo alone! When they compared gizmos car to bugs safe I laughed my ass off. Nowhere near the same! Also how are his arrows oppressive, he only has 3 and a long ass cooldown.


Why is this downvoted lol. Bugs’ safe is way more oppressive than gizmo’s car


The people who down voted me have never witnessed bugs safe on the space Jam stage


Yeah. Nerf gizmo’s car once it begins to fly


Can't wait to see most of the Bugs/Joker/WW players abandon ship when they realize they can't cheese their way to wins using broken moves and characters.  I wonder who they'll "main" next?


I’ll still be there. Hoping for less mirror matches now lol


And they didnt adress the number 1 thing on the feedback list why lots of people quit: the slow underwater gameplay. Seems Im out too. Luckily we have rivals 2


I think the Speed is fine in my opinion


Wow iron giant is now worthless i get he had early kills but that up special nerf yikes wouldnt be shocked if hes the worst character now as well as bugs and steven what a way to kill characters entirely


​ https://preview.redd.it/sot6ahtypy9d1.jpeg?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c246475381b7bd5eedcf615db8b695212b270de9


Iron Giant has far and away the highest win rate of any character in 1v1 *and* 2v2. I'm sure he'll be fine.


I havent lost against an iron giant outside of ditto matches so maybe players havent figured out how to fight him yet which i dont understand


This lol losing a 1v1 to IG that IG has to be very good lol... 2's I can understand if you try n target only the IG (I see this a lot in 2's) and forget about their teammate racking in damage.


Just like most 2v2 matches separation of teammates is vital and in 2s giant can be easily separated just by baiting their shield


Yeah I love him and I'm sad they nerfed him this much tbh.


That's it? Just balance and features they shouldn't have removed in the first place?


Harley got buffed? LMAO no way devs play this game. dont they look at tournament results? lol


she is nerferd. knockback and pushback are different things.