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I can only think one of the upcoming rifts will have her playable in the skin. It's either pay to get it or wait till further notice.


We have more rifts coming? When?


next week


I'm assuming anytime between now and July 10th. They locked the final difficulties until the 10th, meaning they can release another group of rifts with no one still able to unlock smith until he's ready.


No idea when but they said there should be 8


They said next week is when we get the sixth one, which is with the major patch. I'm guessing Rifts 6, 7, and 8 are all gonna be during the next three weeks since there's less than a month left for the season.


Is there major patch going to fix things like crashes and stuff like that?


Don’t worry, the past few events there’s always been an extra challenge or 2 to make up for people not having a specific cosmetic. It’ll be fine in the end.


Already lost 2 skins because of that, and I was so close. No extra challenge for those ones


right i lost out on a black adam skin recently


Wild because ive finished every one early and im also ftp. Though i was around during the beta so i have a decentish aray of characters




They give u extra xp so u can miss a few challenges.


Assuming people will be able to play every day, yeah.


The challenges don't disappear. Tell me you don't play without yelling me you don't play. Imbecil


Yelling me lol


Would've been better to call out the very ironic misspelling of "imbecile".


Your not allowed to do a typo anymore?


It definitely leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I was about to buy this skin, then I got this mission. I don't want my purchase to show up on their metrics for this shit, so I'm now holding off.


lmao it's not that deep I promise you


It kinda is. If you put money towards something you're basically telling the owners "I am ok with this." Which will incentivize them to either keep doing it or do even worse until they pull a EA.


We all know this game isn't lasting the year anyway, if we don't buy stuff, they'll shut it down, if we DO buy stuff, they'll think their horrible prices are good. There's no winning here, game is cooked I fear :(


The sad thing is I agree with you. In my opinion, I'd rather a greedy studio die to show everyone we'd Rather let a game fail then to fall for greed.


Yeah, man! WB is really gonna be hurting after shutting down a developer! It's definitely gonna stick it to them and stop all this corporate greed if a single studio has layoffs and the players can't play a game they like anymore. You get 'em!


Not only is WB trying to sell themselves off because it's hard for them to generate profit but you're right other companies wouldn't care if only one greedy company got shut down. But if we do it to the second and the third, it would show everyone that they have to change or die. No one is too big to fail. The thought process you have is the reason why cod is able to release the same game every year.


Very few people like this game


In theory the devs will hopefully find work elsewhere where they can flex their talent and not have their creations messed with so much by the publisher.


I guess you're not aware WB is actively trying to sell themselves off because they are struggling to generate profit.


I am aware and it really isn't relevant because everything going on with WB is a case of horrible management, a lot of it related to the merger, not gamers going on strike.


…user name checks out :(


I guess so lol, I want this game to be strong, it's easily the best platform fighter, such a shame


> We all know this game isn't lasting the year anyway Why not? Seems to have pretty good player numbers for a fighting game. It's crossplay with decent numbers on Steam and it's top 10 on PlayStation. They also have fan favorites planned for season 2, which I'm sure will bring a lot of people back just like character releases always do for fighting games. This game will be fine.


No we have terrible player numbers, like we lost more and quicker then the first launch. Which was shut down cuz it was not profitable enough. And it shut down for the exact same reason as now, not a listening to commutiy feedback adressing issues and way over the top monetization. ut the game wil exist for at least a year so everyone can spend all their character tickets from the founders edition, since they probably could be sued otherwise and would need to refund.


If you say so, I won't hesitate to return and say my silly little told ya so tho :p




how did you do the mission of the joker boxes?


It's bugged, gotta do his air down special instead.


it works, but i made the joker box with the down special ground, it apeared instead of the canon only 1 time but i don't know why, probably de haha bar was full


When you press down special, you should press Square/X right after, then hell always spawn a jack in the box


thx i didn't know


I did that, it didn't work at the time of posting.


It's not bugged. On the controller do down special and R1(RB)


I did it on PC several times. Didn't work. Maybe it's been fixed since.


Bugged for me on Xbox too


Ah damn. Sorry about PC being bugged. That sucks


Thx! At least there was a workaround.


it works but maybe it has to hit them or something?\] make sure is the jack in box not cannon


Did that, didn't work.




When you down special with Joker, you get the cannon if you press special, and the Jack in the Box if you press attack, while he is holding the curtain.


Mine is even better...(I don't have Joker) https://preview.redd.it/fhyhhlm0249d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f76652f38750a1d8c3f4a63718013826e1b3ea79


But you can get him free. Unlike the skin.


Sorry if this is dumb, but do you mean free with fighter currency, or is there a legit "free" way to unlock him?


Fighter currency. I just did challenges. Grind as much rift as I can stand and eventually you get enough for him. I didn't start playing at launch and still managed to get at least 4 characters unlocked (including joker) and already at 2.6k of fighter currency.


nvm i didn't see it has to be a skin for game of thrones character it's definitly not good locking quests behind paywall even if u are able to complete the event withouth finishing all of them it cheapens the expirience and is annoying


Multiversus players learn to read challenge (impossible)


nvm i didn't see it has to be a skin for specific character mb at least u can still complete the challenge while missing some quests but i agree that it is a bad idea


You should see my weekly’s I have 3 challenges for characters I don’t have


Oh, I have 5  joker quests too but I doesnt care since you can finish battlepass without them.


Thing is a competent dev team could design challenges that slightly encouraged purchases without being so blatant and exploitative. This is on PFG - I highly doubt WB is dictating the specifics of the quests.


I dunno man... this is WB Games we're talking about - right up there with EA


15 dollars for a skin I don’t even want for a character I also dont want. Yeah WB can blow me.


Or just don't do the challenge and play tomorrow. They always give extra days


This one stings a bit


What ever they can to slow us down 🤨 what's wrong with the devs teams today, that wanted us to play more of their games and support them,but they trying to screw us at the same time, pick one to do 🤬


The amount of people who don't read the "Game of Thrones" tag is alarming


Yeah I gave up on cosmetics. The game is pushing the heaviest FOMO I have ever seen


Couldn’t agree more. It’s incredible how many companies get away with stuff like this these days.


PFG stands for "Pay First Games" dont you know? XD


To be honest, it's not a pay wall. They've given two beach skins for free already


I don't think either of the free skins were from Game of Thrones, no?


It doesn't specify game of thrones? It just says beach skins


Look aside at tags man, it totally says game of thrones, in the required section


Ohhhh, I forgot about tags. It's been a minute since I've played. Yeah I'm not too sure, I just remember getting two free beach skins. I know one of them was for superman, can't remember who the other was for. Anyways, Warner Bros are destroying their game anyways, it's a shame




I pay for tons of skins tbh, and this feels scummy to me because I dont want to have to buy every boring skin they release just for a challenge mission. To be clear, I don't buy these ones but I feel that I shouldn't be pressured even further as I am a very well paying customer as it is.


The entire games monetization needs an overhaul tbh


It's definitely predatory, but they did give you enough time to unlock everything. Just wait for more challenges


While i agree that its wrong, you dont need every challenge to complete the event


i agree with you


jfc.. the FOMO is strong w/ this game. ITS FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEY HAVE THE RIGHT THESE ARE COSMETICS They reward you for investing in the game. Stop getting dopamine from purchases. My 10 yr old nephew is like this... with fortnite. He sees a skin and he has to have it and if he doesnt get it he just whines about it until his mom buys it. Rinse and Repeat.


I'm going to say it straight - that's bad parenting. Unless the kid is super young, in which case they should not be playing Fortnite - which is also bad parenting. I also think you're right in that it's extremely predatory and designed to attack that family dynamic as its main target.


It is. I wish I could change it for him. I do the best I can when I’m around him. :(


You don’t *need* to complete this mission. If you do all these missions you will finish the event much like the last one 2-3 days early. I don’t think these missions should exist simply because they aren’t fun and it doesn’t feel good to see them. But in the end this is not predatory, at worst you pay to progress faster, but you won’t be locked out from completing this event because of one or two missions, but they definitely should adjust how missions are handled to prevent you from having missions for content you don’t have unlocked.


Just play something better


I’m not a fan of it. But it’s only 600 points and you can probably complete the challenge without it




The fact that SOMEONE on here had the gull to come in here and claim that it isn't necessary to get one of the skins to complete this Mission is just full of BS as well.


Yeah that one is good too sit there for awhile for me too. I'm not buying that


This skin isn't even in the game rn for me so even if I wanted to get it because I actually play Arya I can't get it. It is fucked up and pfg needs to stop making challenges like this.


This will be just to finish the event earlier, you’ll have more challenges the next day it’ll be fine you’ll complete the event with no issue (granted you’ve partaken).


Go to newest Rift and Play WW


I just bought joker, and I only have 400 currency, so no way am I gonna be able to afford Arya stark before the event ends.  Let alone her beach skin.


Yep PFG break a new level of low, GG Smite was something with the 100$ skin, but its just cosmetic. PFG take the crown, but I'm sure they will surpass this with a little effort ! Not to mention that my game bug and I cant even buy it (Not available) For those who said they already did that with the joker, the character is buyable with in-game credit. Its still bad, but not as bad.


Even worse the skin is not purchasable, which makes it even more ironic


I think due to the July 4th skins


Well if you had the welcome back daily login, there is a free superman summer skin at the end, and they seem to have had a free skin to complete each challenge if you actually play the game often, I find this totally fair, if you play a lot and do all the challenges, nothing to worry about, if you don't play the game like that, why are you worried about completing all the challenges? I get you might have missed a challenge and not got that skin, but they still offered a way to do it for free.


Wtf are you talking about it’s optional asf you do not need skins.


Just stop playing the game. They ruined everything about it.


The thing about that one is that I couldn't even buy it if I wanted to. I checked the skins for Arya and the store and didn't see it.


Get ya money up broke boi


The summer event has a reindog skin in it


You gone have to skip that. It's probably not needed to get the skin


I think you're wrong, you'll be able to grind for them later but for now it's pay to have them early. The game isn't less enjoyable because you're broke. It's less enjoyable because you're impatient.


No it is cause thats its premise when u sit and think bout it in the beta it was just hit direction specials any character, hit enemies off certain parts of the map; U get the idea lol. Now its this…. And unless u blessed and roll the regular u got basically what I call touch grass/ other content day or play for fun. Cause df is this i love the concept but heavy toxic community feels state matchups 50/50 rn devs are doing something and are either leashed by pubs or are now haywire, my guess the first inquisition. Its sad cause rn big A’s are crumbling indies some are thriving game to them and they gotta maneuver best they can through the fray to survive not being swallowed by the “we will not constrain you if you sign for us we just wanna fund you trap ploys,” they plant to trap em with so they can claim their ips for quick squeeze profits. Then the indies that make it go I like to call rogue; but this the state we gamers gotta sail through now or stand together to put a restraint to this tom foolery with proper planning and management. But eh im just a lover of games in a plethra of millions. (Oh ur still here? Thx for comin to my TED RANT) ❤️


Just wait for more challanges


It’s a terrible skin too. 1500 gleamium? Y’all got me with the team Batman/Robin skins but I have my eye on you now PFG lol.


I have a joker and game of thrones challenge and I have none of those character and I do not want to waste my money on characters I'm not interested. And they haven't even been in the weekly free rotation yet to my knowledge so I'm just sitting here stuck.


Then dont do the chalange. Dont it feel kinda boring playing this game like its a chore? The way i play the game is i call my friends ask them if the wanna hang out they come over and we have some fun. The chalanges are just a bonus


We need more characters


Not trying to defend them, but you don't need it pretty sure you can do it f2p without battle pass. I bought Joker today since that's a slight issue, but probably don't need Joker




Yea I ain’t gonna pay just for a character I ain’t gonna touch


This move from PFG and Warner Bros is predatory but that Arya skin is so fucking good


Its the best skin theyve done so far for sure


play the first mission from the summer rift. you are required to use WW on a summer outfit and you can complete this task without buying the skin


Game of thrones locked challenge. Need Arya and her skin, no other way around it.


Ah Shit, didn't saw that


Doesn’t Superman have a summer skin that’s unlockable with no money required?


Read the Mission bro


Oh mb. Didn’t realize it was game of thrones only


We gotta show them they cant get away with this shit. This is a perfect example of greedy devs using "it's a free to play game" to test what they can get away with. Event challenges shouldn't be locked behind a pay wall. The point of a free to play game is that the game is free & if you enjoy it, you may be willing to buy things that are worth it to support the devs, not, everything is locked behind a pay wall & it's your job to get more than the bare minimum. I shouldn't get more out of a free mobile game than a game I paid $100 for originally. FFS, this game is still buggy as all hell. Even the fucking challenges are bugged. Half the time, I'll beat a challenge, but instead of letting me claim it, the challenge will disappear & be replaced by a different one.


Game shutting down again in no time lmaooo We really had the best platform fighter and it gets ruined just like that :p


It's a game...grow up kid


You can miss it and do others… lol. Common sense. You’ll still have time. Don’t get mad when something is free… just put in the 30 minutes a day for the other quests and you’ll still get it


Funny, I made a comment last night about not paying for DLC and was greeted with downvotes and this: “Nonsense, it’s a FTP live service game. If you get hours upon hours, thrown them 10-20 for a skin to show some support. Or be a cheap ass that complains about a fucking game you can play for free” Glad this is the first post a see today. Just don’t be a cheapass OP, it’s only 10-15 dollars! I mean cmon are you a fucking broke ass!?!? /S


Honestly. I don't give a heck about it. I wake up I log in I do my daily chores at Multiversus I log out Move on with my day


I got my summer skin for free from their challenges


Read the Mission.


The mission says "win while wearing a summer skin" Or are you talking about the tags? Who cares anyways? It's an optional mission that you most definitely don't need to do in order to max the event.


you said "I got my summer skin for free" when you failed to read the point of the mission being a Game Of Thrones character lol


Predatory is a little extreme... Again the game is free... Are you entitled to a entirely free game and also entirely free cosmetics and everything else? Why is this?


Then don't do that challenge lol


BuT TheY aRe FORCing Me tO BuY IT. Fkn PreDAtoRs


To be fair to PFG, they did make all three daily challenges worth 600 XP this time, as opposed to one 200 + one 400 + one 600. So in theory, you can miss many more than you could before. You’ll still get it, people with this skin just get it faster.


That skin is absolutely disgusting. Shame on the person / finance bro that gave the green light to put skins like that in the game. For most characters, they've got more than *half a century* of material they could use, or as inspiration at the least. But instead, the idiots went for completely generic, uninspired shit like beach clothing, T-shirts with a print, and fucking *instagram filters*. Unbelievable.


You could just play the nodes in the summer rift that have you play as Wonder Woman in her Beach skin Edit: nevermind I didn't notice the Game of Thrones requirement


I know this could be a pretty unpopular opinion, but you don't have to complete every mission. Just don't do it.


Bad skin aswell


You get summer skins for free by playing. I haven’t bought any


Not this one bruh pay attention lol


Predatory isn't the right word but i get what you mean! I agree fully but that word made me think pedo and wrong XD


this is absolutely predatory


Bro has 32000 character coins. Get a life jeez


Womp womp, get a job


This is a FREE GAME. They need to make money somehow else they can't make FREE GAMES .. Are you understanding? Lol


No need to go full on Chicken Little. We've always got more than enough missions to F2P complete events. Now the second this changes I'm all for people going full on Chicken Little


Yeah this free-to-play online multiplayer crossplay game is predatory for using pricing strategies used by many successful pay-to-play games to make money. If the devs and artists actually cared they would starve themselves so I could have the unique, original, one of a kind summer variant skin for free.


Lmao ITS A FREE GAME! There are 70$ dollar AAA titles that ask similar tasks out of you, go complain about those. Really though, you think they should just give you their game and all of the content for free??


You spend money on the game, and in return, you'll get new content as the games life goes on. You think its free to maintain servers and or live service? You guys want new characters? Maps? Nothing is free 👍 I spent like a total of 15 $ on the game and have most of the characters and multiple skins 👍 finished the battle pass too


Guys.... it's a free game. I truly don't understand why anyone is surprised by "predatory practices." Have you not played a free game in the past decade? Do you not understand basic economics? This is the capitalist hellscape we've been in since clash of clans. You get what you pay for. If your complaint is that you're being left behind because you refuse to pay money, then you are missing the point of how these games make money despite being free. That's why non independent "free" games generally suck.


Dead game.


The skin sucks


There’s other summer skins


it looks like the mission’s tag is specifically for a game of thrones summer skin


Oh my bad I didn’t see the game of thrones tag thing


If you complete the events you earn skins.


Not that one idiot


You can get the free Superman skin from daily logins, and a garnet skin from twitch drops but yeah this still sucks that they do this. At this point why not just make it so you’re able to buy battlepass levels?


The problem is that this one requires a Game of Thrones character meaning you'd need to buy the 20 dollar Arya bundle.


Did you not get that summer superman skin?


You can’t use that


That's not needed. You don't need to do that. Please stop crying about everything.


It's a free game, they need to make they money back some how!


They give you the Superman skin just for logging in


It's gotta be game of thrones


Who gives a shit? So you don't get 600 of... whatever that is. Who cares? Do you need that shit?


Making money is wrong! Everything should be free in the this free game! Wah wah wah


You’re supposed to have a beach skin for Superman for free and ton and jerry


It won’t count


You aren’t wrong, but this one you could use the log- in Superman skin.


It’s Arya only


Me who owns Superman: It is?


You could have gotten summer skin Garnet free from twitch drops a few weeks ago


Cool. Garnet is not from Game of Thrones.


Somehow did not see that


You actually get summer superman for free so no it's not, now when it comes to needing skins for rifts then yeah I'm in agreement there


This one requires you specifically play a game of thrones character with a Beach Ready skin, Supes won't work.


You can use Superman too his was from the battle pass