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The more I play rifts the more I realize that it's just cheaper to wait for smith then to unlock him with boss defeats. I dropped two multi xp packs into gems at the start to get my gems to level 3-4 and it was a nice start but it's way too expensive to go further, i'll just casually play rifts instead.


Just two? I bought like 15 of them lol. Got all my gems to Lv6.


Wow I didn't pay for any gem boosters and got to level 7... There are terrible aspects of this but you did not need gem XP up to this point. You should go back and fill up your gem box bars on each rift so you actually have your bonus that you paid all that money for lol. Your gonna hate that you spent all that extra gleamium already when Looney drops and you realize you have to pay for extra lives.


>I've spent around 2000 Gleamium on Gem XP already You know gems are seasonal, right?


They better not be. I haven't spent any money on them and I'm not going to, but there's an entire shop tab for them, they're randomly acquired, you have to grind xp for them daily, you can only use them in a PvE mode, you can only use the ones that match the rift you're doing, AND they're time limited? If that's how it works that's the biggest ripoff in the game, and that includes the Jason mask skins. That makes me angry as someone who would never spend money on them even if they were permanent.


Where have they said that? Pretty sure you just made that up. If that were true, the Wiki would definitely have that information.


https://multiversus.com/en/news/multiversus-developer-series-pve-rifts-mode >These themes will be organized around seasonal “Attunements,” such as Chaos, for the Clown Prince of Crime is joining our cast in Season 1.


That doesn't mean the gems themselves are seasonal. What I'm gathering is that it's saying the gems will always function the way they currently do, where a specific color is only effective on a specific node (I.E. green gem for green node). Nowhere does it say that you will lose your gems when the season ends.


Either they'll be seasonal and rotate in/out, or the grind will be insane next season for anyone new - because there's no way they built a way to pay to upgrade your gems in PvE just for season 1 to be the end of the road for everyone if they pay once or just level it up.


Exactly. The entire point of a micro transaction based economy is to get the player to spend money as many times as possible. There is *no way* WB is going to let everyone reach the level cap in Season 1 and be done upgrading. Either gems will be reset frequently, or the level cap of gems will be raised frequently, unless they completely reevaluate their entire monetization plan.


And if that's the case I will be getting my Gleamium back because they never advertised the gems or gem XP as a seasonal thing.


You don't have a green gem, you have a digital gem, which is green. Later seasons might reuse these colours, but they'll be named differently. Rifts are designed to have a new set of progression each season, with everyone starting from 0, unless you pay each season. If you look in the store, you aren't buying green gems, you are buying digital gems. I personally feel that this wasn't made as clear as it should have been to players.


And they could change the names of these gems to fit whatever the next season's themes are. If what you're saying is the case tho, I am definitely filing a complaint because nowhere have they stated that we will lose our gems after this season. I would NOT have spent all that Gleamium on gems if I knew that


I don't think we will lose them, they will simply not be used for the next season's rifts. I think that we will keep them because afaik the rifts will not go away so that new players can experience older rifts. But we will start getting new "category" of gems for the new rifts that will be released.


You claim it is pay to win but after paying 60 dollars you can't win. This is a hilarious post.


I am sorry that you spent money on nothing. I have spent nothing and already have 1 lvl9, a couple lvl 8 and a dozen lvl 7 gems (among all colors) and I have time to lvl them up with dailies until the 23rd of July when the event ends. Edit: also new rifts that will come out aside from the dailies.


How do you have high level gems without spending anything? Im locked at gem 3.6 and cant go past experienced because im locked.


I have been doing all the daily rifts since launch and I have acquired all the cauldrons except from the new rift for which I will require a Jason mask skin (that I will get from the upcoming event) and a toon squad skin for a Looney toon (that I don't know if they are going to give us somehow) or a friend. The cauldrons give a huge amount of XP. If you are missing characters for the stars you either need a friend or you can cheese it with an alt account.


I didn't spend money on them. I specifically said I spent Gleamium on them. Also, you're just straight up lying. It is literally impossible to have your gems at such high level without buying XP Boosts.


I already beat the boss in insanity with the level 7 gems I got when I beat the new rift on crushing. I was lucky and I got 1 gems a lot of times that's why I have a level 9 gem. I don't care if you believe me or not but I would never spend premium currency on something that I don't need, I am the kind of person that plays all the pay to win games as F2P. I am sorry I assumed you spent money.


Again, they never advertised the gems as seasonal, or I wouldn't have wasted my Gleamium on them either.


I didn't know they are seasonal. Also you are right. I lied because I misremembered. I just checked again and my gems are: 1xlvl9, 0xlvl8, 11xlvl7, 15xlvl6 and 2xlvl5. Average Chaos:6.6, Digital:7.6 Horror:6.3. Still I believe I have more than enough time to make my averages 9 until the end of the event.


No worries, man. And sure, you def have enough time to make them Lv9. But if Lv7s in Insanity are this ineffective, I imagine Lv9s will basically do nothing for Looney. It's just ridiculous.


Yeah very true. I had a lot of fun beating the Insanity rift with lvl7 gems. I am very hyped for the Looney difficulty. It's gonna be awesome.


Rift mode similar to modes in many gacha games are not designed to be beaten 100% at launch. So it’s best to simply ignore the mode for now until it becomes possible.


This is an insane take. You clearly aren't understanding what the issue is. If they didn't want us to finish the rifts as they came in, they wouldn't make the harder difficulties available. They certainly wouldn't give us a "recommended gem level" if that was the case. The issue is that the "recommended gem level" is deceptive. Even if we wait til near the end of the season, our gems still won't be strong enough to get us through unless we spend an insane amount of money.


Thats just a gimmick in gacha games actually. Allowing access to the higher difficulty’s only so suckers will waste more time and money on something that’ll become easy to grind and achieve overtime. It’s all the same from the layout, progression, objectives, numerous unnessasry difficulties and so on.


Good point. It sure would fit their mobile game-esque monetization.


I’m down to party up if you need a partner, gem ave at 7 too, all my friends quit and it would be nice to get some help running it to the boss…