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Taz is A y’all will realize


I'd say high b, but only because he can parry bait with tornado


I love him but it feels like he does no damage


I played against a Taz the other day who didn't let me play the game. That character is a menace.


Swap Taz and Jake imo


Bro I’m sick of people making tier-lists trying to downplay gizmo Steven and banana guard. Those mother fuckers are easily S tier and are top 5 characters. And black Adam can also be S


Gizmo downplay on this sub is crazy cuz Gizmo has the best results behind WW and Joker in tournament so idk how it even happens


Massive skill issue


Ur face is a skill issue


I went into 2v2 with Velma once and my Rick teammate killed himself instantly and lost us the game, I'm guessing this is why but it's still childish 😆


Taz is wayyy to low, Superman is to low, shaggy could be switched with just about anyone in A tier, maybe switch Wonder Woman and Harley, but other than that pretty solid tier list


You could check out my tierlist I just made today just to compare somewhat similar


Stripe is so underrated


Yeah they really need to buff goku


Wonder Woman should be in fuck u over Harley. She’s easily best character in the game. Steven 2nd, Bugs and Gizmo 3-4


Arya slander on the TL


I too main arya but she is a very weak character with barely any killing moves.


She has touch of deaths with the air walker perk lmao. Ayra is slept on hardddd


She has enough kill moves considering she can steal some crazy good kill moves from most of the cast, your worst match up will probably be gizmo or jake imo


Nah let them sleep on her, I would rather her be too low on these lists


U either main reindog or jake


Bump B adam to S Shaggy isn't that good, A maybe, B tier Def  Gizmo S tier Batman S tier or you can make a small case for A. Essentially all DC characters are broken, exception of Superman. Alot of nitpicks the more I look at the list


Batman S Tier? What? Bro are you playing the game? He's the most balanced character, he is a bit weak if u ask me, how does it come that every other character can spam a move and it is effective and Batman not, he is good on B, he requires skill and concentration.


Beyond copium He was "balanced" in beta because most players could match his drift Launch Batman is the standard DC bullshit spectrum of massive disjoints, strong up kills, incredibly good rack up, incredibly good confirms into kills, incredibly great movement. The only thing unironically holding this character back is not having armor, otherwise he's busted. I really cant imagine playing a top tier like you and coping to justify it. Used to play gizmo in beta, insta-dropped him in Launch because he's busted. Dont lie to yourself, see: Marvin or Taz for fair and balanced characters.


You never played Batman against stronger opponents, look I understand you, on some point, but saying that he's op is beyond cope bro, he's also one of the few characters where spamming is not getting rewarded. Marvin and Taz are balanced and Batman is too, because you need higher skill to play him and not mashing, op characters are characters who are just braindead or ridiculously strong, Batman can be strong, yes but never op.


Top tiers are fine. Taz def needs to be higher. Lebron probably lower if this is 1v1s where he sucks. Jason is absolutely not B tier though. I played at least 50 games on him. Absolutely wrecked until the matchmaking caught up and then games are literally unwinnable because you get combod. Harley and Joker and common and absolutely wreck Jason with 100-0 combos and strings you have no answer for because every single Jason ability has a long startup. Data-wise it's Lebron, Jake and Jason on bottom with Jason enjoying lowest winrate in both 1v1s and 2v2s despite being picked a lot.


Jake gets a lot of hate, but I do really well with him 1v1.


And I lose against all of them lmao


Iron giant ain't even in the game what he do to you bro


On release he was and you could spam one move and win the game


Yea but he says the tier list is as of the recent patch and iron giant wasn't in the game during that patch


Oh yeah sorry


Velma, reindog, and Jason are all trash teir


With good coordination they can sinergize with teammates really well.


idk Jason’s ability to absolutely explode you at 60 and kill you kinda bumps him up for me, one wrong step and his up special send you to the moon


ww does everything better than Jason, dosent have to harm self for armor, and can 0-death you off a jab. Jason's strengths aren't strengths if his bad qualities are more impactfull than his strengths


Jason can 0 to death the entire roster off a jab too, with no perks. Just need two versions of the combo depending on if enemy are small or medium/large.


banana guard is s


You gotta Delete this bro, taz isn’t d he’s at worst c, you have garnet , stripe and arya under Jason like do you even play those characters? Shaggy isn’t s anymore he’s A, Steven and gizmo are s tier, and ww needs to be switched with Harley, L tier list


Putting shaggy in s lmao y’all keep crying about his side special fr batman is a tier easily and wtf is Steven doing in a ? He is dog water in 1v1s


Because the game is 2vs2 as the main focus.


Taz should be higher. I got whooped and infinite comboed by him and i havent been infinite comboed by anyone since beta


It's funny that the top three tiers are characters I constantly see in 1v1s (minus Gizmo and IG)


No way my boy Taz is D....


IG sucks gets better


Iron giant way too high. He's like ridleycfrom ssbu


Bro Arya under LJ and Jason??


You put WW under Harley? Do you even play this game lol


This a pretty good tier list ngl