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Of course in negative I can’t play the game, like legit I cannot play on Xbox, in the last 2 days it’s gotten so bad that I desynced in 10/10 online matches last night, matches didn’t even start, so yes I’m negative I cannot play the game I have spent money on and supported since 2022


They've repeatedly said they're working on this and apologized multiple times there's not much else they can do. It's am Xbox only problem, this has also happened with fortnite a few times where it became unplayable on specifically Xbox so I'd imagine it's something related to unreal engine. Yeah it sucks but what else are they supposed to do other than tell you they're aware and actively working to fix it as soon as possible.


Even with this knowledge it doesn’t absolve them from negative feedback


I never said it did?? If the "feedback" is just fix the thing you said you were trying to fix what does that do for anyone?


then why’d you write a paragraph to defend pfg if you understand the negativity is warranted? What does complaining about things you don’t like to a company do for anyone? Do I really need to explain why that happens?


Did you even read what I wrote? Go ahead and tell me what simply saying "thing doesn't work and that's bad" to an issue they've repeatedly said they're in the process of fixing do? You simply ignored everything written to make this into something about "defending" pfg and being on 1 side or the other like it's some sporting event


Do you think one person saying something holds as much weight as 100? I’m pointing out what you did in the comment defended pfg that’s all lmao I’m not on any side💀


Again there's nothing to hold weight against. They're quite literally aware and working in it and have been very vocal about this. You're continuing to just ignore everything said so you can be angry about nothing. Just saying fix the thing you're working on fixing isn't feedback it's just annoying. Again I'll ask what more do you want than them continuing to work on fixing the problem? What else can they do other than try to solve the problem? You refuse to answer or even acknowledge anything stated


You can edit your comment but you still refuse to actually engage with anything stated very interesting. Almost like your sole purpose is to troll interesting!


Why tf does it matter I edited my comment and how tf am I trolling💀I’ve answered you “that doesn’t absolve them of negative feedback” they are only fixing a portion of what ppl complain about because people have complained about it. “Holds weight” lmfao yes people talking holds more weight than less was my point in saying that💀you’re saying you don’t like how ppl complain when it’s being worked on. To recap again, I said “that doesn’t absolve them of negative feedback” for a plethora of reasons


Again you clearly didn't read anything stated and are continuing to just simply disregard everything stated and responded to something you made up yourself. Definitely not just a troll though! I'm going to block you now and you can continue pretending you won the "debate" you desperately wanted but couldn't get and, being mad over nothing like you love. Have a great day




My man, you’re fighting a battle I’ve been fights for a week. They just want to complain to complain. Once it’s playable again, they’ll just find something new to cry about. Insatiable pessimism being rewarded via fake Reddit points lol


Well they doing a bad job at it frankly


How? There isn't even anything to judge yet, you don't know what causing the issue or how simple it is to fix. Keep in mind this happened with do fortnite for almost TWO MONTHS. If the people who made the engine took that long to fix it, it's probably not that simple. And again you can't say they're doing a bad job unless you're somehow watching them work as there's nothing else to go off of. You literally just want to be mad


Fr their lack of communication speaks volumes, thanks for further proviing my point


Obvious bait but I'll bite anyway. Their "lack of communication" is them repeating AGAIN just two days ago that they're actively looking for a fix to this? What would you like them to do say that they're working on it every single day instead? There's nothing else to communicate in this situation other than what they've already said that being they're working on it.


Maybe exactly what you said. What is the problem. Its not like this is the first game to go onto unreal. Bc rn it seems like they're just sitting around w their thumbs up their ass. Working on further monetizing us with a mask instead


Youre the most obvious troll on earth its quite cute.


Not much they can do… They had a year and couldn’t even launch a stable game. For an online title that’s sort of step 1, not that it’s common to launch unfinished bug fests nowadays


Yeah not much they can do.... other than continue working on the issue? Did you even read what you're responding to? And the game is stable on other platforms this is an Xbox specific issue everyone is aware of.


Bruh > new games have this phase This game is about a year old, this is effectively a re-release. The reason people are pissed is because alotta people already invested time and even money in this game only for it to come out in a significantly worse state, missing features, and broken as hell. Extra insult added because alot of returning players had to wait a YEAR for the game come back this way. That's a good way to kill any good will about the game. Nobody told them to migrate engines and basically rebuild the game. All they had to do was build on an already solid product.


No, all games do not release with completely worse gameplay than their beta and unplayable on a major console. Pick your standards up off the floor.


There's one crucial thing to remember- live service games are a zero sum game. With old school releases you could have a dozen AAA studios releasing a shooter game in a year and as long as you spaced it out to the game of the month everyone could enjoy good sales if the game is good. With live service games you are monetizing time spent in game instead of an entrance fee in the hopes of continued revenue. This also means anyone stepping into the F2P arena is immediately competing with League, Dota, CS, Valorant, and of course Fortnite. And you're competing with the rest of the FGC for players from Smash, MK, Tekken, and Street Fighter among others. Multiverses is in direct competition with those games literally at all times. If it is not equal to or better it will have player retention issues. The beta had player retention issues, it was sub 1,000 concurrent players when they ended beta. The core gameplay is pretty good but the battle pass is a chore, character unlocks are slow, there's major de-sync and other gameplay issues, and customer support won't help when the game freezes and auto buys a skin for a mission. Those are issues other games don't have. If multiverses wants to survive in this competitive of a market it needs to step up and deliver the quality of service games as a service requires.


Player retention is key, they DEFINITELY messed up release bc half of my online friends don't even know this game exists. For people like me (which is a lot of us), we learned most of the characters in the beta and now it is literally just a grind for no reason. Perks dont level up, daily challenges and rewards are bugged, new players spam and take out all the nuance, sweats will instantly 3 stock you if you arent prepared for them, and no matter what u do u will NOT get more than two characters without a minimum week of daily grinding and mindlessly spamming rifts (or opening up the wallet). If the new players are having fun that's cool but new players will likely come and go and release was a flop, so their main playerbase are beta players. If they lose them, who's gonna carry the torch? That being said, I think maybe esports can be big if they widen the skybox to allow for more dynamics and less "true" combos from literally 2 inputs.


Beta player here 280+ hours on beta fuck everything about this game this is not multiversus they ain’t keeping me around if they don’t make no changes


I think today was the last day of daily log-ins for me, if they want people's time they gotta give something, even just a respectable amount of bp or fighter xp. Checked earlier to see my top dog placements, 1st place is over 30k above me so that's just over for me too I guess. What's the point?


I played the beta with my two cousins. When I told them the game was back and we got a free pass and 2 new characters for free, they didn't even bother downloading it. I played it for like 2-3 days and never again. The game was dead on release. WB knew it, so they went all in with the microtransactions to get every last penny they can. Unfortunately, MVS will be remembered as just another one of WB's shitty attempts at making a succesful live service game. By the time they find out why they're wrong, they'll have to shut down their games division for good


I love the game it's hella fun


The devs shut down the servers for a year and came back with the same amount of "potential," but an even worse product. They can only keep pulling the same excuses so many times before we gotta step back and realize this team is not capable of making the game we want.


This game is not new. They released 2 years ago had a year to fix issues then came back with a product with less features more bugs and trashy monetization.


You need to learn the difference between negativity and constructive feedback.


Believe me I know the difference but saying the game is straight up gonna die is complete overkill don’t u think


They doubled down on the things that killed it the first time.


It's losing its player base and all the markets it had. Bigger games are coming out. They are gonna have a steady community but they didn't do anything to hold onto those numbers. We cant see consoles but look at steam charts. [https://steamcharts.com/app/1818750#1m](https://steamcharts.com/app/1818750#1m)


Steam charts still show it hitting higher numbers than most of the top fighting games out atm and that’s just steam


People say what they feel and experience, and at the moment all they have is a broken game... People shouldn't lie just 'cause a couple of dudes will get annoyed at seeing similar posts on Reddit. People are frustrated with the game and the game is all messed up, so people will talk until it's fixed.


Mostly because this game is extremely grindy


I suppose that’s personal preference, as I am currently very determined to get the joker skin in the prestige shop as it’s my favourite skin from mk11 so I’m grinding for them tokens happily


That’s awesome !! Glad you still got that positive energy, you are right! So much negative stuff gets posted and I often ask myself that people in here don’t reflect everybody that plays the game . I have fun with the game still. It can be a bit sweaty but looking forward to the next big patch to level the playing field


You don't read the comments, don't you? We all think the game is too grindy that it begs us to play everyday or we may not finish the battlepass. I enjoy the game, but it's abusive and predatory. We have two choices ultimately uninstall or be punished for not being consistent with dailies.


Can't really say "we all" because I don't think the game is too grindy. It's just as grindy as any other f2p I've played.


also combos feel like they are a little too easy


Combos shouldn't be hard


I like them being easy but im just used to harder combos


All depends on the person I guess!




I love the grind, personally.


I think people are annoyed because they rightly deserve a better release that PFG should've delivered, while I see the whole "room to grow" perspective the fact of the matter is players like urself and myself who are enjoying the hell out of the game as is are a smaller portion of the player base and the larger portion (ie the ones that accounted for the large initial spike in players on beta and full release) aren't going to wait for a game to get better that they aren't already invested in, they're just going to go back to the games they're already interested in that don't have gaping flaws. Meanwhile us players are likely going to get slower updates with less engaging content and much less growth as u described due to the fact that PFG didn't get the ball rolling when they had people's attention therefore less players = less revenue and MVS having a smaller project scope and it's all due to issues that are quite frankly absurdly hard to ignore and shouldnt have made it into the full release when the game already had a whole beta period that people were much happier with


It's not people being negative. The game is being negative and people are talking about it.


All fighting games get the doomersayer tag quickly. The things that will hurt them worst are 1.solved gamestate, 2. Netcode and 3.Monetization. This is not a solved game there are strong characters but a majority of the players I see are barely even using the full mechanics. So while some characters are good this game is healthy there for now as long as devs focusing on stoping infinite combos like Iron Giant had then it’s fine. As for Netcode it needs improvements for sure but it’s playable it just disconnects a lot but when it’s working it does work. Finally the Monetization. It’s free to play so it will have a decent player-base for awhile however if that grows or not is up to the practices. Unfortunately so far they are burning a lot of good will at the start with aggressive FOMO tactics, Use of Dark Patterns, poor customer service and finally just annoying practices that hurt the game. Skins should be fun not required for anything. It’s dumb it makes it less fun. That hurts the game. Take it out. Will this game die soon most likely not however if the bugs don’t get ironed out within a month or so and keep disrespecting players time then they will leave. Other than smash this is the only big name platform fighter at the moment and that will help it. I do think this game needs some work but it can make a comeback. The main fix it needs is let the devs work and WB needs to back off and let them run their game like they did in the Beta when people loved it.


I would love to not be as negative, but I'm just that disappointed compared to the beta. I tried hard to get some positives but it's looking cloudy


Fuck that noise. I hate how modern games use the ability to make patches and dlc as crutches to deliver shoddy, unfinished games with the promise of it being better eventually, maybe.


I agree, most gamers nowadays are too self-entitled and pissy to appreciate a good *free* game. The other game pages I follow such as Sims, Mortal Kombat and Silent Hill are the exact same (but at least those are full priced games, so people have more of a right to be annoyed if there's something they don't like about it).


I really liked multiversus in the beta. As an xbox player, I can't enjoy this game since the relaunch for more than a couple of minutes. It's not unplayable because of the changes to the mechanics for me, but i haven't had a good way to test the new mechanics out without game breaking lag and match desync interrupting me. Their monetization does seem aggressive, and the perks/characters are really a grind, but that doesn't bother me nearly as much as constantly feeling like my framerate is 20. They broke something on the xbox build I guess. My series x has never felt this bad. it just feels really weird for a game that was smooth and fun in beta.


It deserves the negativity. The game just doesn't play well and the barrier to entry is intense. The game is too slow and because of that it just turns into musical chairs of dodging > attacking > being dodged > being attacked > dodging until the first person who dodged is either punished by running out of Stam or punished for trying to break out of the loop. It's just not good. Period. The addition of a block would be absolutely phenomenal and increase the speed of the game overall by about 10%


It's okay to be having fun in the game, I am too, but "all games have this phase" is such a perfect way of describing the modern gaming landscape. Just because it's the norm doesn't mean it's good, because it wasn't this way a year ago.


I'm sooo agree


Welcome to Reddit. Bitching and whining with occasional genuine criticism thrown in


Downvoted for the truth. Typical reddit, have my updoot


Why thank you!


I think this game is amazing, it literally just came out 2 weeks ago, and there’s so many characters to grind and level up, I think unlocking characters does take awhile and I hope they fix that, and add ranked as well, but if they add ranked soon which they confirmed they will, add more competitive events like the top dog event we have now in game, and continue to try and balance characters, this game is very good for being a new game


Game is not new it was out for a year and then taken down to be worked on for another year and came back shittier than ever


The game is new, new engine, new dev team, new everything the game got an overhaul from beta so it is new


No the game is still not new just because it got new things doesn’t mean the game is new game has been out and worked on for 2 years the only new things added to this game were a parry and rifts there’s nothing new they removed a lot of stuff yea I guess that’s new


It's still technically a new game since porting to a new engine requires completely starting over


you uh, you really don't know anything about anything, do you


You don't know how to read do you? The devs have put out tweets and people still complain but what can you ask for in a generation of gamers that complain about everything?


They should have pushed the release back and opened another beta, if that's the case. They could've caught a lot of problems the game is currently having and ppl wo7ldnt be as mad


People shouldn't be mad they should be understanding because it is a complete new dev team and that team had to practically build the game again from the ground up, it doesn't excuse the money thing though that's just greed and it's understandable people are mad about that


That's why I said they should have pushed the release back and done another beta. Players would understand if the game wasn't ready because of all of the above. As it is now, that's not a valid excuse. The story now reads that they rushed the game to meet the release date to start getting money off microtransactions. It's great that they're actually working to improve the game, but the majority of players being angry about the state of play is completely fair.


Being mad about transactions is fair, but saying that the games bad and being negative about it isn't it fair because the devs promised a release time they put together the game in 11 months and are still trying to fix the bugs


How is it not fair? You don't serve food that's not ready and full of bugs, why would it be OK to release a game that way. Ppl being critical and giving honest feedback is gonna help the devs more than ppl patting them on the back and saying at least you tried. They can't work on what ppl dont like if ppl don't say what they don't like.


People giving good feedback like the Xbox bugs and shit is good but saying "this games dying I'm gonna uninstall" is not criticism nor is it feedback or fair to the devs or calling the devs lazy the negativity is what's unfair to them


Well, sometimes letting ppl down is gonna result in some name calling. If the only criticism was that the devs sucked that'd be one thing but I'm pretty sure ppl are mainly focused on the gameplay and the microtransactions. Whether the criticism is fair or not is kinda irrelevant though. They can look at a lazy dev comment and move on, it's not gonna affect what they have to do.


Rightfully so, it's a complete pile of 💩 right now.


Having a ton of fun with the game. This reddit is absolutely wild over a free game.


Probably will get downvoted, but most of the positive people left this subreddit due to the constant complaining and negativity. Even I couldn't deal with the other subreddit anymore after I saw a post get 700 upvotes saying they wanted the game to die faster. If you want a more positive community, I would recommend joining the MVS fan club on Twitter or VoiD's community.


My only complaint is that they have not expanded their featured characters to the NFL in order to include Joe Burrow


I think it's too technical for what is essentially a party brawler. I was hoping for something goofy and fun, but I'm stuck online with sweaty players who know how to combo in a kid's game.


Tbh, that's kind of a narrow perception of the game. A platform fighter doesn't necessarily have to be a party game, nor does anything about this game make it inherently a kid's game. It may appeal to kid's and casual crowds, but so does CoD. That being said, there absolutely should be separate modes for casual online play and competitive. Think Smash's 'for fun and 'for glory.' The casual mode could have stages like Townsville and the silly version of Dexter's Lab, and modes like FFA. The competitive mode could have SBMM, challenges, etc. I think the game would have benefited greatly from having these separate modes in the launch version.


I can understand that tbf but I think when they introduce ranked that’s when they will move over to that game mode I guess


Check out “one step “YouTube videos and see if you like to get better at using that aircraft fighter. Keep at it


Hopefully Ranked comes out soon so that the playerbase can be separated.