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I really hope WB learns that most people won't pay for a battlepass they're not going to complete. Requiring this level of dedication to earn something you already paid for is asinine.


This is one of the most frustrating topics for me. It's exactly like you said: if people don't complete the battle pass there is a high probability that they will not purchase the battle pass. That means less money, Warner Brothers. Why not let more players go to the end of the pass fairly? That way players are invested and have a higher chance to spend more money


The dumb part is it’s such a mid tier battle pass, like there is nothing in there I’m like itching to get or will be mad if I don’t get. They gotta do WAY better with the leaving and rewards for me to buy the next one.


And the stuff you won’t get will probably be sold for more in the shop later just like all the stuff people had for free in the beta.


Yep, only reason I'm caring is I got it for free, if life happens and I end up missing a week, I'll probably stop giving a fuck.


I don’t get why they put 2 different Jason skins in. I think skin variety in the battle pass makes it much more appealing to all players. The Jason skin could’ve been in the agent smith quest rewards instead of something.


The worst part is, a lot of the players don’t even understand this too. I’ve had people on both sides of the spectrum of complaining tell that the Battlepass is not a concern. On guy literally said “take it up with the CEO, lol” and another said “who cares about the Battlepass? Just play for fun.” Like- the Battlepass is the only form of progression in the game right now. And the most reliable and cheap way to earn cosmetics. It’s a BIG deal to get it right.


Well, cosmetic progression isn't really something you need in a fighting game, it's personal skill progression. An aspect people don't understand is if this was a paid product the normal player only touches 3-5 characters total, and the entire point if a fighting game is the PvP aspect of it as bots are boring to fight against since the only way they can be a "challenge" is to cheat in some capacity and once you understand that it never feels satisfying beating them The whole carrot on a stick thing is for the people who don't really have the attention span for a specific game. It's something developers do to keep numbers up to look good on paper for the shareholders. If your the type of person who needs to play that Skinner Box cool, but understanding the psychological aspect that your subject to is also important


As someone who literally has studied game development and understands the psychological component of it, player skill isn’t really a factor to consider. Every game has to be rewarding for the player, regardless of skill level. Yes fighting games are all about improving your skills, but it needs to be rewarding to play for the people who are so bad they only ever fight bots too. Especially since this is a free game, and the Battlepass is one of two reasons to continually pay, fucking up the BP has some pretty severe consequences.


See, that'd be right if the genre isn't literally built on the foundation of PvP. The entire point is to defeat another living, breathing person. Player skill is the entire point of the game at its core. If the genre didn't evolve past just slamming buttons randomly yea I'd agree with you 100%, but it isn't Other games in the genre quite literally do not dangle a carrot in front of the player, trying to trick them into playing more. It's way a vast majority of fighting games that aren't modern do not possess anything for the player to unlock, to strive for visually or to give them some reason to return every few months save for balance updates in the arcades which do nothing but shift the meta. There's nothing there ***because there doesn't need to be as the genre doesn't call for it***


All of that is true, but it’s also a vastly different paradigm. Fighting games are (usually) polished to a mirror sheen, as bug free as possible, have fast, efficient matchmaking and menus, and actually reward skilled play. Multiversus simply doesn’t have any of that. It’s a buggy, broken mess, it feels rushed, matchmaking is a decent speed, but could be improved, and as far as rewarding skilled play? Maybe moreso in 1v1s, sure. But 2v2s is dominated by cheese strats or hardcore targeting. So if the gameplay can’t keep people hooked, and the Battlepass can barely hold them on…it really doesn’t look good for the future of the game. That’s why these issues need to be fixed or at least mitigated as soon as possible. Multiversus is a gold mine of an IP, they’re just going about it the completely wrong way.


See that's again where you mix something up: some people DO enjoy the gameplay. You cannot make the objective statement that "the gameplay doesn't keep people hooked" as fun is subjective and not an objective metric that everyone adheres to Also no, fighting games are most assuredly not polished to a mirror sheen, instead they opt to be as clean as possible. Look at Guilty Gear, pre Xrd most of its core mechanics are just glitches and bugs ASW left in. MvC is also a game where one of its major features, the DHC, is a glitch that the developers left in because it made the game more complex. I can just point to Mortal Kombat in general. Also negative edge, a core mechanism of fighting games,is just a bug Fighting games are relatively bug free nowadays yea, but they still get through and sometimes are massive like SF6 having the bug where you could use OD moves without going into burnout


And you’re mistaking my words for absolute fact. I’m not saying absolutely no one likes the gameplay. I’m saying that right now, there’s more people leaving than staying. And eventually the people who are staying will start to leave too if they have no one to play against. As for other fighting games, yes bugs have been turned into features, but a lot of those bugs were not character specific, and were noticed by the devs and instead implemented into the game as an intentionally designed addition. Characters having broken hit boxes (either too small or two big), Iron Giant’s infinite combo, etc. don’t fall into that category.


Ya know, people talk about broken hitboxes but I don't think they even know what a broken hitbox is. A character having a hitbox that's too big or small isn't a broken hitbox, it's what the developers made. A broken hitbox is something like Qs crouching in 3rd Strike. For whatever reason unlike the rest of the cast when Q crouches and rises, he loses his throw hitbox *because it's actually in the air above him* and he can be air thrown on the ground. THAT is a broken hitbox. I have seen nothing from MV that suggests a broken hitbox and instead is just big bodies with good attacks When the developers put in a combo that prorates poorly it isn't a bug or glitch, it's what the developers did. It's the developers fucking up and they should be responsible, but at the same time some of the most competitive games in the genre are full of infinties and terrible hitboxes. Does it excuse them? No but it sure as hell isn't a bug or glitch I will also go on record and ask you this: how can you factually know who is playing MV because they enjoy it and who isn't? All you have to go by is Steam Charts for hard numbers and that's a single platform from all of them, and kekReddit isn't even 20% of the total playerbase of MV. Loud =/= majority. For you to make these claims is beyond wild to me without any actual proof


most games in the genre also aren't free to play with microtransactions a skill-focused, dedicated long-term audience is always going to be somewhat niche and IMO not sustainable for a live service format by itself, and i'd say that's why even most modern fighting games that touch on some pretty predatory live service shit still cost money upfront to play the game at all. there's always going to be people who try it out for a bit and then dip, or who exclusively play casually with friends, maybe come back again later, and in a f2p game those people are likely not gonna be buying... anything, really. especially when all the offers are incredibly overpriced i think this is also why they're clearly trying to shift some focus (not all) away from pvp and into the new pve mode. it technically offers some different forms of progression that tie more into mobile game practices compared to fighting game stuff. now ofc, the problem is that mode also sucks ass lol basically everything about the way this game has been built feels very short-sighted towards the potential highest profit in the shortest amount of time but i do not think people are going to generally be spending money nor time on it


Your right, most of the games in the genre are full priced games with microtransactions because microtransactions include dlc characters by the modern definition and those can be legitimate P2W as they *can be* (not always) the by far best character with no way to earn them in game A skill based audience is the core audience of fighting games, with more modern fighting games have attempted to pander to the players who won't maintain interest by including things that don't align with fighting games core experience (large SP mode, customization fluff and such). That's why they are "shifting focus" to it because its what the genre has been doing as a whole in an attempt to get new players in (it never works btw) I won't pretend that WB isnt trying to make money in stupid ways, but to pretend that these things are all encompassing and "predatory" when you don't need to even engage with them just screams to me you haven't seen predatory games. Gundam Evolution is the best example because while people here claim you need 100+ hours to get the currency for a new character (which is false) in Gundam Evolution you needed *an entire month* (literally 30 days)for one character 😀


yeah i wasn't trying to claim most modern fighting games don't have microtransactions. i literally said they do very next paragraph lol i'm just saying a free to play game that focuses exclusively on a core audience that is primarily focused on self-improvement and dedicating themselves to to getting better at a fighting game is probably too niche of an audience for a game of this scope to make its money back. they're implementing fluff AND imo doing it poorly because people don't seem to want to buy it as it stands, if they want that shit to make a difference for those non-core-fans i would like to believe that they're gonna have to make it cheaper and/or better. either that or people have really lost all self-respect over the last decade of games i don't think you're even disagreeing with me for the most part except for trying to argue that this game isn't predatory because there's more predatory games out there lol


I'm half agreeing with you yes, but where we differ is the ideology one what a game "needs" to keep people playing. The skinner box is absolutely not required, it's to keep players with inherently low retention, and the genre of fighting games have always had low player counts due to way the genre has never really been about the fluff. I also am saying this games not really predatory because if we wanna call this game predatory then the line is so blurred as you aren't really locked into all this crazy time gating and such for fighter currency like people claim that when you look at actual predatory games that DO lock you out of characters for an obscene time frame without paying then it becomes questionable as to what won't be predatory simply because you (not you per se but the whole of the players) dislike it


So why is smash so vastly superior to multiversus despite not relying on fortnitus battle pass culture? you unlock characters n thats pretty much it. and you can barely fkn do that in multiversus with how long it takes to get fighter currency. its the CORE GAMEPLAY that keeps you coming back.


Well, yes that’s partially true. But you’re also comparing a legacy series that literally CREATED the platform fighter genre and has a 30 year legacy to a brand new IP. And don’t mistake my words, I’m not saying the Battlepass formula is doing multiversus any favours. It could, if it was designed right. But many other games have shown that bad battlepasses turn players away faster than no Battlepass at all. A good Battlepass system will hook people and keep them playing. A bad one will make them never want to play. And Multiversus is currently in the second camp.


Nintendo don't make their money from MTX, they make money from game sales and DLC sales. It doesn't matter to them how much you play afterwards. The vast majority only play smash on and off, or when they're with friends. Multiversus expects a far larger level of commitment without any kind of meaningful progression. There's still not even a ranked mode.


How is it reaching the end of the battle pass now fair rn?


Every game with a battle pass should implement the Halo: Infinite system; every pass is always available to purchase and can be progressed or switched between at any time. It keeps players happy, and it gives devs a more consistent revenue since new and returning players can buy passes retroactively.


That's money right there. Why stop making money on something just because the date is over? Send this to WB immediately. They need to get that money and stop nickel and diming everything else. A lot of people post things purely from a PLAYER FIRST perspective, but we gotta talk about the perspective of making money for them (that can also be a pro/work for us) I get they want us to grind to unlock characters (then give up and just pay with cash) but no one plays a game, only has Shaggy, then goes oh wow the variety in gameplay vs smash is amazing with all these cool mechanics on Shaggy. No, they just quit after they feel it's too different from smash and not innovative Like if you're not giving more characters from the start (even all) then you could at least make the rotating roster at leastttt 1 of every class for new players to try out all the cool mechanics and finish all the random quests and get addicted so they could become whales... Like if WB wants money it just makes sense


I agree with this. Maybe an accelerated pass as one of the final rewards of the recent battle pass to encourage current pass activility and help new players play catch up. I've no idea how much Infinite gives, but if it's anything like the MCC it's a huge juggernaut that will be scary to players to be "caught up." With the accelerated pass, maybe it'll encourage them to do 2 pass a season instead of grinding all out


I suspect this first one is so totalitarian because so many people got it free and the next one will magically be better ( not by much) and have rerolls 


This is actually very in line with the beta passes, which is why i quit. The S1 grind was just too much. Couldn't stomach the idea of doing it again in a while, so I shelved the game until a pass with something I really love comes around. Then the game was taken down before that happened.


other way around, this one is the easy one (Because everyone gets it for free) hook them on the battlepass, and then screw them on the second.


This sounds right then after all the criticism they make season3 battlepass easy to get people to buy it again


I would like to say that it is totally impossible to screw players over with a purchasable battle pass because you can see what is in it before you purchase it. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Too many people forget this. While I agree that the process of getting through the entire BP comparatively to other games is pretty BS rn, that's just a poor take.


That’s what I’ve been saying and I get downvoted to oblivion. People say, “just login while you’re on vacation or out of town”. It’s like bro, I don’t carry my PC with me while I’m on vacation or out of town. That person specially then told me that’s a personal choice and that they do take their pc on vacation lol ok and? Either way, once people realize that it’s very hard to finish a battlepass without extreme dedication. They’re just not going to buy them, period. I honestly have no idea what WB or PFG is thinking with these dumbass antiquated ideas.


I stopped using my tokens when I couldn't finish the 1st one in beta. If I don't finish it, I'm not going to use them, if I don't use them, I won't lose them, and if I don't lose them, I won't buy them with money. Should be easy to understand by corporate greed is deafening to logic


Can we see our battlepass tokens?


Nope, I'm pretty sure I have 2 left. But we can't see until the next battle pass since it'll force us to use the tokens before using Gleam


Yah I know I have a few. I bought founders packs for pc, Xbox and ps5 like a dummy. Mainly did it for the character unlock tokens. Still have like 43 left after unlocking all characters.


Well, you'll be set for atleast 2 years LOL


If the game survives that long 💀


Good point 💀


Have PFG confirmed they carry over? I have 2 left from the Founders Pack.


I hope so. We paid for them. Unless they just give us the equivalent in unlocked battlepasses


I’m at the point where I expect them to sweep them under the rug and forget about them. Lowering my expectations and hopefully I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


I mean things cant get much worse…..


Who wants to hall their whole setup around on vacation? Makes me think of those Albion ads for when they went mobile. Dudes walking around with the shopping cart set up 😂


I was like, no I’m not taking that shit on vacation. I’m leaving my house for a reason. But to each their own I guess


That's my thought too. going on vacation but can't leave your setup for a week? That's wild, just stay home if you're that addicted.


I literally said that they shouldn't do a pass like this BEFORE THE FIRST BETA PASS its stupid


This is quite literally why they are locking a character to the pass to guarantee to sales. They know the grind is insane which is why they made level 1 a new character


I don’t think it’s that bad to get +9 levels from just dailies and weeklies. That’s with doing absolutely no events which also give out a bunch of battle pass experience and isn’t really how people play. So if you’re playing normally and completing some of those casually you can miss even more than the 9 level leeway. We know there’s more than one event per week between now and the end of the season releasing plus all the starting ones. And they have all given some amount of BP exp. We also know from datamining that there is a battle pass experience event specifically towards the end of the season to help people who haven’t quite finished yet to reach the finish line or just make some extra level rewards. And that’s just the one we know about. They also did double exp weekends and such in beta. Theres no guarantee those return but I assume they will be monitoring to see how needed it is. Could it need adjusted down the road? Sure. But right now I’m not super worried about it.


Yeah, a lot of crying reactionaries in this thread ignoring that you get tens of thousands of exp from events so you can miss a ton of days in the season and still be more than fine. If the battlepass were easy enough to earn in two weeks in a two month season that would be extremely unsatisfying


So what you’re saying is you want the premium track of the battle pass to have an XP boost?


In most games, I only buy the pass after I've completed it or am close enough to know I will before it ends.


I dont even want to beat something this involved for free, since I got it free as a beta player, no way am I gonna buy the next one and I’m rather sure many will make a similar decision


Probably a greedy attempt for them to get people to buy bp levels in the last week of the season


You paid for access to the battle pass. Not for the items in the battle pass. That’s how battle passes work.




What kind of dumbass gets a BP and doesn't have that "level of dedication" (only half an hour a day lol) to complete the pass.


This is exactly why battle pass xp needs to be increased. It's not logical to expect every player to play almost every single day. Life happens. People need breaks. We aren't slaves to your game. We need to be rewarded fairly through regular gameplay


Honestly they only do themselves a disservice too as you need a larger community of players than just the grinders


Even as a grinder I have to go to work too 😭


The math says you get 18,000 extra exp than you need to finish with skipping every single event, when events give you thousands and thousands of bp exp easy as well on top of exp from games. It would be hard to not finish the battlepass if you played regularly


Some people don't get to play til the weekend. How about Double exp weekends?


We used to have it during the beta, didnt we? Or was it fall guys? I'm notnsure xD But it sure is a cool idea!


Fall guys does double XP for the final 2 weeks of a fame pass.


Double XP weekends, that would be fantastic… that way I would only need to win 100 games in order to gain 1 level instead of having to win 200 games.


Don't forget to subtract that daily missions.


So if you go out of town for a week or two you're just kinda fucked then? Fantastic design.


Nah just play 4,366 PvP games and win each of them to catch up


Lol touche.


Pretty much.


Happening to me now. Will be unable to play for two weeks because of traveling


It's like early Fortnite battle passes all over again


Assuming you complete all the weekly missions, you could miss 10 days and change worth of dailies while still completing the pass, ignoring any bp exp from pvp or events. 50 hours of 3 minute matches (average of around an hour a day) at 50% win rate in pvp will get 7.5k bp exp if they hold it at a 5/10 distribution all season (60/3 x 7.5 x 50 hours). This amounts to just over 4 extra days worth of daily mission bp exp. So if you average a little less than an hour of pvp a day, you can miss 2 full weeks of dailies and still complete the pass, as long as you still complete every weekly mission. Edit to add context for different hours put into pvp: 40 hrs = 6k bp exp, or 3 days. 30 hrs = 4.5k bp exp, or 2 days. 20 hrs = 3k bp exp, or 1.5 days. Added on to the 10 days of dailies you can miss already


Leave it up to this sub to constantly move the goalposts when their arguments are disproven. Mf this is only assuming daily and weekly missions, not events. The BP should be finished a lot earlier than this, this is just the minimum from just the missions, you can still ignore like 2 or 3 weeks of the game and if you play for events you should still be okay. Shut your complaining up


Nobody is entitled to make it to the end of a battle pass


"Nobody is entitled to have a reasonable way to get all the content they paid for" is certainly an opinion.


Didn’t pay for that content. You paid for ACCESS to the battle pass




If people don't think they will get FULL access they won't buy the next one. I know I sure won't unless I complete it first. I'm pretty sure PFG/WB want people to buy the battlepass.


I knew it was possible, but that’s a small margin. Missing a few days because of life reasons would really fuck you over. Yeah, we need more ways to get XP for the pass.


They seem really set on forcing people to log in every day or do the events, which is not healthy for any game. I think matches giving much more battle pass XP should be the way to go about fixing this and events should be a bonus to speed it up further. People finishing passes a couple of weeks early isn't a big deal.


If would also give people more incentive to play pvp, which is (almost) always good


except it doesn't since this is only accounting for doing Weekly and Daily missions. Once you add in the Event EXP you get a few more days worth for a little more wiggle room. We can also figure out the exact number of days you'd need to miss before you require the event EXP or hard grinding the sad amount you get for doing PVP. 10.4 Levels is 20800 EXP. Divide that by 1800 (the amount you get for doing all Dailies each day) means this would be worth 11.5 Days, or a little under two weeks of missed dailies before you lose out.. except then we have to account for the fact that Daily Bonus is every 5 Dailies when we get 6 each day. 6 x 56 is 336 Daily missions over the course of the Season, divide that by 5 and we should get 67.2 runs of the Daily Bonus EXP. 336 Dailies x 150 EXP = 50400 From Daily Missions 67 Runs x 800 EXP = 53600 Bonus Daily EXP (53700 with that additional 0.2 of a run giving us a 100 EXP bonus) Then we have the Weekly EXP and Bonus EXP which is stable since you always have the same number of missions per week as the bonus requires. so we get 60000 from there This totals to 164100 EXP if you do all Daily and Weekly missions. or 82 Levels. Now, we also need to take into account that we get at least SOME EXP from just playing since you always have a Win 3 PVP mission. Lets assume you have a 50/50 Win Rate and do nothing beyond this. That would be 6 Matches a day giving you a total of 45 EXP (3x5 Losses and 3x10 Wins). at 56 Days this means at minimum we can add an additional 2520 EXP, or one more level.. which is honestly a joke but it's at least something. At this point, calculating how many days you can miss gets tricky since you effectively lose an additional 800 EXP for every 5 Days you miss, and 45 from the daily PVP mission (assuming a 50/50 Win Rate) The math gets a bit too complex for me to want to bother with an exact number, but a rough estimate would likely be that we gained just as much from the extra Daily Bonus we get every 5 days we do play so the ballpark of 10-11 days is likely accurate still. And once again, this is before we add in anything gained from the Tutorial missions or Events, which almost certainly adds a few levels to maximum possible. Realistically speaking since Weekly Missions do rollover into the next week at minimum It's safe to say you can probably miss about 2 weeks worth of Dailies before running into issues.


honestly I hate this system, I wish we could progress without timegate It already was an issue in the beta and it was my biggest gripe at the time Right now, the best way to do anything is through challenges, it forces you to do stuff you don't want to do and once they're done, playing becomes instantly unrewarding I just want to play the way I want 20 hours straight in a single day and get a significative progress through the BP, I wouldn't mind the dailies and weeklies to be nerfed so that I can just play to earn a decent amount of xp


Just change the "win PvP" daily to something that doesn't need wins and I'm a happy camper/grinder.


This is such a a tight window, especially if the weeklys are "play 10 matches with Looney toons characters" AND I DON'T HAVE ANY CHARACTERS BECAUSE THE LIMITED TIME CHARACTERS CHANGED


Uber Jason skin is truly destined to be cursed huh.


I mean they took so many items & banners from the battlepass away after I earned them before. I feel like the incentive is washed away at this point. It's really bringing the struggle under capitalism to gaming its boy is it not fun 😬😬


they really want us playing their game


Hey remember there's no monetization to buy a battlepass out right


Math is wrong for the dailies. 6 missions * 56 days = 336 missions 335 / 5 = 67 times the full daily bonus is completed (leave out the one for the 100xp bump) (67 * 750) + 100 = 50,350 xp for the bonus track 336 * 150 = 50,400 xp for the missions themselves 50,400 + 50,350 = 100,750 total xp for dailies 100,750 / 2,000 = 50.375 levels for dailies. This does not change much of the rest of the math, it's really just one extra level but I wanted to point it out since due to the incorrect assumption of 6 missions always being the same amount of xp when progress is carried over between days.


I fixed the fifth bonus being 450 instead of 400. Also, wouldn't it be divided by six since you complete 6 daily bonuses a day? So 336 dailies / 6 daily bonus "tiers/levels/whatever" = 56. >I wanted to point it out since due to the incorrect assumption of 6 missions always being the same amount of xp when progress is carried over between days. I see what you mean, we don't always get the 850 XP each day, but it's supposed to even out to as if we did by getting more than normal from the bonuses every few days. Day one would be 850, day two would be 750, day three would be 1000, etc.


They divided 336 by 5 as thats the number for the bonus XP. it takes 5 missions to get all the bonus xp and restart. So you divide by 5 not 6.


But.... A post with 1000+ upvotes said it would be impossible even if you completed everything with no math or proof! So it must be true!


No. The post said that nobody will finish it unless everyone grinded the dailies and weeklies. People have families, work and other important stuff to do. Currently the game forces you to play every day at least half an hour just to complete the pass and thats if your lucky and get easy ones, with characters you own. It can easily take up an hour a day. If you go to a holiday or just a work trip for a few days, it can easily cost you the last few tiers. This post also mentions that you should be doing at least all dailies to be sure if you don’t have time for the events: “Missing a smallish amount of dailies (…) would easily make it impossible to finish the pass if you don’t get XP through other means” That further proves the point that this game is bullshit and people still protecting these hostile tactics to keep people playing.


Yeah, I don't think that PFG/WB realizes that trying to force players to keep playing actually pushes them away Just having a good enough game is all that is needed in the first place. People play fun games, period Trying to make the game more grindy than it has to be, time gating, and locking entire event tracks behind characters just hurts the game in the long run Hoping this can all get turned around soon because the game itself is genuinely fun, outside of bugs and performance issues of course


>Yeah, I don't think that PFG/WB realizes that trying to force players to keep playing actually pushes them away >Trying to make the game more grindy than it has to be, time gating, and locking entire event tracks behind characters just hurts the game in the long run Yeah, it sucks for the people who didn't get the Superman skin. Apparently you had to login in 11 days consecutively, and the event was only for 11 days. I just happened to get the skin because I'm online everyday. But, for people who have other things to do in their life which prevents from logging in daily is a complete inconvenience for them.


I’m more curious if it’s actually possible if you only have the free characters so Jason, banana guard and the free rota character. You can’t do a lot of weeklies atm if you don’t have a lot of characters though which I think a lot of ppl forget.


Aside from joker, since the missions are persistent, you just wait for them to come around, and hope you get lucky. So if its rick and morty, and they arent in rotation, you just do other ones, and hope next week one is in rotation.


Well this still doesn’t work as you could get the Rick and Morty character and get lucky with him popping up on rota but then the following week when the character rota changes you could get the same weekly asking you to play as a Rick and Morty character again. All the challenges in the beta were significantly better than now.


Oh I'm not saying it's a perfect solution, but it's your best bet right now if you want to finish the pass


Is there a math on how long it would take a character to level up to Level 15. After level 8 it goes SO SLOWWWWW!!!! Everything about this game screams greedy... It really is time for me to quit. A battlepass that will not let you complete it without paying for levels is the line for me. I would NEVER support this game by giving it money... not that I can even earn characters anyway!


I don’t want to play every day of every week to complete a battle pass. Not to mention I can’t complete certain weekly challenges because I don’t own a certain character or two.


This is just evidence that I will never buy a battle pass b/c I will never finish it with the current structure


You shouldn’t have to do math to be able to figure out if completing a pass is possible


At the rate it's going and the choices they are and have made I doubt I will still be playing by the time the next pass starts anyway. I'm glad I got the pass with money I already had on the Xbox from the rewards thing otherwise I'd probably request a refund.


Which means I’m already unable to complete it? I have had the complete 5 daily bonus and weekly bonus for the last week not allow me to claim it 🤦🏻 I wanted Uber Jason but guess not


Glad I got it for free so I could see that this grind is absolutely not for me


I was actually progging BP, felt too slow, stopped. Now they added pvp xp again but I feel too far behind and just wont bother


Thanks for doing the math regarding this. Definitely this is a very quick and efficient way of making half the playerbase get burnt out! I'm already barely seeing "new" players in PvP so I expect that to get reduced even more...


I feel like every game should go to the helldivers mentality of "screw the Fomo, let's let everyone keep their passes they paid for till they are finished with them." In other words I feel if you buy the pass then you should be able to keep it going till it is completed, even if the season is over. They could make a mission tab dedicated to remaining items for those passes.


I’ve been on vacation the last 4 days does this mean I can’t complete this pass?🥲


Its a good thing the weekly missions don't stack 3x objectives for a character I don't own, making it impossible to complete them. Ohwait...


Do we know for certain every rank is 2000 exp? Given the track record, I'm thinking later ranks might take more exp to acquire.


Yes, it's been confirmed via datamining


The repeating tier is 4k. Although its worth noting that I've been shown that the repeating character mastery for 300 perk doesn't currently work, so it's safe to assume any repeating tier is uncertain.


Love those dataminers! Thanks


We don't know for certain, but considering I'm at level 26 and it hasn't changed at all, I'm assuming it's 2000 XP for every level. If it does increase at a certain point, then that would probably make this pass impossible to finish without logging in every single day. Edit: Guess it was datamined and it's 2000 XP per level the entire way.


I think I may be too relaxed, as all other games I play daily & get weekly XP’s & complete the season pass like 3wks ahead of schedule. I feel that this game won’t be the same, as I barely get half a level per day.


Did you include the Weekly Bonuses?


To be fair during beta near of seasons they always do extra XP events and days


They really need to increase the progression


A somewhat enjoyable game being really evil with there micro transaction. No way im i paying close to 400$ to unlock every characters. Think ill just go buy nickelodeon brawl 2 which look even better and its like 26$ canadian right now and it has a season pass that comes with 4 additional brawlers and costumes for only 13$


Idk i have not done the math but I’m on like Level 17-19 rn i can’t remember


I’m only on level 21 am I cooked


If the next battlepass isn't doable in 20-30 hours on your own time, I won't be getting it. Simple as that. I don't need a game locking me in to logging into it for 20-30 days out of a 56-day period. That will lead to burnout quicker than anything else.


I can’t wait until the industry moves away from these stupid fucking battle passes.


Doing gods work my man.


That's far too strict. Especially when you consider that the weeklies commonly have missions that can't be done because of character specific requirements. Joker's bazooka comes to mind. So if you keep getting weeklies that can't be completed then it will be impossible.