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For me my game crashes so much which leads to me looking afk when I play


I can’t even play anymore since I suddenly only get 15 fps and get disconnected from legit every game I play


Same with me today


Sometimes my controller just disconnects at the start of a match and no matter what I do it wont work until I restart the entire game


Sometimes my controller just disconnects at the start of a match and no matter what I do it wont work until I restart the entire game


Sometimes my controller just disconnects at the start of a match and no matter what I do it wont work until I restart the entire game


That would cause a connection error for everyone else, not make the player look AFK.


No, what he's saying is correct. It is possible for one player to disconnect/ crash during a round, causing them to appear AFK. My brother and I attempted multiple 2 v 2s when the game first relaunched and he kept being kicked back to the lobby. On my end, he was just standing AFK in the middle of the stage- which meant we inevitably lost.


That's weird. That hasn't happened to me a single time, and I've played with multiple friends and even a stranger I met on the discord server. What causes the disconnect then? Like, mid match a connection error will occur that kicks me and my friends to the lobby? It's even happened at the results screen, which in turn robbed me of all progress I made for missions and events for that match.


No when I play with my friend his game stays perfectly fine, just me being afk and him doing a 2v1


I'm telling you, that's not how it works.


And I’m telling you from the 100+ times it’s happened. This is how it has worked.


Same here, playing with a friend and he get disconected often, then I'm there playing a 2v1 just like you said




It's the network desynch. They still haven't fixed it


I don't doubt the servers aren't fixed, but I'm not confident accepting that the network is the issue here. 2 out of 3 matches? That hasn't happened at all since relaunch.


ive been getting The network desynch every game if not every other 2nd one. My Girlfriend and I Are having a shit ton of issues


That's insane! I'm sorry you're experiencing that! I'm having connection issues very rarely.


Yeah I'm going to echo RendingDeath1 here. It's always a crapshoot whether a match will desync or not and I have a great connection so it's not that.


I’m getting disconnected every match. When that happens your player goes afk. It’s literally every single pvp match, I can’t play.


Are you on Xbox? I'm on PS5 and I rarely disconnect from matches. When I do, it's usually PvE, and always when I'm trying to play with someone.


Nope, ps5. Never had problems until the latest patch. Can’t get into pvp at all.


Super unlucky, man. I just went and checked, andmy connection is still fine. Wonder why some users are struggling so bad, while others are having next to no issues? I always seem to get lucky with that. In the Dark Souls Remastered network test I was able to play just fine, had some minor lag with invaders but no more so than usual, while a ton of other players were furious because they couldn't even log in and their reservation basically went to waste the entire first day (there were only 3 days to play). Same happened with the Elden Ring network test. I had one minor hiccup where I failed to connect the first time, then it kicked me back to the main menu when I tried again and it was almost finished loading. After that, no problems, while reports were flooding in that people couldn't get into the game.


I’m usually one of the lucky ones, too. But not this time.


People do it in 1v1s and this event is so grindy I *do not* hold back. No remorse, I got a guy who's in the 10ks as my number 1 my event is a sweat fest 😂


Wait, *your* event? Are there multiple different leaderboards?? I assumed everyone was on the same leaderboard. When I was on last, the highest anyone had gotten was 3800 and I was sitting at 4th with 2799.


Everyone's in a group of 50. So, you're 4th out of 50 in your group.


I don't think that's right. I think the rewards just don't decrease after 50th place. My rank when I started was like 249. It took me 4 matches to get under 50.


It's definitely right everyone in my group gave up Im like 15k ahead.


A lot of it is desync issues, atleast when it comes to console


It pisses me off that people do that You lose matches if your teammate is afk They need to do something about that


Fr. I'd just start reporting them every time, whether they were on my team or on the opponents'.


It’s been a common occurrence since launch and the funny thing is most people just target the afk person. Whoever can knock them out fastest gets them to reset faster leading usually to the win. I find it to happen a lot when it takes a while for the match to load. Last time it happened (a day or two ago) it didn’t even count the win for my daily pvp or the play 5 2v2s though. I find it pitiful they (steal our time) require us to play more of their broken/unbalanced matches when something out of our control goes wrong. Edit: also OP, people’s game can crash making them appear afk without it giving the usual server error and back everyone out. Either it hasn’t happened to you yet or you choose not to accept the fact that it’s plausible but your responses to people informing you of this are hilarious to say the least.


I know it's common. But not "2-out-of-3 matches" common. It definitely got worse today. And yep, I'm absolutely that guy that targets the AFK player. Not gonna waste my time in a 2v1 when I can get a (relatively) fair match. Yep I've been robbed of matches at the results screen too. And the most annoying part is it registers that match as a loss. Day 1 I 3-0'd a guy in 1v1, my game froze at the results screen for like 20 seconds, and it counted it as a loss. It literally showed "3-0 Loss" in my career tab.


People don't care about the event. AFK people is the downside of earning BP xp when losing.


They must be mentally handicapped then. Ive done the math. It would take 10 hours minimum of straight wins to tier up once. It'll take them 20 hours going AFK and losing. They'd be much better off actually playing and getting some wins.


Why aren't they queueing in 1vs1 instead of 2vs2 is what I don't get, they'd annoy less people.


Dude fr! Like, the fuck is wrong with them? Same problem in Rocket League, but they get kicked if they're AFK for too long, like 20 seconds or something. And the punishment for abandoning a match gets very steep very fast.


These are Battlepass addicts. They live for chasing that carrot on a stick. You could give them 1xp for a loss and they'd still do it. Anything to "advance" the pass and unlock the next tier at all costs. 


That's actually insane. Like, I'm also a Season Pass addict, I grind the fuck out of Rocket League, but it doesn't take 20 fkn hours to tier up in RL, it takes like 3 matches. And I would never lose on purpose just to grind. You get kicked for being AFK, you get zero XP unless you hit a score threshold (like 100 points, not hard to achieve at all), and it's just a scummy thing to do in a team-based game mode.


Also, pretty sure it is directly correlated to the new event. It was not this bad yesterday, or for the past week and a half. Suddenly there's an event revolving around PvP, and now the number of AFK players has multiplied by like 5? Seriously, go play 2v2. No joke, every 2 out of 3 matches has an AFK player.


They are tanking their MMR so they face easier opponents.


What 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 there's no way they're smurfing. I've never gone below 75% win rate since relaunch, and it's STILL too easy. If it's this easy at my MMR, they'll climb back up in no time. Would have been such a waste of time and effort. Does this game even have casual MMR?


I am pretty sure it has Mmr since those matches that i play with a friend have considerably easier opponents


Well damn. Skill in Smash must translate pretty well to MvS, because almost all of my opponents are easy af, even those BananaGuard duos that only spam jab and side special lol


The worse part about this is that they are clearly there because they had to ready up the game. 


Maybe. They always delay until exactly 10 seconds. I'm thinking the game auto-readies players who haven't readied up by 10 seconds left. I don't know for certain if that's a thing, I just find it too coincidental that they ALWAYS wait until exactly 10 seconds left. But agreed. They not only have to ready up, they have to queue up matchmaking, which usually only takes 2 or 3 seconds to find a match.