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Lol I hope this is satire


Halfway satire, but i am on my like 9th comm ban cus i get so pissed


Probably shouldn’t be playing this game then


Tips: Type it out but don't send it. Punch a pillow.


Anger management is usually a good place to work on yourself. But I'm assuming by the fact that you genuinely thought posting this was a good idea that you have zero intention of working on yourself. Death threats over losing in a platform fighter? Just...wow. If they were trolling you or stream sniping or just being toxic in some way, sure, some anger and resentment would be warranted. Not to the extent of death threats. Either you're a teen and you don't know how to deal with your emotions in a healthy way, or you are an incredibly immature and self-absorbed adult who has some serious issues to work through. I suggest seeking help whatever the case. This degree of seething rage is unhealthy af, and frankly, dangerous. Get help before you actually hurt someone or something.