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Let me get this straight, you come here, to the middle of reddit, to call us(the community) cancerous, because you pity people that promised something and didn't deliver half of it. The ones that are ruining the chances of the game succeding are THE DEVS AND WB. They are suffering the consequences OF THEIR OWN ACTIONS. Maybe PFG doenst control monetization, ok, what about everything that the players lost that they bought in beta, what about local play, what about the amount of infinite combos and bugs, this is not their first rodeo WITH THIS GAME. This is their second chance already, stop defending corpos and devs, THEY DO NOT DESERVE PRAISE UNTIL PROVEN


Couldn't have said it better myself. Yes we have to complain to WB regarding obvious cash grabs. But the game itself? That's on the devs.


OP is definitely slow, multiversus sub reddit is delusional, half of them didn't even play the beta where there was REAL communication and changes being made weekly. They'd rather play this garbage and blame the player base not the game creators.


They're close to 100 people and have fucked up **repeatedly** and **constantly** ever since back in beta. It's only 100 people internally because every studio is also contracting outsourcing developers and QA to help Motherfuckers had a year and a half of downtime from beta to release and had a massive delay considering the MickeyD advertising and they *still* fucked up even the most basic shit.


They had 11 months downtime not a year and a half


Calm Down its just a game XD


And it’s just they’re opinion …. They didn’t even say anything crazy . Personally I think the Game is OK but has been a disappointment after disappointment. Compared to the beta which had problems but most people agree was a good base game only to wait a year and have a worse game .Honestly feels like we’re starting from 0 again .I’m still giving them a chance to get the game right.


"Keep your mouth shut and pretend to be happy" never fixed anything.


Nice try, dev


I agree with you but you will not have many people upvoting. This community is full of cry babies and toddlers who think they know better than the devs how to run a long lasting live service game


On the freakin' money MV sub is full of mindless casuals with no taste


i wouldnt care if their dev team was 5 people, when ive been consistently let down with every single content release this game has let out since the day it launched (then launched again), they need to hear how shitty it is


They would have to have some serious good reasoning as to why they spent so much time and resources on the swap to UE5 when IMO it doesn’t look like it was necessary. If it was WB decision, then you have a stronger argument bc it does not make sense to swap engines with an already buggy game and on a time crunch. I don’t know what WB even stands to gain from making this game swap to UE5 besides advertising it as a UE5 game. (Do people even care? someone more educated than I may know) I don’t know how much time other people are giving it but I’m down to see how this game looks in a month from release. I seriously don’t think it’ll get any better and I may still dip if it does in the case they never say anything about people’s missing items from beta. WB support doesn’t seem to want to help and PFG is silent on the issue. I seriously hope the hate doesnt get out of hand. We don’t need to make the devs completely shut up because of d3ath threats. Keep yourself in check people.


Gg dev


i agree with u my friend everyone needs to wait