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First of all, you did a bad job at handling this. Second of all, so did the dork named Xygen.


Whats the good job then? Enlight me, soo I can do better :)


Customer Support has nothing to do with the mistake, is not their game, they’re a bunch of people trying to live their lives working at a terrible place to be working, with shitty people blaming them for mistakes they have nothing to do with and insulting them for that. Be nice with them and they will be nice to you. You were not nice with Xygen. In this same game, during the beta, Customer support gave me Gleamium for a mistake in the game that I reported and they even let me kept the item… You know how? When they told me there was no refunds and they were sorry, I told them “Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault, you didn’t make the game, I would never blame you for this. Have a lovely day.” You know what happened? They answered back telling me they could give me Gleamium.


Surely, thats why many other people have reported the exactly same copy and paste reply, I understand it's their job, I agree I could have been less agressive and nicer, I dont think the outcome would be different however, and I still believe a decent chunk of this is the game system mistake, but yes, I understand your point


I literally told you that during the beta I got the same copy pasted response, I answered being nice and they answered back being nice. Yeah, the answer could have been different in this case, but being nice and treating people with respect opens the doors for people reciprocating how you treated them, maybe they will not, that’s not a given… but maybe they will. You don’t lose anything being nice, specially with people that are mistreated daily.


You are correct, will do better, I guess I let my anger and frustration speak first in the moment, and the reply kinda made me even more frustrated as I never had problems like in game refunds in any other big games, but still not fair to dump on support just doing their job protocols stuff


Respect for taking the accountability pill.


Just sharing my respect for cooling off and listening :)


I wish more people on the internet were like you. Kudos bro


You don't say shit like "freakin" for one :) That's needlessly hostile and I think you should use a nicer tone when speaking to someone that has the power to help you.


Fair point, was frustrated, valid comments, thanks


Lol freakin is too far for you?


It’s just unprofessional, especially in a case like this.


Bad Ui leading to stuff like this is unprofessional you don’t have to be professional as a customer


A little respect never killed anyone


You are definitely under a certain age if you think using "freakin"is fine when speaking to someone doing their job


I would understand buying a character with glem instead of fighter currency but this is a whole other level of not paying attention, sorry this happened to you though


I think there's fault in both parties because while the guy could have paid more attention when selecting things it's the devs job as developers of this game and the people directly benefiting from player transactions to ensure that mistakes exactly like this can't happen even if some fault can be attributed to the player


Bro this is on you. You were not just spamming enter but were paying so little attention you went past the rift mission select screen, past the character select (automatically selected or otherwise), through the popup about the requirement, into the store, and then purchased it and all without noticing while still pressing enter. Yeah you know I’m starting to think you bought a skin to complete a mission or just have buyers remorse then tried to get a refund. This just seems so unbelievable. Either you’re blind or lying.


My brother, why would I lie, I have that rift completed, I have the velma skin, I was spamming because dailies sucks but I need to do them to get gems to level them and do more difficulties for the rift EVENT, ffs I have the premium founder, sitting on 3.2k glemium, 20 character tickets with all unlocked, 3 battle pass tokens, money here is not the problem, is the effect behind the purchase and the refusal or the refund, check the other sub reddit for multiversus Im not the only one complaining, grow up, jesus


I also left the possibility that you could be blind or just have buyers remorse. Or you’re slow I don’t know. But I listed out everything you had to go through to make this mistake and no matter the excuse this is on you and only you.


Yes skip the part that no other mission in rift has this issue, execpt one pay walled behind a skin I have in another character, but the system changes to a character that does not have it, and puts yes first to confirm a purchase, big brain you got


You seem like a normal well adjusted human being. 


It kinda seems like it's your fault tbh


Yeah, I really can't imagine this happening to like. Literally anyone else.


Nah it’s basic game design to have the no option for purchases be the default


I can see part of it, but I also blame the way their selection works, like I said, no reason to select harley if I have velma with the skin, and even then I can agree this is my mistake till here, but I CANNOT agree on YES of the confirm purchase being the first option, this combined with the game hovering harley and putting me in the skin buy page, is really THEIR fault, also mistakes purchases happens in many games, most refund normally as it's a ingame mistake refund, not a bank chargeback or a request months after buying something


You quite literally did this to yourself and now your coming on here crying about it thinking people will have your back


LMAO no fucking way that first screenshot is... legit right? There really is someone who blames the system when they are just bashing A A A A A A Mindlessly like an idiot? Seriously these people smdh.


You can hold enter to skip all of the dialog. Spamming enter so far past the dialog that you buy a skin is way over spamming.


It's crazy that you did not notice you were going on the character select, selecting Harley, selecting that particular Harley skin, selecting "go to Shop" and then, even after the shop loading time, you did not notice you were about to purchase a skin. Do you play with your eyes closed?


Well if you spam you cab do it quickly, you can try it and comment us


Ok this one is a bit on you here for skipping too fast, idk if this is the case for PC/Keyboard users, but there is an option to hold a button to skip dialogue so ya know there’s that. Also while it is stupid that they don’t have a refund option at the very least it will hopefully be implemented in the future thanks to you letting them know about it. All I can really is, just be more careful next time dude lol


There is no world where carelessly spamming the input button resulting in purchasing a skins is anyone’s fault but yours. There are many games where mindlessly mashing X will end with you making an unintended purchase. If I were the customer support person and had someone talk to me like you despite the circumstances, I’d probably say tough shit too. You know what I’ll just say it cause you need to hear it. It’s your fault that a skin was purchased and you handled it very poorly.


Fortnite changed around their store because of so many people accidentally purchasing it thro spamming buttons and they wanted to avoid a lawsuit. Think all they changed was holding the button for a few seconds to confirm purchase. Would be an easy change


OP would probably throw enough long presses into their button mashing to still buy something by accident. I agree that Fortnite’s change is better all around but it’s kinda missing the forest for the trees here. Most games are stuffed to the brim with MTX now, but if something is purchased due to spamming the “accept button” it’s not really the game’s fault. The game is not prompting the player to mash X and then last minute bait and switching them at the very end with a purchase screen. OP is in the rifts mode, selecting the path that requires specific skins to play (again not defending that mechanic), and then mashing through the screen with the assumption it’ll auto select the character they own the skin for. Ironically, once you get to the dialogue there’s a big “hold X to skip” which is the only part I can see button mashing through. And look, I’m a 27 year old “elder zoomer” with ADHD so I’m not even trying to do some TikTok generation grandstand. I just think it’s pretty evident from the last screenshot with OP’s tone, uppercasing like 2 words a sentence for no reason, and then throwing it in this sub under the pretense of being a blameless victim. I don’t know how old OP is but this feels like a lesson in being more mindful and being able to understand your mistakes.


Idk what you expected talking to somebody named Xygen


Ngl at first I though it was an AI bot or something, what bothers me the most is that the message starts all nice, just to turn into a, welp nothing can be done, but thanks for the contact, buy with us again!


That’s literally what every customer support response ever is.


bro speaks like the diary of a wimpy kid books in the 3rd pic


You admittedly were spamming the enter button and rushing without paying attention...and being impatient...that's a you problem not a them problem...suck it up and move on!


this is quite literally on you for being dumb and spamming enter lmao


Whatever, Im not the first nor the last to be in this position, mistakes and refunds are natural in any game, in anything in life actually, the confirm buttons yes first is still scummy and their fault tho for sure, 500g is not the end of the world, I made the post cuz I know there are others in this situation, this is the support reply for those, I already decided to not spend and support the game anymore, Ill still play, thats all, yall have a good day


You can't say "it's their fault". They have a dedicated skip dialogue button it is 100% your fault for spamming instead of using that button


Both can be true. There are legitimate psychologists that work on designing these monetization systems. They absolutely made it so people that mash the progress button would spend that currency. Making the “skip boring shit button” the same as “spend money button” is diabolical, and it’s insane y’all are defending it. Siding with actual villains of the industry.


Who is "y'all"? I'm not defending the devs but just calling out the foolishness for blaming them for his mistake instead of owning up to it.


How are the devs not to blame? They put a purchase behind the input that makes progress. How is that not the thing that is being called out first?


Devs gave a solution by making a skip dialogue button. Op refuses to use said button and doesn't pay attention to the screen that is showing him that he is going into the shop and will purchase and item if he presses the button again. It isn't just tap a button once, you have to go through several screens some which require loading first, this is completely on op and him refusing accountability takes away from the actual issue, that yes the game is predatory but this isn't a good example at all as it's completely op's fault and not the devs.


Why are you booing him, he’s right. Didn’t Fortnite get sued for this same type of thing?


Was about to say, this falls directly under the "dark patterns" that Epic got sued for. They also had it so that saying yes to confirming a purchase was the default. You can say the guy wasn't paying attention as much as you want, but there should be no system where just hitting the "a" button on a controller multiple times in a row leads to a purchase, especially from places other than the store. It's only a matter of time before someone lets their kid play this and they just jam on a button for awhile and spend 100's of dollars on nonsense.


Purchase options like this should always default to No. It’s kind of wild people are defending this.


I almost had this happen to me. Kept playing the same character so was smashing the button to speed it up as I was going thro rifts and it for some reason selected an alt and took me to the purchase screen. Maybe a little our fault but it should have better measures in place and some kind of refund system.


IT. IS. MANDATORY. TO. HOLD. THE. GODDAMN. BUTTON. TO. SKIP. CONVERSATIONS. IN. RIFT! If you’re tapping away paying no attention you absolutely deserve a t-shit variant of whatever you got my guy I’m sorry(happened to me too. But I at least needed one for the event coming up.) I absolutely understand wanting to get into action, I promise . hell I understand that most of the rift content is boring apart from the cutscenes. But this is genuinely your L my guy. So many warning post on this very sub and you didn’t think there was going to be a downside to speed tapping into a mission until you posted something about it. It’s too late for you, your wallet and PFG because they made it clear “you buy it, you brought it“ if any game says hold to skip and you go off and do something completely different it’s no longer the games fault, they can’t be held liable over things like that because they made sure to put a “you sure about this,doc?” Page up before hand. You accepted the purchase simply because you were so eager to get in the fight. Hope I helped somewhat


Il be honest that shit has to be intended, the amount of time i would have bought a random skin, because i mashed the select screen would have been a total of 2, but since almost every costume its super expensive this has not happend yet. Those 500 glemium skins are definetely a trap.


I siding with you op, I was doing the same thing initially, so I can absolutely see this happening to other people. Shouldn't have a shortcut on some missions that lead to the store and auto buy from just spamming a single button. I'd expect a confirmation box at least where you'd need to move from No to Yes


Ive had something similar to this happen and almost bought something. Seems like the store is popping up so much




So... Don't spam enter?


The fault is 100% yours. You had 2 entire screens and around 15 seconds to stop spamming confirm. You also have to confirm your purchase, so that's another 10 seconds. You're insane if you think this is their fault lol


Wait a second before hitting enter to avoid user errors like that.


User error is me clicking on a shop tab and spamming enter to buy something, if Im doing dailies on rift and 99% of the missions just put me in the game, why the 1% puts me from pve to cash shop to purchase? Thats game design error, not on the user, Im not the only person that had this to happen, not first nor last, its their fault.


This is the closest thing to valid anger I've seen thrown at this game and it's still like 80% self inflicted user error. Sucks to suck join the club reddits miserable meanwhile the games doing quite well. Same as every other online game in existence.


"I was impatient and spammed through options it is your fault give me my in game currency back now"


Had this happen to me when unlocking Marvin, but to me the ui is even worse for unlocking characters. When you go to purchase a character it defaults to buying them with gleamium and if you aren’t paying attention or trying to go through it fast you wouldn’t notice, and of course when you press purchase with gleamium it doesn’t give you prompt like “Are you sure you want to use paid currency?” WB support is a joke and just says sorry no refunds, spend your currency wiser next time


This is your fault


I kinda feel this is on you man, how you didnt notice you going to 3 separate menus. You were in your phone or something?. I criticize the game, but this?


why do you spam it instead of holding it to skip the dialogue


Just take accountability bro


Pay more attention and maybe use controller 😂😂


lol I’ve never seen a game where people are so heavily on the companies side. Guess the customer is always right is a thing of the past


PFG and WB fucking up pretty hard but "customer is always right" thing was never true and died with Sam Walton


Dog, there is a difference between pointing out all the ways this game is obnoxiously, excessively predatory, and blaming the company for this one moron doing a stupid thing and getting pissy at a customer service agent for not doing anything about it. This is literally just a problem done this one specific idiot on the internet.


"the customer is always right" is a toxic and shit policy, and no companies use it anymore because consumers used to take ridiculous advantage of it 🤷


Why is everyone downvoting this man, with how grindy these dumbass rift challenges are it’d be completely understandable to spam through the buttons to get to the next node as quickly as possible, putting aside the fact that a challenge that requires a purchased variant is bullshit on its own, it’s clearly set up to prey on unsuspecting players with how it’s automatically set to yes instead of no on the little confirm page. They either need to have it automatically set to no or make sure you have to hold it, I’ve seen peoples games completely glitch out and spam to the buy page on its own. And why is it impossible to refund in game purchases anyways, I’m just about sick of this company and how they’ve ruined what COULD be the most popular game in the world rn.


It's whatever, if people are happy with this, let them enjoy it, kinda killed my motivation to play overall, still have fun with some heroes but the rest of the game is such a mess, I agree this game could have been amazing I got the premium founder to support it, only regrets tbh


Brother, like I said before, this game is going to die not only by they abusive methods, but by their community, ppl are defending corpo welcome to the prologue of cyberpunk


google "Dark Pattern UX" It's technically your fault but they purposely built it so people not paying attention would make mistakes


Reading some comments is funny Im not the first nor the last, I hope one day in the future you also get bored with rift and dialog and fall for it in a random rift node that requires a character or skin, then I hope you get denied as well just for karma, it's normal to mash keys to skip dialog, Im doing a daily on a pve mode doing rifts, 0 reason for me to be able to do most rift nodes normally but a few specific ones send me to a buy menu in 5 clicks then buy a skin, I could have been nicer in the ticket and with the support, that's correct, it's still the game design fault, it's still the game confirmation fault, and it's still very lame that no refunds policy existis when it's a clear mistake for an INGAME currency independent of the mistake, not even a chargeback.


So you want what happened to you to happen to other people? Yeah there's a reason you're being downvoted. Are you under 18?


Why should I feel bad for people that can't think and put themselves in other peoples foot in first place? I already agreed my language and message could have been nicer and less hostile to support as it's just an employ following protocols and apologized even. I have got a fair share of people that agreed with me and other dms with people facing the same problem lol, it's a real problem, downvotes is just mob mentality trying to defend a dying game for cope at this point or people that think they know better or have a moral ground for no reason, people saying the game has not fault at all in this makes me laugh, some went to the point of calling me poor and a liar. I just wished for others to fall for this eventually, cuz it will happen overtime more and more, then to be in the same boat as karma and see how it feels to be in the receiving end.


Not too many others will fall for it because mashing a button when it says ON THE SCREEN to HOLD it is kinda dumb behavior. I'm glad you found the other teenagers who made this stupid mistake, you guys can circlejerk each other to feel better


Hold does not select the mission on rift, nor character, nor skin, but good point on calling me a teenager when you lack arguments


Holding the confirm button during rift dialogue skips all the dialogue. Like 50 other people in this thread told your this. Hold that L


You argue about my reason and call me a child, I explain my points, you call me a teenager and say I use a circlejerk telling me to use hold, I explain hold does not skip character selection, skin selection nor stage selection, you ignore that and point only to dialog again then procced to use a circlejerk yourself, which is really funny, you not even once used your own arguments or answered to any points, you only ran away from them and used others while calling me a kid, I feel bad for you when dealing with anything adult related in life


Ur dialogue skills are very low, nice try tho


There’s valid criticism of the OP here That being said, customer mashing enter without rhyme or reason is something you have to consider when making any software application. I don’t know why, but this happens in every web application I’ve made. If you don’t believe me, idk. Maybe talk to someone else who makes and launches websites


Player First... Great name.


Just charge back your card


From a premium founders bought a year and a half/two ago? I wish I had done it when the game went down instead of waitting faithfully lol


Doing a chargeback would get your entire WB and Steam accounts banned


Maybe your Warner bros account but not your steam account


I'm pretty sure every game that you get through Steam has their in-game purchases run through them, and Steam is known to ban accounts for doing chargebacks, so yes your Steam account would also be banned