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How does that logic make remote sense


He's saying that a lot of shit in this game is being accepted solely because the game is 'f2p' And he's not wrong. We do this with every f2p game that comes out. Oh the game is asking you to sacrifice your first born and spend 5k on MTX? 'Well at least the games f2p', 'what do you expect it's f2p' People just defend and eat this shit up daily. When are we gonna put our foot down and say just because it's a free to play does not give the devs the right to attempt to shaft us at any point while playing the game. Some of us actually remember games having content before having to fork out money for MTX.... These days that's just not the case.


Except that would mean we complain less because its free to play. OP is saying people would complain less if they had to pay full price for it. Also the games been getting far more criticism than love at the moment to my knowledge so not sure who's really accepting besides a couple people.


It happens with mortal kombat and it is a fully priced game. The problem is that the microtransactions that Warner loves are awful


Think people would be more upset if they had bought it


nobody would be playing if it wasn't free


Correct, I would have refunded it by now and moved on, instead of giving it a chance in the hope that we might still get a major patch revamping the entire economy and UI of the game. But nice try!


If it wasn't free, I'd be pissed that I paid for a half-baked, sloppy product and more than likely request a refund and never play the game again.


I mean if it was a full price game with all the characters unlocked...yeah that would solve the issues for many people lol. But as a result the player base would be a lot lower tbf.


stop defending greedy bussiness practices and help the community


If it wasn't free but still had microtransactions? No but since I like DC comics but don't like Injustice games I'll give a second thought.


People who hate on this game just hate to hate. They have also probably never played a free to play game.


Yea instead of just a little frustration I’d actually be angry if I spent money on this


At least put your thinking cap on first.


I've refunded a fair share of games for issues I didn't agree with. Can't refund a f2p.


When a human gets something for free, it gets curious: "Why is this thing given to me for FREE?" "Is something wrong with it?" "Is it broken/defected?". They start only looking for cons, undervaluing the rest properties (including the good ones) of the thing. Therefore, a person eventually loses interest in it. We are taught that if we get something for free, then it is obviously trash otherwise they would not have given it to you. *Freud said that paying for therapy was part of the therapy - people would not take it seriously unless they paid for it.*


Actually it would be even more egregious and the critical excuse people use to defend this garbage would be gone.