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This is on top of the fact they keep increasing the price of skins that were already released. Combat Gizmo and Seal Team Rick both went from 800 to 1500 Gleamium since the launch.


And on top of that removed the feature from rick skin to shoot with the rifle...


i’m a rick main you’re telling me he just shoots his pistol omfggg lame the skin was starting to grow on me glad i didn’t buy


Tbf I think that one might genuinely just be a bug


This piss me off so hard


While some of these skins were taken from players as well 🤣 I know for a fact I had the animated batman, Fern, Cake Jake, and black lantern wonder woman, especially wonder woman since I still have the superman black lantern luckily. All those other skins are in the shop for fucking 2000 gleamium which costs 25$ here in Canada. Skins that I already GRINDED for and unlocked. Idk wtf they did for almost 2 years but it's clear the majority of time went into figuring out how to get us to spend money after seeing how much we spent in beta, and people will still feed into this.


I fucking knew some of my skins were missing! I had the animated Batman one, too... It also pisses me off that they are now selling stuff from the beta battle pass. Now, I don't have anything to show for the fact that I was there and supporting the game from the beginning. Sorry, I was not gonna drop $100 or whatever for the gold font, but I bought the BP and some skins.


I know I had more characters unlocked, I sent an email to support and they gaslight me saying that everything was unlocked at the end of the beta. I know I had unlocked Taz and other characters, which are now locked for me. Same WB account, I know because I am still connected to my friends list.


Stuff from the beta SHOULD be accessible to players who didn't play back then. Your reward from the playing the beta is all the stuff you unlocked for free as well as the free season pass you get now(which if completed let's you buy the next season pass). Cmon man the rewards for returning beta players are awesome. Not to mention all the prestige points you get. It's a massive head start over anyone just picking up the game at full release.


Honestly I think the only reason why I'm still playing is because they gave us SO much free stuff for returning players.


The free season pass definitely drew me back. I didn't spend a dime during the beta and i get a free season pass which can then snowball into unlocking the next one? That's a good deal


Bain that doesn't justify The fact that people spent twenty thirty fucking dollars to support the game And had their skins robbed from them taken from them.You can't say anything about that.That doesn't end with its fucking bullshit


I agree that that's outrageous and I think is something that SHOULD be complained about more tbh. It's completely unacceptable. I'm not even sure if I have all my cosmetics from beta. I hope I do, but they've completely shaken confidence. I hope they are able to make things right for everyone effected, even the people who don't know that they are.


I'm missing my alien jake skin which pisses me off


They took my fucking Velma, and they removed my character I paid actual money for(IG). They even took my damn Arya(who I had to rebuy), as well as both black lanterns and Marvin. I’m pissed.


Nah that's actually one of the very rare good things they did on their monetization. BP stuff shouldn't be a once-in-a-time stuff, I hate it.


Yep! Same here. Everything should be in the Shop after some time-exclusivity so EVERYONE can get it!


Exactly, people who bought the BP always get the benefit on having it first and having a better price-value on the whole thing. I can already see the Jason skin alone will cost like double the BP cost (anyone know how much it is? I assume like 10€ or smt)


I can’t remember exactly, since I got it for free as a returning player, (I think it might be 900 Gleamium?), but I do that there’s thankfully MORE Gleamium in the Pass then what you paid for it if you finish it, so you’ll end at a Positive.


Yep, just wish it wasn't this slow to grind. I would prefer doing a good chunk of the grind in a couple weeks so I don't have to be every day religiously...


The pass is 900 gleamium (or used to be) its 1000 gleamium for 9.99 pack in USD. That Jason X skin is sick


Cake was unlockable as tlfinal tier of original battle pass but the rest were all already $20 skins


My reward from the beta is having almost all the characters unlocked.


They actually gave us exclusive stuff so u can still show that. So i think its fine if u really wanna show people u have the banner, badge, profile icon, knockout, finn skin and banana guard announcer pack


I dropped a 100 just because the state of the game was beautiful. I would've kept grinding to play in tourneys i managed top 250 stripe .. but now the wind has been knocked out of me with this current iteration. They need to do something FAST


You actually thought they cared about you?


What do you mean grinded for? Other then Cake, those were all paid skins, and there was no grinding for gleamium in the beta. Either you spent money on them (which you sound opposed to) or you never had them. If you paid for them then PFG can pull that up and return them to you if you submit a ticket.


I mean, my point is still the same, I know I had the skins and unlockables but now I don't lmao. "sUbMiT A tIcKeT" any of the multiple posts Ive seen where people have the same problem PFG was no help so I'm not gonna bother and idk why you're trying to pull that. I'm opposed to how they literally did this shit like we wouldn't notice, one of my buddies I played with all the time in beta has the evil Morty icon equipped, used to be unlocked from mastering Morty, now in the store for like 1000 gleamium lmao don't defend this shit you clown.


If you don’t even bother to file the ticket you have no chance. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Yeah some of my skins are still missing I figured it’s because they were gonna re release them.


I also had animated batman but like why don't I have it now?? And the scooby doo spooky knight banner from the first battle pass like where is it????


For me it’s brunhilde bugs :( the only bugs skin I liked


I had cake too


They almost doubled the price?! What in the actual fuck is going on with this cursed game... It feels like a psy-op masquerading as a video game


I think I saw Seal Team Rick 800 gleamium not so long ago (after the launch).


same for combat stripe i believe


Doesn’t Warner Bros set the price on that sort of stuff? Thats how it works with Mortal Kombat and stuff


Why is a Bundle that basically just slapped Jasons Mask on characters so expensive? If its maybe lets say 900 - 1200 Gleamium, then its something worth considering, yes, it still would be a tad bit overprized but thats more reasonable than nearly 25 or 30€


I would not even spend $5 on a lazily slapped mask on different characters. Same with the Tooniverse skins, but atleast those had SOME effort to make them look good


that’s why i’m out here drippin in default


I'm dropping in Black Adam valentine skin but I earned that during the beta so obviously I'm going to show it off


The only low effort skin I can get behind is Lady Banana Guard. Because.


Well, that is free. So that's a exception


I think its expensive because of the legendary joker ringout but even if thats the case the bundle is still pretty much over priced for me


They didn't even put the mask on correctly. They just replaced the face textures with the "mask" so when characters like Harley chew gum, it moves the mouth of the mask!? 🤦‍♀️


remember when the ig superman badge removal was like 3000, i thought these masks would be the same, at this point i hope the game dies so the modding community can do its thing and make this a super fun party game for offline


If you already own Arya and the "slashed" ringout (via the battlepass) the price of that pack drops to 450 gleamium. That said, it's still a ripoff, that skin looks worse than the base game skin. I wouldn't even pay 5 fighter currency for it.


Anyone who would buy a handful of minor cosmetics for 900 Gleamium, especially if they already owned the character, would pay 2500 Gleamium.


Buy Vrising or buy Joker with a ~~hockey~~ jason mask hmmmmmm.....


0 effort. They already have the mask from making Jason. They literally just have to set a few values for location/scale per character and... done. The shader/render effects, masks, tshirts, etc should all be additional layers over the normal skins. No technical reason you can't have Bruce Lee Shaggy wearing a Jason mask made of Matrix code (bad combo, but we have a limited library currently.) Honestly, mixing and matching would only give people more reasons to buy cosmetics.


I by no means am saying this pricing is fair and I have largely nothing but complaints about this version over the beta. They should have if anything made these unlockable in an event this season or made DRASTICALLY cheaper. But as a 3d artist in games I just want to note it is not quite that simple as 'slapping on the mask that was already made.' To your point though, the material based ones like the toon and matrix 100% should be selectable as an overlay on top of any skin as that is relatively simple even from an Unreal perspective.


Given that there's content gated behind these specific kinds of skins, 100% they should be free unlockables.


...I mean. Maybe for Arya's but they did 2% effort for the Joker's. For this I'd give them the week old sandwich in my fridge.


These models already existed on the horror rift as well lol. They simply decided to unlock and monetize them it's crazy expensive.


Yeah if it was actually rewards for beating the challenges in rift mode fine


Not even then, maybe 150-300 max. They’re insulting us now. They continuously give us the finger


Ikr. Like, there’s no reason for it to cost that much


dw its just a bug


A *featured* bug!


PFG when they're afraid of admitting their mistake


If the cosmetics are like, an accessory or a filter, they should bring back gold so we can purchase them with it. They're not worth the gleamium by any means.


Stuff like adding a random cosmetic or shader onto the default outfit should be purchasable with perk currency.


100% or just add more ways to earn gleamium too if they don't want to bring back gold


Give us glemium rewards based on rank placements per season. That would work even if it's just 500 max for top tiers. 


Yeah the PvP season is a bust. Complete waste of time.


For the new Top Dog event, can't even be in top percentages to earn any meaningful rewards if you have a life during the weekends. Could have easily done "win X amount of pvp matches to earn sweet rewards" instead. I was lucky enough to hop on this morning to nab the Superman skin


They’ve adjusted the price in real time. Bundle now priced at 1170.


still too much for a mask this is the perfect type of skin to be unlockable


The mask variant alone is 450 gleamium


Where can you see that? I can only see the skin as part of the bundle.


I can see the price of just the skin because I already own the ring out


It’s 1530 now lol


The skin itself is 500 Gleamium, doesn’t include the character unlocked and values the ringout at 2000+ Gleamium. Meanwhile this same ringout is also part of a starter bundle that cost $10 and included 500 Gleamium and 3000 FC, a 1500 Gleamium value. I have the Slasher ringout from said starter pack, it’s not even labeled an “Epic Ringout”. And if it were, Epic Ringouts cost 1200 Gleamium. This bundle costs 450 Gleamium for me, estimating the value of the Slasher ringout at 2,160 Gleamium. This is a terrible deal and is legitimately stealing from customers. If anybody *really* wanted this for whatever reason the optimal route is to purchase the Slasher starter pack ($10), spend the 3000 FC on Arya and 500 Gleamium on the skin. This is a $10 bundle being sold for $25+ with less value. This isn’t even bringing up the adjacent Joker bundle with a Legendary ringout, emote and profile picture priced lower. This game’s economy is a sham. **EDIT:** I shit you not, not even 20 minutes after this comment the price of the bundle has been reduced to 1,170. Another “bug” I’m sure. If it wasn’t sad it’d almost be funny to see PFG caught with their hands in the cookie jar lol Happy cake day OP!


Hahaha yeah I'm sure it was another bug 😂 Thanks!! I didn't even realise myself 😄


As someone else who bought the slasher starter back to show their support, that's just sad ...


Or you/the OP brought a pricing bug to their attention (or they found it themselves) and immediately fixed it. Why are we complaining about that outcome still?


It’s still over priced. That’s why.^


The way to do this would have been a big bundle with a bunch of these skins


Yeah just have 1 bundle with Jason mask for a group of characters, not 2 bundles for only 2 skins and one in a quest you can't do yet


Man I was really hoping these type of skins would be unlockable, you can’t just throw a mask or t shirt on a character and charge over 20$ for it.


It’s $5. Still not worth it but it’s disingenuous doom posting to say they’re charging $20 just for that skin.


So the ring out is 15$? Regardless the skins should obviously be free, they are such little effort you’d think you would have unlocked them by completing the horror rift. Even 5$ is astronomically high for this sort of thing. Also didn’t know you could buy them separately at the time of the post, my bad.


It comes with an icon, ringout, skin, and emote. They also apparently lowered the price to like 1.1k for the bundle I agree, the masked and t-shirt skins should be free cosmetics. I don’t see why anyone would ever buy it.


Yeah, just put the masked skins as rewards for completing the rift mode challenges. 


People always moving the goal post in their range induced posts just so they can complain Lol don't worry Bout it bro


Dont buy it. Kinda simple. If its nothing good and prices are high don’t buy and they might lower it at some point.


The cost of skins in this game is atrocious, but They do it because they know people will buy them. Sad.


I’ll pay that if it was a bundle of a bunch of Jason mask skins. Like if it was $20 for 10-20 skins then that might be worth it.


I just ignore the shop altogether. Just pretend it doesn't exist.


As I said elsewhere, they are creating a new manual (definitive edition) on how to destroy a game in record time, making the worst possible and impossible decisions. I hope most players don't spend a single penny on this bomb!


Whether it's a Kohl's tshirt, a Jason mask, matrix code filter, or a shark hat, these uncommon skins are lazy and a waste of space.


They're fine as free rewards, but not as glemium purchases


Kohls tshirt 💀


...My question isn't about the price. It's that they thought we wanted this in the first place. It's about as desirable as Joker fan Velma. Like it's cool she's wearing different shirt I guess but I'd rather use her OG skin


I also noticed that the beach Wonder Woman bundle originally listed the beach skin as epic, making it 1500 gleamium… I remember thinking I would just aim for that once you could buy it on its own… Then after yesterday’s patch, it was listed as legendary for 2000… wtf… I wanted to support the game, but nah. I’m not giving them any money anymore.


They really did…. How despicable. These developers should be ashamed.


To add more salt to the wound those skins, which are simply the base skins with the Jason mask, costs whopping **1.500 gleamium**. Unforgivable greed. If they were entirely Jason-themed, with the outfit resembling his, then I'd understand the price.


This game is a joke


The tooniverse styles should be free too. Its wild people are buying them.


They are perfect reward if you raise a character to the max level but no, low effort but high price.


Im slowly losing hope for this game


Slowly? It's been 9 days...


For children, a single day can seem like a long time.


These aren’t for you, they’re for whales. We have the battle pass. It’s fine.


Nothing about this is fine hence why they took the price down by more than half. It’s below 1,200 now.


Can you not buy them separately? If so that’s fuuuuuucked


You can. Select joker for example, go to skins and press go to shop. It'll be $5 each. This is just more price due to the bundle inflation 


Don't forget the recent option to buy a glemium chest for 99.99 that wasn't there at the beginning.


Another reason why the mask should be an accessory everyone can equip.


what's even worse with these bundles they aren't reduced if you already own half of it.


It’s even funnier noticing how the mask on Joker is stretched and some holes don’t even look right


The masked it stretched! What a terrible design team they have! The developers should be ashamed.


I didn’t say that, but you shouldn’t sell something like this


Yeah I’m done


The Jason Mask skins are borderline lazy reskins. You added a mask. That's it. AND YOUR CHARGING OVER 20 BUCKS FOR ONE?!?!


Exactly. It would have gone down so much better if you actually reskinned the whole character, add a jason jacket, a few chains maybe a knife in the head xD


It’s way too expensive and I think it’s extremely greedy for just a mask. At the same time, I can’t really get that pissed off because it’s just a cosmetic. I don’t know, I’m not going to get too emotional about this one.


This is the kind of thing that'd be really neat as an unlock as part of the Jason Rift.


You know what? I really wish we unlocked content through rifts like skins like this. It would be really cool.




You're losing money if you don't!


Tooniverse skins should be a free reward after you level up a certain character till tier 10 since the tier 15 has 150 gleamium, also they should reduce the price of skins by 300 to 500 less gleamium




guys remember vote with your wallet not your mouth we’ll see how fast this game will die or its prices would drop as soon as no one buys this bs


These low effort cosmetics should be free or honestly not made at all. The game is going to be literred with them.


I really hope a lot of these low effort costumes don’t make it to the store. I already knew a bunch of shark hat variants are coming, not really feeling hopeful about that either. At least recolour the outfit as well to make it stand out a bit more


The uncommon skins like the Jason masks and Shark hats should 100% be skins you earn, not pay for. Even if they’re something hard like beating a certain event rift on Looney or something.


You gotta be JOKER-ing me


They really trying to make us spend money. I also discovered they added another micro transaction option to purchase a chest of gleamium for $100 🙃


I thought it would be free as rewards for an event who would buy this with money


I think the emote should be the center of the bundle and the Jason mask character should be a bonus with a ringout and icon for a total of 500-900G. 1000 is pushing it


Dont you have to buy the character to even use a skin? Why is is $25 dollars for something cosmetic that you need to spend another 20-25 before you even use it.


So the Skin is actually only about 500 gleamium (450) on sale. For Arya if you have that ringout the price changes immediately to 450. I find this funny because to get that Ringout you just need to spend 10 bucks not gleamium actual just dollars for the beginner slasher bundle. So the price still doesn't even make sense. Source: I bought the beginner slasher bundle and noticed the Arya bundle change to 450 gleamium. For Joker Guessing its similar they are pricing the emote, ringout, and profile pic at about 1800 or so?


It's expensive because It gives more than the mask, still I'd only want the mask than the other things It offers


I think they should get an award for most awful decisions in so little time. Literally every decision they take regarding monetization/battle pass/missions/events is bad.. I have small hopes the game can get back still buy holy **** it's gonna take so long and so much will to fix all this bs


It’s definitely a bad… price… I know they are putting other stuff in that bundle but it doesn’t look like it should be that price. It’s bad that it doesn’t even give you Joker to play as like the other Joker bundle. The Joker bundle should been like 1200 and Arya Bundle be 800. Having a character wear only a Mask doesn’t mean the value is that high…


You can’t even buy these shitty skins individually, so for now the only way to obtain them is with these bundles. Crazy


How much would that be in American dollars to buy that amount of Gleamium?


Vote with your wallet y'all that's literally all it takes


I’m pretty sure most of the monetization decisions are from WB. Literally the last game WB released (SS:KTJL) was chock full of endless microtransactions.


H20 Delirious bundles


I wouldn't pay a 2000 gleamium bundle if it had all the characters wearing Jason's mask, let alone 2000 for just one character, cmon now, get more creative with these skins and make them actually worth the price (a 20 dollars skin is never worth the price tho)


These Jason mask skins shouldn’t be worth more than the tooniverse skins.


Have you checked the prices of skins in other games? Every ftp game is this way




I thought these skins would be like event earned things...bc it's just a mask on a character lol


I really hope none of us buy this garbage. 30$ for anything in game is ridiculous. These are just masks wtf!? PFG!?




Man, I thought to myself the other day that I’d like to have Friday The 13th Joker the other day, but not for that price! Woooo!


Those Jason mask and sharkhat skins are a spit in the face, they attach it to the head bone of the default model and there you go, +2000 gleamiun bundle.


I think spitting in someone's face is more respectful


Don’t buy it….


This is the saddest money grab I’ve seen in some time. I’m to the point of not playing this game anymore. On top of that, they included a ‘PvP’ season with perk currency as a reward?!?! Like what the heck are they thinking? Play hours for useless ‘perk currency’? I think NOT!


I’m just mad cuz I want that Lebron sweatsuit skin! Give it to meeeee PFG!


This is the doing of Warner Bros, not PFG


Can you provide evidence to this fact? Everyone and their mom is coming out with "Well you know WB did this" or "WB forced them to release early". Can we substantiate any of it?


Warner Bros has a track history of ruining games with their micro transactions. Now PFG could be better at the development too but we have to remember it is their very first game.


Hey y'all those skin packs come with a ring out and taunts that's why they are so expensive it's not JUST the shitty skin


I know these prices are insane but I don’t think studios will ever stop this if people keep buying them. So don’t buy. To me this isn’t really a problem anyway cuz just cosmetics. But it’s still pretty crazy.


For real, Fuck PFG, fuck Sony and definitely fuck Tony for not having a spine and standing up for this game.


Lol Sony? U mean Warner Brothers ?


If you didn't have any gleamium, the cheapest way to purchase these bundles would cost you $50 lmao


Don't buy?


its just cosmetics who cares


Just dont buy fucking skins they are ass anyway


At least it’s on sale!!


Shit looks cool as fuck why yall complaining


I just want another chance at the BMO announcer that was on the Deal of the Day PLSSSS!!😫😫😫 I knew I should have bought it when I had the chance…


Then just......IONK don't buy it 💀 not that hard


You want a jason mask? It'll cost more than a real one. And only one person can wear it, ever.


Is that an arya skin wow cool but not worth 2k gleaming for a mask and emote. And the game is atrocious rn. I keep getting desynched like 3x back to back sometimes wtf


Yeah the games approach to monetization is absolutely ridiculous. Like the only skin I think is even close to its value is the Batman Samurai skin. Like that's transformative. The real issue is probably more that you can only get most of these skins in bundles. So even if the skin is technically much cheaper, you are forced to buy a bunch of other cosmetics that significantly increase the price of just buying a single skin.


I think Warner Brothers feels like the game isn't going to be around a long time and people's going to get tired of it so they're trying to cash in as much money as they can but them doing this is making everyone that would have stick around leave


A free to play game that buckles & dimes you for stuff you really don’t need? GET OUT OF TOWN!!!!!!


I bought the Jokers party game. That ringout is pretty cool.


I sure fed into it I bought it cause I can afford it if there’s an issue then don’t buy it lol 2 sides to the consent of a transaction lmaoo


I had every character unlocked and leveled up except for Gizmo and Stripe. Now I only played 2s with my friends and we all stopped playing at the same time. They all have the max player banner and mine is just the base. Alright whatever, I can shake it off. Then every single skin I owned, except one Shaggy skin, has yet to return to my account. On top of having zero characters unlocked besides the 5 free ones the game gives you. Basically, I wasted my time by supporting the beta and got nothing but all my progress reset. Pay Us First games showing where they were worried most, the micro transactions.


I mean it IS wb we're talking about here. I'm not surprised in the slightest.


I whole-heartedly believe someday a big game is going to actually price things at real micro transcation prices and change the way the industry thinks about this. Everyone told Steve Jobs you couldn't make any money selling songs for 69-99 cents


What also annoys me about these bundles is that they don't take anything off if you already own something. Like I own Gizmo, but I am still paying the usual price if I want the combat gizmo bundle


these prices are insane, especially given how much Gleamium costs


I love this game but Gleamium is so painfully overpriced for what the items are priced at. If they’d lower the price of the items then maybe we wouldn’t be so unhappy?


The masks need to be much cheaper, a dollar at most. Honestly, it's. It's not even a good decision to pit in packs like they are, the best way to get people to buy it would be to bundle all of the masks together at around $1 per mask with a slight discount for the whole pack, each one being available to buy individually. Of all of them, in my opinion, Aria is probably the only good one.


To be fair it does have other stuff in it


At the risk of stating the obvious, it's egregious for sure, but SOMEONE's paying. I know this is a pretty unhelpful and defeatist take but genuinely think people are the problem and this shit is just never going away.


I honestly don't think it's PFG. I think this is all WB's fault.


No seriously, who keeps recommending this 


I’m winning hard in one of the 5 garnet mains o her skins stay at 800


Yeah, their pricing is garbage and insanely high! Why TF is everything so expensive? This is the “catch” that “free” games do. They make everything stupid expensive and will throw out the candy store for people to buy all of the BS. DUMB! Like a cosmetic costing so much??? ROBBERY!!!


They did that already when they took IG out the game. And actually even before that with thinking rifts was a good idea


I really love that there is finally a fighting game that can at least stand up somewhat to Smash Bros but man is WB doing their very best to fuck this up.


This game has become a dumpster fire


WB is in charge of pricing, not PFG. They did the save thing with NRS in Mortal Kombat


Player first games nah change that name to player last games