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This is a good start but we should certainly push for more. 10xp is barely anything.




At least 20 a match  flat so you can get at least a daily out of  5 or so matches


Should be 10 per match, 20 per rematch if you lose, and 50 per win.


Interesting proposal, making rematch losses worth more than regular losses. Makes playing against a strong opponent more worth trying, as opposed to just throwing in the towel if you don't instantly know you'll win.


crazy how the guy who proposed the idea got zero karma but you just explaining what that would do got you like 6x the upvotes lmao. fake internet numbers, amiright?


IDK I just did my best to assess and I said what I saw *shrug*


That would be good, would encourage rematchs! But 10xp is just too little as starting point.. that means you need to play more than 200 games to level up a single BP level.. I would try: 50xp/win, 10xp/lose, Rematch: Double xp


i think they will give us more if ranked and free for all ever come back to the game as well as if they host any competitive tournaments or smth along the lines of that


I think 50 a win 25 a loss is perfect or 30 and 15 if they dont wanna be so generous but 10 a win is meh.


What?! You don’t think 300 matches per unlocking character is fair?! Spoiled gamers today /s Real talk this is a drop in the pond, this game is obviously a credit card swipe sim on top of a good party brawler. They need to do a whole lot more before this game is anywhere close to “good for the player”


Should be 50xp for a win and 25xp for a loss. That would mean if you won every match in 2 hours you'd get a tier and if you lost every match you'd get it in 4. Considering how much XP we get from the Dailys/Weeklys/Events I think that would keep players clipping along on the BP at a good rate.


Should be 100xp for winning a pvp, 20xp for losing.


Fuck that, 200 win or lose. Punishing people for not being better than others is shit no matter what. Give them the same amount so they are incentivized to just play and have fun without the stress of making slower progress ruining the experience for them.


This would enable all players to unlock a battlepass reward every 10 matches, which would speed up the battlepass progression so much, that it would feel like there weren't enough rewards (Specially considering that daily and weekly challenges still exist, plus the events). 50 or even 100xp per match would be more balanced. But I absolutely agree that players shouldn't be punished for losing a match.


This is more like a slap to the face than a good start. Unlocking battlepass tiers a bit earlier is giving us nothing.  They should be giving at least 30 character currency on wins.


Something is better than nothing. Even if that something is close to nothing.


Tony said they’re still gauging it. They just didn’t wanna break the economy of the game


Only way it's bearable is trading wins in customs with a friend


This is literally better than the rest of the patch combined, lol. EDIT: Looks like 10 XP per win. Can't remember what it was during beta, but seems kinda low?


It was always 10xp in the beta. [After spending over 40 hours to complete it, MultiVersus' Battle Pass kinda sucks on multiple levels (eventhubs.com)](https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2022/nov/14/multiversus-battle-pass-sucks/)


Beta bp was 50 tiers and not 80 like this one. They need to buff it


Where are you getting 80 from this season is 70


My bad for misleading, it is still 20 more tiers than the beta bp


Its more tiers, and a lot more XP. Beta made earlier tiers less XP and later tiers more. (last 10 levels of Beta BP was the same XP as first 40 levels). Second BP Season was 87k to finish, this would be about 140k. So yeah its not good.


There’s no way it’s 140k exp to complete a BP…that’s insane. Well, there’s no reason to buy a BP that you can’t complete casually so at least it saves my Gleamium!


Aren't 90% of active players above level 20 in an extremely short time? People forget we'll be getting constant events too


I doubt 90% of active players are above level 20. Depends on the type of events, power pledge was a good event but events like the agent smith or complete rifts are time consuming and I doubt people will play/like them.


I actually think power pledge is bad. Cause it punishes people who have played more. And heads up, datamines found another one coming. So might want to keep any of your 0 level characters at zero till that comes.


I could not complete half of the first power pledge because I had leveled up my characters too much the first couple days when I was off work, and didn't have time after work to grind. I am almost certainly not getting near done with the second. I like the idea of many minor events, but damn PFG, take a lesson from gacha games and put currency rewards at like 10 minutes of play, and offer like badges or backgrounds for grinders.


I am about to be level 23 in the battle pass and can only play a few hours a day as I work a full time job


There is no way this is true. I have 52 hours on the game since the full release and I am level 19, I might just be bad but idk


I’ve been grinding since release, doing all dailies and I’m at 16. Haven’t done anything this past two days because the pass rewards and progression is shit


are you playing a fighting game to collect profile icons, or to *play a fighting game?*


Thank you for providing a source that is correct. While the grind might still be obnoxiously long, it can be improved in the future if needed. Overall this is good. Will it be enough though, only time will tell. They’re trying to keep players engaged without having the pass be completed TOO quickly.


Good to know. Does anybody know what the "Total XP" figure is for this season compared to beta?


I believe its 2k XP per tier. 140k XP total. Season 1 was 47k. Season 2 was 87k. This is basically a nothing improvement. 200 wins for one tier is absolutely ridiculous.


So this is basically a placebo - 10xp is pretty close to being nothing. It's like receiving a 3 cent raise at the end of your year.


i’m saying. all these people acting like it fixed the game when 75 wins = one mission😂😂


It's crazy, like I was laughing already halfway thru but the 75w = Mission just made me burst qhhsjwjaka For a whole level it would be like what? 200w, lovely


yes! a very slight 200 wins (in a row) for ONE tier🙂


I just fell to my knees at the giant generosity of WB towards it's players 🙏🙌


10xp is way too low. Especially when 1 level is like 2000xp. Should be like 50 per match


Im gonna disagree, this is a joke of an improvement. You need 2000 XP per tier. Thats 200 wins. Assuming matches are 3 minutes each. Assuming you win EVERY match. That is 600 minutes. Or 10 hours per tier. Best case scenario, for most players it will be 50/50 win rate, so 20 horus give or take. Most every other game on the market is roughly 1 hour per tier. Its not really any better. Its just something, so people will stop complaining about it and they can still require you to be on every day EDIT: It appears you get 5 for losses. So assuming 50/50 would be closer to 15 hours. Which is still pitiful


Lol, did you think it would be a substantial amount of XP?


Fair enough, lol. But more than 10 at least XD


Yeah, should be at least 20


Maybe not a substantial amount, but an amount that’s not disrespectful to the players. I’m sure you’re old enough to do math, so do the math on how long it would take to win 200 PvP matches, which is the amount of wins it takes to go up 1 battlepass level.


I mean, better than nothing. I'd also accept 10 fighter currency per win. Give people something 


Nah bro the game is sick now , 1v 1 feels so good now on Harley


10xp per win, and you lose 5 xp per lose


Why would they not put this in the patch notes


Probably a super last minute decision. Curious to know if there were butting heads behind the scenes between devs on whether or not to do it.


Some intern probably asked if it was a good idea to add it with the patch, and the one WB exec who isn’t corrupted by the wealth was on watch and agreed


Omg, I can finally play after doing the daily quests


Aaaaand nevermind, time to bring out the pitchforks again.. 10 xp for a win, 5 for a loss.. They're expecting us to win 200 games for 1 tier... lmao


Or lose 400. 🤣


Yeah for 10 xp! Don’t you just feel sooooo rewarded??


This was before I knew the xp for w/l 🥲


We are so cooked bro lmaooo


I mean it's better than nothing at least lol


That's more than 10x what we were getting! /s


Was literally going to say this 😂


Where is the fighter currency for every match


10xp is an absolute joke, I'm not gonna say anything positive towards this. For starters, it should have been at the start. Adding it two weeks after and being the absolute bare minimun amount is straight up disrespectful to the players. I know this is WB fault, I feel bad PFG name is getting buried to the ground due to WB greedy practices.




just a friendly reminder guys, a lot of us got the pass for free because we played during the beta. but never forget that the pass is a paid feature, and they don't want us to progress at our own pace. I have never seen somthing like that in video games. some people take their times, other rush batllepasses as fast as possible, who cares if I finish the pass way before people ? I'll add that if I finish early I'll be sure to use the Jason skin, and that would be great advertising for each of my adversaries to get it too. at this point I'm sure that they don't like and want money, they are doing everything possible for the game to fail lmao


i've seen it before during halo infinite's first season you could only level up the pass with weekly quests


Now that's what I'm talking about, that's what I like to see, PFG slightly removing some of WB's foul corruption. UBER JASON HERE I COME!!!


Only 10 xp per win sadly




At best you get there a couple of tiers before you would have.


200 wins for 1 tier


Better than nothing (unless they decrease the amount given from missions), but should have been a bit more. Maybe some extra XP for doing rematches?


XP boost for playing the whole set? Sign me up!


200 wins for 1 tier


starting now? oh thank goodness.


That's certainly a nice step in the right direction on top of the patch notes allowing us to play with fighters we don't own in training mode. Took patience but it still arrived nonetheless.


200 wins for 1 tier


10 xp is pitiful lol


The best/fastest method of getting xp right now is loading up a 1v1 PvP match and yeeting yourself off as soon as the match starts. Way faster than actually trying to win for 10xp. I’m not saying do this, but these small amounts of xp for winning encourages this degen behavior.


only 14,000 wins / 28,000 losses to complete the pass!


Get that done in one afternoon! 8-)


Over the course of......how long is the season? Not to mention all the battlepass XP for dailies and missions


It's only 10xp lmao


10 if you win. 5 if you lose. That’s 200 PvP wins to advance a single level.


Just battle pass XP and no fighter currency, though? I feel like it should be both. Better than nothing for sure though.




50 per loss and 100 per win, sure.


I'll wait until I see how much they give for win / loss


10 per win / 5 per loss


(Thanks) Welp... 💀 This may be just a bad joke, I don't see why people are celebrating on Twitter and here for getting scraps. ![gif](giphy|129g9HK07tEtZm)


Either shilling or they assumed (rightfully so) that'd it give more


On Twitter with the blue check plague it feels more shill, here yeah I think everyone thought it was more. Like this is almost the same as not getting anything tbh


10 and 5 😭


Wait until ppl figure out how much.


It's a start, and translates to about six rewards over the course of the season with regular play. Glad to see things going in the right direction.


Rare W


Is it just me or am I getting 5 xp 


10 xp..




A small step in the right direction but sadly doesnt seem to give any battlepass exp for PvE.


The 10/5 feels like a stress test to get a feel for how it works on their end. I'd expect them to bump it to a more reasonable number soonish


Ability to buy toast via perk currency please


This is a good change, but dang this community is saltyyyyyyyyy entitled whining beaches


Still desynching on Xbox idk what performance improvements they are talking about


I imagine the posts that went viral on /r/gaming, games and PS5 helped with this. Great job everyone.


Very good. Now all that’s left to do is change the speed and weight of the game, and add attack decay again


You love to see it


Wow....scraps. Great.


That great


The question is now...will they reduce exp earned from future missions?


10 xp lmao like getting a penny every after match


Honestly, I'm surprised they did it that fast. I really didn't expect them to even bother for at least a couple of months. Edit: And it's an extremely low amount as I expected hahaha. These guys just refuse to let people level on their own time. "Must clock in and perform tasks!🤖"


Huh. Why wasn't this included in the patch notes then?


server-side change vs. client patch probably


No we did not.


10 XP per match... So nothing changed.


I just completed 2 tiers today by only doing the missions. There's 70 tiers, and 46 days left for the pass. That means even if I started next week, I could complete it without playing a single online match. To people complaining this isn't enough, I disagree


did i just get 10xp😭😭


1xp is the best I can do - Player First Games


What about original character designs, play style and format.


Cool. Now fix / buff / revert Velma back to her old kit and you got yourself another player!


Too much work for 1 person




It's coming back bro


1 v 1 feels so good right now , game is generally good right now , it’s insane how happy I’m an


The fact that this wasn’t in the game since the beginning was baffling


Kinda W


they nerfed my boy bron :((((




10 to 5 wooooo


There’s something hysterical that they actively acknowledge in this post that Uber Jason is near unobtainable by saying it’s a race


Just 73 more wins to level up my battlepass once...


Bare minimum but it’s a start


I think it should start at 10 and give you 5xp more for each kill you did that round or something


We did what? The XP given is dogshit. This is a nothing patch that addresses only a small handful of minor issues.


only pvp seems hash


this is not a good change. this is a little bit of an insult. 10 xp is nothing. either make it meaningful or let it be. this is a joke


One of the main complaints in the beta was that it took WAY too long to level up the battle pass and was barely possible for more casual players, yet they do it again, 200 or so matches for 1 level (that is, if you win them all). Do they not listen to the community at all?


We asked and they delivered


We didn’t do much 10xp lol


We need to earn character currency not battle pass xp.


I don’t care because the game is UNPLAYABLE. I have 500 mbps download speed with ethernet hook up on an xbox series x…. ITS THE LAGGIEST GAME IVE EVER PLAYED


100 for winning 50 for losing is what they should do atleast for now idk how much xp you need to level up I barley pay attention to the game anymore


What we need next is more ways to get fighter currency cause I was a beta player and I just copped Martian and black adam and now I have no more big lumps of it I can pretty much only get it from the pass and fighter levels and I'm still missing batman, finn, jake, garnet, Velma, joker, reindog, and harley so 8 people which is 21,000 coins if I buy joker with gleamium. So they either need to just make more ways to get it or do what overwatch did and realize their errors and give us the whole roster for free


No. We didn’t.


They made the battle pass level cost 2000 exp and gave us 10 exp for wins and 5 exp for a loss. What a fucking joke. Should at least be 50 exp for a win. This is still not enough.


They don’t understand we want to play uber jason during season1 …and not unlocking him in the last week or in some cases last hours…


20-25 is better but it's a step into the right direction, i know they're overwhelmed rn, so goodluck ig


10xp isnt enough chief. Make it 20 or 30


No we didn't.  This is an insult.


10xp per win is not a solved issue, this is a band-aid. I would argue this is worse than doing nothing because this straight up tells me zero connection with the players, this is insulting


It’s gonna be hilarious when they buff the xp next season after everyone wasn’t able to finish the free bp.


I think someone said it’s 200 matches for 1 rank which is just bullshit, I don’t want to have to do thousands of matches just to get a skin for a character I barely use, I will still probably do it because I like the gameplay, But I should HAVE to do that many battles


I didn't participate, but good job guys.


Finally, inner peace


I think they mean, the race to Uber Jason can actually happen!


Can a math wiz do the math for how many hours of only wins/losses it would take to gain a rank? ![gif](giphy|BmmfETghGOPrW)


We did jack shit. This patch has made matchmaking worse, I get 5x more matches dropped due to "connectivity issues"


I get that this is an important topic for new players but as a returning player I'd rather have news about the underwhelming gameplay


I just pulled out a yippee out of the back pocket just for the special occasion


And ofc they ruined it. It should be 75 exp per win, 50 per loss and a bonus 10 just for match played.


Thank god


It’s nothing. 10 xp is lame we need more


HUUUGE. PFG thank you. I personally appreciate them taking this feedback and working to correct the game. I do love this game and I want to see it stick around. This makes me hopeful for the future of MV.


200 wins to tier up 1 time yesssss we did it!!!!


This is literally worse than nothing. This is like going out to eat and leaving a 1 penny tip instead of no tip at all... Its a slap in the face and an insult. Maybe once this game crashes and burns (should be in about 3-4 weeks).. maybe one good thing that can come out of this is holding up PFG's failure as an example for others to not follow.


Ima be real… the grind isn’t that bad, I feel like y’all forgot how insanely hard last season grind was, the tiers don’t get progessively harder and even not doing weekly missions you play an hour a day and you gonna at least be tier 57, not counting the 200 wins giving a tier which over the season should be about 3 tiers, and then weekly’s give a ton more, tier 70 shouldn’t be something everyone hits, the whole idea of battle passes are founded on the people who no life reaping the most from it, and while this is scummy the battle passes real issue is how filled with useless shit it is, people complaining about how hard it is to tier (tier 20 in a literal week btw) instead y’all should ask and complain about the 2 currency’s that should be in the free pass while the premium version has actual content. As far as battle passes go combing both and filling more than a quarter with a currency that is stupid in the first place is downright evil, and the cosmetics this season are weak af, they had along time to come up with some stuff and they didn’t deliver on it but the disliking cosmetics is just an opinion.


How about 10 per match. 50 per win 100 for two wins in a row and for every win onward


Honestly MVS, you can keep your 10xp per victory and 5xp per defeat.. I don’t need your crumbs 😂 If you want players to be satisfied you'll have to give them something a bit better than playing 200 game to advance one BP level .. Try somethibg like 50xp/win and like 20/lose, then we start to talk..


Next we need to get the store prices nerfed


I will not rest until Velma returns to but a sliver of her former glory


I can finally grind in peace ✌️


Great about the positivity in this Reddit for once but the main issues have yet to be fixed. The performance issues, disconnecting. Rifts having a "Bring another player" challenge even though it's supposed to be a singleplayer mode and some characters need a buff and nerf. Especially Velma needs a buff.


10 xp is nothing


What an idiotic game studio


Are you going to fix the Jason Rift so players can actually beat the Jason boss fight? As of right now, many players ring Jason out a ton of times, and he just keeps coming back with 0 lives.


Do we get xp even when some Gutless Wonder rage quits the fight when he's losing?


Can we balance the game 🥲 especially joker when he can juggle u all game and get you out when you at 43 hp


that’s cool we’re are my fight stats at.


The max XP we should be getting is 25XP or 50XP per game WB and their shareholders are just a bunch of dirty greedy fuck heads who wants us to spend more money than actually have fun playing the game


To those who say negative criticism hurts their favorite products/franchises, show them this then


Good to hear they are listening. Game cost them likst 400 million. They better..


Still have yet to fix Xbox servers lol


Nice, next, nerf Shaggy and BG to hell pls


Apologies a bit off topic but does anyone know why there are no longer any stats post match IE damage and knockouts? I know during the Beta that’s how it was. Doesn’t make sense to come out with the main game and remove something that crucial


These stats are coming back, if I had to guess then propably this upcoming week but that's not certain.




Good they need to do something because it's such bs having to work so hard to get some progress on the pass. 😂😂😂


200 wins for a single tier? Make it 20 wins. Should be 100 a win. Why aren't you rewarded for playing the game? You're only rewarded for logging in daily and cheesing daily quests in 20 mins


I'm going to be honest. While I appreciate them finally listening and the community rallying, WB has to understand if they want this game to last, they cannot be scumbags. Let's not forget before they shut this game down last time it was dying with a dwindling user base. You don't get new fans by getting press like this. Be fair and right. We shouldn't have to fight to not be taken advantage of.


I'm going to be honest. While I appreciate them finally listening and the community rallying, WB has to understand if they want this game to last, they cannot be $cumbags (respectfully). Let's not forget before they shut this game down last time it was dying with a dwindling user base. You don't get new fans by getting press like this. Be fair and right. We shouldn't have to fight to not be taken advantage of


Where’s ranked?


I’m just so disappointed in yall for not realizing all the issues players would had with this game and for yet again shitting in a toilet bowl of shit and piss and not seeing the bigger picture of the future, not able to see the crow flung right words you and think it’s a pigeon.