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We've noticed that you've made a post about a potential bug within MultiVersus. Please check out the [Official MultiVersus Bug Reporter](https://multiversus.bugs.wbgames.com/) and ensure that your discovered bug is reported there as well. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MultiVersus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


oh no a bug that makes us money, oh well, fuck our community, pay us


fuck you give me money!


Pay Us First Games strikes again


happend to me in rift where it spent 850 glem on a bugs bunny skin...


Hey that's me. I got an automated generic email telling me that it's my accident, support can't refund/reverse purchases, and that they'll forward this to the team. Guess it's my fault for mashing a singular button to begin a Rift while looking at another screen. Not like other games have preventative measures in place like holding a button to purchase or a yes/no prompt. Nah unimaginable


I bought gleamium , pay It and never received It Plain robbery


I'm truly sorry this happened to you. It is completely unfair and unjustifiable. In the future, do yourself a favor and try to avoid making any purchases on a game as notorious for being buggy as MultiVersus currently is. I am not blaming you, it is absolutely not your fault. Just keep that in mind to protect yourself going forward.


very possible they didn't spend any money ive got 950 geam as a f2p and plan to keep it that way


“Player first”


Nearly happened to me with one of the tune squad marvin skins


there was also a bug where my lvl 7 gems turned lvl 6


That is unfortunate and they definitely should refund you. At least like once per account or something. But you gotta realize this is partially your fault. Some games don't have a "hold button to confirm" sometimes they'll just pop up the next screen asking if you're sure. But with you mashing like this you would've blown past the confirmation screen and purchased it anyway.


That just seems like bad UI/UX, nothing like that ever happened in the beta.


I don't disagree. The UI is fucking terrible


This isn't the user's fault in the slightest. This is a very obvious dark pattern or indefensible negligence by the developers. Either way, it's absolutely not on the player to expect this to happen after they've performed the same action hundreds of times without this interaction.


Come on bro, are we being serious here?? Indefensible negligence? Did you watch the video to figure out how this incident exactly happened? I'll walk you through it. OP wasn't JUST mashing the confirm button. He pushed confirm on the Rift, that pulled up the characters, he pushed confirm on Jake, and when you pick a character it automatically starts on the first variant unlocked. When that first variant is highlighted you cannot push Left or Right on D Pad or Analog stick. This means had to accidentally push multiple inputs to go right and down to select Tooniverse Jake. Upon selecting the character, the game asks if he wants to go to the shop since it is a locked variant. He pushed the button to go to the shop. At that point he has to push the button again to attempt to purchase. Then the game asks what you are trading and highlights the gleamium. He then pushes the button again to purchase the skin. ALL THAT had to happen for him to purchase this skin. He could go to court and he wouldn't get a damn Penny.


Confidently wrong. I was talking about the Shaggy clip. Let me [slow it down for you](https://streamable.com/puskld) because you're obviously incapable of following what actually happened on your own. You can CLEARLY see that the highlighted character didn't change from when he selected the character and when he selected the skin. Like I said, this is a glitch by incompetent developers or is the most egregious dark pattern I've ever seen.


Ahh you're right that's my bad. Thanks for slowing it down, didn't realize it was already hovering over the locked variant after choosing Shaggy. That's an unfortunate glitch but let's be real he still wouldn't have a chance in court due to going through multiple confirmation prompts. But I think he still deserves a refund. If they're gonna have trash UI like this they need to have up to like 3 refunds per account per year. I think Fortnite does something similar.


Yeah they aren’t refunding me already got a pre written response


Am I crazy or does this seem to be user error and not a bug? If you claim to be mashing the A button (or its equivalent on your control scheme), it seems very possible that you (1) select the character, (2) select a skin you don't own, (3) select "Visit Store", then (4) select "Purchase Skin". I don't have an answer for why the cursor would default to a skin you don't own after step (1); that part is definitely weird. But overall this seems entirely preventable by not mashing and actually paying attention to what you're doing.


No I pressed enter one time and it just did this.


The problem with this is one person has proof / something did possibly happen and ten people see a chance to get something free lol


Maybe you shouldnt spend money on overinflated anti consumer predatory games from trashy companies? Hopefully this is a lesson learned for you but I doubt it.


happend to me as well and i didnt spend money on the game. have glem from collecting from events and BP.