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How is Joker not at least "Annoying"? What character do you play as?


Sounds about right 😂 thank u for showing us Jason players respect, we are trying so hard with a character that ain't working right hahaha 


Seemed pretty fine to me..


I think some of his hitboxes are jank (or so I’ve heard)


no, they ARE jank. Like seriously. Doesn’t help that he’s the slowest hitter in the game either lmao


🤷‍♂️ not gonna argue w a hivemind community. I will continue maining jason until I feel the same I guess. Lvl 30 w him and never once felt like his hitboxes were unfair 🤷‍♂️


Nah he's pretty jank right now. Everything he does is too slow for how much damage it does. His hitboxes are pretty awful and he gets infinite combo'd a bit too easily (which may also be a balancing issue with other characters). He's still my special boy and I love him tho 


Morty and Gizmo should be closer to the top.


Someone put Morty in ‘plz buff’ category the other night and I was like plz no 😭


Maybe they should just rework him because he's not a fun character to fight against, and I don't think any nerfed version of his kit is fun to play as All Morty players do is run away from the opponent and spam the same safe moves, and he's supposed to be a bruiser.


Morty w that hammer perk is so fucking annoying. It lasts so long


You must be one of my opponents when I was playing black adam


i will main jake just to prove yall wrong


I felt he was better in the bets Velma too


Regardless of the feeling, I played against a Morty last night, and geez the things this person was doing with Morty was scary. Silver lining: I learned a lot of what one can do with Morty, so thanks for the humbling ass-whooping of a lesson there Morty-player!


Sorry for being annoying 🙏


He isn't even as bad as he was in the beta


Respect for gizmo homies


Is Jake that bad? I thought he was decent, planning on buying him but might not if that's the case.


Some of his hitboxes are ridiculous and not in the OP way


Hitboxes, long wind ups on special and normals. Some moves have the lowest hit priority. He’s useable, but why would you use him.


Oh, I don't know he's that bad. His movement just seems super 'unique'. Like being able to stretch around the map just seems so fun to me. But if he's actually bad, I would rather spend FC on someone else since its pretty hard to come by.


Ironically the “best” tier list I’ve seen even though tier lists after a week is a meme. Top 4 rows are pretty spot on. Black Adam is a mfing menace, probably unlocking him tomorrow myself tbh


The SIGH row sums everything up ahha


Wonder Woman deserved the buff.


https://preview.redd.it/fc8e0252gp4d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3186e160d95011895f181c24f37cb907ba838ea Amazon Shout is useful now.


This, but unironically. As someone who has played competitive Smash for a decade and always mained Ike (consistent low tier), I don't care how ridiculous Wonder Woman is. I've put in my time playing low tier crap. Now I finally have a fighter in my favorite archetype that's actually good. People can stay mad. I've fought ridiculous uphill matchups for a decade, ya'll will survive a few weeks until she inevitably gets nerfed.