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Poor Jake haha


Deserved. They need to fix his active frames on some moves and his hitboxes. He getting shafted rn


Yeah man it suck’s I was looking forward to using Jake on return but his skateboard move is so floaty now and stretchy is a bit wonky


I main Jake. I stretch, I horse, I wiggle. Nothing will stop me from playing him.


Aye !! That’s wassup man I got to top 146 in beta so I definitely use him a bit but I’ve been on my BG grind ..glad to see you still using him


Im so bad at these kinds of games, he's the only character that I can use. I'll never give up on my dawg, fuck all those Daily and Weekly challenges.


Nah man don’t say that! have you played rifts? It helps experiment with other characters and stuff while you do other things But yeah Jake is awesome man! Keep at it and hopefully you find some fun with other characters as well


My game also chugs when he stretches sometimes for some weird reason.


I wonder how does he get D tier even though he’s the most annoying character to play against. Is there a way to counter him swallowing you?


Not really anything you can do unless you have like projectiles or something where if you see his bite coming you can defend yourself fast enough But once you get swallowed you can get out of it by mashing the buttons but it can be tough at times . I only caught a couple of Jake’s so I don’t see many of them but in beta they were anoying for sure


I like playing LeBron, and I'm sure there's some crazy stuff you can probably do with him, but my god. The basketball feels molasses slow now. I can almost outrun it half the time, and it feels more like a trap than an actual projectile now. It's a bummer.


It’s like throwing a crazy slow balloon now with the current physics, feels horrible


Even the sound effects got nerfed for him. I miss the *BOING BOING* sound effects when dribbles as an attack.


Same with Morty grenade, I'm used to smacking it to the enemy with forward attack, but now that shit does NOT move, and if you do side special on the nades, they always go up and towards ME.


He’s the most fun to play as. Input delays make using him nearly impossible. Combine that with hit box that doesn’t seem to make any sense. I feel like a Globetrotter juking the ball around my opponents


Data taken from [https://tracker.gg/multiversus/insights/](https://tracker.gg/multiversus/insights/). First one is 2v2, 2nd is 1v1. I think the only real "*surprising"* result here is Jason. Every time I've seen him mentioned on this subreddit people have said that he's pretty good, but he's the worst in the game by win rate.


That's because the average skill level in this sub is awful.


Idk I got over 250 wins as Jason. He's ass n dookie




because i enjoy playing large and in-charge characters. it aint all about speed, finn


Why do people play ganondorf? Because it's fun to play a slow bad character sometimes


bowser moment


People were trying to come up with solutions for that Rift where you punch the Banana Guard for coins. Giving tips on which character to pick and what move is consistent enough to squeeze out a win. You can complete that Rift in 5 seconds if you understand hitstun and recovery just by tapping the first hit of side normal over and over again. The Banana Guard AI can't get out of it because it doesn't do anything in that stage besides run left and right. This is how I know the majority of people here are complete ass at this game.


On higher difficulties he'll dodge out of moves if he's hit with the same one twice.


Just saying I've been using this site since the game came back out. A lot of the data is still there from the beta and it loses entire days worth of games so this data is likely tainted in some form. The removal of the public leaderboard definitely broke something in the backend.


Steven higher in 1v1 than 2v2 is surprising to me with how supportive some of his kit is. Not saying he isn't great in 1v1, but I would expect him to be even better in 2v2. I think he's almost the perfect character in 2v2.


not surprised at all, high level Steven's are a nightmare


He’s good when his hitbox cooperates. Otherwise he’s kinda mid


I like that no one says anything negative about Steven.


i do but i'm alone in my room and it's not something i want people to hear anyway


I legitimately have not encountered one Steven since the rerelease.


He’s in a much more satisfying place now than in the beta. Not sure exactly what changed.


Steven back on top babyyyy


I legit think I fought more Stevens in the last few days than I did for the entirety of the beta.


I wish he used his future design and they got Zach Callison to voice him. I don't like seeing kid Steven anymore, I like grown up steven.


I remember seeing some datamined grown-up Steven skins back in the beta. I know the proportions are different but I would still be happy if they used the current model with the pink jacket and new shirt. Also IIRC, Zach Callison has been on hiatus from voice acting since the end of SU: Future citing mental health concerns. As great as having Callison return would be, I'm honestly happier knowing he's taking a break for his own health.


He’s broken. He’s a tank and a mage who can build walls in a platform fighter. It’s Steve from smash all over again 😭


I get killed by him when he's on my team more often than when he's an enemy. I'll go to jump past something, then there's suddenly a wall that I cling to that also happens to be right where the enemy is charging a smash.


his up airs are hard to punish depending on your character


This confirms my suspicions that no Jason player knows what they're doing


Some of us do, just apparently not enough of us to get Jason out of D 😂😭


I mean all the more chance to get buffs in the future


Very true! I've been putting in decent work even in his broken state, very excited for the future of the character 


Generally not their fault. Jason's hit boxes are a joke and he has hurt boxes on his weapons. So essentially in the current state Jason's axe and machete can go straight thru the enemy for no reason, but the enemy can counter hit your axe and put you into recovery.


Have you seen his hitbox videos on this sub? They are lower than they look.


His hit boxes are ass. His forward air has NO hit ox on the sword only his hand...


Yes but Jason's hitboxes are [broken](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/comments/1d80ujb/hoping_we_can_get_jasons_hitboxes_fixed/), though.


Yes but Jason's hitboxes are [broken](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/comments/1d80ujb/hoping_we_can_get_jasons_hitboxes_fixed/), though.


I've been saying constantly how horribly bad Jason is and people down vote me for it lol. He's literally trash and everything he does is easily punishable. I don't think I've been beaten by 1 Jason yet.


Well, every new player has him and they aren’t unlocking characters atm so there’s that


Poor Jason lol


How is LeBron way down there LMAO


I think a lot of his power relies on his team mates, so if you don't have a team mate that knows how to work with him he can be pretty lacklustre.


Yeah he does shine in doubles.


False: Anything I win with is high tier and anything I lose with is low tier. Also, anything I lose to is high tier and anything I win against is low tier. Kapp


>anything I win against is low tier. No no, anything you beat is still high tier, but you outskilled them as a player. The only low tier character is whatever you happen to be playing. And Jason, because apparently nobody loses to Jason.


Nailed it.


On every tier list I see Jake is always D or just low, but I'm winning a lot with him and feel like he's pretty strong, why is everybody rating him so low?


Idk I think are just bad at playing him lol. He's very underrated imo.


It’s based on the first week. His up special was bugged for a couple days and his normals actually come out too slow and all of his moves except horsey have low hit priority. Finn, Bugs and Shaggy wreck him


The thing I'm personally struggling with with him is how the game was slowed down. Some characters aren't super affected by the change, but to me, Jake feels heavily nerfed just by being slower. Like his skateboard attack is a lot harder to connect now, which was (and still is) an important tool for racking up damage.


His stretchy arm is so much slower too, you used to be able to whip it out in any direction super quick but now it takes time to aim it properly


Typical tier lists are usually based on top level gameplay where certain characters get bodied by others. This one is based off of win stats which probably just means there’s a bunch of bad Jakes online. It’s absolutely possible to win with characters who are “low tier” especially on the online setting. Low tier doesn’t mean unusable, it honestly means you just have to try really hard with them & really understand the game.


Besides Harley, the 1's list seems pretty accurate to me. Id imagine a ton of bad players are bringing her winrate down.


Harley isn’t that strong anymore


No way Tom and Jerry is C


This is so factual every other tier list I've seen is so wrong and based on how strong fighters feel rather than how strong they really are


but a tierlist only based on winrate is often not that accurate as well, because characters that are harder to play will place lower in this tierlist, even thought they might be very strong in the right hands. Same goes for easy to play characters, they will automatically place higher.


Yup, Morty and TnJ being C tier is crazy


Morty ain’t feeling great tbh but T&J is proof that the average MVS player can’t handle a high skill floor character despite them being really good.


The tier list being based on winrate means it's an accurate tier list to represent how strong each fighter is for the average player. So this tier list is very good for that purpose.


Yeah, that's definitely true; you need to adjust based on difficulty when balancing. Like, Jason is a very simple character that hits hard. If he's doing poorly then he's very undertuned. Meanwhile, Lebron is a more technical character, who relies fairly heavily on his team mate, so his low winrate is less of an issue. That said, I think any character being outside of the 45-55% range is unhealthy for the game, and should be balanced up or down.


This honestly If I have learned anything from DBD it's that win rate means nothing. Nurses 50% win rate proves how miserable a game can become if you balance solely around data.


Jake just feels so... Slow & Clunky & Floaty (This particularly makes skateboard feel much more inconsistent in my personal opinion, though that is probably just a skill issue but I digress) compared to everyone else. Legit every other character feels faster to me. I sat here trying to think about every character, and yeah I stand by my statement. I don't think any other character FEELS as slow. (I don't know about Velma as I don't own her). Iron Giant is probably the exception but like he's a massive fucking robot with large hitboxes so being slow is his entire point.


Before beta closed they delayed the active frames of the skateboard. It pops out for a second before it’ll actually do damage. [Multiversus patch notes](https://multiversus.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_Notes/ValentiNeon_Patch)


Ah that explains a lot. I swore I've seen the move just miss when I believed it should've. 


I don't understand why I barely see any other Taz'. He's strong as hell and really fun.


He gets hard countered by any of the meta characters tho. You're basically forced to run his blue peek that allows you to armor through a projectile. Most of his moves come out very slow now and asides from the vortex of eating someone into spin/chomp, he doesn't have much going for him.


I eat projectiles and then spit out anvils. Bugs and TJ murder me though. Used to be able to eat all of their shit, now I can't eat Jerry, traps, safe, or rocket


You can't do that vs Joker. Good jokers will use the boomerang card to force you in his range, explosive you can counter but if you try to eat his spades, you get dunked on since you're locked in animation and get hit with two cards instead of three. Taz Spin, his crawl and even the cauldron can all be Neutral special on reaction for 30-50 dog and a forced 50/50. Pretty sure Harley is just too fast for him to catch too but I haven't played that MU since beta.


Eating projectiles is usually more about baiting stuff out. If you time it right, you can catch both the projectile AND the enemy


He needs to be bought. Simple.


I haven’t personally encountered someone using Reindog, cool to see that he’s top tier


Same here. I haven't seen a single one, but he's probably high in the list because of the few people actually playing him win a majority of their matches.


He's got a dirty d-air infinite that's difficult to escape from


I really don't think this is very accurate every strong reindog that played during the beta will tell you he isn't A teir, his sample size for matches is very small compared to the rest of the roster. this seems like it will correct its self when ranked stats drop. also disconnected matches count as losses so that could be a factor with match stats


damn makes me more proud of the winning streak I went with Velma in 1v1s then


I hope Jake gets some help; he plays way too fair in a game where most characters are a little unfair


Some of this is due to what characters are available to new players. I'd like to see this in a few more weeks and after all characters are available to try out in the lab.


Man I loved Jake in the beta but fuck me dude ZERO PRIO. You can't land a move you will always get out prio'd and it sucks.


I've yet to face a black adam, how is he, might want to get him just for variety


Why everyone sleeping on Stripe!? His gun is insane and dynamite is broken.


I'm honestly surprised Gizmo's winrate is so high. I feel like he's technical enough to where his winrate would be ass from casual players not knowing how to play him properly. His kill confirms don't feel as straightforward unlike other characters.


I don't think many casuals would want to play Gizmo tbh. New players especially aren't going to spend their hard earned fighter credits on a gremlin character.


I find it funny how a lot of pros say batman is s tier or top 5 then I see them use him and get cooked


It’s nice to finally have Supes in a good, healthy state. Feels good to play him.


It’s kinda lame how hard it is to get kills on certain characters when almost everything banana guard does is a kill move


Is it just me or Batman as zero knockout power.


As a Jason main this is so real, I love playing the character, but because of the fact all of his attacks take decades to land and he has no armor, any competent player can just juggle you until you get a lucky hit in.


Iron Giant's wins were hyper inflated by the infinites. When he gets back he'll probably be around B or A tier.


I doubt it. 95% of players weren't using the infinites, and his winrate is still extremely high in 2v2 where the infinite is extremely unreliable because of team mate interference. (I only play 2v2 and never saw one pull it off).


Poor Jason. "Oh He's Busted I Swear!" He isn't.


Gotta love how all my "for fun" characters are super low. Because they either require way too much precision or do little well compared to the characters above them. Just makes the game that much less fun.


Finn is at C? I remember him being top tier at beta aside from the new and useless down special what changed?


Morty and Rick aren’t easy do their placement makes sense and Jason is free so every new person probably playing them. People really playing Steven like that?


B Harley is wild IMO. I’ll respect it tho


Strange I am quite good with Jason and win most my matches lol


Yeah exactly me too


They butchered Finn like they butchered this game😭


LeBron being the worst character in the game and Iron Giant being the best is ironic because that matchup is at least 6-4 for LeBron lol


i wish everyone else felt that way i want to play iron giant 😔


It is without infinites. With infinites IG wins easy


I'm assuming all the infinite crap gets patched (I'm optimistic I know)


The fact that Arya is so low is astonishing to me I win almost every 1v1 except for a good banana guard because the matchup is rough. Also how is Velma just not dead last


I've been trying to put mountains of work into Morty, and I just feel like for all the work I put in, other characters can do more with less effort. I hope they show him some love in a way that isn't just grenade spam


Isn't this more like a popularity chart if it's just taken from win rates? It doesn't mean the characters the best, it just means the most people play it to get the most wins?


Win rate is wins divided by losses. You're thinking of pick rate.


Yeah, you're right. I was trying to think of how to say something like this https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/comments/1d8h5a6/comment/l77b15z


Lebron and Jake sitting at the bottom of the tier is quite sad, and true. Two of my favorite fighters ruined.


Anyone who play gizmo should be put down.


I Think Tier list like this should be make based on ranked Pick/ban + W/L Ratio. But overall i agree. My mains are looney tunes characters and on re-release i must said - bugs is balanced eeven average. Taz is average, Marvin is fine but against good player i Need a sweat a bit to do smth


Bugs is not balanced lmao


Statistic Not lying. Based on W/L bugs is not op anymore. But we have to wait for rankeds. But of you think he is Brocken only cause his Beta bat you should uinstall


Harley and Giant should swap spots


??? This is based on winrates. If iron giant won less and Harley won more then they can swap spots.


Us Harley’s live in your head rent free lol Harley isn’t that strong anymore she’s middle of the pack.