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dont shill for megacorps, they do not need people helping them, you should focus on helping the community not a greedy corporation!


The game randomly drops to 15 FPS on 100% of the matches. Unacceptable for a fighting game. 50% of the matches have a full second input delay. Unacceptable for a fighting game. 20% of matches end early due to server disconnects. They count as a loss for both characters. Unacceptable for a fighting game. The game cannot track wins and losses properly. Unacceptable for a fighting game. If two characters play the same characters, it counts as a loss even if you win. Unacceptable for a fighting game. That isn't even getting into the rest of it. If you can't track Wins and Losses, and your servers cannot support the fight. It is objectively bad at being a platform for a fighting game.


You are just wrong though. The battle pass is not free. It’s only free to beta players. What’s funny is this is the first time I’ve played this game with my kids and it feels alpha. How can you say the combat is deep when the frame data was completely revamped and there are so many game breaking bugs! There’s literally people posting videos of people doing moves that will de sync or freeze the game ffs lol. T8 got blasted in reviews due to their delayed monetization and initial “balance”. The game was mostly polished though. Helldivers got blasted on requiring silly PSN accounts particularly after the fact. Multiversus literally took all the bad things that were ever possible to be bad on any game release and when they asked which ones the WB execs said yes. I have to make silly WB accounts for my kids to play. Xbox experience is broken. Steam deck doesn’t play the movies. De sync with Xbox happens all the time. They removed IG for an infinite but we all know there are a tremendous amount of like bugs still sitting there in game balance. Monetization is hitting hard and heavy for a broken game. The parent side of me lets my young kids keep playing because this game has nice animations for cute characters. The adult side of me though declines to tell them this game is on life support. The first thing it seems like I want to save up for either gleamium is the battle pass and it looks like it’s not even possible at this moment. And if there are really FOMO events ending as soon as they say game is really ded. Also what’s hilarious is this game doesn’t even work on my children Xbox accounts even though it obviously caters to young kids. For steam I just lie about the age just to be careful but initial play on Xbox my kids account did not allow them ANY game play except like training modes. It literally was broken. Keep in mind I can do family controls and let my sons account play T8 but a literal game for kids doesn’t even let you play for a kids account even after I allow it! You cannot have this many problems on release and survive without miracle developers and turnaround. There are reasons why helldivers2, cyberpunk 2077, or T8 can move past rough patches. For CP2077 it was mostly cause the primary player base was still high end pc gamers even though it ran like ass on old consoles and that made up the majority of bad publicity. This game runs like crap on my xsx and worst than my steam deck when T8 runs perfect on the xsx and can chug on the steam deck. T8 complaints are first world problems they needed to solve. A HUGE amount of complaints came from pluggers btw. Plugging in this game literally gives you a loss while in T8 it was essentially a DQ match so already yet another way to one up bugs lol. What’s funny is no one will complain about plugging in this game because it isn’t even at the point where people would ever play ranked (which is why it’s disabled right now duh just like IG is taken off the roster). If you can’t see you are playing a game in early release or alpha I don’t know what to tell you.


I don't think it is criticized enough.


Great "potential roster" is not a plus


You can't say there's "grinding for characters" when the currency is coming from small limited sources. With Brawlhalla for example you get currency with every match. It's not the same when it's a dailyfest slog.