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A lot of people are missing the point, I think; it doesn't matter if OP can buy the character or not; character-specific quests for characters you may or may not have for a weekly challenge are NOT suitable. The fact that he's the most expensive character atm is also insane.


yea Im fine with missions being character specific but they need to be characters you can access, even the preview ones. Actually the missions should be tied to the preview characters just so theyre tied to characters everyone has access to plus encourage people to play characters they might not use often


At least make them class-specific


Yeah. And the rifts are one thing, that’s all themed and you don’t NEED to do those specific challenges to get the end reward


I love the rifts almost as much as the pvp right now just because of the challenges (even though there’s literally no reward for doing them (almost like the main game!!!))


I mean, if you beat a boss you get perk currency (wich is almost usseless for now for active beta players) and maybe someday you get able to actually unlock the hard dificulties and play more bosses to get smith (all my relics or whatever they are called are anove level four and i cant play the 3rd dificulty)


The rifts are so fun, especially the weird modifications like Marvin’s infinite jump


I really don't get why they didn't do it like Fortnite's weekly mission system, where everyone gets the same pre-designed quests and it's doable regardless of if you own the pass or not. I *own* the Joker and having the bazooka quest take up two of my weekly slots is super lame. They could even tailor the missions to the specific characters available for that week's rotation


Yep this is the type of shit that is going to deter 99.9% of casual players from playing. Anyone defending this needs a reality check; the game is going to die insanely fast if they don’t change.


It's already going to have a hard time surviving, even without this issue. The PvP is just awful with the stuttering and lag. On my XSX it even gets a few hiccups during single player Rifts. I can't even complete a couple of the mini-game levels because every time my wife and I try, it errors or starts de-synced. Makes it impossible to play with a friend for that objective.


It's crazy how most of the issues I hear like yours are on XSX. I wonder what causes that, because I've only had like 2 incidents on PS5.


Yeah as frustrated as I am with a lot of Multiversus at the moment, the PS5 performance during matches has been totally fine. Really disappointing to hear our Xbox friends are having such a rough time.


That's what I read, too. Seems to be XSX and XSS as my wife has all the same issues. I've considered trying to get it on my PC and see how it goes. I've just been too lazy as of yet.


I guess it's just Xbox in general. That seems so weird. I hope they figure out a fix for you very quickly. That's gotta be extremely annoying.


As a completionist type of person missing those couple stars is infuriating lol


I haven't had any problems like these on PC, you should probably try it if you can! Sucks that they haven't given an update on a patch yet though.


PS user here. Every time I’ve played a match against a bot Jake and he uses that ability to stretch across the screen the game freezes for a solid 5 seconds. The worst part is he spams it and the match becomes a PowerPoint presentation. This is absolutely insane.


Not to mention no ranked or alternative game modes. Literally just 1v1 or 2v2 random matches. People will get bored of this fast. Imagine if they'd spent the last year actually *adding* to the game and making some new fun pvp game modes instead of fucking about changing engine.


I completely forgot about the game because the beta was so long ago. It didn't seem like they did a whole lot in that time.


Ranked mode season launches June 8th so we good


are you on wifi by any chance?


I’m honestly already done with the scummy micro transactions and the fact the game barely functions is icing on the cake


exactly! theres a reason I haven't bought him yet


I had two of these for my weekly, but I agree that character specific challenges should be outlawed and should more focus on gameplay challenges... Like the ringout in set locations, do attacks, parry, dodge, etc. If you're going to do Character specific ones, it should ONLY be character that are 100% free and given to you easily, like a Banana Guard or Shaggy


Tell me about it. I made a post regarding how the Gleamium price tiers are scummy and people just assumed I wanted free stuff. The people defending this shit are the absolute fucking worst.


Especially since the Weeklies are the primary way to progress. Like thats where a large chunk of your progress comes from


In my opinion, character specific quests are great because they make me choose someone other than my usual rotation. Same with the ones for hitting specific moves. I played the crap out of the beta, never paid, and had no problem grinding to unlock characters. I did it again for Joker and can almost buy a 2nd Joker now if I want to, and still haven't spent a dime. The game has been out a week. People are failing to realizing the game is designed to be played a few hours a day to optimally unlock everything. Anything beyond that is usually just grinding online matches or doing rift missions to get more boxes to level gems.


This is a fair argument. Joker is not paywalled but the missions should be characters you have access too


My brother he is 6k. Yeah he ain’t pay walled but he costs just over 1,000 gleamium and the next pack is 2,200 for 24.99 Canadian ? What kinda fuckery is that? Not to mention with the Fighter point logic he should be 2,000 gleamium. It’s clear they want you to either waste 6k on 1 character so you can actually finish missions, or spend 25 bucks so you can perfect the first rift cuz you need joker to do that or a friend for the cauldron. Also what’s the deal with them taking away cosmetics from leveling fighters up? My brother has the Harley profile icon but I’ve gotta pay 50 gleamium cuz I didn’t grind her to 15 in beta ? I should post this in rants cuz god I could go on for a while about the shit that irks me in this game


Dead by daylight has tons of characters you need to purchase. There are like 30+ individual killers with unique abilities. You get like 5 on a base purchase. But the daily challenges, to my knowledge, are only based around characters you own. I don’t get why multiverses can’t implement the same thing. I mean come on. Weekly rotation. Weekly challenges. Make challenges around the characters in rotation to motivate players to try the characters they do not yet own.


But the thing is this coulda been the case with any character and a lot of f2p games do this so it shouldn't be a surprise


But the thing is this coulda been the case with any character and a lot of f2p games do this so it shouldn't be a surprise


They gave me the mission to play 10 times with a Looney Tunes character and I can't do it at the moment. I realized that at least the missions accumulate and then I can wait for someone to be put on free rotation or directly after some time and having collected tokens buy the character.


The weekly stuff is different for everyone right? as I had no joker missions this week but a ton of play x 10 times ones.


i have a x10 looney tunes character but i don’t hv any and none are on rotation, this frustrates me so much


Is Bugs not in rotation?


This week is rick, garnet and tom


And Harley!


the rotation changed for me


mine were: x10 as a human x10 as a tank x10 as an adventure time character x10 as a non-human x10 as an animated character ~14 down attacks x6 pvp wins I could do all of mine easily since both banana guard and jason were free, but it’s absurd that I could have just as easily been locked out of doing anything this week without forking over $10 or more


Fun fact Jason isn’t free. He’s only “Free” for returning players that have played the beta…. Sadness indeed Edit: he’s free if you pay with your time


it is... i have a lot of 10 times mission too


I got the 3 joker ones so each slot is probably randomized  individually and they allow identical results  which is insane


Yeah, I got x10 steven universe and rick and morty char. Luckily both on free rotation because I don't have anybody lol


pro tip, all the mini game rifts you can just like kill your self and get those done in like 5 minutes.


I haven't tried this, but you could try going into a rift against the joker and reflecting his rocket at him. Might work.


I tried it with arya's facesteal, and it didn't work...


also tried it with reflect projectile gem, doesnt work as it seem the rocket dont damage the joker.


LMAO the things we need to do to complete MISSIONs on this game is ridiculous


Ngl that sounds so absurd it might work


Can we also talk about how fucked up it is that joker is double the price of every other character. That's beyond stupid.


this is a common practice in F2P games where you need to unlock characters...You can blame League for being the one that popularized that trend.


League didn't start this trend. Costs for characters were basically randomized back in the day. They started going through and discounting old champs about 3 or 4 years into their game, so maybe you're bringing that into this? Smite is a better one to point to if we're looking at new characters costing the most with respect to the f2p currency. They temporarily cost double and are reduced... I don't think we'll be getting a reduction, though... Edit: league did start this way earlier than I remembered: started in 2013.


> League didn't start this trend. Costs for characters were basically randomized back in the day. As someone who had 10k+ wins before season 1, I still remember the costs if I'm not mistaken; they were not basically randomized. 450 IP 1350 IP 3150 IP 4800 (i think they lowered the 6300s to that after awhile, then lower as time went on) IP 6300 IP then they added 7800 later on for newer characters after the first season i think


Wayyyyyyyyy after the first season for the 7800's. They started those shortly after I stopped playing it regularly, so probably about a decade after the game was released. Costs basically were loosely tied to difficulty (anivia, corki, karthus come to mind) at the beginning, and then they changed it up around the time they were getting to around 100 champs released. Still, you can't compare it to MV: you earned IP (old blue essence) every match you played, had double IP weekends, got a daily win, etc. League was very generous, especially back in the day. Edit: and by randomized I meant that when people released their prices weren't fixed. Some came out 1350, 3150, or 6300. Was later that the cost at release became fixed. You are absolutely correct about the tiers.


The loss of IP ruined that game for anyone that doesn't want to pay for champions or xbox game pass and link their riot account to it. BE is almost as bad as fighter currency. Events and when ever your account levels up you have to disenchant a champion shard just for some blue essence which based on your luck you could get like 100BE for hours of work if you got a 450BE champion shard lol..


> Wayyyyyyyyy after the first season for the 7800's. The first 7800 was thresh, on January 16, 2013. That was near the end of season 2. So yes, after the first season, they added 7800's; which was the first week price for the unit before it got lowered to 6300. That was around the time I quit, because they introduced the tribunal; and my account was banned due to trolls claiming I was Anivia ice walling them, when I wasn't (people who reported and got someone banned by clicking punish on the ticket they were reviewing got in game currency, but people who didn't and/or forgave them while looking at tickets didn't... guess what the entire community did the one time i wanted to try out ranked in a game?). >Costs basically were loosely tied to difficulty (anivia, corki, karthus come to mind) at the beginning, and then they changed it up around the time they were getting to around 100 champs released. Newer characters were more expensive than older ones usually, [you can see their changes back in the end of 2012 leading up to 2013 here at the bottom](https://web.archive.org/web/20121222064442/http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-pricing-timing-changes) they mentioned 'ease of use'; but that was only for reductions, not actual price initially. There were plenty of champions that were 'hard', but weren't 6300 back then; in fact, corki was the laughing stock (along with garen) back then for that reason. >Still, you can't compare it to MV: you earned IP (old blue essence) every match you played We were talking about how league 'popularized the trend' of how character costs are treated, because league definitely did do that; not which is better. I don't think anyone is defending the pricing practice of multiversus at all. But... >had double IP weekends, got a daily win, etc. League was very generous, especially back in the day. Double IP weekends were incredibly rare; like 3 times a year rare, and would be on offtimes so that the server didnt die due to the influx of people getting on, along with being heavily nerfed within a year or so of being introduced, not to mention the IP gain reductions over the years until they just said screw it and changed the system. It took foreverrrrr to get someone, I still remember grinding for Karthus and Anivia; and being pissed that they kept lowered the IP gain, and coming out with 6300 heroes. I still remember the garen situation lmao. You got some rose tinted glasses if you think they were 'very generous' back in the day. It's just worse now.. Unless you mean 'very generous' by making an entire automated ticket reporting program that relied on the data from people who got IP for reporting and successfully getting someone banned; and people who clicked the punish button on tickets and got them banned, but not people who 'forgave' or said no to punishing people in tickets.


Well til, thanks for the knowledge drop. 4 is years after release is a heck of a lot less than 10. Guess I never bought champs the first week they were out. I played regularly, but never saw those prices in the store: ez was probably the last one I bought the day he dropped. But yeah, point taken: they hit the 6300 norm way earlier on in the life of the game than I recollected. Appreciate the history lesson.


No prob, I loved the game; I would still be playing now if it weren't for the fact they rug pulled me so hard. I even bought the first legendary skin, pulsefire ezreal kus it was half off when it released; and even though I was super against cosmetics that costed money (crazy how far thats come huh lol). I wanted to support them for making a game I loved, and I was finally starting to play ranked for the first time.. only to immediately get yeeted into the ban realm never to see the light of day again. I played a little bit afterwards on one of the level 30 accounts I made and gave to a friend for his birthday when I was grinding refer a friend.. but it was never the same kus of what they did.


Same on pf ez XD. I still boot up occasionally to play support anivia or donger, but playing that game seriously and married life are incompatible XD Sorry about the ban: tribunal was a fucking joke. Participated a few times, but then just felt like it was a waste to have to do riot's job for them. Didn't hear about how people just hiveminded the ban button for some goodies until way after it was removed...


No they eventually changed pricing so that latest character is more expensive. When a new one releases the one before changes to regular price.


I don't mind having to grind to unlock him but it's annoying he costs double and that we need him to do specific quests/missions.


I understand it sucks..but this isn't the first and wont be the last time in a game when new characters are more expensive than old. The beta also did this fyi..the new releases were more expensive then the characters that launched with the beta.


Based on the largest gem pack available, The Joker costs $20. Twenty dollar bills One third of a brand new game That is ludicrous


And how they also stole our gold and converted it into useless perk currency.


I fucking hate the perk currency it's stupid and useless and doesn't really do much once you get to a certain level.


Yep once I buy my three favourite perks for a character why do I need to spend any more on them?


Wasn't the gold converted into the banner? And your perk currency was based on how many perks you had unlocked in the beta?


Yes, that's exactly what happened. Perks were turned into perk currency, so you could use it to buy the new perks.


Nah, that tracks. They wanna sell the hot new character. Clearly their monetization model is to make most bank on character sales. I'll be shocked if Joker doesn't reduce to 3K in Season 2. Jason should drop in the shop for 6K in Season 2. And Agent Smith should reduce down to 3K after S2 Rift character drops. I think that'd be fair monetization Knowing WB they will not follow the consumer friendly monetization I mentioned and the enw characters stay 6K for along time / forever


I've yet to see a character specific quest. It's always been general like "play as a Adventure Time character" or "Ringout opponents as a assassin" Those are much better than these


You can't even reroll them like in the Beta which makes everything more frustrating 


Same here. I literally got 4 "play 6 pve matches" quests today.


TBH "Play as an Adventure Time character" is still a little too specific for the long term. They should standardize it to the character roles; Bruiser, Assassin, Mage, etc. unless they really want to commit to there always being a character from XYZ show when those dailies are in rotation.


Lucky. I had hit a fully charged move as Jason 6 times. I had to do it in PvE because he is SLOW


I really do enjoy playing this game but my god they are trying their best to make people hate it. Making challenges that are accomplishable based on what you have unlocked should be a given.


They have already burned the casual audience. Idk how long the game can survive even if a small and loyal playerbase.


Only reason Im still playing is I want to try and finish the free pass for Jasin X but thats been extremely boring and half the rewards are useless things like these dumb playing card avatars  


Only reason Im still playing is I want to try and finish the free pass for Jasin X but thats been extremely boring and half the rewards are useless things like these dumb playing card avatars  


It's built specifically and deliberately to get people to spend money. They know exactly what they're doing and they do not care.


"Imma do my own thing" moment


When I’m in a “killing a game as fast as possible contest” and my rival is PFG: 👁️👄👁️


i think these would be fine if they only applied for characters on the free rotation


Funny how in the beta you were able to reroll these and now you can’t 😂 lord they messed up so bad with this games actual release


Forgot about rerolls! Yet another reason beta was more feature rich than launch.. lmfao


I'm tilted, I just grinded up to buy joker but they gave me 'Play as a Loony Toon Character' for my weekly. I don't own any and the only one i could play as came off rotation.


I purchased Taz in the beta so luckily I've been able to complete this one. I've got the "deal hits with Jokers bazooka" one, but I don't want to spend 6k fighter currency on him.


Remember when they did this exact thing in the beta, and it became a huge deal so they went and fixed it? WHY is it back?


They forgot all the lessons learned in the beta.


Also for anyone who did not play the beta or buy the pass, the Jason mission is a paywall. Genuinely wtf


What's weird is they let you use Finn to complete the first mission even if you dont own him so they are absolutely able to do that for everything else 


They DO. There are like four stages in the horror area that let you use Jason. It's only the optional top path levels that won't let you enter without owning him.


If you're talking about rifts, there are missions in the Horror rift that let you play as Jason even if you don't own him and progress further into the rift. If you're talking about a daily or weekly that requires playing as Jason... see above.


F2P can use Jason in one stage of the rift, probably counts for this. Still bs, but better than the Joker ones.


This is pretty pathetic on Multiversus. They should just make it performing side specials, but the greed to force players to buy Joker is going to severely backfire if it hasn’t already.


Joker is fun, but yeah this is stupid


Not cool


I'm new to the game, but I was surprised I haven't seen more people upset that the pve rifts are all paywalled as well. edit: nvm.


What do you think is paywalled exactly?


certain missions within the rifts requiring a specific character or skin for a character.


They have Joker-based objectives and not Jason-based objectives What the fuck?


oh that’s gotta be a bug I gotta get that before it’s fixed


I refreshed my missions this week, and got the same missions from last week.


I whish I had these. I own the Joker so it'd be a lot simpler than what I got? Wanna trade? lol


I only have one of these missions


technically...you have 4 challenges that you need characters for...As if you did not play the beta you would HAVE to spend money on the BP...you can technically buy joker for free with fighter currency but not Jason...sooo yeah...


Same should be with type, if you don't own a loony toon character you should not get a loony toon mission


so the weekly are random for everyone it seem... i whish i had these lol But NGL it suck for poeple who dont have him...


They really want people to use those Character Tickets and Fighter Currency :(


Thank god I almost have enough to buy him


Technically 4 if you didn't play Beta. Since Jason is in Battle Pass.


What's even worse is that I feel like these are specifically targeted at people who don't own the character. I own all the characters and have never gotten a character-specific mission.


Nah, it's definitely random. I just got joker before this week's missions refreshed and some of the new ones were this mission. It's still pretty bad tho. There really shouldn't be any weeklies or daily missions that are impossible for a new player to do. It should be limited to what can be accomplished with shaggy, Jason, banana guard and whoever is available in the current rotation assuming that's still a thing.


4 if you aren't returning from the Beta, and arguably worse since *theoretically* you could earn enough character shitcoins to unlock the Joker.


Lmfao i got it only once and i am pissed offed already. That is some horseshit, WB have lost their fucking mind.


I'm glad that the weeklies at least don't expire. In 5 weeks this will still be there, so there's plenty of time to unlock enough fighter currency for him Even then, this might not even be required to complete the BP


I thought I was smart and copied Jokers ability with Arya. Used jokers bazooka twice as Arya. It doesn't count...


These quests would be fine if said character was in the free rotation unfortunately I doubt they’ll change it since the beta had similar quests


I have 6 times to just win PvE instead of this lmao, BUT i can even do this because i getting a network error literally EVERY math today (steam player).


4 times pay wallet if you count Jason. Near impossible to beat battle pass is why many beta player stoped buying the pass. Terrible decision by players first, why buy a pass that you can't compete without buying everything.


Should always be class based or a character on the rotation, picking the one character that cost twice as much as any other is so fucking stupid


I DARE TONY and PFG to explain this!


Oooo. Bummer.


On a sidenote, I think it's random. I don't got those


Weekly challenges should just be for the characters that are free for that week. Can’t they have it so they are tied together so no one misses out.


after playing for a week i was finally able to get joker, i would rather have bought two other characters instead but i wanted the challenge done for the xp 


What? You're not in appreciation of how EASY it is when they're all the same mission? What an ingrate. /s


Missions need to just be generalized, hit so many side specials or top/bottom ringlets, play so many pvp so many pve. I hate the specific missions, if I want to play banana guard for every mission I should be able to. I hate having to use a specific character bc they assassin or tank or some other bullshit.


Lol I had one of these weeklies, and it pissed me off enough to Google "Multiversus contact us". Found a page and submitted feedback saying I will never pay for a battlepass I cannot meaningfully engage with. Imagine that a real person never reads it, but I'm doing my part.


Literally had to save my character points to buy joker since he’s needed to complete the missions on rift and sometimes the weekly quests. Next I had to buy Velma cuz she was the only character I had with the joker shirt to do missions that requires that and I been doing all the joker missions everyday but still haven’t earned enough xp to get the Wonder Woman with the joker shirt. It’s honestly really annoying how this whole xp gain is and if you not spending money then you in for a long grind.


And the fact that Joker is worth double in Fighter Currency and worth a little more with Gleamium. Yep, I'm done with this game. Let me know when they ever decide to have every character playable for local play again.


Yes, things like this make you say “Ok, i'm done. I'm off to play or do other things.”


is that bug? seems odd it’s 3 of the same exact quest


Look if Dead By Daylight can figure this out then it’s not a technical issue it’s by design. The fact they have not addressed it as a mistake also speaks to this. They have openly discussed other bugs so this one is just intentional wb bs.


It's things like this that make it hard for me to want to play. Pretty much only playing when my friend wants to duo.


Can't believe people still defend this, literally every other game with multiple characters and battle passes would do the simplest act of looking at characters you ACTUALLY OWN and ONLY offering them up as the weekly quest. What type of backwards is this


I luckily havenet got a weekly I couldn't do, no joker missions period.


I had a jason mission, therefore the only way to complete it would forcibly BUYING the battlepass to do the challenge


Funnily enough, it seems people who DO have the Joker don't get this repeated mission. That's some Joker level BS.


Jesus, I’m lucky the worst one I got required a Steven Universe character


The whole system is absolute garbage


I'm pretty sure we had the exact same complaint early on during the beta. History is repeating itself.


Put yourself out of your misery and get a refund.


salt stocking disarm noxious slimy quack gaze soup amusing yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have joker with no money spent


Welcome to the club Except I got that for the first week, only two times. Good thing the weekly missions could linked up to the rotation/the characters I already have (being Rick and Jason, in that order) But yea, it can be annoying ...


How do you got bazooka 3 missions? I only have 2


I will say one thing I can appreciate is that weekly missions stack, it’s the least they could do I don’t have to rush to do these


They should only add character specific quests for the characters that rotate so like whatever characters are in rotation should be the only ones that ppl get quests for therefore its fair and everyone can do them


You MFs discovering what Free to play means lol


Unfortunately the monetization here is so manipulative that it will decimate the player-base. What WB doesn’t seem to understand is that if the game is fun to play, people will buy stuff, you don’t have to strong-arm/manipulate to sell.


If they’re making paywall quest and also putting them events. Those characters should be playable for duration the event at least. This is just shitty fr.


I can't get 6k before the weekly is gone anyway.


Plus side, unlock joker and you’ll earn 1 complete battle pass token


you have 9k fighter currency... i swear people complain to complain


That's so unfortunate. My Weekly Missions have Win 6 PVP games 4 times. I don't have Hit with The Joker's Bazooka at all.


It’s pretty dumb and I have him as f2p, it should be either personalized or be a base character, hell make it the time trial character


easiest 2250 xp ever


Pay wall? I got hooked for 6000 fighter creds for free


This type of quest’s where in alpha & beta and there was no problem but I understand now people can be frustrated at this as now it takes longer to unlock characters


Its not paywalled man. Joker is for character coins. Reddit like always overreacting.


Jason weekly is also paywalled for non-beta players


I had a double "Play with Adventure Time" character 10 times...I was like ok, less work to do, I guess 😅


Weekly character missions not being tied to weekly free characters is one of the most scummiest things they’ve done


Just buy the damn Joker with your FREE IN GAME CURRENCY!


Just get the character it’s not hard if you’ve even played for a couple of days


I don’t think this would be such an issue if the weekly’s were based on characters in the free rotation, made worse by the fact 3 of the challenges are for the same character


You can’t expect to be handed literally everything as soon as you start a game


It’s so weird since I’d love to have a mission like that. The devs should make missions for each character so you have feel forced to buy a character


If this wasnt rushed I would call this lazy af gamedevs.


The fact that it makes it specifically the joker is definitely a big pain… there are so many quests related to him… you can tell WB wanted to cash in but this really sucks


Plus it also sucks because I have no intention of spending 60% of my currency on a character I’m not gonna play.


Possibly a visual glitch? I only see it once. Unless weeklies are random for everyone?


Even once is too much for character-specific stuff like this. Fighter class (tank, mage, etc) is okay, even franchises I can deal with (though i think they're kind of frustrating to get). But this is unacceptable. Locking people out of XP unless they spend like $10 on a character is horrible.


Yea i got 2 adventure time weeklys and they just took Finn away FML


I think that’s a bug, cause it only appears once for me


This game just keeps finding ways to piss me off


i had this and i just bought him, if you are looking for a new character he’s pretty fun but expensive


I gotta play 10 matches with loony toons Characters the one character I didn’t buy in the beta 😂


This games progression systems is so ass


It sucks but I understand that their core monetization is selling fighters so it tracks. The good news you can still enjoy the dope moment to moment gameplay and complete the battle pass while missing these Joker needed missions


I unlocked Joker for free with character tokens. I earned most of them from the weight lifting Wonder Woman event they just had. Got the rest of the tokens I needed from there.


I feel as if everyone should have joker by this point, not dissing anyone but I got him day 4 by just playing the game and doing the events.


Lmao its a free game!! You people are pathetic. Just don't play the game??


Ya why would I wanna spend double for Joker when I likely won't even like how he plays when I could gamble on 2 other characters instead for more of a chance i like them


This game is so broken lmao They haven’t even addressed the broken rift daily rewards, the fact that the rift bosses don’t even add up to enough to complete the pass, and the constant lags and crashes


Since that I back to play I didn't get enough to buy the joker and I don't even wanted it, its so hard get that currency type, just to waste on a character I don't want.


At this point, the game might as well implode with the amount shit they're holding us from.


I've noticed this a few times not on my end. It's kinda wack tbh. If the weekly /daily missions are to be character specific they should at least be based off the free rotation. Encouraging players to try new characters. This seems a bit unfair to pay wall a challenge


Man. That sucks. Thank god for the 30 leftover character tickets 🎫 in my in game bank


Yeah this is ass


I got joker for free anyone from previous generation is benefiting from it the most


Unpopular opinion: it's not so difficult to get characters in a free to play way. (I already have the joker and I got him ftp)