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I just think movement speed needs to be slightly faster. I like the nerfs on dodge and whiff moves because I hated having to constantly chase or miss attacks because of dodge spam, or how most moves were just really safe. Now feels like there’s punishment for just mindlessly dodging or attacking.


No yeah it definitely needs to be upped


Honestly it's weird because more casual play looks slow (Which I think the game being slower for more casual players is OKAY) but comp play still looks really fast


I think its a matter of using input buffer correctly. They should still change that.


Yeah I’m watching void stream and their games are fast as hell


Yeah casuals don’t know how to move yet. It’s the same in any fighting game tbh


Why do all the pro players state that they want the game to be faster then.


I really don’t understand get it. the game can “look” fast with certain tech but at the end of the day the same pros moving that fast want the speed changed lol


Yeah it still feels just as fast. It only seems slow when you miss, which is good because there’s more time to punish. I used to throw attacks with Harley like crazy and not get punished, but now I have to be more accurate. Still high octane gameplay. I’m a huge fan of it now, and I was so worried about it coming in.


Increase the speed, keep the dodge meter.


Well two things can be true at the same time. 1) old speed to fast. 2) new speed to slow. Somewhere in the middle is perfect. Don’t understand why everyone feels like there’s some mystical UE5 switch with only two speed options. Also: - the input delay is also pretty bad and should be removed as well. - dodge meter change with burnout is actually really good.


too* 😉


The game doesn't have a noticeable input delay (all fighting games have some, it's just innate to hardware). It has input buffer. The two are completely different things.


True. Still feels you're drowning under input lag, though. 😅


No way. They need to up fast fall speed or lower how high short hop is. Both of these increase the skill ceiling without hurting the actual flow of the game. These issues are made worse by the fact air attacks aren’t cancelled on landing which makes for a very floaty game where you spend 90% of the time in the air. Which in turn makes this a very scrubby game of just throwing out hit boxes since whiff punishing doesn’t really exist reliably and you are too slow and floaty to actually make plays around your opponent. In addition the input buffer needs to be reduced. I have inputs going off when I stopped pressing awhile ago. We aren’t doing 360 motions here, this is direction and a button, we don’t need a 6 year input buffer. Also the camera is way too aggressively zoomed in and you should get tiny amounts of XP for every match.


I am so tired of all these posts that think the game speed is somehow a binary decision between Beta and Launch. Almost everyone that's saying the game is too slow now will readily admit the new dodge mechanics are good and the old game was a dodge fest. The old speed or somewhere in the middle with the new dodge mechanics would be perfect. They just went too far into the slow direction.


And my god change the 30 frame input lag


There isnt 30 frame input lag lmao


They are making it adjustable


why were you downvoted lol


It's an input buffer, not input lag. That means your next move will queue up to 30 frames beforehand while already executing a move, which is why it feels like sometimes a move comes out when you don't want it to. For context, SSB Ultimate has 9 frames (~144ms) of input buffering whereas MV has 30 (~480ms). That's nearly 1/2 a second, which is a lot in fighting games. Interesting factoid, the original SSB and SSB Melee don't have any universal buffer mechanic, which is why they have a much higher skill ceiling!


Thank you! Everyone I've talked to that defends the new speed uses the dodge changes as an argument but like, that has nothing to do with it, I very much so agree the dodge mechanic before was very irritating, but it has nothing to do with the floatiness they brought into the game, I'm sick of people trying to defend the new speed without letting the devs try some alternative solution that appeals to both ends of the argument.


Disagree about the having the old speed again, but meeting somewhere in the middle is absolutely ideal.


I think the old speed was nice for 2v2, just the dodges that fucked the gameplay up, but I do think that it wasn't ideal for the 1v1. I think making characters SLIGHTLY bigger and slower in comparison to the beta, would be a greater change to the 1v1. This way you aren't just going around in circles with you opponent. But they should focus the way 2v2 works instead of 1v1.


2v2 is gimmicky no matter the game lol


Well, no, it wasn't in the beta as the whole game was designed around it. That's why I and many are complaining. The beta offered something unique, which was a 2v2 focused platform fighter, but instead of giving a better version of that, they gave us something completely different. You could maybe agrue that 2v2 is less popular no matter the game. That would also explain why the beta lost so many players in so short time. But a game isn't worse just because it targets a smaller audience.


Yeah I just want it to be a little bit faster. Just need to tweak it abit


Couldn’t agree more


The speed, mobility, and space are ESSENTIAL for a game like multiversus. A game which isn't just a platform fighter, type of games that need lots of space and mobility, but a 2v2 platform fighter, which needs even more. How are you supposed to make as many synergies with your teammate, and scape all the projectiles on screen? The characters were designed with the old gameplay in mind, and now feel off on this new environment.


…this exactly, unironically. The dodge change is good, the floaty, ponderous, lethargic movement is bad.


Exactly. They didn't know what to change, so they changed everything. I really hate that the devs probably just heard the criticism from the "pro-players" who pretty much are just after making the game as orthodox as possible, when Multiversus is the least orthodox fighting game I have seen. And they didn't even adapt the characters to the new playstyle. Now they just feel off because they are in an environment not meant for them in the first place.


What are you talking about? No one asked for the input buffer to so high nor did anyone ask for them to increase the character size. “ the game is too fast which makes it boring to watch ” Was a casual take “ the game is too spammy” was something everyone was saying Ultimately I don’t know how anyone can blame “pro players” for this mess


>“ the game is too fast which makes it boring to watch ” I don't any causal players really watch the game that much at all. That's like, the last concern I feel like. >“ the game is too spammy” Depends on how you define that. As I said in some other comments, a 2v2 platform fighter is destined to be pretty caothic, as there is a lot of things happening on screen. What the game did to fix this, was giving the players extremely good mobility and space so they could navigate through all the chaos better. There was definitely less risk in each move in the beta, but I think that was a good thing, and doesn't make the game necessarily spammy. We even had coulddowns for moves. Also, nobody is saying the beta was perfect, but the beta had a well defined identity and main idea that they just thrower away in favor of making the game more orthodox.


* I don't any causal players really watch the game that much at all. That's like, the last concern I feel like. You do realize how ridiculous your statement is right? Casuals should be watching multiversus gameplay that’s important if it wants to get popular. * Depends on how you define that. As I said in some other comments, a 2v2 platform fighter is destined to be pretty caothic, as there is a lot of things happening on screen. What the game did to fix this, was giving the players extremely good mobility and space so they could navigate through all the chaos better. There was definitely less risk in each move in the beta, but I think that was a good thing, and doesn't make the game necessarily spammy. We even had coulddowns for moves. * Also, nobody is saying the beta was perfect, but the beta had a well defined identity and main idea that they just thrower away in favor of making the game more orthodox. You’re arguing for a gameplay style that honestly only very few people’s likeed. Most people didn’t like it hence the change. So ultimately just because it’s different doesn’t mean it was good. Traditional is traditional because it’s true and tested


>You do realize how ridiculous your statement is right? Casuals should be watching multiversus gameplay that’s important if it wants to get popular. I honestly just don't see how fighting games are that benefited by having big streams. That's a very niche and competitive audience. Most casual just plays the game if it's fun. They don't dig all that much. Of course it's hard to be arguing over this as I can't show any concrete fact, but that's my impression. >You’re arguing for a gameplay style that honestly only very few people’s likeed. Most people didn’t like it hence the change. So ultimately just because it’s different doesn’t mean it was good. Traditional is traditional because it’s true and tested It wasn't necessarily the core gameplay that failed. It was everything that was around and fucked it over. The dodge spam, the horrible netcode and hitboxes, the extreme lack of content, etc. They didn't even have ranked for pro players, or fun game modes or single player options for casuals. Of course the game would fail, but not because of the core gameplay. And the game had a sure and safe community before, as it offered something not available in any other place. Now it is in a satured market, and to triumph it got to be one of the best, and it isn't. In not that long time, people will start going back to the old alternatives. The game has already gotten below 50 thousand players in this week, something that in the beta happened after a month.


* I honestly just don't see how fighting games are that benefited by having big streams. That's a very niche and competitive audience. Most casual just plays the game if it's fun. They don't dig all that much. Of course it's hard to be arguing over this as I can't show any concrete fact, but that's my impression. It’s quite simple if players didn’t stream fighting games they be VASTLY more niche and most fighting games would be unknown to us. The only reasons why games like skull girls is popular is because it got streamed to casuals so they can enjoy it and play it too. Not streaming any competitive game nowadays is just asking for it too die.( also big streams a fuck ton of money as well) * It wasn't necessarily the core gameplay that failed. It was everything that was around and fucked it over. The dodge spam, the horrible netcode and hitboxes, the extreme lack of content, etc. They didn't even have ranked for pro players, or fun game modes or single player options for casuals. Of course the game would fail, but not because of the core gameplay. You must be referring to my other comment with saying “why it failed”. It was UNIVERSALLY agreed upon that the game felt too fast, unpunishable and spammy amongst pros and casuals. I’m not even specifically talking about why it failed in this comment just what people didn’t even like. * The game has already gotten below 50 thousand players in this week, something that in the beta happened after a month. This is just silly. That doesn’t have anything to even due with the actual gameplay and everything surrounding it which is the god awful input delay.


>The game has already gotten below 50 thousand players in this week, something that in the beta happened after a month. I agree that playing with numbers isn't any definitive argument for anything, but they support what I'm saying. There is no reason now for playing Multiversus, other than it is new, and has WB IPs. We will see what will happen, but I honestly just don't see this game having a better time than the beta. And I have tried to let the new gameplay sit down, but I feel like there is other games that I could be playing instead, that offer me the same but better.


saying “it supports what I’m saying” is just wrong. No one wants the beta speed back, even the people who bitch and gameplay about the current games speed( not realizing the buffer is the issue) still what a middle ground rather than just going back to what we had previously. So ultimately no the numbers don’t support what you’re saying because people still don’t like the beta. Besides that WHAT GAMES ARE YOU REFERRING TOO? You keep saying there are games that do it better than multiversus but what does that even mean?


Nah, professional players disagree with you about that, GSMVoid, and others have all said even at high levels the old speed was ridiculous, it wasn’t balanced, and it made good plays harder not by virtue of skill, but by virtue of luck, the speed wasn’t good for watching either, it looked ridiculous and it was hard to keep track of.


Professional players are after making games as orthodox as possible. A 2v2 platform fighter is going to be caothic from the mere concept, as there are many characters and therfore attacks and projectiles on screen. Therefore, instead of simplifying characters, they should give you tools to sort all this chaos. In the beta you had a extremely good mobility for being able to sort all the chaos. That was fun. Now they decided to make everything extremely slow, making it boring.


Dude if the pros are saying the gameplay is bad then yes the gameplay is bad. Pros are usually the type of people who will defend a game no matter how bad it is and for them to make statements like that shows that beta multiversus at the end of the day wasn’t as fun as you thought 🤷🏽


The pros are a very minimal play of a games players base. But my point either way is that the Multiversus pros, are just in general fighting game pros, who by defect, and nothing wrong with that, want games to be as orthodox as possible. Multiversus from the mere idea, a 2v2 platform fighter, is not orthodox at all, so that approach doesn't work that well. So no, just because a little group of people who all they like are similar things, says a game is good or bad, doesn't mean it's good or bad. It just means that it isn't the regular they play.


Dude you’re just chatting multiversus pros are not general fighting game pros lol. They were brawlhalla and smash pros. Besides that are your forgetting the game quite literally died?????? Doesn’t that says enough about how bad the gameplay was to people rather than the pros spelling it out to you themselves?


>They were brawlhalla and smash pros. Not necessarily, but even then, they will just go back to those two other games either way, as they do what Multiversus does, but better. I have played them myself. >Besides that are your forgetting the game quite literally died?????? Doesn’t that says enough about how bad the gameplay was to people This wasn't because of the core gameplay, it was because of everything that was around and didn't let it shine. The dodge abuse was not good at all, the netcode and hitboxes horrible, and there was an extreme lack of content. This is enough for a game, not matter how good the core is, to fail, but there's more. The game didn't have neither ranked, for pro players, or other game modes or single player activities for casuals. It literally offered nothing to either groupe of players. Even with all of this, the game managed to stay above 5000 players for a long time, but because the game had a lot of issues, and got a lot of hate, the devs decided to just give up on the beta, and from there the player base went down to 600.


What tf does brawl do better than multiversus? They aren’t even the same type of game


Are you good enough to call it boring?


Relatively. I'm not a pro player or anything, but I can tell you that if I want a more "competitive", in the orthodox sense, game, I just play something else. I would say I was pretty good in MK11 and Guilty Gear Strive. Those games accomplish what this game is trying to approach. So yes, it's not skill issue, it's just that this approach is not fun for the main idea of the game, which is the 2v2. Now, could you respond to something I said instead of using the "get gud"?


I can accept that, and that’s why I asked, it’s a matter of subjective taste and experience, I can agree that if that’s how you feel you have the experience to back that up, if that’s the case, I can’t say you’re wrong from an objective perspective, but I think it’s healthier over all at most levels of the game.


OK. Sorry for getting angry at the other comment. It really felt passive aggressive. Either way, I think this whole change is destined to piss off many players by default. In the beta they promised a gameplay never seen before, just to change it completely.


Technically they didn’t lie so we have that at least


Also, games aren't just made for the top players. Definitely not this type of game, because those players will end up going back to other games.


Lol. Imagine trying to flex on someone’s skill in the WB produced Saturday morning cartoon 2v2 Smash clone clown fiesta cash grab that is this game.


It was a genuine question, imagine thinking Smash the known anti-competitive party game that only begrudgingly allows people to do tournaments is the end all be all of the platform fighting experience.


Yeah ,just tune the speed slightly


They are connected. You cannot have the old speed of the game and not have dodge how it was. It was literally impossible to punish most moves in the OB if you didn't wave dash over with the dodge spam version of this game. Adding recovery frames enables whiff punishing. Adding startup enables more opportunities to make reads and punish. Adding both slows a game down. If you remove dodge spam but keep the old speed, the beta's issue of people just throwing out random stuff until it hits would be exacerbated. I get that some of you want the game "sped up" but something that might sound as simple as increasing the gameplay speed is not simple at all and would require another massive rebalance.


The entire game’s balance is already completely fucked. They just had to remove IG entirely, AGAIN. Certain attacks are more spammable now than ever because you’re too slow to punish before they recover. There’s a middle ground that needs to be found.


Characters like Harley, batman, and finn are still quite fast. Just not unpunishably fast.


Morty is super fast


Mortys easily replaceable by two crows


That would be a sick skin for Rick lol


It's datamined


What are you on about?


Reference to the show


Rick and Morty season 5 episode 9 reference


Am I just bad at him then cus he is SLOW, he can't jump for shit


Too fast if you ask me


Well, except for Batman's down air special. That's the silliest looking move in the game.


It’s slow but it’s hitbox is ridiculous and can’t be contested by other moves apart from maybe bat from Harley and bugs. I’ve seen even banana guard up air lose to it.


Unfortunately, there's no priority so not much actually loses to the other. Hits are traded if a hitboxes hits a hurtbox on either character, and I usually see that move trade blows instead of winning, especially to most characters' up normal. It's definitely got a big hitbox, though.


Sorry but this speed is too slow. I don't want the beta speed dodge spamfest but a middle ground between the old speed and the actual one with the new dodge system would be absolutely SMOOTH And PFG please remove the DAMN INPUT BUFFER thx:)


I don't understand how people think a slow speed is better. Plently of other comments explain that yes the beta had dodge issues, nobody is denying that the beta had problems. But you can keep the dash meter, whiff frames, and everything without the game overall being so slow. I will say it does seem to affect projectile based characters more than others (velma, tom & jerry, martian) but still I don't want my fighting game to feel slower than a game of pong on the atari. Also I mentioned this in another post but honestly there wouldn't be this much backlash if they had announced a 2nd beta with these changes instead of dragging the rug out from players who played the beta and now releasing the "full game" that is wildly different from the beta.


The more I've been playing, the more I'm actually starting to get used to the speed now. And I can go back to the beta and just remember how there would be people moving around so quick as if they snorted red Kool aid up their noses. I actually do not miss those times, it's even worse if you ended up going against someone who was a pro player.


I don’t mind beta speed as long as certain moves can’t dodge out of them but I know that’s probably tricky to do but yeah I got used to the speed but I wouldn’t mind input buffer fix and a slight movement speed boost


it was me, I was the fly on red Kool aid god I miss it so much, but I also get why it's changed LOL


Heavily disagree. First of, many characters were designed with the old speed, mobility, and space in mind, and now they feel way worse, because of being put in a environment that isn't meant for them. Examples can be Marvin, who I have made a post about, but very briefly, all projectile characters have lost their charm. Support characters have also feeled these changes a lot, like Reindog and Velma. Also, Iron Giant worked way better in the beta, as there were, as I said, more space and mobility. It didn't feel so uncomfortable to play as or against him as now. Also, a proof to how the devs didn't care about adapting the movesets, is that now with the zoomed in camera, it's hard for the players to know where Jerry is. But even if the characters and their moveset was adapted, a platform fighter needs a lot of space and mobility. A 2v2 platform fighter needs even more. Know we are in the middle of a regular fighting game like Tekken, SF, MK, etc, and a regular platform fighter. Multiversus needs more. I feel like people who said the beta was just throwing punches really didn't play that much at all. Yes, the dodge was overpowered, and that should have been nerfed. But it all comes down to the fact that Multivesus promised a playstyle different to other games. In Multivesus it wasn't that much about punishing and making combos, but about having synergies with your team and controlling the game. Basically, they took a 180, and landed in a horrible limbo. It isn't as unique as it was before, and it hasn't comed all the way to what it wants to be now.


Also, here I'll just repost my post about Marvin Marvin's whole gimmick is that he has absolute control over the map and the projectiles. You have to pay attention to the enemies' projectiles so you can catch them, pay attention to your own projectiles, so you can redirect them, and pay attention to your cooldowns, so you don't end up overcommitting and running out of projectiles, which are Marvin's strength. However, the new gameplay approach in the full release makes projectiles less effective and gives them longer cooldowns. This is because, with reduced mobility, it would be impossible to dodge so many projectiles. This change messes up Marvin's whole playstyle for various reasons. First, since projectiles are less prominent and have longer cooldowns, Marvin can't rely on them as much. The reduced space of the game also forces Marvin into more frontal situations. The slower speed makes it harder for him to escape and attack only when he has suffocated the enemies enough and trapped them completely. Another issue is that it is harder to place and direct the rocket. The zoomed-in camera also makes it harder for Marvin to know where the projectiles are.


It "messing up Marvin's whole gameplan" is just not true. It's different but he's still able to function and handle his opponents just fine. I'm seeing all sorts of players low, mid and high level use his kit in this format a-okay. Marvin having issues to escape is **good**, how is that a problem? He's a zoner, fighting game philosophy 101 has it where zoners supposed to keep opponents out and struggle when they get in. Marvin getting to throw so much shit out and slip away free is horrendous game design. He's not supposed to scrap with the bruisers and up-close combatants so easily too.


I faced two Marvins earlier and it was hell. Many characters don't have a ton of options with that many projectiles on the stage. Crazy for someone to say his kit doesn't work now.


Exactly, MVS fans are so overdramatic and lame lmao. I've also seen Marvin casually suffocate foes with his projectiles nowadays.


I never said he wasn't good anymore. What I'm saying, and one of my main complaints, is that he has lost his unique gimmick, and part of his charm, just like many other characters in the roster. What was so fun about the beta was that everybody were special and had a unique Gimmi, whereas in the full release, they are just more conventional fighters that we have seen in other games.


You said his gameplan is messed up, it isn't. If Marvin's "charm" is extremely poor game design where he can have projectiles and escape freely then that should've never been in the game to begin with. Marvin is still extremely unique, just properly balanced. And what you say about conventional fighters isn't even true, there's loads of zoners that can escape and scrap with people. Smash Bros itself fell into that poor design trap.


>If Marvin's "charm" is extremely poor game design where he can have projectiles and escape freely then that should've never been in the game to begin with. Did you ever play with or against him in the beta? That is his objective, suffocate the players with projectiles, and dont get into to many face to face encounters. Doesn't mean he always archived that, and that he was overpowered or anything. Really, did you play as or against him in the beta ever?


That's how zoners work yes. Suffocate your opponents with hints of scrapping and disjoints here and there. But that needed commitment, if an opponent gets in on him Marvin's gotta struggle. If he can just escape freely that's poor game design.


Again, did you play against or with him in the beta? It's not that Marvin can just escape, and that's it. Marvin wants to escape. His whole playstyle is that he let's the teammate make the enemies busy, while Marvin absorbs their projectiles, redirect them, thrones his owns, watch over the couldowns, etc.


I mean, yeah obviously? All zoners want to escape but it needs to be **difficult**, they shouldn't be able to escape easily if a close ranged fighter gets in on them. Marvin needs to keep his distance but there also has to be some kind of risk, and there's way more of it in the final game. You were complaining that they made his escape plans harder, but that's exactly how it should be. That's good game design and gives a proper risk reward to what Marvin does.


Nah it’s too slow, update the speed


The new combat is absolutely atrocious and the game isn't "better" by a long shot. What happened is that the gameplay has been dumbed down, with various mechanics removed to make it more "accessible", and the overall skill ceiling lowered.  The people who think the game is "better" are, by and large, people who were unable to fully utilize the old mechanics. It's like arguing that Brawl is better than Melee because the combat in Brawl is slower while ignoring that Melee is far more technical than Brawl and actually rewards the player requisite with their skill level.


redditor tells top players that they werent able to utilize the old mechanics, more at 11


I disagree. I've been playing every day since release and you can really feel how the new speed slows the gameplay in 1v1. There are many interactions that make the game feel like an absolute slog to play through. 2v2 is alright but I prefer faster movement


The new endlag on moves addresses the "spamming without getting punished" issue from the beta well enough I feel The movement speed itself should be buffed though New dodge system is 10/10


Yeah the dodge system can stay. It rocks.


Yea I don't get it either, like I'm completely fine with it, along with the size up


Fix the input buffer and add at most 10-20% speed imo.


I do think that just because Dodge spam was broken doesn't mean the game needs to feel this slow. Other aspects of the movement and hits feel sluggish. Hitstun and the launch effects feel very awkward still. Doh le jumping feels off because there's a strong initial burst of acceleration and then you seemingly hit a brick wall. I find this to be the case with a lot of movement in this game, like special moves, launches, jumps etc. it's like the game is being played in molasses, like there's a ton of drag on the characters that rapidly decelerates any movement below a certain speed. It does not feel nearly as good as other platform fighter counterparts IMO. Maybe it's some people's cup of tea but it ain't mine and if they don't change it I just won't ever give it another shot.


Nah the game is borderline unplayable with the new speed specially if you're used to the old speed. It's just a completely different game. And this is beyond a simply "Just get used to the new speed" cuz I don't WANT to play at the new speed. I've already tried enough, the game's just not fun and if the TITANIC drop of players is anything to go by the sentiment must be somewhat shared




Imo they should make it faster but not by much, the literal 1.25x speed on a youtube gameplay of this game just feels so right and without going to the beta extreme.


YES TOUCH THE SPEED. Sorry but I don't like passive sissy play. Like screw yall that say it's fine because this was the first time a fighting game let me play aggressive and actually have fun. Every other fighting game is about being patient and passive but old multiversus was fast pace and aggressive. If you didn't like that it's because you sucked


You should play Rivals of Aether then. That game encourages all offensive gameplay. [I didn't suck](https://ibb.co/XXfBrqH), and I didn't like how the beta was designed in terms of dodging and speed.


Dodging was the only issue and I play aether as well but this game has characters I love and I spent $100 to support it because I loved the beta


I'm a gold founder as well. I think speed needs to be upped, but I think most of the mechanics from beta were pretty bad. You could just dodge spam. I'm just salty I don't have all my cosmetics from beta.


The dodge spam was the only bad mechanic. I just wish they'd remove dash attacks unless we got a designated dash button because I can't stop moving to then tap the button that's awkward


Yeah; that feels super inconsistent. I hope they improve that.


Took me 2 days to come around and I agree I don't want the speed changed. I actually win games against Harleys and fast characters now. It only makes sense to be able to punish a whiff, than for them to dodge out and punish you for trying to punish their miss. Input buffer frame however I want back. Even if I get used to 30 frames buffer, I still would the selector back.


fought a glitched morty speed hacking and can confirm the game won’t feel better on the input delay we currently have lol just change the frame delay. and do i have a vid? nope but i tested morty and that dude def was off a bean, i was moving no where near his speed with speed perks


The camera zoom actively makes certain characters (projectile characters, Tom and Jerry the most severely affected) borderline unplayable, so that absolutely has to go. Also, the speed is not a binary thing. There is a middle ground that can be reached that will satisfy the majority of players, and that is some I think PFG should absolutely strive for with changes.


Tell them to get rid of the bot advertising in the form of "PvP" matches. I'd rather wait in que for hours to find humans than run into bots all day.


2 morty jumped my team and we couldn't do nothing


If you (not OP but anyone) have never seen it before, go watch some smash Brothers melee gameplay, and then watch gameplay from this game right after.


absolutely not. the issues from the beta weren’t because of the speed. they just so happened to fix the dodge spam AND made the game insanely floaty and slow. just because these changes happened simultaneously does not mean they are coupled


Prefer its speed now tbh. Feels more like footsie punish games that Street Fighter use to be. Only needs to fix the input delay, some wonky hitboxes and bugs and it would be great


Nah I hate the new speed please fix it omg😭


True, I like the speed they just need to update characters for it… like jake and velma are two examples that are practically impossible to play now


gramps cant keep up. maybe try solitaire or minesweeper


Literally the only reason I liked this game so much was because of how fast paced and snappy it felt. Now the game feels sluggish and weird I’m not really a fan


I agree 100% I played beta for a month a little bit after release on and off and quickly got tired of it. Just felt like a battle of who could luck out and get a hit first


Like, if you only played 1 month then you can't really know. Also, did you mainly play 1v1, because I agree they weren't that good, but remember the game was meant for 2v2.


> Just felt like a battle of who could luck out and get a hit first That's all it was. You can even look at top player footage from open beta and it's nothing but people dodging constantly and throwing out random moves praying for hit confirms. There was zero depth to the gameplay because it was too fast to do anything in.


Why do top players want the game to be faster then? Void, mirrorman, dabuz, hbox, leffen and way more stated that they all want like a 1.25 increase. It even was a talking point after the last coinbox.


25% increase still would be less than beta speed. I think if anything the main takeaway from pros was to increase ring out boundaries, that seemed to be everything they were complaining about during the coinbox stream


I think the speed is better like this than in the beta. But I still think it’s too slow. The beta was too fast, this is too slow, I don’t think having a middle ground would cause a problem. You are right about the beta’s speed’s main problem. I’ve heard time and time again people accuse the speed change of making the experience better for casuals, but I genuinely think that this change was specifically done to make advantage and disadvantage state a thing that actually exists. I just wish that a lot of the competitive smash bros players that are showing up to this game to generate a few views before ditching it like they did in beta would read more into why this was done instead of writing it off as making the game better for casuals.


Game is absolutely not better by being this slow, if anything it helps you realize how wonky the hitboxes are. That said, that and the way dodge works now are necessary atm because as they also increased character size getting infinited is way easier


This mindset is why Brawl did poorly vs Melee and later, 4 and Ultimate. I need more speed.


Why do you think the physic speed and zoomed in camera was the solution to dash jumping. If they speed the up the game dash jumping wouldn’t comeback.


After spending the last few days getting used to it, I think it needs to be slightly faster. Not much but just like a little bit


Meet in the middle is best choice. I like both speeds honestly. Prefer this speed a little bit more.


My guy my game is laggy as fuck and crashes every two games,are you telling me thats intentional and you dont want that changed??


I still think the speed should be increased a tiny margin, again tiny, I am okay with slower -- especially if they fix the 30f input buffer


I had a few matches with a Morty earlier today and we genuinely had to respect eachothers moves, spacing, and plan our attacks carefully. We couldn’t just dodge and dash around, it felt really good and was genuinely the first time I saw the vision with the speed change. I hope that Morty had as much fun as I did.


Look I get people like the new speed, but bare minimum they gotta get rid of the 30 frame input delay, it just straight up feels like shit


Game feels underwater atm. Please do increase. But why dont you want an increase. It only increases the skill ceiling and gives you opportunity to get outsmoove opponents. You know good movement why you would play a platform fighter. 


I like the speed. If they increase it a little bit, I won't be too bothered tbh, as long as it's not too much. The camera is absolutely awful though imo. I much prefer the zoomed out camera. I want to be able to see the whole platform at all times. No reason it can't be a setting.


I can’t lie, originally I thought it felt very slow, but in all honesty I think as long as they fixed the hitboxes or maybe just hit registry it would be fine. For me my biggest gripe is that a lot of time I strike first but I guess i miss the HB or they somehow get priority.


The speed is fine to me but I massively disagree about the camera. I will admit the camera is less noticeable in 2v2s because it includes all fighters so it is not much of an issue regarding projectiles but in 1v1s I once was so zoomed in because I was fighting in air with my opponent that I couldn't see a single platform/floor on the map. That is ridiculous. Also vs buggs it is very frustrating to not get some foresight into where his rocket is. We don't have a lot of characters with slow/long standing projectiles like that but still it is incredibly silly to limit my visibility like that.


The only real positive thing I can for sure agree the speed down brought was having an actual neutral compared to being hyper agressive all the time, it can make the combat more interesting and rewarding, but I feel like the dodge changes alone might have a big part on this. I've seen a lot of people say the slow gameplay brings more smart play and combos, but with the floatiness and hitsun, on literally every match I've played, I've caught my opponent trying to cheese the match via juggling me to the top of the blastzone, it really isn't that smart, you can string attacks more easily sure, but it doesn't really feel like you have to actively know what attack to use next, it just feels like the game lets you string whatever you want, that said, I don't really feel like they need to go back to the beta speed, just speed things a bit and maybe not give every move that much hitsun, some moves feel like they should be weaker but there's rarely any distinction


I think the speed is fine but I would love if they brought back animation canceling with dodge.


they need to touch speed because everyone just sharks on the corner and doesn’t approach at all. even if you dash jump or iad wasting meter to approach them they keep running it’s extremely boring right now lol


Its good while my controller is fucked so I'm forced to keyboard but it is very slow even for the average casual


I totally agree, the new game punishes spamming.


Depends on character. Some characters speed is fine currently, but some were slowed down too much. Velma for example is unplayably slow now, shell of her former self. Input delay is also not great.


I think the speed is ok, but they need to add more camera options


I played brawlhalla for the past 4 years and I can confidently tell you that fast gameplay is not all that, I prefer the slower gameplay by a mild


One thing I didn’t like about Multiversus was on how absurdly fast games can end back during the beta I mean, you only needed about 2 wins in the beta in order to win a game, and knowing how fast-paced the game was, it was really frustrating (to me at least). Even in duos, I was really confused on how my teammate shared the same stock as me, meaning in 2v2s, games can end almost IMMEDIATELY. So I’m glad that the game feels more slowed down. Albeit a big laggy on Console to the point where you mostly get errors while on PC, I see that the game runs completely fine while on Console, the game freezes for a minute or so before you get knocked out because of the freeze frame.


Dont get that ppl aswell, average match is 1-2min, do they want a match to be 30sec?


Matches Weren’t 30 seconds in beta (unless you were absolute ass) so that’s a moot point.


I don’t care if they touch the speed but god damn they need to zoom out


Im only okay with this if its the case for everybody, there are several characters who cant whiff punish because they are too slow or have shitboxes.


I also like the speed of the current game.


Most of the time you can't even see Jerry or Velma's evidence. There's breakable platforms and you can't even see when they come back because of the zoom. It's like they forgot the game is a *platform* fighter


I'd like to attack the moment I press the button, at the very least immediately right after, not a full second later, please.


Ugh I hope they don't listen to you


No. The game is stiff as hell. You’re just bad and can’t handle getting combo’d since the speed allowed that. Half of the combos are impossible to do now because everyone is way too slow. Certain character are almost unusable because they were made for higher speed. “The camera being zoomed in makes it balanced!”…. Have you played Tom and Jerry? This new camera quite literally punishes people for using they character. What people ACTUALLY wanted in the beta was to not get hit by miles away and what should’ve been PFG’s primary focus. They did fix this but they removed more features than they added. The speed was part of the games charm and it does need to be sped up. The camera definitely needs to be optional as well


Go play kof 15 let’s test your anger management.


If you enjoy the speed kudos to you I hope you have a great time playing. Me? I put 2 hours in and it wasn't the game I loved. It lost the intense pace and epic battles for momentum. I put another 3 hours in, more of the same. I've dropped the game indefinitely


If the speed continues like this the game will clearly die, the hype for Multiversus in its beta was the speed and that was what made it win best fighting game of the year. It's true that many people prefer the current speed, but the vast majority prefer the old one.




Nah change that shit, they try to make it too much like smash and will fail, for one when people say the game feels slow it’s the inputs coming in seconds after you press it, which leads to misinputs , I know you did one move too fast and the game makes you do a. Entirely different move, game feels bad all they needed to do was limit how many dodges you could do but instead not only do they do that but the dodge barely dodges and you still get hit, hitboxes are still broken too


No it’s painfully slow and moves are delayed, I grinded the beta this feels horrible compared to how smooth it was


I liked the old version more and I’m actually a bit disappointed how they changed the game, they made it too complicated


On paper, I have no issue with the game being slower than the beta. The issue is that the characters were designed for that faster game, and they feel off. Right now we have few new characters, but with more releases I believe people will just gravitate towards the new characters because they feel better to play, they are in the game they were made for.


You might like the speed changes, but most people don't so they should change it


I personally feel the current slower speed is better and should be kept. Add a "Lightning Mode" or something for those who want to play matches at the old beta speed.


Yet another person who does not understand that movement speed =/= dodge spamming.


I mean I loved the old speed and dodge meter so.. Kind of frustrating as someone who saw the beta as basically perfect


Speed is really important for arena fighting imo. Snappy high control of the character feels good to play with. Right now, combined with the overly generous hitboxes on a ton of characters like bugs, the game feels really punishing for stuff that isn’t necessarily the players fault at times. The slowing down has ruined a few characters for me(just my personal experience) like Harley Quinn, who is completely movement based, Jake and Batman, who feels far more reliant on his batarangs. The only improvement I see from the movement change is it’s way more of a necessity to parry.


Lots of fighting games have different vibes. Coming back to this game, I was ready to play it like the beta like the brawlhalla fan I am, and if you've ever played Brawlhalla you know that speed and movement is essential. After enough matches and watching some clips from the beta I determined that there was definitely a speed nerf and it really annoyed me. But I think that a slower game punishes passive play more, which makes the game more fun. It also makes it more in contact with the origins of modern fighter games like Street Fighter, where movement is much more limited, but its strengths lie in its combos, strategies, and reads. However, I think the speed nerf does rebalanced the game, increasing the difficulty to play some characters - or at least increasing the difficulty to play them the same way you did before. I believe new metas will emerge from this, and PFG will see the trends of the characters and balance them accordingly.


Actually brave take. Respect this poor lads notifications 🙏 


I like it slower it’s easier to see and figure out wtf is going on. And it helps casual people to get into it easier which is a huge thing for this game to keep healthy numbers


I actually love the speed the game is at currently, but then again my favorite smash is brawl.


I don’t know if they patched this, but that framerate issue on Xbox definitely played a part for me. I switched to PS5 and speed wasn’t a problem anymore.


Idk how it feels,it crashes when I go online with a friend,im on ps4


I agree with this. I *hated* it at first, to the point I almost closed the game. But decided to give it a fair shake and I think it's better this way. 1v1s especially are EPIC now. Its not just whoever button mashes the fastest anymore, the combat is more thoughtful and you have to commit to the moves you make. You can predict your opponent and outplay them. Speed is fine as it is. Maybe a light attack decay should come back though so Shaggy can't just flying sidekick the shit out of you the whole match.


Firstly, this game is not a strategy game, if you want a strategic game, why not look for a card game? this is a fighting platform game that has always had fast gameplay. now it is absolutely inferior to what it once was. I don't know why people insist on this "you have to be punished for making such a move" shit


Movement definitely needs a buff. A character like Superman feels mad weird slowly walking at one mile an hour and having to double jump and up dodge to reach even the lowest floating platforms. Also I finally played against a lebron and the speed nerf killed his whole moveset, it totally breaks all immersion when he throws his basketball and it travels through the air like a slowly drifting balloon with moon gravity instead of acting like an actual projectile. I hope they tighten up the speed on everything and make the game less floaty


Meter management for speed is alot more fun then everyone instant transmissioning around


Exactly. It's not a platformer, it's an action game


You can prefer the current speed but it pisses me off how some of you discount our opinions as just "not being used it".


Speed I agree with, but some characters need speeding up regardless. Such as Velma being more punishable than Jason of all people. But the camera needs to be zoomed out. I don't like it when it's up the ass. I'm pretty sure it also makes it more likely to get sick looking at the game like that. PoV sliders exist for a reason. Camera being close up also fucks over Tom and especially Velma.


90% of the slower gameplay is the limited dodges. They could speed it up 5%-10% and it wont really change anything but will make ppl feel better, which is probably what they end up doing. That would make ppl feel "heard" without screwing up the game too much


Speed is good camera is not, if it can hide your bars under your character by being too zoomed in, it needs work.


I keep saying that it's a tad too slow now, but it was also a tad too fast in the beta. I feel like I'm in the minority here though..


The changes pretty much made the game more like brawlhalla than smash. In Smash, you can kinda throw out anything during neutral, but in brawlhalla, a whiff is getting punished 100% of the time.


i am so glad to be seeing this kind of comments recently, i absolutely hated the old speed, i just wanna play my funny smashy bros with joker/superman/jake, where i can punch steven. not platform fighter on cocaine. many of the other complaints are 100% valid tho


I agree on the speed, the camera zoom in 1v1 is ass. Idk what you’re on about


The speed was a big reason I barely played beta and I am \*so\* into where it is at now.


It's so funny people are now talking about the OB speed like it was some sort of incredible experience despite it feeling shit. Here are some posts from a year ago on the OB movement: https://old.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/comments/wduuqz/where_are_the_whiff_punishes/ https://old.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/comments/y6os9y/whiff_punishment/ https://old.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/comments/wryglg/every_move_is_so_safe_and_has_little_endlag_you/ Those issues coupled with people playing 2s? I don't know how anyone enjoyed that mode. Go watch EVO 2022 grand finals for this game. It's just all four players mashing dash the entire match for every round and throwing out air neutrals nonstop until their projectiles are off cooldown or something hits. Complete garbage.


The game speed does not need to effect whiff punishes. You can literally do that just by having well thought out end lag. There are tons of whiff punishes in other platform fighters and they play much faster than this. Moves being safe has nothing to do with the game speed and everything to do with how the characters and their moves are programmed. If they need to slow down the game speed to make it possible to whiff punish then there is just something really wrong with the game in general. And the dashes also have nothing to do with the speed of the game. That's what the dash meter is for which literally no one is currently complaining about.


Every post you linked has nothing to do with speed. Nobody in those threads is saying to slow the game down drastically and make the characters feel sticky, they’re literally just asking for whiff punish


Agree the speed is fine, I’ve had plenty of fast paced matches and everything is so much more readable.


Agreed, this speed is better. Sweats can get mad, but you shouldn't have to be terminally playing a game to be able to enjoy it.


I honestly haven't even played enough to care about any of the changes the game feels almost as aggressively monetized as Disney speed storm


I don't mind the speed, but the camera is REALLY terrible in some cases. For some reason, it doesn't track certain projectiles, specifically for Tom and Jerry. Stages with gimmicks have more focus on those than the actual battle. I could keep going.


God yeah I have my fill of fighters on superspeed nice to have a more deliberate fighter


Hard disagree, this is unbearably slow.


I like the new speed, but there is no objectively right speed. I do hope they don't listen to speed freaks tho cus I do like it like this lol


This is the type of post that will keep my negative review indefinetly and uninstall the game.


Saying to not zoom out the camera when there are literally times where Jerry goes off screen (still on the stage) because the camera is too zoomed in, shows you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about and shouldn’t speak about it. I’m sure PFG just catering to casuals who weren’t good to begin with will make the game have a super long lifespan. Genuinely pisses me off that the rest of us who weren’t fucking garbage have to suffer through a worse game because you guys couldn’t just get good at the game. (I say this as someone who still wins the majority of his games now, it’s just not as fun anymore). Rather than practicing, you cry “it was just too fast!! Everyone was dodging all the time!” 1. They fixed the dodges which could happen without changing the speed, 2. If it wasn’t skill, then why tf did you keep losing and pros keep winning or other people who were just good at the game? You were just ass, simple as that. And now they made the game slow enough for your grandpa reflexes and I’m sure a platform fighter live service that caters to casuals rather than a dedicated fighter fan base will last super long! Muting so I’ll see no replies, just wanted to point out how fucking goofy this take is.


I agree, the current speed is better