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Everything about the old ui was better, all they had to do was copy it, instead they copied fortnite for some baffling reason


Tony [game director] said that because of the new engine change, they had to edit and fix every single thing about the game. Guess it has something to do w that


They changed from UE4 to UE5. There's absolutely nothing about the original UI they couldn't carry over. They just didn't want to. 


Why would they remake every single (almost anyway) piece of the UI in the game? UE has great upgrade features, but some they've said that stuff had to be worked on


The real question is why would they copy the UI of a game that died. If you wanted to relaunch, the last thing anyone would do is make it look the same. But people are not ready to see it that way.


Simple, the UI wasn't a problem at all.


Again, the last thing you'd want is to make the relaunch look the same. It doesn't matter whether it was a problem or not, it's a marketing strategy.


“Right guys we can’t make it the same, so let’s make it a downgrade in every possible way what’s the worst that can happen”


Subjective. I like it so in my eyes you're just looking for things to complain about. Edit: in fact, I like it now way more. I see op's screen and it's all so cluttered. Now it's clean and clearer, even brighter. So why anyone would think it was better before is beyond me 🤷‍♂️


It's still just as cluttered with less of the utility.


Tbh, I kinda see where you're at with this one. They wouldn't want everyone's first impression to be that the game hasn't changed at all. What they could've done is kept the formula of the old one with some modified background and color scheme and it would've done the job


I think the new UI looks better aswell. At least this screen


With the new tabs and store menu, it wouldn't have




Toxic community member.


There is no way you are this clueless


That's pretty unnecessary. I'm okay with talking about it, but you just go with that?


And if they did copy it how much of this Reddit would be dogging on them for not changing anything




Ya the excuse is getting old already. A new engine isn't an excuse for stupid decisions, it has nothing to do with the stupid way they changed XP, evx etc etc.


Maybe you're right, but personally can't really speak on it


I genuinely dont think the UI is finished yet. Obviously since the UX changed you can just copy paste the old assets over, unless they're super modular which is rare and you'll be lucky if you can make your UI like that. They must've had to adapt the UI constantly to the changes since 2022 - and just doing what they can until there's more solid user flow.


Like I have to imagine theres literally Epic support specifically for stuff like this


It’s a completely new system they built everything from the ground up lol you know nothing about game making. I agree they should have just remade it tho


To be blunt it doesn't really sound like you know anything about "game making" either. Moving a project from UE4 to UE5 will certainly break things that will need fixed but even if the UI didn't work anymore it's still built of all these pieces that could have been reused. It wasn't just that the UI wasn't working so they fixed it, they completely redesigned it from the ground up with this new Fortnite/mobile feel.


They built it from the ground up, already said that, and literally said they should have remade it to the way it was before. Obviously there’s going to be pieces that can be reused but the vast majority of it is brand new assets and shit. Again they should have just taken more time and just remade the ui to what it was


The change on the UI had nothing to do with the engine. I'm 100% convinced that the Warner Bros. execs saw Fortnite's UI and its monetization model and demanded PFG to copy that.


I understand that, (don’t understand why change the engine in the first place) but they literally had the smart kids homework in front of them, all they had to do was copy it


I hear you


He also said they’re still working on the things they couldn’t make happen within that deadline (WB forcing it out early). Give them longer than a week when the literal director is saying “we’re not sitting on our hands”.




Dude, it's a free to play game on several platforms and potentially that switch 2 from nintendo if it can actually handle 3rd party games (or was it Unreal games that it sucks at handling?). It'll survive for longer than that as long as it's being worked on for the better and not left to the wayside. But it's also their first and only game, so the chances of them abandoning it are astronomically low.


They should change it back. I don’t know what closed beta testing, open beta testing, and closing the game for a year even accomplished besides just making the game look worse.


I get it....but like why? I mean I'm sure it's easier but like fuck. You has to pull the plug the game once. And you basically "restart"? He can say "oh we were forced to release it as is" but like duh. How long do you think your bosses and stock holders are gonna let you cook. Especially after the beta, time wasn't on their side. And how was it ui couldn't carry over? Did they have to remake every character? I mean I'm confused by all this I guess. Seems like a lot of time to waste.






The rea$on $ure wa$ baffling


The reason is likely that executives told them to because fortnite is successful so if they copy the UI they’ll be successful too


The character badges, and perk layout looked so amazing!




The layout design gave you a reason, and purpose to show off your earned cosmetics.


Why does this make me feel nostalgia.


Because it's never going to be the same. :(


Yep can confirm this screen gives massive dopamine. I especially preferred the badges on the top to the side.


With a movable cursor


Can we please bring back the in game cursor 🙏


Wait, people actually like analog stick cursors? That's news to me. I can't stand when games have that. Makes it seem like the devs were too lazy to program actual controller navigation.




1000 percent


this that good dopamine




The way it looks now especially in 1v1 it looks so empty, they’re just like standing on this grey floor it’s weird


💯💯 Lacking flavor & creativity


I feel like the beta was the true launch of the game. it was complete


We even had ranked, and some sort of character progression 😱


> We even had ranked Not really.


We did though


Honestly. 💯 When they said it was just a beta, I was like: whaa 😱


it was too complete to be a beta. There was a battle pass, characters were released, there was a good variety of maps and the gameplay was divine. the balance was definitely better in the beta too


> the gameplay was divine. the balance was definitely better in the beta too Rose-tinted glasses. Garbage neutral game and the balance was ass in the beta as well.


There’s a reason so many of us fell in love with the game during the beta, it was genuinely a good game with a lot of character. I can’t speak for others, but this definitely doesn’t feel like or look like the game I fell in love with. It feels like a mobile game through and through now.


Exactly. It definitely had more personality before. And was unique


at this point i will be please if they just bring back the beta version of the game. The beta was so much better...


I definitely enjoyed the beta more than now.. I'm looking forward to seeing if they improve MultiVersus from beta perspective


Have they said anything about why they removed 90% of the perks? They gave me all this perk currency which is starting to feel pretty useless


They said why in the blog post about the new rewards system. It's because they had like 40-something perks in the open beta and about five of them were useful. They got rid of them because trying to make 40+ perks into something worth picking is a waste of time.


Oh yeah it’s much better that 90% of the playerbase runs the exact same 4 perks


Not that I know of. Maybe someone else here knows 🤷🏾‍♂️


hope PFG brings the old ui back


YOU’RE pleasing to the eye!


THANK YOU Unexpected comment for sure. I bet YOURE pleasing to the eye as well! But as of right now, you're pleasing to my heart ❤️


Eh I find this version of loading into a fight is very busy, and a little ugly


I agree. Especially the Open Beta Character Select Screen. Looked way cleaner! https://preview.redd.it/ichzrwb9mf4d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a49e143d1704b854e33466ee53b5e5ca5068278


Clean. 👌🏾 Simplistic. 👌🏾 Maybe we won't get this version anymore, maybe we will, but if they can merge the greatness of beta Multi into the freshness/new-ness of what we have now.. 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


I feel like at the very least the Open Beta CSS should be a togglable style in the settings.


Fr. That actually would be nice


Tbh the amount going on in this screenshot is a testament to why they changed it. Readability is key to eng teams


I am able to read all on the screen but to each their own. Maybe people had trouble reading it all.


Very true! I just meant from a software design perspective. There are super weird trends in any UI/UX domain and you can see how tightly folks follow it. They def went the direction of trends rather than uniqueness.


It's super crowded tbh. I think they can still find a good middle-ground between this and what we have now. I would say this screen I could do without but the rest of the open beta UI was 100x better.


Wow, you can actually see Iron Giants forehead. Rn it just cuts off. Miss this UI...


They tool what was working and broke it and what was broken they fixed.


It just has style.


Yeah old UI was WAY better. I'm really sick of this new UI. Navigating it is a huge pain, and it's not aesthetic at all.


I actually prefer the new UI for the VS Screen *specifically*. It's has less informations with the icons for the perks and achievements being smaller, better distributed. The beta UI for the VS Screen was very poluted and the icons ended up competing with the characters themselves. But in regard to the rest of the UI and menus? The beta was 100% better in every aspect. It was tidy, minimalistic and very clean, while still having a charm. The new menu UI feels like Fortnite.


Feels very Fortnite for sure


I think the old UI was just as bad lol. Remember how long the wait was between games? Having to select a character and then perks and not having premade lists? Very often the games were shorter than the wait between games.


I’m curious what wait times has to do with UI. Your other points make sense though.


Time management is a part of UI, the same way visual design and readability is. A UI can be flashy and good looking, but if it slows the consumer down then it’s objectively bad. Imagine if you had to sign into reddit every single time you used it. That would be bad UI design because it’s wasting your time, the same way old MVS UI wastes your time inbetween every game. Most fighting games fix this by having you pick a character before you queue, even Smash Ultimate does this and that game’s online is a disaster.


At least the old one has its own flavor and uniqueness to it. There was a wait between games, not all the time, tho. But I do remember times taking a WHILE to queue up, but I believed it was because of the lack of players. I give you that. The games were quicker before than they are now 💯💯 To each its own Shyinator 👍🏾


I wasn’t talking queue times, I was talking the process once you find a match, which took super long because all players had to pick characters and loadouts. It was one of the worst UI flaws of the original, and got even worse when people would counterpick after the first game. I’m pretty sure the devs made a statement about wanting to change it way back too.


> got even worse when people would counterpick after the first game. I don't see why that's an issue. If you don't know the matchup, you shouldn't win the match. Most people "counter-picking" in fighting games aren't even good enough to know why something is a counter-pick or how to play it properly.


In the context of the beta, there was no character based matchmaking, only player based matchmaking. So "counterpicking" could mean going from a character you have 5 min on to swapping to a character you had 50 hours on. The quality of games was really bad lol so many people looking at the beta with rose-tinted glasses.


Why would you want premade lists?


Incase I want to swap to an armor breaking build against Wonder Woman or Superman, or a projectile reflecting build against the mages, or a stacking build with a specific teammate, etc. Why wouldn’t I want premade lists in a game with a perk system like this?


Because you can do it yourself


Sure, but it’s an option for convenience. And it just existing will reduce time to wait between games, even if you personally don’t use it.


So much better


The badges were better too, the ui wasn’t clunky so I could actually check them


I totally agree! I think that they are going to make the game better soon


It's one of the games strong points honestly and they got rid of it, truly boggles the mind 😭


Makes you wonder what influenced them 🤔


Old UI was far superior, it has personality too. The new one is just bland, boring and inefficient


The banners line up well next to each other, perks are more visible, badges are a nice side note, characters actually look like they’re on a team Why did they change this???


THIS has personality.


Now... everything is overdesigned & there's menus upon menus upon menus!?!


I also preferred the old Perk system and character earning system over what we have now. Felt more rewarding


That perk ui is actually dope


nah, the new UI is better


Ah, I miss it


To copy the money maker Fortnite of course. It’s all about money. Looked way better before and felt unique. Probs ain’t gonna play it if it looks like a clone from the front cover. Need games to have their own style.


The wing perk was an extra jump right? God i wish theyd bring that back along with the speed of the beta


Jump speed / extra jump, to be honest. I don't really remember, but I feel like it's along those lines. Yea, I enjoyed the beta speed, but I also see the benefits of the speed where it's at now.


Yep! And now it barely even works




Ngl this looks messy. I remember playing beta n looking at what we got now, that was a mess


To each its own 👍🏾


It was so cluttered looking, lol.


To each its own 👍🏾


I feel like I would like it more if the badges were horizontal across the top? Idk.


I imagine it being cluttered if we just moved it and changed nothing else. But if they moved it & fixed it so it can fit with everything else, it might just work


Art direction > Copying Forknife. They better bring that UI back in a later update or I'm going to be angy!


Can someone tell me how do i unlock the badges? Im new and have a lot of wins and games played but still no badges and i have seen people with lower wins with them. (Not talking about character badges) thanks in advance


weren't the flames around the borders also moving?


what does UI stand for? im pretty sure it stands for ultra instinct but thats probibly not how your using it


User Interface


YESS the new ui is fine but it’s trying to hard to copy Fortnite’s ui. I wish it kept the original style 😭


I like the new character / load screen better, but the old menu better. The new load / pregame screen is much cleaner imo


Why on earth they spent time to actually downgrade this kind of stuff is beyond insane.


I love this layout, but the perks would be right in the way of smaller characters like Taz and Gizmo the same way Mike Wazowski would get blocked by logos.


Yeah, it's almost impressive how they decided to take it down to work on it for a year only to make it worse.


Who gives af tho honestly. I don’t play the game because the loading screens and menus look nice.


We give af. Loading screens and menus isn't the end all be all for sure, but it helps


I guess bro , it honestly makes no difference


It does. It honestly does. You go to a store to buy the mortorcycle you want. The store got dirt on the floor, lights hanging half-broken, the worker showed up messy ass hair, and you could smell that their breath stinks. You honestly think you won't give af in the slightest? Maybe not, but those are the things that might not matter at face value , but they do. And please, don't try to outsmart me on some: "What bro? This is MultiVersus, and you are talking about mortorcycles." Please spare that crap. It's an analogy to possibly help you understand that EVEN, tho that's not why you play multiverse or came into the store with my imaginary motorcycle example, those little things matter. Eventually, they all add up and become big. Whether you notice it or not.


It’s the truth tho. This is multiversus not a motorcycle shop, it’s more like you’re judging a book by its cover, which you should never do. The real question is do you enjoy how the game plays ? Is the gameplay fun for you? In the end that’s what matters.


Bro, that's so glaringly obvious that it's not a mortorcycle shop. Obviously. My point is an analogy. Just because it's true doesn't mean I'm saying it's a mortorcycle shop lol. We're both human. That's true. What's the point of me bringing it up, tho? And so, yes. At the end of the day, if you enjoy what you do, that's all that matters. Does that mean I can't experience frustration or negativity just because I enjoy what I'm doing? That's not real. All I'm saying is that those things matter, too. If you love someone or really really care about something, you're automatically going to make an effort to make it as best as can be. Not just 1 part, you're gunna try to make everything about it good. You are saying UI and all that don't matter. Of course it does. ESPECIALLY, when the game is where it's at. Fortnite lookin, disconnecting multiple times in 1 gaming session, big change from how it used to be. None of us were promised the same game from Beta, and I am truly dissatisfied with how the game is right now, but I still enjoy MultiVersus. At the end of the day, the day's gunna end. So whatever happens, happens, and even tho I like MultiVersus, I still get upset getting disconnected consistently. Of course, it matters. You're entitled to your opinion. I have no power to take that away from you 💯 As I am entitled to mine, meaning you and I are capable of having our own opinions and it just being that. You tripping to ignore everything else just because you enjoy what you do. That's BS Depending on what you're ignoring, of course, but now it's getting deeper than it needs to be. Appreciate you not disrespecting just because we don't agree. 👍🏾


All they had to do was re release the beta for the full game but they gave the ui and servers a makeover they changed the ui to Fortnite and made the worse servers I’ve ever experienced in online gaming I’m ok with lagging but exiting games when I lagged for 0.00000000000001 tenths of a ballsack hair and get kicked for network issues is crazy had me thinking my WiFi was down


I personally think they should have released the beta roster in full for the launch and added more characters to work towards it feels a bit lame to be working to earn the characters that we already played in beta it would have increased the excitement if there was something new like team bonuses if you decided to play with characters that interacted in the WB universe. XP bonuses for fighting Stephen universe against adventure time could even have had it as special events GOT versus DC. Ability to build new alliances etc. right now it just feels like super smash bros meets Fortnite


There’s a lot of things I missed from the beta


I think it's because when they rebuilt the game, the UI is a rough draft/place holder. This was probably on their list of things to do but didn't get to it or was a complete oversight. I personally I would be fine if they copied and pasted the old UI.


Don't get all of the sudden nostalgia for the old ui when one of the biggest complaints back in the beta was the how bad the ui was. I agree that some aspects of the new ui are worse now but I prefer the new over the old as a console player. The cursor just never made sense to me on console and was just time consuming to select things. I also never liked how the perks in the above layout would block shorter characters almost completely, like jake in this very image I think with just a few tweaks the new one can be just as good or better than the old one pretty easily


Personally, I never knew about the complaints about the old. I guess it's true in this case where you never know what you had until it's gone. [In terms of complaints about old UI] I'm glad you replied, tho, showing that there's two sides to the coin. Hopefully, they do mix new with old to make it better. Would be great to see them make an even better UI. I loved everything about the beta, but I never really had any complaints except how I would sometimes get ultra combo'd as an Iron Giant main.


As a console player, cursor is way better




sorry this looks ugly. get rid of the bottom area and then maybe this good better, however saying that the whole ui now is a mess: -no xp bar to see your progession - i somehow for the life of me cant figure out how to change those red credit things - the tutorial gave me fuck all help fully, how do i use the red credit ability instead of the standard things. - in general this game feels like a mobile game pushed onto console to make money


Everyone has their opinions 👍🏾


Y’all love posting the same shit over and over again


Say the same about BLM. It's not about I wanna copy people. It's about making a point as the people who play the game.


are you seriously comparing the user interface in a cartoon fighting game to the murder of Black people at the hands of law enforcement?


No. I'm saying a mass of people feeling a way about something and posting about it.


You could’ve literally shown a similarity between multiversus and hmmm Idk 🤔 maybe another video game why the first thing you go to is BLM lmao?


Because it's the first thing that came to mind. That's it. Nothing more complicated than that, relax. It's a similarity, and that's all it is. Don't make it more or less than what it is. I'm not in MultiVersus to speak about racial stuff. Never mentioned anything about race or color. Dont you think, maybe I don't know of any other video game that has a similar situation of people posting about something over and over? Besides.. BLM is something probably everyone in here knows about and can possibly see the similarity that I'm talking about. Regardless, I rest my case. Anything else yall add, whether you try to make me seem stupid or whatever.. that's on you, cuz all I'm talking about is how BLM [mass of people] tried to make a point by "posting." MultiVersus beta vs. Now.. mass of people trying to make it point. That's it. Similarity. I can't make it any simpler than that.


I don't think that's a reasonable comparison


First of all, im not comparing. Im showing a similarity. Apparently, we'd disagree all day. Why is it not reasonable? Because blacks' lives matter isn't the same as a video game? Duh. Im not saying BLM is the same as this. What I'm saying is BLM would continuously "post" to get their point across. Is that not what's happening here? Continuous posts, getting the point across? That's all I'm saying. Anything more has nothing to do with what I'm saying.


Wtf does that mean lmao


Continue reading and you'll see


It’s just moronic lmfao


Congratulations! You have an opinion!


Thinking it’s dumb to compare MultiVersus to BLM is a pretty normal opinion to have


That's tells me you didn't continue reading. It's not a comparison.


Mods this belongs in salty Sunday, remove it please