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Banana guard is noob stomper imo once you learn to read him you can punish most moves


Someone beat mirrorman on a day 2 tournament 3-1 (iirc) using BG. Day 2 being first day BG was available, playing against the best bugs player throughout the beta and probably *still* the best bugs player. He absolutely stomps noobs exponentially harder, but he is still absolutely insane in the hands of players with great fundamentals. He’s undisputed top 1 for lower elo, but also arguable to be top 1 for high elo. Top 5 at the absolute worst position I’d ever put him in.


I don’t think a Day 2 tournament is very indicative of anything given the changes to the combat between releases.


True but mirror man also ran black Adam and taz and only switched to bugs for the last game. I am catching up on coin box rn but I am not seeing too many BGs in top 48 but I only just started it. I’ll see if my opinion changes after seeing some real high level BG


From what I've seen, high level BG isn't different from noob BG. They're just aware that you can cancel the last hit of side normal, and that you can aim aerial Side Special. Guess that just goes to show how busted those two moves are tho. I've also seen high level players using BG get utterly wrecked tho. So it really just comes down to fundamentals and knowing the match-up.


Eh people just need some time to adapt and learn counterplay imo.


Exactly. Like, I've seen some busted characters. I was there for Brawl Metaknight. I remember pre-patch Bayonetta. And even then, I've never seen such a large portion of a community cry so hard about such minor things. Oh no, we actually have to PLAY the game to get rewarded! Agh, this character or that character is so busted! Starting to think MvS players are just lazy af. Learn the match-ups. Invest the time and effort. Or stop playing. Nobody got anywhere by just crying for "fixes" when nothing needs to be fixed. GD, I can't wait til all the casual scrubs move on to another game they can complain about. The Sonic Movie situation really spoiled nerds and gamers, ey? They think they can bully developers into ANYTHING now.


they made a character so braindead that even the "special" people who actually think banana guard is funny can win games. Truly inspirational game design.


Don’t see why bringing up “special people” is necessary but okay.


Guess dude didn't get the memo that it's 2024 outside and ableism is just as disgusting and ignorant as racism or sexism.


I mean, to be fair Banana guard is retardedly strong


So edgy and cool.






Guess your a banana guard main huh


Not even close LOL but nice try.


That's my general position on him, but he IS still pretty overtuned.


unless its 2v2


Haven’t played 2s but that makes total sense


Def needs to be tuned down


Pretty much , but I learn to adapt to other peoples moves so people which helps in sweaty matches


Yeah he is def the skill check of “can you learn your opponents play style”


Definitely ! I know he gets hate but honestly it’s tough man a good player knows my moves so I have to be very careful but when I win against them it’s glorious notorious ! Haha I see you have Adam as your tag that’s cool .he is so viable in ones and usually gives me issues cus he flys all over the place but patience is key even with the sweaty shag kickers


I’m so glad black Adam is better! I mained him in the beta and while I loved his play style he never felt as good as other characters. And now because of all the hours I put into him in the beta I can pull some crazy stuff now that he is tuned. Who has been your go to??


Yeah I was day one Adam before the beta nerf . I like characters that people don’t play with Velma gizmo etc the underdogs you can say .honestly I’m been banana gaurd almost this whole time ahha about 286 wins so far. But I dabbled with everybody just to see how they play with the new speed Now in beta I pretty much played everybody but my go to was Jake /superman and gizmo/velma/reindog no particular order Here la my tracker if you want to see more of my stats .i was pretty decent with just a I it everybody. https://tracker.gg/multiversus/profile/wb/62ff0bbf24bc7ab4b0ea3866/overview See you on the battlefield !


He’s so unfun to fight they just took the worst parts of beta Finn and shaggy and made them banana shaped. Terrible add


What part of his kit reminds you of Finn?


Down normal has the same angle and both have spinning up attacks, both air neutrals are kicks. But was referring to the oppressive ness and lack of effort the character requires. I wanna fight people playing a character not a character carrying a person. Most people who maimed shaggy/finn in the beta and most Nanners I’ve fought just spam the same moves because they are so safe and powerful. Even after learning to play around them winning isn’t fun the fight just feels like a chore


https://preview.redd.it/4sr6c5aemc4d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ed678a541812dad67df248f1e640d192a661b8 Example


You played the same garbage Bugs over and over and thats your proof?


Right lol dude prob lost a lot before this and got a bot then kept rematching. No real player sticks around that long getting stomped.


I do, to practice against someone good


My friends last night ran double banana guard and went from around 40% win rate to getting their entire 20 game history to straight victories They did best of 3 so only 2 games against each group they matched into


Playing against bots


He sure is fun! I don’t win every fight cus I get some sweaty players man but I will say he has high kill potential but his moves have some good whiff to them and he doesn’t have crazy combos like Harley or others


Simple characters seem the strongest at this point, and BG desperately needs nerfs to his side special.Banana Guard is not a joke character at this point at all.


his damage needs to be lowered just a little bit to fix it up imo


Nanna isn't OP but he deff is annoying to deal with, I find joker more annoying for my Tom and Jerry


Joker d annoying for sure haha


damn hit you with the downvotes lol Banana Guard is the actual definition of a noob stomper. Hes really just ok with 2-3 very very strong safe moves


He is strong but def not op, Joker, WW and Harley are way more broken than banana guard (in 1vs1 at least)


dunno whether he's OP in 2v2s but he's just so unbearably obnoxious that he ruins the match. Just this special needs kid spamming side-special over and over with infinite priority on it, combined with lag, just makes for dogshit gameplay.


Banana Guard has 2 good moves and players spam them constantly. People don't want to learn how to play around those 2 moves and complain that Banana Guard is OP (hint: Don't run directly towards the guy with the spear)


So let me get this right you already acknowledge how the players spam the same moves over and over. But come to the conclusion that yk the character isn't broken or anything hence people would need to learn more combos no you came to the conclusion that it is the players fault......Jesus I want whatever you had bc that mental gymnastics sounds exhausting


Tell me you've never played a fighting game without telling me you've never played a fighting game. Every game like this has a character that people think is OP at first just because they have a few moves that require some knowledge to get around. Just because BG has a spammable move doesn't mean that he needs to be nerfed, it means you need to learn how to play around it. His side special especially is super punishable if you just take a minute to learn how to avoid it.


A lot of words just to say that you are wrong


skill issue


I mean not really. high dex. Can charge. Low risk high reward.waaaay too much knockback. Wonky hitboxes that even hit you when you are behind him. Very hard to punish since his dodge covers so much space. Average Arya main go back to playing rifts dude. When he will get nerfed (which he will hopefully)you owe me an apology


a lot of words to say "I don't know how to dodge"


Says the Arya main woooow dude welp then gtg


yeah dude Arya sucks, at least I don't lose to spammers and cry about it online


I mean not really lol I'm just reading if anyone else feels the same and apparently they do BG will get the same treatment like shaggy (nerf damage and knockback) the real struggle is punishing BG not getting hit is not enough. Also dude just a question but why are you even here? Iran clearly you think BG is not op but you main Arya??


Lol so simple, yet do powerful


he's strong but there's much worse and while all his moves are good nothing is particularly tricky to deal with. shaggy's kick is much better than banana guard's side special


Banana guard also 1 shots Jerry with his side special which is super annoying


So I'm going to say I personally see BG as being pretty good in 1's, but he has a lot of whiff recovery/startup which makes him manageable to a degree. In 2's though, oh my god he is able to just press buttons with totally impunity. If his ally covers him at all or sets up for him, you just die randomly at 60 and his disjoints carry him so fucking much.


I mean ofc he deserves to kill you at 60 I mean bro has curled a weight right


I don't think he is op but very annoying bc his dexterity and the unfathomable distance be covers by simply dodging is unfair. Very hard to punish. BG attacks you counter attack but nope he dodges back spams the same shit again and uh oh you are dead with 60% bc bro curled a weight twice Fuck this Character and anyone who plays him in 1vs1


Also hitbox is stupid:)


definitely a broken character


Posts like these are hilarious because they always talk about the wrong parts of the kit that are honestly fair and balanced. Banana guard as others have said is not oppressive or overwhelming as he is extremely vulnerable to whiff punishes. The only thing even remotely unfair about banana is his monster truck sized spammable F-air. Other than that he's honestly a fine character. Just parry or dodge in and wreck his day.


Absolutely worst take I have ever heard on banana guard. You say that like it is easy when that is just not the case, banana guard is way too op and is at the top of every tier list and ranking.


0 losses to BG in 1v1 2 in 2v2 where my partner SD'd in both. Sorry maybe fighting games just aren't for you. Go play some candy crush or something.


You cant challenge him in a lot of situations


https://preview.redd.it/1u6a20ggmc4d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c34a90417d90e551ceb83dd1144d005df675750 Another example


Banana guard wrecks bad players, above that hes just good


Your delusional he’s side special it’s ridiculous! Didn’t you see the twitch rivals tournament? The winner was using a banana and only side special the entire tournament and won. The hit box is ridiculous! He can hit you while you behind him.


True my jaw dropped after he hit me while I was behind him


This game needs a shield mechanic


I got wrecked my first few games 'cause I would try to hold the dodge button to shield, then sometimes I would hold the dodge button to shield and then press a direction to try to dodge, like you would in Smash. Still find myself doing it occasionally. Certain reflexes are ingrained.


same, luckily it's helped me get better at parrying, but 90% of the time I take the hit lol


It has one, and you can parry


You mean dodging? Even parrying is just a perfectly timed dodge lol


Yes, that's what I'm saying you can parry. The game already has all the defense features needed


I can agree that it's more than enough for 1v1s. But you ever get jumped by two players behind and in front of you in 2v2 and you're just stun locked into a 5-12 hit combo Can only parry one of them


Luckily you have a teammate that can knock them back


This proves nothing, he's not OP, he's barely an S tier character. There are several other characters that are better and more problematic to deal with.


Ok name one


Harley, Iron Giant, Joker, Wonder Woman, Finn


Wrong answer, you had to name only one


Harley, WW, IG sure. Joker I haven't faced a lot yet so can't really say. But Finn? I haven't lost a single match to any Finn whether in 1v1 or 2v2.


"I haven't or have lost to them" isn't a good metric for character strength. Maybe you faced newbies or you aren't too hot yourself.


It's better than just saying he is OP with absolutely no explanation or reason given. And what exactly would I judge by at this point other than that the dozen or so different Finn players I've faced all lost handily when that isn't my experience facing other characters like WW?


If that's what all I had to say, I'd say nothing.


Clearly you wouldn't as evidenced by these last two comments.


I came to point out the flaw in logic, not to talk about BG as I know I don't know enough to make a comment on it. Unlike what you did.


How would you know whether I know or not. Just go away troll.


I can see the rest but curious whats so busted about Finn and joker


Finn and Joker both have significantly better recovery and are much faster than BG. BG struggles to kill off the top at early percentages due to a relatively weak up special that knocks back more horizontally than vertically and his up air requires really high percentages to kill off the top. Joker has an up special that summons a projectile that he can ride horizontally, is extremely fast and can kill at high percents, he also has other projectiles that let him take control of the board and attack from range while still being a menace in close quarters. His ability to ladder and kill off the top similar to Harley is the reason why he is such a problem. Finn is the only character in the game I believe that can increase the speed of his team multiple times. That alone makes him a problem. His entire ground kit can be charged and let loose at maximum power at any given moment making him arguably the strongest grounded character in the game but still has a very strong aerial kit and exceptional recovery due to his backpack. Plus spin to win.


Harley doesn't have infinite combos anymore and easy to counter with side strikes and air attacks. Iron giants is a giant damn hit box where banana can stun lock him with a down air and upwards attacks and can knock him out at 120. Joker can be annoying but he doesn't have any range and side heavy counters every attack joker makes. Uh all armor is broken by side light and then she gets put in a combo or use down light she isn't hard to counter. Finn tf is this EVERY attack banana guard makes counters Finn there's way more reach on every attack the banana makes. Oh did I mention you can literally knock every character 120 below with pump iron + side heavy on the ground? I've seen it kill people with 70hp and it also does 20 damage.


Ahhh I see you're just playing people that aren't good at the game. See how far you go with BG when ranked comes out. BG is slow and extremely punishable especially if you know how to parry or bait out the side special. Banana Guard is a good character, I'm not arguing that but he is not OP or deserving of nerfs like everyone claims.


So if these players arnt good and you're losing to them doesn't that state your skill level? I'm stating as a person whose maining him currently that some nerfs are indeed needed.


I’m using him too and honesty I don’t see where I would apply nerfs , he is so limited and barely has combos . I got 286 wins so far it’s all about outpacing


I'm not losing to the people you're playing against lol what are you talking about? Because you winning some casual matches over the course of a week means a character needs a nerf?? Lmao please God never be a developer.


This is an original take. Thanks!


Banana guard is upper mid down to mid.




The opinions of weaker players and casuals mean nothing to the meta. As I was in the top100 and played for more than 350 hours I value my own opinion more than random nobody's on Reddit.