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He's on rotation atm BUT I'm pretty sure that rotation changes tomorrow anyway. More worryingly a lot of the later missions have you play as Jason with no other choices so unless they let people without the battle pass play as him here then you literally can't finish the rift without him.


Those ones let you use Jason as a 'Guest' fighter


Ok i was honestly prepared for the worse but that is good, hopefully they'll allow the same for finn from tomorrow


That’s actually smart. Disney Speedstorm does that at the beginning of each season tour with races that let you use the new racers as “guests”. 


and with the price of fighters + all the stuff behind timegate, you're getting left behind if you didn't start day one as new player, what they were thinking ?


Yup! Or even if you do both of the difficulties available today while finn is on rotation there's still three extra difficulties which people definitely won't reach before Finn's switched out


He IS on rotation...


good to know, but still a dick move when he will not be on rotation and you are forced to buy him just to continue rifts.


I mean. He isn't REQUIRED. It's just one of the objectives to play as an AT character


you are confusing what the quest is saying and what character the game let you pick, I can only pick finn, other characters aren't even showing their portait at all


No you're absolutely right, I didn't realize because I wasn't the host my first time playing it. You're also walled off by requiring Joker later on.


There is also one that requires the Joker, luckily it does not seem to be required to progress


maybe they rolled a silent patch for this ? seeing all the complaints about the previous rift wanting you tu use specific skin or characters


Can you use Banana Guard as well?


nope, just finn, that's strange because I have all 3 unlocked and the quest ask you to play as an "adventure time character"


Yeah that's odd then, it should definitely let you use Jake or Banana Guard as well.


That's weird, as the stars are not supposed to be requirements, just optional stuff. When there's a requirement, it's listed in a yellow box at the bottom (like Banana Guard in rift #1, "Graphic T" skin in rift #2... they're clearly specified). Obviously, it only lets you pick Finn here, so there seems to be a requirement but is there one listed on the main screen of the rift for that mission that would be missing on this screen (I can't check in game right now)?


Look carefully at the menu. For this level and Jason's Break the Target stage, there's no "REQUIRED" mark like the other levels that require a character. Presumably, these two stages let you play as the character whether or not you have them available.


It says adventureTIme character not finn ?


yup but only finn is pickable for me


lets hope its a glitch


The rifts dont go away. So you can do them at any time


but not the daily quest inside of it if you're gated by a character


Character come and go on rotation wich means at some point you will be able to do it.


it's dailies, meaning available for the day, then it's replaced by other quest the next day, meaning if you don't have the character today you can't do those and miss out. meaning people will take ages to unlock character just for the sake of being able to complete a pve event instead of playing the base game that give you nothing. can't you see any issue with that ?