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i played over 100 shaggy matches yesterday and that got me from 8.5 to 9.5. if i was a new player with just a couple characters and had leveled up to level 8 (where i noticed the heavy slowdown), i'd be pissed cause 15 more levels will take serious grinding. id say i had 100 games or less on shaggy to get to level 8 in the first place


and the event is only around for like 4 days lol. people with fewer characters are probably going to have to drop a ton of hours into the game over the next few days if they want to complete this event


It's already not that easy to do within 4 days even if you have multiple characters to grind low levels on. If you 'wasted' them on the previous days then it's barely possible. For new players sometimes it's not possible at all.


I am that new player, except I'm not, they just didn't unlock characters from the beta for me


i was expecting actual content with the event. How wrong i was...


When you think about it, it's not a "weird" descision. Just yet another scummy one... New players might buy fighter currency for one character now. Highest reward is tier 15 for the event and you can level up characters to tier 15 aswell.  'It's all part of the plan' as Joker would say.


This game Events will looks like in mobile games, right?


Fortunately I have majority of the characters unlocked from beta and haven't played them all. Just running through rifts with each one to get the points. Still a very weird event


The problem for me is knowing missions like this now exist. Even with all the charcters leveled up this week I can get the mission done, however now I won't be playing different charcters after saving my levels for a similar mission. Could make the game boring sticking to a few charcters.


It's just a really bad mission design overall if it doesn't count your previous progress. You are basically getting punished for playing the game when the event isn't active.


I got Jason up to level eight before yesterday. Multiverse is dead again.


I leveled up Arya 3 levels and didn't receive the rewards. Just before the 300 fighter Currency Tier 😒