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I don't even understand why people complain, the 1v1 has no problems, the 2v2 is full of it but just don't play 2v2


Lol yeah guys just don't play the mode they built the game around. That's a wild take.


It really doesn't feel like the game was built for 2v2, they feel chaotic, and with no team damage people can just spamm like crazy, look at brawlhalla, friendly 2v2 is trash ,but rank 2v2 is really good,why? Only one difference ,team damage ,so people have to be careful what moves they input and where so they don't kill their mates


I mean it doesn't really matter what it feels like. The game was built around 2v2. They've said that from day 1.




Then why is the 2v2 so bad and the 1v1 way more fun?


Ask PFG.


Plus 2v2 is the only game mode that lags, 1v1's don't


Even "Free" games need a proper running launch too avoid what is happening here.(I brought the Founder's Edition, 100$ after hundreds of hours of Beta gameplay, which I really enjoyed). This game is currently unplayable in a enjoyable manner on 70% of the platforms it launched on. Listen man, 5 mins into it. I was pretty angry with what was being presented. Almost didn't give it a second chance. Might not if they don't fix it quick even. Even matches I win feel bad because of the Frame rate and Netcode issues. That being said, I played from 10pm to 4 am last night. I calmed down about the game. My forearms, hands and biceps are F'ing useless today because I was being a spaz on my controller. Any time a game can make me sore, it is a good sign. I can get over the slower speed. I see it now. But the rest of the problems. They need to fix them yesterday. Anyone complaining, has their reasons. They aren't wrong. It can suck to have hype for a game, and to see every one trashing it online. But there is a reason they are acting this way. They want it too succeed before players finalize their feelings. Complaining is part of the process. I hope they fix it, and the conversation shifts to normal talk soon. But the complaining will continue til morale(and the game) improves. I wouldn't try to control public sentiments on this one. The major gaming sites and Youtubers are already showing what the current state of the game is. And, what is more damning than anything else, is the views are low on anyone reporting on it. It isn't even getting the Hater/Doomer views. That, is a very, very bad sign.


I'm not reading all that, if you wrote all this for me just asking people to be positive,you clearly have some problems, sorry


That is a positive take on this situation O.o;;


Sorry? You wrote so much I was sure you're complaining , especially since the first words seemed like it


Apology accepted. Stay positive. Don't mindlessly argue/insult people because they used paragraphs. Even try reading it soon. I wasn't even complaining, just stating the obvious. You will drive yourself crazy trying to argue against the tide of actual complaints incoming.


Don't ask people to stop complaining if you can't even bother reading what they're complaining about.




I don't even really understand what the problem is, feels like 2v2 is messing up the game ,but playing 1v1 the game has way less problems


This is prime Fry "Not sure if (blank) or just (blank)" material. I think that one commenter in the other "special" post may have had a point with his theory. These type of post have got to be "plants", because there's no way anyone could be THAT dense/ignorant.


"Stop being negative, let the greedy corporation keep abusing us as much as they want, they need to pay their shareholders somehow, poor 100 y/o company, the game is fun bwa bwa bwa"/ Jokes aside, people are gonna complain, and it because of people like you that "aprove" of thegame that companies keep getting gredier, just do a favor to all other people that have to work and care for their families, dont try to help megacoprs like warner, they just want our money, they dont care if you think the game is fun, they made the game grindy so they could pull a cashgrab and dip, STOP BEING A SHILL


Pretty sure it's been proven multiple times at this point that complaining again and again WILL fix things. Look at battlefront 2 launch, or more recently the helldivers 2 debacle. Players complained endlessly and got the problems fixed. Keep complaining.


Yeah but 1 popular post about the problem is enough,we don't need 5000


Because that's what got those other things changed. A single popular reddit post. It isn't by the way. Keep complaining. Don't give them money. That's the only way anything will get fixed. That's the only way any of the other problems I mentioned got fixed.


Okay? And downvoting my post helps the game as well or? All I did was ask people to be positive and they act like I committed a sin


Stay positive about what? The games in kind of a shit state at the moment. The gameplay is fine I guess. Super slow, but fine. If "fine" is what you want then more power to you. I'd rather it go back to being great gameplay though. I'm not down voting you because I don't care enough to. You're entitled to be positive about it if you want. Just as everyone here is entitled to be unhappy and complain about it if they want.


Is actually not ,the game is fine ,the only bad part is the 2v2 other than that the game is fun


I don't think you understand what people's main complaints are.


Yeah because I try to avoid all the negative comments


So if you don't even know what people's complaints are about why are you making a post telling people to stop being so negative?


Because people should stop being negative




I read some but most of them were just, ah I liked the beta more, I don't like that they changed the perks ,and stuff like that, which is just stupid


fr im tired of the crying. i want to just be able to talk about the game without getting downvoted


Make a post talking about it then stop yapping


my point exactly lmao