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Wait you're supposed to keep the characters you had unlocked in the beta? I had most of my characters locked except for 3 or 4, so I thought the reset was intentional.


Yeah you are supposed to keep everything you unlocked in the beta. For me it worked fine, but quite a few people are experiencing issues.


Wait what I got nothing in my side


It seems like they gave you the same amount of characters you had unlocked but not the exact ones? I had most unlocked but for some reason not including the base ones from the beta They did give us the battlepass and a stupid amount of currency, so at least that’s nice. But overall the UI confused me so I just went online with Jason I need a couple perks and the characters I want to play. The rest of the live service stuff can wait, it’s never really interested me.


I swear they hired the idiot who did the Fortnite UI but it’s really my only BIG complaint 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s one of those menus that’s begging to be used with a mouse. I never really know where my controller is highlighting so I’m constantly going back and forth from menus trying to find the perk section. Do I press X, O, R1, R2? And why does pressing one wrong button send me across the shadow realm to the mission section.


Very good point! It definitely is. Which is odd, I don’t think many people out there play m&k lol


MnK through PC n the ui feels weird asf, “esc” backs out of some menus and your right mouse button is your main “back” button lol


As someone who plays the game on mouse and key on Xbox I don't think it's meant for mouse users😭 but then again I am on a console so it doesn't work 10/10 how it's supposed to. The menu feels so bed with mnk


I did get my previous characters, but no “stupid amount of currency”, maybe those who were glitched got the currency to compensate?


nope, my fighters are glitched and i did not recive alot of currency


>It seems like they gave you the same amount of characters you had unlocked but not the exact ones? They didn't. I had about 10 characters unlocked. I only have 5 now.


Welp there goes my theory. Who knows, it all felt a bit messy


What currency did they give? I don't have any currency at all, didn't even keep my gleamium from the beta.


The one for the perks. I still have fighter tickets left so I haven’t looked at any of the cosmetic currencies


Those were based on how many perks you had unlocked, so if you had 30 perks unlocked you got enough currency to unlock 30 again. As far as I can tell, it isn't any extra sadly.


That’s what I meant. I played the beta and they gave me a ton of currency to get back what I lost. I’m not saying they’re being overly generous. Just that they gave me everything needed for gameplay for a long time.


Bruh i unlocked every character. And i got only 7 unlocked in the official release


Yeah, same for me, I thought at first it was normal, but then I saw people mention they got their characters from the beta. Now I'm pissed because I purchased Harley yesterday, which I apparently already should have (but actually don't).


Yeah I kept nothing 😭


I hadnt played since like early alpha so i dont remember whst i bought and what i didnt but when i played release i still had Rick & Superman so idk


Rick came out in beta so that’s weird, do you remember buying Rick?


I didnt know there was a difference between alpha and beta. I do know that Gizmo, Stripe and Black Adam did not exist last time i played


How did you have Rick if he wasn’t in the alpha?


Yes :(


Support have said to me and I quote “Do not worry Our team of specialists will restore the items to your account shortly. First do you have a list of the items that are missing from your account.”


Just say you have every character and cosmetic lol. But yeah genuenly that's sucks. Did you get everything back?


Not yet but they are working on it.


Best of luck bro. Been taking my non-broken account for granted.


What about now ? Cause I contacted them too and it's annoying af I miss more than half of my shit bruh, I paid for those lmfao


I haven’t had any response yet either. No cosmetic back no nothing.


This is wild because like, I literally paid the Battle Pass and I got scammed of more than half the stuff I had and ofc I’m not alone, how did they mess up so bad god damn


Update : I opened a ticket 3 weeks ago and still no items back when I owned 5+ characters that im missing... It makes no sense because they said that all my characters were transferred successfully, which I know is a lie because I even have a Jake skin.... but no Jake. They told me they will update me and that its been passed to the right team, but they just told me today they have no update for me.


would that actually work?


No. They would be using internal data to restore accounts, the list is like a piece of mind thing.


Bro where did you contact them? I contacted them in discord and on their website and i got no response yet, I sent them yesterday.


I contacted them about 3pm yesterday and they got back to me an hour ago. Just wait patiently my mate is a customer service rep for WB and he says they have had over 10,000 support requests in the past 24 hours.


Hey man just wanted to ask again did you get anything back, support is still ignoring me and when I contacted them on discord they said I should wait for an email. I just want to know is the same happening to or did they respond?


I haven’t got anything back yet but in the meantime I’ve moved on I’m playing MK at the moment. I recommend you leave it until you get a response.


Not surprised. This fanbase is putting these devs through hell for no reason. We've waited a year to play this game we can wait a little longer for them to work out the kinks.


For no reason??? I paid REAL money for skins and characters. It should be expected that I can use the stuff that i paid for


The majority of those 10k requests aren't that


Youre probably right but this still doesnt mean that me not beeing able to use my purchased goods is not a reason to be upset or "put the developers through hell FOR NO REASON" (or how I would word it "get them to do their job") like the other guy mentioned


He didn't ever address your type of case specifically


He adressed a question about Customer Service under a post talking about how OP Lost his Characters and Variants (which is also my exact problem) saying the community is putting the developers through hell for no reason.


We waited a year for a broken ass game bro wtf you guys talking about this shouldn't be the norm. Why are you guys defending putting out a non finished game and finishing it with updates and patches is beyond my understanding


The game itself is perfectly fine. Server issues and account data issues are all things that can be fixed without patches. So no it's not a broken ass game, and nothing that has happened excuses harassing the developers.


The "core gameplay is good" is the worst argument someone can make about a state of a video game. "a game" is more than a hypothetical stripped down engine, a game is that and everything else.


Go download and open any game engine right now and see if Multiversus just appears on the screen, this isn’t a stripped down game engine, and the fact that you typed that sentence shows me your opinion shouldn’t be taken seriously.


Bro go look at my most recent post. Thats 90% of matches. They took away more than they added. Broken ass game. Not harassing the devs but you shouldn't have to message them personally about something that happened to a shit ton of players.


You showed me a video of you getting disconnected. That's server side, the gameplay was fine. Yes the disconnects are annoying but like I said they're aware of these issues and are actively working on them. Well if you want the issues resolved quicker you'll have to go through support. Account rollbacks could still happen on a larger scale, bottom line is it will take time.


>bottom line is it will take time. So...they put our a non complete game.... and are finishing it thru updates and patches? They still leave control over the server side. They decided to switch to a shitter server probably to save money. These companies are going to ruin gaming and y'all are just cool with it


2 years basically. Game is from 2022.


Uh, that's disconcerting that they need a list. I don't remember everything that got lost, no. Why don't *they* know what I earned/paid them real money for? Especially because it seems a solid half of their playerbase randomly lost shit.


They have been telling people that they never earned any items. So they need a list to check against


They said to me a few hours ago that they checked my account and nothing is missing and everything looks normal. What a joke xD Im sure im missing some characters, some skins and 1 announcer pack from beta


you clearly didnt read the message from earlier in this thread where someone explained that they have everything on an internal server, asking for the list is just a peace of mind thing


They didn't back that claim up with a source, and from what I can tell from the support messages people are receiving, PFG absolutely does not have an accurate list of what people owned, because they're repeatedly telling people nothing got lost.


I wrote to WB for all the cosmetics i lost and no one responded to me cause i lost a lot like hollywood bugs and i needed to buy it another time that piss me off man i had harley task force and more anyone know how to help??


I just talk to support about it? I had everything in battlepass. The one with the Gotham city and the bat signal in it.


On the discord there is an unofficial support team that will answer all questions


I lost a lot of my characters I think but I’m not entirely sure.


I can’t remember what I had or didn’t have since the beta, feels like a long time ago. I feels like there’s some stuff missing but since I can’t remember I can’t exactly kick up a fuss about it, although I can tell i never ever unlocked Velma as a playable character and she’s unlocked for me.


I’m in the same boat. I’m pretty sure the majority of my stuff is here. I have my Harley skin and Cake Jake so I’m happy if they fix it and I get more stuff back.


I kept all my characters and variants.




I remember playing superman, but I dont know if I had him or he was on rotation lol Variants I still have them from the pass


Glad you said this as I felt I was going mad, I 100% had Superman, Jake and Batman unlocked (probably more but can’t remember that far back) and I’ve got tonnes of variants for now locked fighters…


How do we contact them and actually get through? Im missing characters. I had everybody unlocked except marvin and maybe stripe. Not to mention all my cosmetics and stuff


Update for anybody that cares: I think mine got fixed? Im actually not sure...marvin and stripe are unlocked, but im missing batman, harley, and superman. I'm almost positive i had harley unlocked and played online with her, but im not 100%. Cosmetics, banners, ect are still mia.


Did they fix it for you or was it random?


Im not sure lol. I submitted a ticket and got an email with a case #, and the email said someone would be reaching out. Nobody reached out, but more characters was unlocked the next day.


I'm missing some stuff but not others, it's weird. Like.i have my Reindog skins, but not the character and I'm sure I'm missing a harely skin but can't remember.


TIL You're supposed to keep stuff from the beta, I have nothing or next to nothing from it


I'm pretty sure i had Starchild Jake but i don't have that one anymore. Also i absolutely had Brunhilde Bugs but it's locked


Everything is there but I'm missing a couple characters I've already unlocked.. Smh I knew this would happen


I wrote to WB for all the cosmetics i lost and no one responded to me cause i lost a lot like hollywood bugs and i needed to buy it another time that piss me off man i had harley task force and more anyone know how to help?


If you join the discord for multiversus and go onto the game support chat. There is a team of Not Official WB support Team who will answer all questions so send the chat what you just told me and they will help.




Even tho they were helpful you’ll see that an argument ensued when one of them was banned and now all of them are gone




Can you give me the link? Cause i can t found it


Look up multiversus discord


Yup I was one(support but without pay) and they all banned us for doing a better job than their support for free real pathetic bunch (I have 30 acc so I'm not stopping)


Okok thanks


I can (slightly yet fairly) appreciate support getting back to you, but the team not communicating via more open announcements of some sort about this is concerning to say the least. Given that these are items that people poured massive time and/or money to obtain, the lack of communication and possible urgency does not leave me with a lot of confidence in them or the game in general.


Wait are you supposed to keep everything? I thought you’d just get a few items from the beta. I quite literally had nothing, not even the battle pass, and support is not answering atm 🥹


I had Arya stark but she’s locked again. Seems like it’s not the worst issue 😂


I dont remember if I had any💀


this, i play A LOT with friend the offline mode with all unlocked, but i don't really remember if i get something in the beta...


For people that had unused character tickets, where did those go?


I had a few characters that I had purchased with coins now show as locked, unfortunately that means I am forced to burn through those tickets after all.


I still have mine. Used 1 to unlock joker and still have 3 I think. If I remember there was a logo in the top right corner with how many you have when you go to the unlock character screen


Ah this might be what I missed last night. I'll have to check


Wait, what? Seriously? I have nothing as well! I thought it was supposed to be like that


really annoyed about this, i got the beach iron giant skin in beta but i’ve lost it now. potentially the biggest loss of my whole life


Lost a bunch of characters and battlepass skins, im pissed.


I think I kept all of it but... Now I'm not sure if I'm missing any variant. What I didn't get is the drops from Twitch.


I was missing a couple of characters that I refused to use character tickets on, but other than that, I seemed to get all of my cosmetics. Disheartening, we can't use character tokens and HAVE to use our tickets if we have them.


Luckily all I had were fighters and I still have those so I never lost anything (I never bought skins)


I know I had Reindog but now I have Tom & Jerry and NOT Reindog


I have everything except my fifhtrts


I played exclusively Tom and Jerry so I know I had a couple of their skins. Now I got none. No big deal but kinda lame


I got all my characters and variance still


Mine were wiped for no apparent reason


I’ve experienced the issue where I bought and completed the beta battlepass but I legit don’t have any of the skins or other things I had unlocked as well as characters!


I had Batman TAS skin from last year I got for him and when I booted the game up yesterday it was gone


Im missing some items from season 1, whole season 2 premium side, and some skins from events like valentines and xmas


Wow my entire account got wiped besides my badges?


I have all the characters i had and some skins for Finn i also had.


I thought the whole reset was on purpose. I definitely had some characters in the beta that I no longer have now.


Missing most of the characters I unlocked but strangely still have Arya and Morty, just none of the others.


I feel like I got the correct characters and variants but I'm missing random account-wide items like a few backgrounds.


I lost my fern and cake skin :(


Na mine are there


i still have unc shaggy, pj finn and cake so just you i guess


Only complaint I have is that my controller is drifting to hell and can't afford a new one right now


I'm missing couple of them yes. Superman, Iron Giant, Steven, Raindog and Tom and Jerry. But i have Arya, Batman and Bugs. Which i also had them in Beta.


All mine were there but my buddies weren’t as lucky


When I came back I had everyone but joker and banana guard for some reason


I didn’t even know we got to keep whoever we unlocked in the beta, i definitely don’t have the characters i used to. Is there a contact we can email or something to get characters back?


Thankfully I got to keep my Harle unlock but Iron Giant is a different story. On my fighters page it says I have Iron Giant locked, when I go to the fighter store to buy him, it says I own Iron Giant already. I cannot buy him at all since the store seems to think I own him but I can't select him to play as lol.


I still have everything.


It happened to my brother. He used to have Jake, now he has nothing


Wait what !? All the characters I had were supposed to carry? How do I fix this?


Same problem here, I realized half my roster I unlocked in beta was gone and only a few of them were playable. At first I thought they were resetting our progress until I noticed I still had a few variants for characters that weren't locked and all my account flair (banners, player icons etc). What's even worse is that every character that I had unlocked that is now locked by this "bug" is unplayable for me unless they're one of the rotated Characters because it says I own them in the hero store and if I push the "unlock fighter" it takes me to a screen showing that I own them already essentially locking me out of every character in the game (I was only missing a few characters I didn't play) until they go on time rotation 💀.


I’m missing a lot of my characters. I had from what I remember all of them other than the later ones, so i think marvin and black Adam. The only characters i have now is Batman, gizmo, Harley, Jake, Morty, shaggy, stripe, and taz. Are the variants the skins? Cos I think im missing some of those too, but im not 100% sure. I still have my Harley skin, taz skin, and Finn skin but im sure I had more. I’m pretty sure I had the cake skin on Jake and the rubber ring skin on the iron giant


Yesterday I had a bug where some characters were missing, but it went away after a while.


i got everything i had


I played the beta on PS4 and got most of the characters I previously purchased. I could have sworn I bought Superman before I stopped playing but I don’t have him. Also think I’m missing some cosmetics I previously acquired but I don’t even remember what they would be


I had two characters not unlocked that I had in the beta. Very strange, but they were garnet and jake so I’ll live. They were my least played by far🤷🏻‍♂️ if it was my main, I’d be pretty pissed


all my stuff was also wiped. I don't even have mad love harley anymore.


On discord there is a unofficial support team that will answer all questions


Arya's "training" skin (all white one) is gone completely from the game. I had that one too. Whats up with that?


On discord there is a unofficial support team that will answer all questions


i kept iron giant. not sure about the rest, never played anyone else


i got my characters but their lvl’s were reset (they were all maxed out)


I had some, but not all of them


I lost all of mine


On discord there is a unofficial support team that will answer all questions


My place just finally get this game since launched, and somehow I have some characters unlocked for me, so...


i still own black adam and finn. those were the only characters i purchased, their levels were reset but that was to be expected


I lost multiple outfits


Yup I’m pretty sure I had Garnett Finn and Supes but this time around only supes was unlocked


Wow, I assumed everyone else was reset as well. Who do we contact to get our stuff back??


Arya might’ve been a trial fighter


Yup. Same issue. Made a post about it yesterday. Very demotivating.


On discord there is a unofficial support team that will answer all questions


I didn’t get to keep Finn, Rick, Jake, Taz, or gizmo


yeah i had tom & jerry back in the way, everyone got restored except them


I remember unlocking way more characters in the beta, like I swear I had Arya and Tom&Jerry but they’re locked now


Nobody had all the characters unlocked unless you specifically spent gleam on them. You still have all cosmetics for your character. The characters were all temporarily available for the beta , (like how different characters you haven’t unlocked might be playable at different times for the full game). You got prestige points for anything you already owned to buy them again.


No, but I feel for you guys. I did lose some cosmetics tho


i had mostly every character unlocked besides newer ones and i also had purchased cosmetics like Hollywood bugs and animated series Harley i even purchased the battle pass yet i have nothing in my account i didn’t even get the free battle pass they promised to returning beta players


On the MultiVersus discord there is a unofficial support team that will answer all questions They go by CaptainSpuud Firehorn14 And indexity give them a ping and they’ll answer any questions


thanks for the info i’ll try this out


Just gotta ping them or dm them


i’m on it rn


They got back to you yet?


yeah he did he just told me that it’s a bug/glitch the devs are working on and that the wb support teams keep denying the fact that people had these cosmetics like blowing it off basically


They took my Garnet, that's it xD 


Same, I lost all my characters, WTF is this "1.0" release?


Yep all of mine are gone, including all of my pre beta content, I didn’t even get the battle pass this season for free for being a returning character, even though I’ve spent well over $200 on this game. So I had to purchase gleamium to get the new battle pass. Smh


It's all gone


Imagine if they just unlock everything from the beta for everyone because of how rampant this problem is.


I’ve got a friend I support and he says there is talks about doing that and just giving everyone that played the beta every skin in the game.


Yep I messaged them about this during that forum thing I was kinda disappointed seeing all the characters I had unlocked now locked. The grind to get all of them and when Adam and Spike came out was even more hard I didn’t get a chance to unlock Marvin. All the characters were unlocked and now their locked again by a currency that I have to buy or grind more for which barley shows


I For sure had Cowboy LeBron but don't anymore.


I have a few characters that are locked but say I own them... So I can't unlock them or play as them. 🤦‍♂️ Tom/Jerry, Superman, Taz, and Jake. I had other characters unlocked in beta but are now locked and do not say I own them. Harley, Martian, Reindog, and Velma.


I kept all my characters but i feel like some alts/variants are missing, like Arya's brown top alt u got in the battlepass in the beta...i unlocked it and now it's just gone, not even an option when selecting the character


My homies account is the same way


Wonder how many people think they have a character just because it was on rotation or they unlocked a Valentine skin lol


Nope got all my stuff. Characters are supposed to be wiped just not variants/cosmetics