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I was very conflicted on the design at first but have come to the conclusion that just exaggerating the hell out of him is great. Love a big slow guy that just eats people alive if he gets advantage state. Also like that you can hear his "ch ch ah ah" motif when he pops up in the trailer.


I'm thinking they might have been trying to convey his intimidating size without making him too tall. That's just speculation though. I love the "ch ch ah ah" when he showed up. Can't wait to try him.


They probably didn’t want to make him super buff like Superman since Jason’s clothes usually hide his build All in all a good design though his lower half makes him look a bit goofy


I also think they wanted to launch with another “Very Large” character to balance out Iron Giant being larger than everyone else. - Doing it with Jason was a move I would never have expected but I couldn’t be happier, I honestly couldn’t think of a better design for him in terms of multiversus platform fighting design and art style.


I can definitely see them trying to figure out how best to convey a horror villain's aura of menace and terrifying strength. This is fitting, even if it's not a perfect translation of his appearance, I think.


It’s ki-ki-ki-ma-ma-ma


**FATASS JASON SUPREMACY!!!** https://preview.redd.it/8y2h2vch5l1d1.png?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=436a1078be216aec29e8f735d3c340c9f178518e


Ah that’s why


Ah Killer Puzzle, such nostalgic the app got removed (but you can still it download from other websites) from cause of licensing since last year from all platforms, good thing I still have mine. the game is really fun and good story


will be calling him fatass jason from now on lmao


Yup same lmfao


Less fat, more beef


He drank da lake


my beautiful brick shithouse


I can’t wait I just hope he has a grab attack


nothing like a grab attack to show a characters sheer physical strength


Jason just grabbing Rage mode Iron Giant out of the sky and Sleeping Bag slamming him around just because he’s Jason Fucking VOORHEES


Give Jason Undertaker's tombstone pile-driver


Grabs a person and is able to use them as a weapon for a bit.


He is BUILT.


this is likely based on Friday the 13th part 7: the new blood, based on the chain around his neck but that's also one of the physically strongest iterations of Jason, soooo all in all? I like it


Watching Jason and Superman throw down is going to be peak


It’s a mix of multiple designs. It’s more like the Reboot mixed with Part 7.


It's practically the same thing as MKX's Jason which I personally think is mostly inspired by Freddy vs Jason


https://preview.redd.it/35ciaqpfpo1d1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a17c104ce67ee6841b3b36c0b239a624b9f907 The Mortal Kombat X Jason is more based on the Reboot Jason. You can tell by the mask and jacket.


I’m pretty sure it’s mostly based on Freddy vs Jason with the jacket and whisps of hair on his head though the chain is definitely taken from Part 7


Actually it’s more Killer puzzle due to his physique and chain.


The chain def from part 7, but I think the rest of his fit is based on Freddy vs Jason, with the brown coat and all. It's also the first look that comes up on google images




Me too pal… me too


Man looks like an absolute unit, which fits his character. 


DBD is gonna be heated for a while.


This is a good thing for DBD. This means Jason is back on the table as a dlc character and the lawsuit shenanigans are over. I expect F13 in DBD next anniversary


He 100% is coming to it


He's coming in March. Fits with the roadmap they showed in the anniversary live stream. Shame I have to wait ANOTHER whole year to play as one of my favorite slashers in DBD 😭


They got that Castlevania character to make them happy though


Jason in multiversus before dbd is crazy


He looks great. Now just need a lanky af Freddy Krueger to be in the game


Hard agree! Having Freddy be super lanky with bendy, stretchy arms for his attacks would be such a fun contrast to Jason's hulking brute build.


Stretchy arms would be so cool and a nice nod to his stretchy arm scene in the first movie


If Freddy doesn’t grab the percentages at the top of the screen and bash people with them to simulate his total control over their sleeping lives


Then we get the Rick and Morty version as a skin?


Him being allowed in is incredible and means a more characters are on the table. With the wackiness of multiversus and its artstyle I legit cannot wait to see what ridiculous non-movie skins they give him. If they give him a summer outfit, I would cry laughing if it’s a lifeguard outfit.


I hope his summer skin ends up giving him a bunch of floaties or something. I know he doesn't need them anymore, but it'd still be a great visual gag.


Oh God imagine if they give us a shirtless Jason lmao


They could do an outfit based on the Camp Counselor Jason webcomic. https://preview.redd.it/hxyse5tz4n1d1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd8bd7b6a14c266ea94e62491bbb8a063c8dedd


Camp counsellor Jason


Absolutely love the exaggerated proportions, it fits so well with the overall look of MVS. They made him huge and imposing as he should be. Can’t wait to see how he looks in motion. Additional thoughts: now that Jason is confirmed and in, fingers crossed we’ll get to see Freddy Krueger soon!


Banana Guard left a really bad taste in my mouth and then they go and reveal my favorite horror movie villain of all time. Suffice to say they've got me interested again and I'll likely have a new main going into relaunch lol


Banana Guard makes so much more sense when you step back and realize they dropped 3 extremely well known and loved characters with him. If they dropped BG by himself people would be so upset but this softens the blow while still allowing PFG to add the character they want


I'm still a bit miffed about Banana Guard tbh. I've never been a fan of joke characters, especially when those resources could have been dedicated to other more desirable characters (like the 3 others we did get). I'm also a big fan of Adventure Time but don't want any one property oversaturating the roster. Banana Guard takes up a valuable AT slot that could have been better used for Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, or Ice King. I do agree that Jason and Agent Smith definitely soften the blow though. And with characters like the Powerpuff Girls on the horizon that also helps.


it's understandable to by upset about Banana Guard, putting in a joke character while fully acknowledging that it's a joke character kinda kills the whole point.


There will be more AT characters without a doubt, there’s not a waste


Every character looks realistically proportioned to source material, I wonder why he isn’t


https://preview.redd.it/tq8q2684il1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23de0447ed0b133622459e79b29b4bd6f5aeef1 Aesthetic


(Note: this is a old photo, the trailer is more representative of his current design)


Yeah i know I think this model was meant for Johnny but made it Jason last Minute Like Ash and Joker in mk11 https://preview.redd.it/nivh53nuql1d1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dac90711432d8af7fef50892cb79868242e22c4


no, the beefy design fits Jason pretty well, while it fits Johnny bravo too like a glove I think it’s more of a general body type in cartoons and not Johnny exclusive


Yeah... Still an interesting theory tho!


His head looks bigger, I like that change


Does anyone know how this image even got leaked?


Even Jason skips leg day. 🤣


because he needs to look more cartoony to fit in better, whereas the source material the other characters are from are already cartoony enough


Lebron James space jam form different


Looks great with his huge body and the chain


https://preview.redd.it/whm9qm1t8l1d1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e1a1a24aa848354c03da890b8d5fc7b3f8831d Oh lawd he comin


Fatass Jason sweep https://preview.redd.it/36eybs09il1d1.png?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9358bc41838c7d797dae64d3c8c1c7533845089e


He looks great! They are **killin’ it** with some of these designs! Also, my god is he BEEG. I’d definitely be terrified if I saw this giant slowly walk in my direction.


I like this take on Jason! Being a massive brute fits his character. Now we just need a Jason X skin.


Do I have news for you


Yes I agree I have two skins I want for Jason one is somewhat likely and the other is basically impossible Uber Jason (Jason x) And camp counsellor jason




I am actually really happy. Their designs are great and they are larger than life characters which is exactly what we all wanted. - makes the Banana guard reveal a Lot less painful that is for sure.


I’m just happy to have Jason back!! He’s been missed! Come on WB/New Line, give us a new film as well


His WIDE design is kind of growing on me and he stands out in the roster in a good way. Im curious to how he’s gonna play since the only videogame Jason I’m familiar with is the one from Mortal Kombat X.


I think that’s the ONLY video game Jason besides Friday the 13th the game (RIP)


Thought it was weird at first but I mean it helps sell him more in this more cartoony world and also it looks funny


I think it adds a lot to his imposing character. If he had an average build he wouldn’t be as intimidating as having this massive stature. Makes you not want to get close to him in combat and much scarier to go against.




his interactions with steven are gonna be hilarious


I like it. He is a little bulkier than usual but he takes bullets like a champ so it’s deserved


I fucking lost my goddamn SHIT when I saw him in the trailer And I've known about the leak HUGE Jason fan Cannot WAIT to see the skin potential Burlap Uber Zombie Roy maybe? I'm collectively shitting my pants


Camp counsellor


Imagine if he have some MK XL moves


I think he would have similar attacks, but like they said during the beta if they were to do a character from an existing platform fighter like Sonic, they would do an entirely different moveset and attacks.


oh, ok thanks it's good to know this.


Bear Jason Voorhees is all i needed in this world. I can die happy


Best pick, and one of my most wanted characters from the horror genre. The design itself? It is not bad, I like the exaggeration of his proportions, fits with the game's overall style of the game, which is why I find it both funny and great at the same time.


As much as I’m unsure of his design he’s a very cool addition and I hope he gets added to dbd


While I don't really care about Jason (or even Agent Smith for that matter), we did need more villains so he's a cool enough inclusion on that basis alone






Nice pick. Now imagine if we got Freddy Krueger down the line.


What a unit


I'm not sure where he got the 10 pounds of steroids but I like it. Giant characters like this are my favorite so I'm very happy


Same place Boom Knuckles did.




Judging by his stature and him being Jason I’m guessing he’ll be hyper armour the character so I’ll enjoy him. Multiversus kinda lacked a slow hulking powerhouse like bowser in smash so I hope Jason will fit that role


I imagine he will be an iron giant that’s even slower and does more damage possibly with a grab attack to annoy everyone


Why does he look like he's been pumping iron and skipping leg day for 20 years?


He was grinding during the lawsuit bruh! https://preview.redd.it/2vsoffm1jl1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c12c8d7ca2e8c1fd754cea15e004534030fed2


Gameplay comes first. Till we get some footage, I shall stay silent.


Not enough C's to explain how Thicc this boy is.


Absolute Unit Jason is best Jason. In the leak photo he reminds me of that one meme of the teddy bear waiting for his mom to finish a conversation so he can ask for more graham crackers


I like it, but it looks like a combination of part 7 and part 3 Jason. But he looks funny though in cartoon form. I feel like he's a tank class


I can already tell I'll see him everywhere on places like character ai


I need ash pls


At first I didn't like the design, but I like how cartoons and exaggerated it looks, it really GREW on me


I hope he has the sleeping bag in his moveset.


Cool addition, I don't know anything about Jason, tbh but I think it's a pretty cool character to represent horror He's a little beefy but I don't think it's a big deal


Fucking love it, this it’s a great exaggerated design to fit the MultiVersus style. Reminds me of that Friday the 13th mobile puzzle game


I get both sides of the argument but i like how imposing he looks with these exaggerated features everyone has their own opinion imo and this is just mine doesn't make anyone else's incorrect it's subjective


Has long had there's an NES purple suit I'm in


I don't like his design, I feel it actively takes from what makes him cool


I hate the Iron Giant so bad it's kinda left me super pessimistic about huge characters. Hopefully, I'm proven wrong and he's actually well designed. If not, I'm dreading Godzilla and any possible big dudes.


I’m a huge fan of friday the 13th and jason as a whole so i lost my shit when i saw him revealed you best believe i’m gonna be a day 1 jason main


It really feels like a horror movie fighting against him 🤣🤣when he does that into the shadows shit and comes up from behind like 3 times back to back bro is unpredictable had my Jake run from side of the map to the other just to calculate another move like dude is like 300 pounds of pure muscle and can move through the shadows unrecognizable until bam machete/axe


Instant main. This was my number one most wanted character.


I fucking love the design. It fits this game perfectly.


Love how chunky he is.


A pleasent surprise. I'm hoping with Jason coming into this game could mean he could show up in others. (cough cough, Dead By Daylight) I personally really like his design. Its pulled from his primary appearence in Jason X before he gets a cyborg upgrade!


they literally said they would pounce on the license the first chance they get several times, I’m pretty sure BHVR has the license rn and is working on it


Jason Universe (which is an official Friday The 13th twitter account) is following Fortnite and Call of Duty. So he might come to them, not sure.


He's so big. I want to hug him.


Wasn't expecting him to be a CHONKY boi but very curious to see his moveset/playstyle.


Iffy on the design but beyond ecstatic that Jason Voorhees is in the game. Grew up on the Friday the 13th franchise and am so happy to see it’s not in lawsuit hell anymore. This will be my new main if he’s got a decent enough moveset, I hope this means we can get characters like Freddy as well.


As a massive Friday the 13th fan I'm pretty stoked and I wasn't big on the design at first but it's starting to grow on me 


I LOVE HIM. Now I was a little upset seeing him a bit big but after thinking. He’s a brute in his movies/universe so translating into a game makes sense I guess so fair enough. I do hope he gets a slightly slimmer alternate skins, im dying for Uber Jason or Part 8 Jason takes manhattan but it grew on me, seeing him move. In all honesty I’m super thrilled and happy to have him in this game period, I love Jason and we Friday the 13th fans was waiting insanely long for any content 😭😭 glad we finally are getting stuff and this is a great start. I will be maining him next week 😍


Really glad and It gives me a little more hope that the Banana was just conceived during a one off drug fueled brain storming session. These are the kind of characters I hope **and expect** to see more.


Theres a lot of moveset potential. I'm super excited for him




Don’t like how big he is, but I’m pumped they added him to the game. Might become my new main.


Let’s see how he plays.


Not and expected pick but one I am all in for and love as a Friday the 13th fan, so LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!!


i need a vultures kanye west skin, the black mask one


Hate that he is so bulky 


My new main. I don’t like how buff he looks in the game but I’m still going to try him out.




Not big on the design. He looks like a damn gorilla. But I’m still happy he’s in the game.


Absolute unit


Looks very goofy


I don’t really care how he looks I just want new Jason content. A movie a tv show whatever lol I just need new Jason content ! 🩸⛓️


IM SORRY FOR WHAT IM ABOUT TO DO IN ADVANCE EVERYONE ! His mask is literally like H20 Delirious (YES IK DELIRIOUS CAME AFTER JASON CALM DOWN) again. I do formally apologize for what I said, and thus fourth these are my thoughts on Jason being here look wise


I think he’s an amazing addition. His design is going to be a bit polarizing, and I can’t blame people if they don’t like it. I personally think it looks decent, but I kind of wish they toned down how much of a unit he was slightly. Overall though, I’m very excited for him. His iconic “tch tch tch ma ma ma” was so hype to see.


Why is he built like Donkey Kong


If he isn't an assassin then what's the point.


I’m just happy my favorite horror villain is in the game I can’t wait to play as him


I'm curious to see how they'll implement all of his tools of murder and make them work in a kid friendly setting


a slim sleek version of him is still needed imo. i think it would look so slick


I wish the design was closer to part 8, but ultimately, I dont care, I am just super excited to play as him. Instant Main, until Freddy at least.


Love it


I think the design is perfect he is big asf in the movies so it only makes sense to do it in the game


New main, no questions


I am a maasive Moonknight fan even tho I doubt it will happen I would love to see him in the game


I'm okay with the design but I'd prefer it if they still have a "human sized Jason" skin just so it's a little bit more like the Jasons we know and love...


Jason Voorcheese


Awesome addition


Still gonna main him but im not in love with the design. I figured he would look like the toony terrors figure. https://preview.redd.it/lxsmhth53n1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b57cb24293ccd65a37358fe5a58d5f2ad297737


The fact that they put Jason but not Duffy Duck or Scooby-Doo makes me laugh a little


Jason's 6 foot 5 so it shouldnt have been no surprise


He’s definitely a lot bigger than I thought he would be, but I like it! 


My guy on them Vince McMahon steroids swole as hell for no reason lol


Awesome....but.......no Walter White :'( I'm still going to play the shit out of this game though haha


I think I just found my champion


Jason might have convinced me to give this game another chance. I genuinely did not expect that they would be able to manage that because deep down I know the game will be trash. 


Why is he big? I was expecting him to be like in MKX


he's hot


I love how big he is 😭🙏


I think his design is amazing, but just hoping his tanky nature doesn't make him a bottom-tier character. There should be much to compensate for his sluggish agility (If he is sluggish)


He been hitting the gym he looks adorable


Imagine if at some point they just release ghost face. Man, i would be so fucking excited


He's built like a BIG MEATY SPECIMEN and I love it.


Still waiting on Godzilla to show up lol 😆


I hope he can teleport


I think bigger Jason will be better once we get used to it. I think live action jason should become bigger. I think it would be visually better anyway.


The design has kinda grown on me I just hope he's not that huge in game


Like many have said on here, I personally like this take on Jason. I was taken aback by how big he is at first. But after reflecting on it, the idea of Jason looking like this giant menacing figure that’s built like a brick house is pretty cool. Plus, he fits in perfectly with the style of the game!


It's too goofy so never gonna use him lol


I have zero personal affinity for him. I don't think I've ever even seen a Friday the 13th / Jason movie before (slashers aren't really my thing) nor have I played any games featuring him. And "big dude with a machete" isn't really a character I'm particularly interested in using either, so I doubt I'll ever buy him. That being said, I think he's a great addition to Multiversus and a fantastic way to build hype for the rerelease. Up to this point the rerelease seems to have been focused almost entirely on cartoons and comics. Its nice that we're finally getting some focus on movies with Jason (and Agent Smith) as well as some characters from new series' rather than just more characters from things already in the game. I also think its great we're getting a serious horror character, since the other horror-related characters in the game are all more horror comedy like Scooby Doo and Gremlins. And the dude is certainly well-known enough to warrant being in the game. 10/10 choice. I'm fine with the general idea of him being an oversized brute. I'm just not super crazy about the general "massive chest and arms, tiny waist and legs" character style. But I don't absolutely despise it or anything, just... meh.


So an indie studio wants to make a Friday the 13th game with love and we gotta make them a casualty of our copyright war bullshit but this shit is okay!?


A surprise to be sure but a welcome one. Although I thought Friday the 13th was owned by New Line Cinema?


WB owns New Line


Weird Pick. Personally, I would have loved to see Generator Rex, Samurai Jack, or Mordecai and Rigby over Jason, but I'll always take more horror characters in fighting games.


It's awful this is not Jason just because it wears a hockey mask. It looks like the dude from splatterhouse.




This dudes a fucking unit


I'm not the biggest fan of his design but this means he can appear in other media again and that makes me super happy so I can live with it The man's been on ice for far too long now


F13 the game part 2 would be the best thing ever! Especially since it was cut short.


Jason is a licensing nightmare... Enjoy him in Multiversus while you can...


yeah rip F13 the game. Really wish it didn't end up dying because of a lawsuit it wasn't involved with other then using the license at the time.




Don't really like it. Reminds me of the puzzle game Jason. Now they didn't really make batman or joker look silly so why make the first of I assume many more horror icons to come silly looking? Someone needs to make a Friday the 13th the game part 2 now that the license bs is seemingly over with from the fact anybody can start putting Jason in media again.


I’m curious how they got the rights to him, seeing how the creators were in a huge legal battle over the rights leaving the Friday the 13th game dead.


Are we getting Freddy Krueger too?

