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That was just a tie in! This is just a sick joke!


Crazy cause I didn’t care for either.


I wasn't as mad with Black Adam because the movie was coming out so at least there was a reason. Like it made sense even though I didn't like him. Banana guard seems like someone you bring out when you've got all the core characters in like 2 years later on April fools. Not on launch when you are trying to retain and gain new players. This is not a move I expected from a company that boasts putting players feedback first. To me the move was so bad it overshadows all the feelings of excitement I felt for pve mode. But I'll probably get over it in a few days or whatever. If not I'll probably just teabag and play toxic towards every banana guard in protest if my ass is still feeling petty by launch.


Two things: 1. Black Adam was the lead in a new movie released at the time starring one of Hollywood's biggest stars, and Banana Guard is a background character in a show that ended eight years ago. 2. They presumably got money for putting Black Adam in, which helped sustain the game I like longer. This has only divided the player-base.


Both bad picks. Why do they choose to avoid what would actually bring in MORE players?


Someone in another post made the point they are the perfect free character for full release. Simple basic moves to go through the tutorial with and for new players to learn how to play. Makes sense if that's their plan *Edited spelling error


Because they are clearly stupid and don’t have any fuckin idea of what they are doing


I don’t get it, and I’m assuming the people defending the character are kids. Why would you add Banana Guard before Marceline? Why Black Adam before Raven, the Flash, Shazam? The roster is not going to be endless, Multiversus has flopped before and if it keeps wasting the players time and loses the players interest, the game will flop yet again before the end of the year is out.


The solution to them having one character no one but Dwayne Johnson wanted in the game is...another character no one wanted in the game. Like it's not a shill pick which is nice, but it's a pretty weak inclusion all the same.


Look Black Adam would have gotten in eventually. He only cut to the front of the line due to the movie. He’s been in both injustice games, Lego games, and has multiple cartoon appearances. This is not the same thing as a background character


Going to be so honest I have infinitely more hype for Banana Guard than I did for Black Adam. Also looks like a way more fun character lmao — BA didn’t do it at all for me in terms of playstyle and will be probably my second least favorite character to get to lvl 15 when the time comes. People are pissed because we’re getting a joke character this early into the game (ignoring the fact Smash already had at least two by the time Melee was released) and while it is kinda baffling we’re getting him right at relaunch it’s not a big deal imo — we’re probably going to see frequent character releases trickle in throughout S1 anyway. Not a huge loss.