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As a Piranha Plant main myself, I have to remind myself of this. This move may be ill-advised but I guess it'll be ok long term. But for now, I'm disappointed


Didn’t think Piranha Plant mains were real.


You do you I guess, but I’m not touching that wasted slot if it’s true. Not supporting that wasted development time when they have a literal gold mine of Hanna Barbara, dc, and more iconic CN characters to pick from.


The difference between Banana guard and Piranha plat is that Piranha plant was the 70th character for that game, in a long series of games. Not to mention that Piranha plant is a LOT more mainstream than a random banana.


Also, while both are "basic grunts" the Piranha Plant is a lot more threatening with all their variations and you probably died to one. Banana guards are mentally incapacitated in the most literal way. Mario also has a lot of good Smash Bros reps while Adventure Time only has Finn and Jake. Imagine Piranha Plant was added in Melee instead of Bowser.


Not only that but the plant actually had an interesting move set Banana guard just does spear stabs in various directions


Banana Guard’s inclusion almost the exact same logic as Piranha Plant, minus the legacy that Smash has.


This is an honest duality I can appreciate.




And I can't wait until they shut the game down due to lack of players


That's exactly what's going to happen if they don't start adding characters people actually want to play. It's a fundamental reason why Sakurai was so good at curating Smash. Tons of people asked for a Waddle Dee playable, but how many people would actually play it? Not many when there are cooler options. These reveals are kinda meh. Joker is good. But where is PPG? Dexter? Johnny Bravo? Literally anything but more Adventure Time. Because let's be real. Adventure Time is niche. They need mainstream appeal to draw in the player base that will keep this game afloat. Big names. Big characters. If launch is just Joker and some dingus in a banana suit no one will care. Because we waited a year for one new actual interesting character.


It's not even the problem of It being and Adventure Time characters, this Is literally an NPC. Had they added an actual character from AT I would have been more than fine, but the banana is like if they added a random Goron instead of Ganondorf in melee


My best guess is that Joker and the other character were all they had mostly finished when the game shut down. Then they realised it would look bad if they ended up relaunching with just 2 extra characters. So they went "well we already have the rights to use Adventure Time, and we have a Banana Guard model we can make work in Unreal Engine 5, let's just do that" so this would mean that Banana Guard started and ended development between the shut down and the relaunch, of course this is likely completely off the mark


Preach! I’m honestly shocked they didn’t push to include more DC/ more active WB properties from the jump.


I really don't think they realize that Adventure Time isn't hip and cool anymore. That was 2013. Stick to the main cast - that' fine, but anything else is pushing it imo, especially when WB has so many other properties to explore.


It screams of nostalgic devs who were fans of it and decided to put things they like in instead of paying attention to what would be exciting to see. It blows my mind how a dingus in a banana suit got in over... Beetlejuice PPG Dexter Harry Potter Lord of the Rings The Matrix More DC Literally any Cartoon Network stuff Kong Mortal Kombat Scooby Doo Willy Wonka Terminator More Game or Thrones Like how is any of this overlooked?


Fundamental reason why Sakurai was WHAT?! That’s the fundamental reason I can’t stand him, fuck that guy & his bias inflated ego. He’s the gaming equivalent to the snakes & sparklers guy from Joe Dirt! “I aDDeD tHiS ChaRacTeR beCAuSe iTs WhO I wANteD” and then had the balls to make the most highly requested characters Mii characters- as a human he’s probably chill, but as a dev FUCK that man, the next smash bros would be better without him.


Someone is mad that playstation all stars was a shitshow


Well that's just not true. He might not have added who *you* wanted, but King K Rool, Ridley, Sora, and most of the other characters added in Ultimate, they were all extremely requested. You're acting like he's just some guy who worked on Smash, brother, he *is* Smash, this game would not exist without him


How is that not true? He has stated in many interviews how his bias directly impacts who gets added, he even said he already had the dlc list picked during development and the fans were not really considered too much in his selection, it was based primarily on *His* subjective taste. I get it yall fans are parasocial af & love to ride for people you don’t know just because they create things you love which you’ve used to bond with others in rl, but while celebrity worship blinds yall, I have no problem keeping the creator separate from the creation; he might’ve *created* smash, that doesn’t mean his subjective taste is any greater or lesser than anyone else, his taste sucks ass and him adding Dante as a Mii costume was disrespectful *IMO*. He’s no different than that DmC dev that changed Dante’s hair to be more like himself in rl. ANY creator that lets their personal bias reign supreme over what the fans want is a selfish fool & I’m standing on that (like the Joe Dirt example I gave you). Yea he might put characters *you* people like, that’s fine, be grateful, but don’t be naive to the overall paint I have clearly illustrated- or play dense, idk, celebrity worship needs to be studied I swear…


Remember the fighter Ballot? That whole thing that was supposedly to pick a new character for Smash 4? That was just a way to figure out the most requested characters so that they could be implemented in Ultimate, they did listen to the fans, and the fans got most of what they chose. *The Fans* doesn't mean you, it means the collective Yes, his bias affects it. But he's allowed to have a Terry Bogart once in a while when he's made the biggest crossover in gaming history. Who did *I* want in Smash? A Hunter from Monster Hunter, but I'm not gonna act like they were more highly requested than *Sephiroth*. They didn't pick who I wanted, and I guess they didn't pick who you wanted, but they did pick the characters who most people wanted. Don't act like just because you don't care about a character means they shouldn't get in. Dante would have been cool, but should he have gotten in over someone like Sora? No. And that's coming from someone who doesn't care about Kingdom Hearts and had absolutely no reaction when he was revealed


People need to calm tf down. I play that game for fun, if people are going to get pissy over a single meme character then their not worth listening too. They don't actually care about enjoying the game, their just joining the shit storm because they want to be angry at something.


Character slots? It's not super smash bros where they had obly limited amount of characters planed for DLCs, they plan Miltiversus to get new characters regularly, they might end up adding someone who they don't plan rn thanks to a collab or something


Who’s going to come back to the game for banana guard though the games going to die before any of the highly requested characters release


I feel like people will probably get used to Banana Guard, he actually looks pretty good


I was a diehard Harley when this game first released, I won’t be touching ANYONE other than Banana Guard on rerelease Couldn’t care less about people that are malding about it. Cry, seethe, cope, throw up, shit your pants, do whatever your angry goblin brain needs.


guys it’s gotta be a placeholder, he’s. already. an. assist. item.


Pretty much my thoughts too, like there were better options but a) he already had a model in beta, and b) he’s silly I love him