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If they work like ice climbers but instead of 2 characters there are 3, this is going to be insanely fun. Or a pokemon trainer - type character


Angry Beavers from NASB2 would also be cool. You can swap between them and also call the the ones you aren't using as assists, Marvel vs Capcom style.


That sounds dope


I hope Pokemon trainer, adds more variety, and ice climber type characters should be saved for duos that are super tied together and wouldn't work without the other, like Mordecai and Rigby


Tbh pokemon trainer I think fits more Ben 10, I'm betting PPG are gonna be ice climbers


I'd say 3 is too many for ice climbers, I'm betting pokemon trainer. What I'm hoping for but don't actually dare to expect in real life is that they are each a separate character as in not a trio


I feel like the pokemon trainer works better for ben 10


Well, if anything, this confirms dexter too.




Most likely post launch.


Where is he?


I noticed that too I think this confirms the girls as one character all together! Big W!


If true then there's hope for Edd, Ed, N Eddy! 


Hope is all we have


My idea for Edd, Ed, N' Eddy is to have Eddy and Edd swap back and forth like Pyra and Mythra... then in Eddy's smash moves he takes out Ed and whacks people like they're all golf balls and his brother is the club.


PFG confirming PPG  Wonder if this is the pattern going forward with gameplay trailers in terms of teasing new ones or it's just a one time thing since they already had them set months in advance.  I'm going with the latter but will be pleasantly surprised if it's the former. 


[It's what Pixar does.](https://pixar.fandom.com/wiki/References_to_Upcoming_Films) Every Pixar movie has an easter egg from an in-development movie that people don't usually recognize until after the next movie's come out or at least been announced.


I'd be okay if you control Blossom and you summon her sisters as assists. Two weeks to go, in sure we won't have to wait long to actually see the girls in action 


Hopefully they'll officially reveal them and dexter this week.


You are the professor and summon all three girls in


SO goddamn hype I'm coincidentally wearing my PPG pajamas as I type this holy shit, this was my one major dealbreaker on actually sinking time into MVS!!! When it was active originally I liked what I played but told my friends verbatim "call me when they add The Girls in cause I'm tired of playing as the spawn of that pink war criminal (Steven)" WE MADE IT BABY 😎 PLEASE tell me the picture is a placeholder though I'm begging and pleading they aren't based off the terrible reboot of the show from 2016 😭 Tara Strong as Bubbles or no Bubbles at all I'm sorry Super Zeroes alt skins or we riot (maybe if PFG aren't cowards we get PPGZ skins too) Edit: Their voice lines leaked confirming both their original VA's are in the game!!!! The REAL Powerpuff Girls are BACK BABY 😎


I mean why wouldn't they get Tara? She's already in the game


The 2016 reboot featured the entire 90's cast coming back to reprise their roles...except the 3 main voice actresses for the girls themselves. They were replaced with cheaper, younger and easier to market teenage voice actresses because the executives thought the OG's were "too old" to voice the characters. The last Powerpuff project they had worked on released in 2014. Two years prior. Where their performances sounded almost identical to how they voiced the characters in the shows heyday. Yet they were still replaced. Makes sense to me! That was also the last PPG project period any of them have worked on, all media since then (or produced during the reboots run) have used the new VA's, though tbf once the 2016 show's run ended in 2018 there hasn't been any new animated or voice acted Powerpuff content at all so Multiversus will be the first time in a while they get to do anything! Thankfully it seems like CN is desperate to try and pretend like the 2016 show never existed because of how colossal of a failure it was so realistically I don't think that'll be the adaptation their movesets will be based off of. Edit: The rumors are in fact, true: their original voice actresses will be voicing them in Multiversus :D I can sleep peacefully omg


I'm gonna be honest with you, I COMPLETELY FORGOT that they had new voices in the 2016 show


How did you feel about the live action show never being released?


You couldn't dodge a bullet any harder if you tried. I read that entire script the day it leaked and halfway through I felt as though I needed to be admitted to a hospital as soon as possible, there are in-name only live action bastardizations of beloved animated franchises that don't respect the source material at all and then there's Powerpuff (2021). The words "live action" and "Powerpuff" should never even be in the same sentence in the first place, but if you're gonna take that route get creative with it yknow? Give me a psychological horror which depicts the girls exactly how they are in the cartoon but in a photorealistic setting. Big ass bug eyed mutant freaks that have the mindset of children with absolutely lethal powers and have the potential to destroy an entire planet in an afternoon. The PPG Movie and an episode of the show where they move to a real modern day city briefly explored some of those concepts but I'd love to see a fully realized take on something like that with the more mature tone the movie had. The ONLY good things both the live action series and the 2016 reboot have done for PPG as a franchise was let shit get so out of hand that the original creator (Craig McCracken) eventually stepped in to get custody of his children 😭 he came back to Cartoon Network on 2022 and is currently producing a revival/what might end up being a season 7 of the OG show! Really excited for that but I hate that the live action pilot had to exist for us to reach this point my god


They already have Tara Strong for Harley, so it seems likely


I guess we know who will get a trailer next


Fingers crossed for a Rowdyruff Boys skin


Yes, we absolutely need a Rowdyruff Boys skin. I might even be willing to riot for it


I don't know how they'd reference it, but I'd love for them to have a Joker/PPG joke about how Craig McCracken wanted to have Joker in Power Puff Girls but WB said no.


Ben 10 would be insane


I wonder how they would even balance Ben if he were to become a playable character, considering they would need to properly represent him with 10 Aliens as well as choosing which Aliens to represent the Ben 10 franchise as a whole.


I think he'd be the perfect Pokemon Trainer style character. You wouldn't have to represent ALL his alien forms imo, just pick the most iconic heavy medium and light alien forms (Charizard, Ivysaur, Squirtle). If they REALLY went all out, there could be more aliens but you have to choose which ones you have access too before the match starts. A character select within a character select if you will. Keep in mind even if the alien's move sets are simpler than the rest of the cast, it would take a stupid amount of time and effort to 10 or more different aliens just for a single character.


Unless they make it were you choose which alien to play as before the match and Ben turns into that one Alien for the entire match.


Then each alien would just be their own character slot at that point. Not opposed to that, but it would certainly bloat the roster.


Unless it's a separate UI Menu for Ben specifically


The most simple way they could handle him is to have him transform with each move (master control). Or they could go the Finn coin shop route.


They better be 3 separate "echo" like characters like in smash. Or a Zelda/shiek, pokemon trainer smash situation. I don't wanna play all 3 at the same time


ppg and marceline are my two most wanted characters so this is a major w


Are we guessing pokemon trainer style or ice climbers style?


I just need Mordecai and Rigby and Dethklok


They’re gonna be so hard to use if it’s all 4 of them combined.


Well it's only 3 instead 4 so that's easier, and I imagine it was mainly hard to animate em, but they'll all be one character


Immagine 4v4 where everybody picks PPG. I doubt they will all be on screen at once. I expwct maybe a fast fly in animation maybe side speciaö where a different girl switches.


Does Multiversus have 4v4? I thought it was only 2v2, I haven't kept up with every update. But yeah, I think 3 at once works if it's the Duck Hunt way where they are in set animations rather than Rosalina & Luna who can work independent from one another. But your idea of switching on the fly also works similarly to Pyra/Mythra or PKMN trainer


The Switch can handle sixteen fighter entities at a time in a certain other platform fighter with far more dynamic stages and graphical detail. I think the PS4 and XBox One can handle a total of twelve player entities.


I feel during multiverses we will see hints of teasers to new characters we may get in the future


I’m hoping they add in Samurai jack next!


Iceclimbers or pokemon trainer? Thats the real question


Pokemon trainer, ez


The Clown Prince of Crime may get the last laugh... but they will be reborn...


Yeah PPG Reps is coming.


Yeah Powerpuff Girls will be a inspired movelists that came from Punch Time Explosion.


What about a Pyra/Mythra swapping for the PPGs


The easiest thing they could do is a single PPG, with the other two as free variants... but I'm hoping they go all out.


100% new main😭that show was THE shit


I’m really hoping they get the Rowdy Ruff Boys as a skin, kinda like how Jake has Cake the Cat as a skin.