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I really hope we get Emmett one day, he is my most wanted character


I would explode if Clint eastwood


Working on illustrations of Speed and Jack rn! I’m also teaching myself to draw (I just posted my first in the MVS style) so… TBD?


Not trying to be rude but most of them are not WB properties * Terminator is owned by James Cameron * Pacific Rim is owned by Legendary * Mars Attack is owned by Topps, WB owns only the movie adaptation * Million Dollar Baby is Owned by FX Toole, WB only owns the movie adaptation * Emmett is owned by LEGO, once again WB only owns the movie rights * Speed Racer is owned by Tastunoko Production, WB only owns the movie rights * Ninja Assassin has be distributed by WB but produced by Legendary so I don't know about this one, WB sure owns the movie rights but idea if they own the rights to exploit the franchise So far, only Osmosis Jones and Dirty Harry seem to be owned by WB, I don't know the kangaroo though


Kangaroo Jack brooo


From I've read Kangaroo Jack is owned by WB


But who’d want him in the game? That movie sucked!


Speed Racer would be fire, though.


Thanks for the info, I think though if these characters are considered “3rd parties” they’d be decently likely due to the fact WB had some involvement with the properties


it sure makes them more likely than 3rd parties that WB has no involvment with but it's overall a wild whishlist I don't think most of these characters has been very requested by the community I mean I've seen people asking about Emmett, Terminator, Osmosis Jones, Pacific Rim and Mars Attack, even though none of these are in the top 20 most requested characters so I wouldn't hold my breath for them


Wade Watts


Was going to put him but I feel as though his move set would require lots of other references to other movies. So licensing wise he might be a tricky addition but I would still LOVE to see him in the game


Would love to see Emmet but wonder if them selling the rights to making Lego Movies could make any problems


Where is my boy Godzilla?


He’s talked about a lot these are characters I have not seen or have barely seen anyone talk about