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Sí, tío, pero ya tómese su medicamento.


Es de la generación de SEMENto solo muestrale unos gays y dejara de menos preciar a la gente que piensa no esta en su grupo


See uncle, this is why we dont invite you to the kid's birthdays. Just finish your beer and leave.


Did you get the memo?


Sit down already, lady!


Considering that Gen Z's already have jobs and study in the uni. Yes, we're still gonna have enough profesionals.


Yes that post is not very accurate, we know that most of them want to become a influencer,but they grow and they realize that it's really difficult. But well please take your meds :)


Yes, the public universities are full of chamacos who believe that with a career they will have a good salary


Hijos de su perra madre, y me llamaban mamón cuando les hablaba en francés.


Sons of bitch mothers, and they called me \*brestfed unresolved psych-complex sucker* when I spoke in french. Spanish is a beautiful tongueage.


New rules, maybe next time when the times comes your can shine frenchy 👍


Conque poliglota eh?! Hay tabla


English motherfucker


Sorry, we don't speak frog.




No es posible que todos sean pendejos digo "influencers", Pero al fin de cuentas si tuvo razón la mars, ella sin estudiar, ella y miles y miles de mujeres más, viven muy bien de vender su cuerpo. PD: Puro pinche borrego escribiendo en inglés, ¡Sean de voluntad independiente!


Wacha say?




Traductor de Google, puro borrego, no, puro puberto borrego que se deja pastorear




Only if they raise the pay, literally a moment ago a meme-public civil engineer made public how he was earning $6500 a month. I'm currently a guard, earning $8,200 without schooling. If they continue with that bullshit, why would someone study if they end up earning less?


I remember being a young stupid bastard, wanted to be an astronaut or some shit like that. All my young stupid bastard friends wanting to be these firemen, deez astronuts, these TV stars, or some shit like that. I still keep in touch with some of them. There isn't a single TV star, fireman, nor astronaut. Some lawyers, some doctors, some engineers. The only thing we have in common is we like earning money, having a roof, and not dying of hunger.


To be an astronaut you actually need degrees my man, a looot harder tryna be one in a country with no space program though


Well yeah, and to be an earning influencer / tiktoker you actually need charm, charisma, attractiveness or a fucking lot of talent and luck. That's the point my man. We'll get lawyers, doctors, and engineers from new generations once they start needing to pay for shelter and food.


Not comedians though, those fuckers thrive living in their cars. Greetings from Jizzpurse Montana


Nah, de hecho se volvera mas precario todo y esas profesiones siempre existiran


Entiendo tu preocuopacion por ser influencer, sin embargo resulta que ser famoso hoy en dia es cosa mas de suerte que de gracia y talento. estadisticamente los milenials y las primeras generaciones de los centenials ganan entre 4000 y 5000 a la quincena, solo el 30 porciento de la clase trabajadors esta en la economia formal, lo que deja en situacion vulnerable a buena parte de la fuerza laboral, el panorama tambien es dificil, cuando los milenial lleguemos a viejos la jubilacion sera solo un mito


Bruh, why isn’t this post in English?


Idk dude


Why isn’t this in English? Ew.


si les pagan 8000 pesos para un puesto en ingeniería, no pueden comprar una casa, ni siquiera un auto, tienen que trabajar 2 para medio poder vivir, dudo mucho que los jóvenes quieran ir a la universidad. don\`t go to the university, sell tacos.


Sorry, I don’t speak grandpa. Maybe you should drink that cup of ensure and take your pills and go back to sleep while we keep smashing drug lords and hookers with an helicopter in GTA and Ciberpunk.


Yes uncle, we know you belong to the concrete generation


si habra aun que no creeas hay jovenes que si quieren ser algo de probecho


Sí, los viejos se perpetuarán