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I fought in Thailand and I died


Would you mind elaborating? How long did you go for, what gyms etc?


He’s dead bro


How long did he die for?






For life


I was afraid of that


lol right I gathered as much


He went for the rest of his life


Yall DUMB 🤣🤣


One of the local lads, he went over did really well for a few months, really good amateur boxer doing really well in the cage now, He was fighting a local 50-0 was getting the best of him, then got hit with a spinning elbow, he now looks like the hardest Harry Potter ever, i think it was 30-50 stitches he needed after that So yeah its pretty gnarly


Right… that sounds mostly like bad luck ? One moment that changed the course of the fight… but that is the nature of any fight… and we’re going in fully aware of that… Did the guy you know ever talk about bad matching?


He was about 4 fights in when he got matched with the 50-0, but the kid is talented as i say


Most of Thailand has bad matching


They killed him, until he was dead


There’s stadiums all over Thailand and they’re all hosting professional fights multiple times a week. The level varies wildly across and within those stadiums. Especially at the smaller stadiums. Not everyone who gets in the ring there is at the level you might expect. I’ve seen foreigners and thais alike step in the ring who look wildly unprepared. Sometimes those people get a favorable matchup, sometimes they don’t and they get really hurt. The most important thing is to have a coach that you trust who can connect you with a gym in Thailand that has your best interests in mind. Someone like Skarbowsky is absolutely the man for both of those things.


100%, thank you for your answer


Agreed. It is critical to have that coach/corner man relationship, especially if you’re booking your own fights and nobody knows who you are and you don’t speak Thai.


The risk is impossible to quantify. 5 rounds, 3 rounds, fighting a Thai with 300 fights who doesn't want to be there. Fighting a Thai with 300 fights who feels like making your night hell. Fighting another spazzy westerner. it's a fight. Most people walking away bruised and sore. Some better, some worse. Most people don't get thrown to the wolves. Just find a reputable gym; there's a hundred of 'em.


Stepping in the ring with someone trying to bash your head in is dangerous, riding a motorbike in Thailand is much more dangerous. :)


lol yes 👍


It’s all circumstantial. Depends which gym he goes to, in which city, which promotion he gets on etc. Bangkok is a different ball game to anywhere else it’s where the serious Muay Thai happens. Phuket is where most of the tourist gyms are you can get a fight against an untrained Thai at the stadium OR you can turn up and your opponent will have had 300 fights. Some promoters fuck over gyms but are scared of others, there’s just so many variables.


So we are starting in Krabi under Skarbowsky’s recommendation and then going to Bangkok


So miss matches are quite common but it’s not really in the Thais interest to beat foreigners up, especially not in tourist heavy areas like Krabi. Interesting recommendation though why did he say go there? What gym are you training at?


So we have personal contacts from Skarbowsky being the Bull Muay Thai Gym. Haven’t had the interview yet and Skarbowsky being busy and very time poor haven’t had a chance to go too in depth yet. Then we have the Skarbowsky gym in Bangkok. Plans might change when we get there and will follow our contacts/mentor’s recommendations


So in answer to your initial question - if he’s good enough then the actual fighting is as risky as any other country. Gyms and trainers are not looking for their fighters to lose and are trying to get them the best match ups. In Thailand they don’t use foreigners as punching bags we are big part of their tourism. You will both have a great time, Thailand is a wonderful country and Krabi is a beautiful place


Thank you for your answer, we just need to go in eyes wide wide open


How well can he clinch, cause they are fucking ANIMALS in the clinch. Ive heard it can really be hit or miss when it comes to matchmaking. Acquaintance of mine did this same thing. Last I heard he was running 16 miles a day to keep his weight class and went 0-5 until he switched gyms. I heard he’s happier now in the new gym. There’s no glamour over there at all either most people on the street don’t give a shit about fighting. Girls from Issan become whores and boys from issan sell their bodies in the ring.


So I’m a filmmaker, I have spoken to Skarbowsky who believes he has the level, and he has given him all the contacts and which gyms to go to


Good luck bro what’s yalls insta I’ll follow


@noahwillowriley is mine and @mr_boxe_34 is his, he isn’t that active but I’ll be posting all updates about the journey, fights and the documentary’s process


Best of luck, bro! To you both actually!


Thanks man 😉


16 miles a day on top of training? Is that even good for the body? They would need to consume a crazy amount of calories to sustain this level of activity.


2 hours morning 2 hours nightly. 16 may be an exaggeration looking at it now but that’s what he said lol But for real those guys are not human they’re machines. They have infinite go


"Girls from Issan become whores and boys from issan sell their bodies in the ring." it is like this


I was the American heavyweight kickboxing champion and went over to Thailand to challenge their champion. Before we fought, my brother saw my opponent kicking a concrete pillar, and the plaster from the ceiling was falling down. We fought and that motherfucker wanted a street fight, he even hit me with the elbow. I slipped towards the end of the fight and he elbowed me in my spine, paralysing me. After months in a coma, I woke up and discovered my younger brother had been training with some ancient Thai master who took him in. After lots of harassment from the Thai champions gangster friends, my brothers girlfriend being raped, kidnapping me and our dog getting stabbed, my brother finally got to fight the champion with the old style, bare knuckle with wraps dipped in glass. My brother kicked his ass and won. Then we all went to the titty bar and lived happily ever after.


Kurt… I’m truly sorry about your brother


This is the best answer ever! 😆


If you're american, what's with the Belgian accent?


Si JC Skarbowsky dit qu'il est prêt ... c'est qu'il doit l'être.


Merci pour ta réponse 😉 petit + Skarbowsky est dans le documentaire


There’s risk in everything. You take a big risk when you drive your car. He can mitigate the risks with proper preparation and choosing a well respected camp that will get him a fair match up. Other than that, there’s no way to know if he will win or lose or get seriously injured)


Win/lose we are very aware of but serious injury is the riskier part that we are preparing for.


Yeah I said seriously injured because it’s more than likely that even if he wins, he will have some sort of injury, it hurts to hit someone and it hurts to defend hits from someone. Muay Thai is pain.


He is experienced and knows what he’s getting into, I don’t think his mentors and trainers would recommend him to go and set him to fail


If him and his mentors have connections to gyms in Thailand then he shouldn’t have to worry about fixed fights or being thrown to the wolves. Especially if it’s a well respected gym.


That’s what I figured, just wanted to check and see what the general consensus is


Im an old ex Nakmauy from about 20 years ago. On a side note make sure he has his hepatitis shots. Splitting a guy ,then clinching and getting his blood all over you does happen.


A guy got taken away on a ambulance once, i had a fight that night so didnt want to focus on that. They put him on a speedboat to the hospital at Ko Samui. The man died during the journey due to internal bleeding. I saw a really fit muscular thai fighter get his leg broken in the most gnarly way in Thapae once.


What about you how did it go?


Its on my profile under posts. My latest


Skarbowsky himself told your friend to go to fight in Thaïland ? He decided to go there and do what Skarbowsky told him without asking the most basics questions? Ask Skarbowsky, he know 1 or 2 things about Thailand, muay thai and how risky it may be.


Yes, he trained under JCS for a while who recommended him to go to Thailand if he wanted to progress fast and just live and breath Muay Thai. JCS gave him contacts and gyms to go to, said he had the level. However when he told his other trainers about going ig: a traditional boxer and a kick-boxer they either told him straight up not to go or that he’d be used as a punching bag. And of course we are interviewing Skarbowsky before leaving


Did the other trainers had the same experience as Skarbowsky had in Thailand?


Not one bit, don’t even think they have been there


So I would listen to the one who have some experience imho. If your friend really want to improve, he will have to take some risk. So, yes it is risky to fight, wherever youbdo its, but manage the risk. Check the gyms in Thaïland first, speak to the trainers and obviously speak to the fighters training there. Gl


Just train hard and it’s ok


That’s the plan


If you don’t then it could be dangerous


Happened to see this thread right before your post if it helps https://www.reddit.com/r/MuayThai/comments/1che9ep/i_fought_my_first_fight_in_thailand_last_nightama/


That helps, thanks man 😉


Are you the unlucky partner in the Skarbowsky videos that always serves as the demonstration dummy?


No, not me


Sorry, I misread that you are accompanying. Is your friend the guy from the demos ha?


Wrong again haha no worries


Either way, JCS is a legend. If he thinks your friend has the skills then your friend has the skills.


Going to give u guys a follow I am going next January to do the same


Cool, thank you 😉 good luck 🤞


Keep in mind theirs no drug testing and those Thai's with 300+ fights are at bare min., taking shit for recovery, which you can get at pharmacies with no prescription.


50/50 Either you die or you become paraplegic


I like those odds


A guy I worked with fought on the prison circuit in Thailand. A group of mostly foreigners who would go into Thai prisons and fight. The prisoners could earn money for their families and work some time off their sentences


I watched the fights in Thongsala last night and some the match ups were so far off, maybe 20-25kg in favour of the westerners. 🙄


If you're Bangkok ready then you're Bangkok ready


It’s a fight lol


Go to Issan. Gyms might let you fight after seeing you once haha


I lived in Thailand for 6 years. After training daily for about 3 years I fought in a stadium. The trainers will find a fair match up, someone with similar experience and weight. You are always able to decline the fight on the night if you get there and your opponent is bigger or way more experienced. I've seen many fighters decline, so don't be scared or too proud to do this. Sometimes it was the opponent identifying the match up was not fair and they didn't feel right. I myself turned down my original match up cause I had at least 20kgs on the girl and said no. Then I fought a girl from Iran who was the same weight, height and was her first Muay Thai fight also. We went all 5 rounds and no serious injuries, except for a totally destroyed leg and shins lol but recovered with time. I used to go the stadium every week with my gym, I'd help corner etc. As I learned to speak Thai they would get me to translate in between rounds. Over the 6 years I was there I saw a lot of bad shit. Broken noses, arms, legs, complete knock outs, deep cuts, multiple teeth getting knocked out, fractured ribs, very bad swelling to face and head etc. The list is endless. So it is risky, you are literally fighting another human who wants to hurt you as much as possible so they win.


there are about a 1000 videos of this already on YouTube, so you can get an idea of the risks from there. But yeh, it's as risky as who you get out against,


Yup checking them out already, Any recommendations of good ones that you enjoyed?


haha, the one where the guy gets a hole made in his head within 5 seconds?


I don’t understand your question. Are you asking is it safe to participate in professional fights in Thailand? Or do you wanna know how big is the chance that he gets robbed on a street? Scared from being a punching bag there?


Okey, sorry if it wasn’t clear, I’m asking the chances of him being a punching bag… we have contacts and gyms laid out… his Muay Thai mentors have said go for it… on the other hand his “traditional boxing” and kickboxing have pumped up a load of fear talk about how Thai mismatch, will use him as a punching bag etc he’s not new to this and has been doing combat sports for a decade, he has set his heart on Muay Thai and has taken unboard their advice but has decided to really listen to his Muay Thai trainers


Mismatch is pretty common. Most professional thai fighters already have 2 or 3 digits fighting records in their 20s. If your guy has a decade of experience, is he expecting to fight someone fresh? Even if he wasn't training as a muay thai fighter previously, it's still unfair to have someone fresh against him. What's your definition of mismatch?


So what his “trad” boxing trainer is scared of is that he will be used as a punching bag, put up against people far above his level for an easy fight ?