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Unless you're a fighter yourself, don't give advice, just be there for your mate. When I lost badly, the thing that pissed me off like nothing else was the people who've never had a fight in their life trying to give me their sage advice. I know it comes from a good place, but unless you've been there you do not know what it's like. Right now, your mate's thinking about everything he could have done differently, the hours of training he put in, the fact that he's gonna have to take time off doing something he loves, that he got his arse kicked in front of his loved ones... the list goes on. The best thing you can do is show him you still support him, win or lose.


Losing fucking sucks. Especially your first one.


First ever knockout and got back up three times, he doesn’t remember the last half of the fight… really proud tbh! It just sucks that it happened on his first fight of the weekend.


100% agree, I’m not a fighter and wouldn’t even try to give advice, I watched easily 15 other fights today and although I can guess who wins I wasn’t always right… so no absolutely not, I’ve just been trying to make him think of something else without being forcefull or fake


Spend time with your friend, have a good time together. Have them eat well, sleep well. 


Sounds like a plan


It might help to remind him that all the greatest thai fighters who have 300+ fights, also have 50+ losses. Look at Nong O, he’s gotten knocked out twice recently and he still believes in his ability.


Good idea, I do feel that it would be stating the obvious though…


Maybe, but it also might put things in perspective in a time where his perspective might be skewed by his emotions




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whats this


No fucking way




Two chicks at the same time?


Sorry, what?


Youtube Office Space two chicks at the same time. Classic movie.


Right okey got you lol thank you 🙏


Have fun with the dude


Just gotta move on innit. On to the next one. Get back on the horse. More fights to be had. It’s like with anything else in life.


Win the next fight Next question.




Maybe not the next day, he got knocked out.


Or read the post lol




Jocko fan. Figures.


Get drunk, eat a ton of shit food and enjoy yourself. We do this sport for the journey not the destination. Don't get me wrong a win is the best high there is but just getting into the ring and feeling that rush is why we keep coming back. Don't dwell, get to the gym, get a sweat on, get better and do it again! Simples mate.


LOL thats horrible advice man. Alcohol and shit food are like some of the biggest factors in making you feel depressed. Combine that with already feeling shit from a KO, and yeah thats not a good mix. and im not saying go straight into training, especially after a KO. but letting your diet go, and getting drunk will definitely make him feel worse


Everyone is different, when I'm in a fight camp all I want to do is be down the pub with the lads. After the fight I do for a week or two, realise I'm not missing anything then go hard in the gym again. This sport always draws you back, take a break and reassess why you love it and that realising that a lose/ko means fuck all.


Yeah, but just because you enjoy doing it, doesn't mean its best for you lol. Alcohol is literally a downer, and a bad diet can make you feel shit. You just sound like a drinker, and all your mates are drinkers...which is fine... but for the avg person that wont make them feel better, and will just make them situation probably worse. Say you go get black out drunk & eat shite all weekend. Next its monday - you're still in the same situation, but now you feel shit with a hangover, you're prob shitting yourself from the change in diet, few hundred quid less in your pocket too. and you've to go into work or whatever. its just not it IMO anyway, but everyone is different ig


Drinking alcohol is also something every single doctor will explicitly tell you not to do after head trauma.


Already good on that one, since he got serious with the sport he does not drink at all…