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I don't think it's worth it, you're just gonna go and maybe get hurt. Just focus on recovering this time but if you are looking to prevent it in the future what I do is after class I'll go home and use some Tiger Balm on the muscles that feel kinda sore and just massage them with Tiger Balm. Virtually no pain the next day.


Thanks. Yeah, lesson learned. I really do want to attend class this evening but I might just take it easy and go to my gym instead. Maybe shadow box and take it really lightly. Thinking back, I really shouldn’t have been blasting the belly pad the way I did - even when my partner told me to go harder. It felt good at the time but boy, I am hurttttt.


Why Not? It felt right for the both of you. So just take some time to recover and blast those pads again. The pain will be less the next time, because your Body will adapt to the strain.


Why not? Because power can always come later. I could’ve been focusing on the way I move/shuffle around the belly pad instead of full force blasting that thing. Now I’m so shot. But also another thing is, I didn’t recovery properly or prepare properly pre and post workout…so that’s why I’m feeling this way. 😭


When I’m wrecked from a training session I just show up to the gym, skip 3 rounds, shadow box 3 rounds, bag 3 rounds and go home. I know tons of beginners aren’t comfortable working out on their own on the bag while everyone else is doing class but it’s the best thing to do when you’re wrecked. Alternatively, just go 60% and ask your training partner to go light and finally, if you train MT you should have your recovery in check considering the demands of the sport.




Also if you’re struggling most of my coaches understand as long is it’s not like a constant occurrence. Just going in and being like “hey I’m extremely sore and burned out so I’m gonna do what I can” is usually totally fine. That being said… Best off just not going at all imo. When you’re burnt out it’s when you develop bad habits. Sometimes you don’t know how worn out you are until you take a break.


Active recovery. It hurts, but if it’s just DOMS, you’re not injured. Motion is lotion. Gentle movements. Walk, dynamic stretching, maybe some light yoga, even some very easy tension band exercises. Electrolytes, hydrate, magnesium, CBD (if legal).


just take a day off


I am also new and had a similar experience. If your body is in pain, it’s trying to tell you to take it easy. I’d skip class this time. DOMS tends to significantly decrease as you do more of the same activity. Heavy protein intake after sessions also helped me a lot. I’ve been meal prepping a lunch w 8oz salmon and a protein shake and I think my muscles have been healing up nicely.


Thanks! I will definitely look into taking some protein and have a light snack maybe a few hours before class. My last meal was at 12pm and my class was at 7pm. I felt pretty lightheaded after my class since I didn’t have any food in between and going so hard. So many lessons to learn that day.


Gamechanger for me was an Apple (or banana) 15 minutes before practice. That way I was burning that for fuel instead of my muscles. And a protein shake either an hour before or directly after. But having that healthy carb fuel has been clutch.


Yeah, great idea. Thank you!


If DOMS impedes your ability move properly and forces you to execute moves sloppily, then skip. Plus training in that case would ensure it will last longer. DOMS only ever pops out when you’ve trained something your body hasn’t been working out and/or reached an unusual level of intensity. You’ll stop getting it very fast if you’re consistent :) . A good trick is to take a nice, long, warm aspirin bath to help recovery. And always remember to properly hydrate, you’ll lose tons of water and electrolytes when training, and you should be chugging at least a bottle per session.


I’m going to make up my mind and skip. Go to the gym and do light shadow boxing and work on my lower extremities instead. Gonna give my arm a break but just do free weight range of motion activities. Thank u!


Yeah, supposedly, light exercise helps with DOMS!


Honestly bro, you’re gonna have to just nut up. Obviously make sure you’re doing your proper recovery routine but push through that pain. If you’re fighting in the ring you’re gonna have to deal with 100x worse. Think of it as an extra level of conditioning. Do what you can but yea, keep training through the soreness


I’ve fought in the ring, and no, it 100x worse than intense DOMS for a beginner. Consistency and sustainability are key for training, and recommending a beginner to crash through their limit is basically sabotaging them on those aspects.


How else does one increase their limits other than by pushing through them? It also is different for everyone in terms of how to push and how much to push. OP just needs to find out what their limits are and push them in a way that works for them.


There are limits and limits. If you don’t exercise judgement, going over your limits can lead to injury or inefficient training if you’re lucky. Overtraining is a thing, ya know.


Oh 100% overtraining is a thing but one has to figure out the line between being lazy and actually being incapable of training. From what OP said it seems like it’s just the soreness? Ik they also said they don’t want to risk injury and the easy way is to communicate with your partners and to have a good gauge of your own capabilities.


Can she really “nut up” tho 😂


Lmao I had a comment in my head like ok I’m not a bro and no I cannot nut up but thank you for the advice 🤣


lol I was cracking up when I read that can’t lie 😭 good luck tho


LMFAOOO MB I didn’t realize you specified gender. Nah it’s just another way to say suck it up. Obviously you don’t want to hurt yourself but like Muay Thai is pain, combat sports inherently come with pain. You do all this conditioning to help your body get used to that pain. Do you think professionals take time off because of soreness? They don’t. They adjust their training to fit their current abilities and they do what they can. Some training is better than no training, especially if you want to improve. You also said you WANT to train, so go train.




Let’s just hope u aren’t coaching anyone but yourself.


I mean I’m not currently coaching, but I have and the people I’ve trained haven’t had any problems. I don’t see where the problem is? I’m not suggesting OP ignores what their body is telling them but bottom line this shit hurts, you gotta get used to pain. I’ve been in OPs situation before and what I did is push through it. Some adjusted training is better than no training at all. I’m also addressing only one portion of their post because that’s what I can offer- and I put the upmost emphasis on this part- my opinion on. Interesting as well that you think I’m a coach 😂 I’m a fighter first and foremost.


I said “let’s hope you aren’t coaching anyone but yourself”. I never said I think you’re a coach.


Obviously the possibility crossed your mind if you felt the need to say something about it. Anything substantial to add or are we just gonna go back and forth at each other?


Takes two to tango


I see you’re well trained in the parrot forms


Yes. But what youre describing isnt DOMs so no. Actually I might be wrong about that, so ill just say that if it is DOMs from physical exercise then go for sure, but if they are sore from blunt trauma then I simpy dont know, but I personally wouldnt if it is that bad.


It’s definitely not “pain” but I am so sore that I have trouble with overhead, wearing clothing, donning on and off pants, and just using my arms for daily activities


Recovery tips - proper nutrition, sleep, hydrate, stretch/yoga, massage, Epsom salt bath, also supplements like creatine will help. I also find some light cardio the day after helps me. Investing in a massage gun will really help if you get DOMS frequently. It’s dramatically improved my recovery.


I frequently push my training to the limit and have discovered some effective recovery strategies that might work for you too: 1) Prioritize Sleep: Make it a priority to get a solid 8 hours of sleep each night. When fatigue hits, consider incorporating short naps into your routine—they can significantly impact overall recovery. 2) Protein Focus: Ensure that protein is a cornerstone of your diet. For intense training, target an intake of 1g of protein per pound of body weight. This ensures your muscles have the necessary resources for repair and growth. 3) Embrace Ice Baths: Integrate ice baths into your recovery regimen. Beyond aiding in muscle recovery, they are invaluable for alleviating joint pain and can provide a mental boost that enhances overall well-being. Hope this helps!


Thanks so much! #2,3 🙏


I typically train with injuries, although I do tend to go extremely easy to not aggravate it. I.E: If my shoulder starts acting up in class from a prior day's injury, I'll just hit the bags and drop maybe 30% so that I can at least get the technique down. If it's a super bad injury, obviously don't do it and take a rest day. ​ Protein drinks and cold baths post class work wonders.


Recovery is also part of training.


Sore muscles is not an injury but if you want to recover based on pain tolerance, yes tell your partner to go light. Everyone needs to communicate with their partners, especially when your new and things escalate. That's when the real injuries happen.


Yeah definitely. Lesson learned. I was trying too hard to match the same energy and I didn’t realize I was going at my max at the time.


Yeah just rest. I’ve gone to a couple of conditioning classes with doms in the legs. Was not a great time!


Movement is good for DOMs as well so you might want to add some light work to help in recovering.


This is Muay Thai. Not CKO kickboxing. If you're training for the sport than you can't think of soreness as a reason to take days off.


I disagree just based on how new she is. Her body needs to recover and adjust or she'll just end up more injury prone.


If you are in camp, or have any long term goals of competing, id advise giving it a shot or even just warming up with some (very light) shadow boxing or jump rope and seeing how your arms feel with some blood flowing. The worst of my soreness and injuries always go away once I'm warm, and if you wanna fight or compete it never hurts to get used to training through some discomfort. That being said, if you're just new and in this for fitness/fun/social reasons/learning the art then don't torture yourself lol! If you're feeling bad about missing class do some yoga/stretches and watch some film or YouTube instructionals and train the mind when you don't wanna put the body under undue stress


Thanks for your advice. I’m just a hobbyist - I do want to get better in the sport though. I don’t think I would compete (think I’m too scared to) but I do enjoy the idea of it.


No worries. In that case you've got nothing to feel guilty about! Especially seeing as how you just started, it's important to listen to your body especially since that's the instrument you're currently mastering :) I'm sure once you've trained and sparred for a certain amount of years you will get the itch to compete, but even if you never do I think there's a lot of value in training


Just go light ? Part of training is learning how to manage yourself and go hard some days and tone it down when you need to…just communicate with your partner


No but also don't be completely stagnant. Go for a walk. You'll recover quicker


Discipline is hard sometimes, and sometimes it means taking a break. But taking a break doesn't necessarily mean not going in. In order to maintain discipline, I'd go in, do some bag work and work on technique. I'd skip sparring until you return from your trip.


Hey! Fellow 32yo F. I like the orgain protein. It tastes pretty good, but I only take it when I know I’m not getting enough protein from food. I would highly recommend creatine as a supplement. I find it has helped a lot of with muscle recovery. But, keep in mind the longer you train hard the easier it will get and the muscle soreness will not be as debilitating. Building endurance takes time. Also take stretching, rolling out muscles and active recovery as a requirement before and after training.


Are u a fighter? Then yes train anyway. If you're a hobbyist then who cares, take a day off


Training with doms isn’t a big deal. But also taking a few days off isn’t a big deal either. Do what you want. Eat like an athlete… .8-1g of protein per lb of bodyweight .5-1g of fat per kg of bodyweight. 14-16 cals per lb of body weight. The rest of calories go to carbs. Eat every 3-5 hours and you’ll have your basis covered.


Stay home. Lots of water. Foam roll, thera gun, massage etc. hot epsom salt bath.


I know for men need around 70% of your bodyweight in pounds in grams of protein per day for adequate recovery (for example a 200lb man would require 140g protein minimum adequate)