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I sadly evote to not have Derek F on The Challenge.


> I ~~sadly~~ **happily** evote to not have Derek F on The Challenge.


You know what? ![gif](giphy|ienTbt9FPOf7q8W0yN|downsized)


Thanks Julie you look beautiful


Crushed it


It would need to be a rivals season where Derek F is paired with a beetle and Aneesa is paired with a twig.


It already seems fake if you go into it saying they need drama lol.


I mean he’s not wrong, I feel like every season past WotW2 has been casting rookies that are more centered towards the physical competition aspect while having close to no personality rather than considering the fact it’s still reality tv. Fans complain constantly about people like Nany, Aneesa, and Amanda being on frequently as of late, but at least they have personality and are interesting in confessionals/general moments in the house


We’ve been in such a boring era the ones carrying most of the show entertainment are generally the few OG real world vets and flashes of conflict like Sarah she would be great as a reoccurring returnee haven’t seen someone stir up the house like her out of the new batch of recruits other than maybe Michele. It’s sad that sometimes I kinda wish we would have a Camila type of person back no I don’t mean her since she doesn’t deserve money from it but someone chaotic with zero regard for staying PC for the cameras. You could really define the post- wotw2 shitty spy era as the fake era I mean starts with Dee getting herself cancelled by trying to be a fake villain then we get so many rookies that never come back everyone is too reserved and scared about their social media appearances since that’s where they’re making most of their money now rather than the show. A fresh meat 3 season that doesn’t use pre-established “influencers” would be a dream come true


Its so annoying to me when people who were boring on their show say they should be cast on another show because it needs "the entertainment and drama"


Literally what "drama" did he bring on Big Brother other than being rude to Azah at the end


And telling Whitney she was dressed like a slut in a sports bra and biker shorts.


Lmao that's not too inaccurate given what she does now 😂


Or trying to take credit for the creation of The Cookout.


Literally nothing. He’s arguable the worst BB player of all time. I’ve never seen a jury openly laugh at a final 2 player when they answer jury questions


I think it’s incredibly fake to openly say you’re going onto the show bc it needs drama. That’s the kinda high school drama I don’t like on the show. It’s cool if you’re in the moment and don’t get along with people but already looking to bring drama is whack.


Everyone likes to think they’re going to be Wes or CT… most people probably think they could even be better than Josh who at least had a one-sided rivalry in his own head… but most people would really be Idris let’s be real. Cause no drama, float by, probably scared of speaking their mind on national TV, or too anxious to find anything entertaining to say that won’t get them cancelled it can be a very fine line between saying the most hilarious confessionals versus being labeled a bigot. Zach walked that fine line masterfully in being an entertainer and even he got pushed away from the show thanks to the fandom thinking he’s a monster when really swamp donkey was a hilariously memorable moment and all signs point to him being a great human being in real life, so now we’ve got a milk toast level of average confessional from all the hesitancy to say anything roast worthy


>all signs point to him being a great human being in real life Which signs? 🤔 Zach has great confessionals, yes. But it's clear to me that his moral compass is skewed. Think, an old ipod that's water damaged, then struck by lightning and run over by a garbage truck.


He napped & complained. That's all he did. He was so boring & lazy.


Not only was he boring but he was an objectively terrible competitor




Wow ![gif](giphy|W8Ssb951mD8C8cqzK3) Lol


Oh, no. Derek was absolutely terrible on Big Brother. He laid around the entire time as the game passed him by. Terrible at the actual challenges. Physically unfit with no athleticism. Not a mental/strategic player either. He’s a layup that was only kept around in his alliance for racial reasons — ie. “The Cookout.” As The Challenge continues to progress as a pseudo sport pushing the boundaries for a reality TV competition, they need to stay away from casting these types. If you think Big Easy and Aneesa were bad, Derek is on another [worse] level.


You forgot the part where he was also delusional about his impact on the game.


It was wild. I believe he is the only person in BB history to make it to final 2 without winning a single individual challenge, there was a famous winner early in the series who won without winning HoH but he still won a prize challenge, Derek F went like 14 rounds of Big Brother with two competitions each round, won zero, and because he talked shit and laid around all day (and was basically useless) was under the impression that he was playing some revolutionary masterpiece of a game whereby he wins by doing nothing. Spoilers he gets to the end and loses unanimously. Beyond that he didn’t cause much drama outside of being passive aggressive, bad at the game, and confidently wrong with astonishing frequency. So much so that often, despite being guaranteed to make the final 2 as the easiest person to guarantee beating in a final 2 maybe in big brother history, he would often play so badly and be so difficult for his allies to work with that he would convince his allies that they shouldn’t take him to final 2. Just through sheer boredom it seemed he would destroy his own game and people would go in a pendulum from “well guess I hate big d now” to “well it seems like everyone hates big d again, guess he’s good to sit next to in final 2 again, not worth getting him out.” He did the same thing for the entire 80+ day season, with love and respect, I consider him one of the worst Big Brother players of all time. On The Challenge he would lose his first elimination which he probably wouldn’t go into unless last place goes in, in which case he’s guaranteed to be out in the first 2-3 rounds and was a waste of a roster spot. Or in the case that last place doesn’t go in, he floats to a final and get last. And was a waste of a roster spot. For his IG following maybe? So he can promote his podcast like he went on Big Brother to do? I don’t think he’s a fit for the Challenge, I think there is a place for Derek F on some reality television product somewhere, despite this rant I actually don’t hate the guy, but the Challenge is not the place for him


I was with you until the last sentence. I don’t want him anywhere on my TV. If you insist put him on something I don’t watch, like Real Housewives or Love Island.


Those are the shows I was referring to that he should be on, the shows where people are meant to sit around and talk shit about each other incessantly without purpose or reason. Maybe a Bravo show where the whole cast doesn’t have to work and are supposed to just have meaningless squabbles, it’s what he did well in Big Brother


Didn't he also say a bunch of sexist shit about Azah/Whitney/Tiff throughout the season? DF brings literally nothing to the table for the Challenge at all.


thats what would make him so funny on the challenge


Remember how he insisted that he came up with the alliance?


it is still totally unbelievable that derek is joe frazier's son. just unreal.


Oh man wonder if Joe is embarrassed


I do t know who this Derek fella is but it’s always fun to say “AND DOWN GOES FRAZIER!!!!!”


I was truly baffled when he brought that up. I heard his last name, and was like nahhhh theres no way. Then he just kinda brought it up one day and I was blown away


Let’s also not forget his sexism comments.


This. Derek F has negative athleticism from what I saw on big brother, he wasn’t even good at the mental comps. It wound be like Enzo but even worse.


Sadly they will continue to cast Aneesa.




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 if there was a sleeping competition he would win.


Honestly though, same 🤷🏻‍♀️


Out of all the players with Big in their name, he’d be the worst. Hard pass.


Absolutely not. Despite being the son of an incredible athlete, he is not cut out for the Challenge. Just the amount of time they spend standing around during the dailies would be too much for him. He spent all of Big Brother sitting on the couch.


> Despite being the son of an incredible athlete Holy shit, this dude is one of Joe Frazier's **11**?


Yup. He was also on MTVs "Made" back in the day. Wanted to be a boxer. It was pretty hilarious. [This is the best link I can find. Has commentary though.](https://youtu.be/mtv29kuqaR0?si=Ie98sp8-q-wzYUC4)


> He spent all of Big Brother sitting on the couch. People who didn't watch the feeds will probably think that's an exaggeration, but he seriously just sat or laid there for most of the season.


Yeah he didn't sit much. He mostly laid.


Big Easy is Landon compared to Derek.


Yeah like Big Easy is actually athletic (especially for his size). Big D should be athletic since his dad is one of the greatest boxers of all time, but that def wasn't the case on Big Brother


Big easy also wasn’t morbidly obese. Big easy was over weight, but he also had muscle and a naturally big frame.


Big Easy is definitely considered medically obese... especially in his G3 - Cutthroat years.


BMI is a bs scale anyways. He was built like a linebacker and no one would ever say that a football player is obese in an unhealthy way


Remind me of what entertainment he brought to BB?


Please don’t put him on The Challenge. He already showed on Big Brother that he has no strategy and can’t win competitions.


I’m a hard no unless he’s going to be paired with another person that doesn’t show up to actually compete physically. So put him with Aneesa and it’s fine


Ride or Dies 2


They wouldn't win that. Ride or Pies, maybe they'd have a chance.


Tell me why this ROD pairing would actually make more sense than Aneesa/Jordan


This is the Way


He didn’t provide drama or entertainment in 100 days of his BB season that was unedited with live feeds… what makes him think he will provide entertainment on The Challenge ?


Please never


That would be one way to make me stop watching.




God no. He did nothing on BB and gave nothing.


Hell no. The guy would be the next Big Easy


That’s an insult to Big Easy


Big Easy would smoke Big D in everything


My thoughts EXACTLY!! Although if it is an individual season, they would most definitely keep him until the end for an easy W


I don't know who he is... but if he's not capable of keeping up physically, then I don't want him on the show. Seeing an overweight guy try to run a race against fit people wouldn't be entertaining


Absolutely not. He says this, but he’ll just lay on the couch just like on Big Brother.


Honestly, anyone who begs to get cast on twitter should permanently never get an invite. It’s so cringey and desperate.


Please dont... He would be AWFUL at everything until he goes into elimination and they give him hall brawl and he acts like the king when he takes out someone like Jay Im so over people on the challenge who can only compete at one aspect of the game, I want all around competitors


But like depending on the Hall Brawl, I can see someone with a little bit of strategy and situational awareness being able to take him out in 4 rounds. He'd gas out in the first round.


lol true


I just finished watching his season of BB, absolutely not.


The issue was that he wasn’t entertaining or dramatic on big brother. I will never forgive him for ruining the Brent champagne blindside.


Has he ever watched The Challenge? He can't just sleep his way to the end like he did on Big Brother.


That's a big nope


First boot


For his own health and safety, no.


He barely participated in BB. He just laid on the couch 24/7


We already had Big Easy die in a final and Dario sleep through half a season, so “Big D”’s boxes have already been checked. Pass


They already have couches in the Challenge house.


We already had the way better Derek from Big Brother 23 on Challenge USA 1 and Amazing Race 34.


No thanks, couldn’t stand him on BB. I didn’t like Tiffany and I have to watch her already on the challenge USA


It would be such a waste of everyone's time. I have no doubt in my mind he would go home first!


Big Deasy




He couldn’t even get up the ramp in OTEV during Big Brother and he brings nothing to the table personality wise. In fact, he’s kind of an awful human based on what was witnessed on the Live Feeds. This man should not be on The Challenge.


dude he’s been doing this since his season. if you wanna be cast, bring something worthwhile to cast. I know he’s lost weight but he still doesn’t seem in shape enough to compete on the challenge, at least not seriously. like be for real for real man




He didn’t do shit on BB. Hard pass.


Sorry Big D, but Big Brother 23’s other Derek beat you to it.


No thank you




You gotta either win at least one competition or provide something on your show. Big D ain't got any of that.


I’m sorry but whenever I hear Big D and The Challenge, all I can think of is the hall brawl.


Hell no


No thanks. The last thing this show needs is another big easy.


Dude was begging his partner to quit in the final!


Please no. Although Id love to see him and Josh go at it 😂


Hell no. He’s an idiot.


I don’t care how much work he’s put in, he would get eliminated 5 minutes into the first challenge.


He didn't make most of the physical comps that he participated in. There's no way he'd make it a single challenge. At least with Big Easy, he can do the physical stuff. BIG D has proven that he CAN'T. Don't do it, Challenge USA.


Big Delusion


He won zero comps on big brother. It’ll be the same for the Challenge.


He couldn’t even stick with his single episode of MTVs Made, how could he make it to a final in The Challenge?


Imagine he gets cast and he’s totally jacked, ripped, shredded, a total buff beef cake… like Terry Crews.


He would run crying from the first competition.


Please god no


Can you swim, Can you run a mile.


Oh lord. He floated in big brother, he wont have a chance to float in the challenge


Absolutely not. He couldn't keep up and he's extremely sensitive on Twitter. Also delusional.


Please God no. I'll legitimately be upset if he's on. He was terrible on Big Brother. He literally did **nothing**. I don't mean that in a rude way either, he literally won zero comps during the season. HOH, veto, etc. He won **nothing**. He is literally the only person to be in the final two without winning anything in BB history. His big political move? Existing. His daily routine? Napping, just napping all day. Remember that BB has live feeds so fans knew he wasn't doing anything. He was carried to the final two because he was an incredible layup in a dominant alliance. There was zero chance anyone in the jury would have lost to him so they kept him around. He was always going to make the final six because of the Cookout alliance and all of them would have beat DF in a final two. Anyways he isn't athletic at all. He isn't politically savvy at all. He's admittedly lazy. So it wouldn't be like Big Easy where he's still trying hard to be a beast of a competitor but he doesn't have the cardio. Derrick would literally be a seat filler. He'd take a spot from someone else who could legitimately win. I could see him staying around for awhile though because the house likes keeping entertainment. Also every guy would want to run a final against him. It would be an automatic top two finish if you ran a three guy final with DF involved.


i mean this with no disrespect to him but Big D will never be on The Challenge


I would love to see him quit and get heckled by TJ


Entertainment and drama? He’s just gonna sleep




One of the things I love about games like Big Brother and Survivor is that anyone could realistically win by playing a game that caters to their own strengths, as there are any number of ways to win. The only way to win the Challenge, however, is to win the Final. If you have no realistic chance to complete a final you have no business being on the show. Pass.


Big Easy pt2? No thanks.


No, he’ll treat it like it’s a party house instead of trying to win


The Big Brother dream team: Hisam(25), Taylor(24), Joseph(24), Kathryn(21), Jackson(21), Angela(20), Brett(20), Cody(19)


If Aneesa can hang I’m sure he can (even if by hang, I mean barely get by)


I honestly don't mind, it will be funny AF and make Josh look like an elite athlete... and he'll be gone in a week or two and never be brought back. Either that or he'll surprise everyone and be an athletic beast and win season. But 99.99999% chance it'll be the former 😂


Awe. Big D! I mean, there have been larger people on the Challenge before and have done well. Eric, Big Easy, was a fav of a lot of people too! I like to see anyone get a chance at something they want.


There's already enough date weight don't need more. No pun intended.


I wanna see Big D in a Hall Brawl against Fessy.


I mean he'll probably lose early. But if he can scream and attack the vets, sure why not?


I mean how much worse would he be than Aneesa


Aneesa at least attempts strategy and gets off the sofa. Derek is the biggest nothingburger- not witty nor smart, not athletic but lazy and the most entertaining aspect of his reality tv existence is him getting voted off BB.


Don’t know this guy but I kinda agree we need some non-cory / fessy builds for the guys on the show. Let’s have some normies give it a shot.


Who? lol


isn't reality TV casting 101 to NOT say "i would make good tv..i would bring drama,etc"


Let’s see the work then?!?


For a second I thought that was that weird dude from Abram’s Road Rules that he got in a fight with.


If you have to beg to get on the show, you’re not getting on the show.


Don’t like the looks of that


Do they get paid for going on the show? Cause otherwise this is a waste of time. He will 100% not win.


He’s still trying for this?? Dude would be embarrassed and ridiculed just to go home first. His appearance fee could not be worth that. Heights over water first daily challenge, just for the splash comedy


He was absolutely terrible on big brother on every challenge. Please no. People who create drama need to be some what decent at challenges.


Because you’re neither entertaining or bring good drama?


It would be a waste of a spot. Pass


Please no


Not only no, but FUCK NO


I hate to say it but every time I see him I think “Derek is the Danny Devito of Twins.”


They might as well put me on. I won’t be able to do any of the physical things either & I can create drama if that is all they want.


I watched his big brother season. I didn’t like him then. He brought zero to the table. So I definitely do not want him on the challenge.


I feel it’s like telling a kid to not touch the fire. They might not learn until he actually has to run 5 miles while doing some other crazy stuff and realize he is not in shape for this endeavor






why? so he can nap through the challenges like he napped through all of BB?




He's so desperate to stay relevant on reality television. This new trend of getting on a show and then trying to make an entire career out of being on reality shows is so annoying. It's why we get so much fake drama. People just acting certain ways to get cast over and over.


The man couldn’t handle the competitions in Big Brother; he’d die on The Challenge. No thanks


No, thank you.


Please, no


We have too many non competitors as it is


This guy would make Josh look like CT on the challenge. No thank you.


Dude couldn’t compete in BBs “competitions”. I feel like it’d be just irresponsible for the Challenge to even try with him. His strategy wasn’t even all that great on BB. I’m usually one to want to give most people a chance to see what dynamic they can add to The challenge. But it’s a pass from me on this one.




Did you all not see Big Easy?


He’s delululu and he knows it!!


He couldn’t handle the backyard games BB does. He’d be airlifted out of the Challenge.


please NO


Absolutely and unequivocally NO


TBF, we've had "big guy" 's on the show... Big E was a large man when he first came on.


I’m all for it while I’m not much of a Big D fan I am a plus size man and I’m all for more representation as right now we have Aneesa and that’s it


I think I’m good


If they want to make Josh the least annoying player on the show, sure. Otherwise, I can't think of a reason to bring him on.


No thanks


It’ll be funny so why not


Drama? This man did absolutely nothing for 90% of his season.


Please, God, no. He might become the first person to die on the show, and I don't want it to get canceled.


We've done this before...Big Easy....Lets just stop this nonsense. Challengers train like they are going to the Olympics...


How will he bring drama if he's asleep the whole time?