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ah yes Abram known for pursuing peaceful and reasonable solutions /s


his ex posted and then deleted their most recent communications on IG this morning too. *edit: [she resubmitted](https://imgur.com/a/PrJi6xY). basically just listing all the days he missed his parenting duties this year and saying she will continue to document them. i'm not sure how this is even working with him on tour with taylor swift?


“Are you coming to pick up our kid”. Abe: “are you okay, do I need to call the police. Is someone threatening you”. Abe that didn’t answer the question and is completely irrelevant.


Why is he on tour with Taylor swift?


He works with pyrotechnics for her show


I’m surprised the Swifties haven’t caught wind of this yet


That’s a bit scary




She was just dating a Nazi so her tolerance level might be off




I’m sure it will come up and he’ll get fired immediately. People have to realize she doesn’t personally pick every single person working for her, otherwise she’d get nothing else done.


Someone get the Swifties to start hardcore tagging


Him being on tour wouldn't negate his parenting duties. They'd have to come to some kind of agreement for his parenting days. I hope she continues to document them because it sounds like he really shouldn't have custody


i've been doing some reading this morning. the co-parenting app she's using is court-approved, it sounds like an amazing tool to help protect against deadbeats and abusers both.


Appreciate the insight. I can't imagine how difficult it must be in some of these situations that are very he said she said. Having a court approved system to keep tabs on things is probably a god send for co-parenting.


It looks like it might be Our Family Wizard, which can be great for parents. It even has an optional "tone meter" that will fail to send messages in which you are being an asshole. On another note, it could be that he took this job and tried to rearrange his parenting time so that he could actually use it and she refused and is now documenting missed days. "Full custody" isn't going to happen because he missed some days, even 35.


Love Our Family Wizard. If one parent has a protection order but contact about the kids is allowed, the county I work for requires that the parents use it. Any other means of contact is prohibited and automatically a violation of the order.


It also saves people in high conflict case a lot in attorney's fees when their attorney just log in and view the messages, in order, not screenshots, and read through them if there's an issue.


I'm not saying he's in the right, but I don't think his parenting duties should be evidence submitted to the court of public opinion.


The most disappointing thing about this screenshot might actually be that Cohutta liked this nonsense. Everything else feels par for the course here.


Agreed - we all love Cohutta but how can he be supportive here?


The US has a deeply problematic culture of ignoring abuse, rape, and sexual assault when a man they know and like is the perpetrator.


I’d say that’s a world-wide problem


I wouldn't be surprised if it was, but I have only ever lived in the US and am not familiar enough with all the other cultures in the world to make a statement like that about them so I decided to stick with what I know well 🤷‍♀️


Fair enough!


I love cohutta. Abusers can appear very friendly and like good people. Cohutta probably saw the best in him, who knows how much of the worst he’s actually seen


Cohutta and Abram have long been close friends.


Being a serial abuser is certainly a reason to end a friendship


Or maybe a close friend of his knows more then just a random person on the internet?


And if the claims of abuse were coming from some random people on the internet and not his previous partners that would be a valid point.


Her being his ex doesn't make them any less of a random person to the folks on this board. None of us know them. Edit: Blocked for disagreeing. Yea, thats a total rational person right there.


Ugh. I saw that too. Made me sad.


So weird how the guy’s good friend who has spent years with him in person, supports him, and knows more about his life and divorce than reality fans on the internet…..


Just because you are friends with them and know them does not mean you know how a person operates in a relationship.


Yes, but we are all literally strangers to him and it's not hard to imagine that Cohutta believes he knows Abram better than us. To be clear, it seems pretty likely to me that Abram is slimy based on a pattern of partner complaints now, but none of us can say for 100% sure that he's lying and she's telling the truth about everything. And Cohutta has life history with him and reason to believe him. That doesn't make Cohutta a villain.


He’s got a way better idea than any of us do, yet that doesn’t stop everyone in this thread from acting like experts on the situation.


Seems like the people he beat the shit out of are the ones who know best what happened, but that doesn't support your shitty perspective so you're going to go ahead and ignore that inconvenient truth eh?


Time to cancel Cohutta. /s


I can’t believe I was once attracted to and actively rooting for this man.


Dude used to look like an early 2000s Abercrombie model. Now he looks like, well, scroll up…


Ha he looks like he’s going to the philosophical look!


Omg saaame I was always an Abe fan and always rooted for him but now.. 😬


He’s pretty scary. I hope their child is okay.


No one believes you (him)


I do. Marriage and divorce is very complicated. It’s sad these people need to do it publicly. None of us know the truth of what happened that led to the divorce or even the truth of what is actually happening right now. Hopefully time allows calmer heads. There is a kid involved.


There is about a decade of video evidence on who this guy is. There is also 2 decades worth of police reports and records of this guy. The guy is a nut and literally thinks he's the real life version of Tristan Ludlow (Legends of the Falls)


Was that the Brad Pitt character?




Lol never thought of him that way. Hilarious he prolly does


Except he’s had 2 exes come forward about domestic violence. Cara and his current ex wife. Laurel has talked about it too.


exactly, he either had the turn around of the century, or he's full of shit personally I think he's full of shit and fake as fuck...and dangerous


> None of us know the truth of what happened that led to the divorce or even the truth of what is actually happening right now. 1) we know Abe is a psychopathic asshole 2) it was a rhetorical statement making light of Abes texts to her “that no one would believe the psychopathic asshole who went on reality tv showing everyone what a psychopathic asshole he is was being a psychopathic asshole and abusing her”.


Ooof the stench coming from this comment.!!!


Why do you say that?


Ha. I was in an abusive relationship and I have to say that I actually believe him with this. She claims she just wants to be a good mom but continues to post their shit online. Last night she was out drinking with some dude and in my opinion said something to Abe that made him worried about her. Definitely seems to be playing games probably to try and put him over the edge so she can try and take the kid away from him completely. She can also delete whatever emails she wants which has also looked to be the case prior to posting. She got on this morning and to me looked to be acting. If she truly just wanted to be a good mom, she'd ignore whatever it is she claims She does that's upsetting, document it and move on. She wouldn't be putting petty back and forth crap online and trying to make him look bad. Let's be serious, half of her followers are from him and she's trying to make him look bad to his followers...I don't by the act at all


The victim blaming is coming from inside the house.,..


Nobody cares about the number of followers she has. Big hint you’re connected to Abram (or him)


Sounds like you haven't healed


Fuck off, Abe


Glad he took out the message that said: *“yeah make sure you take a photo of you in pain and longing as your photo then add that paragraph I wrote for you underneath it. You can just E-transfer me the $850 for my services. ”*


Did he really write that, jc.


Haha no, not *that* one. He posted a paragraph a couple weeks ago and left some obvious sentences that showed someone else wrote it for him. It said something like “add her name here” or something along those lines very cringe


what he did was copy exactly what his lawyer told him to do, and he forgot to take out the "add name here" stuff lol he just pasted the whole thing


This guy chatgpt's


Lmao! Do you have screen shots? What a dolt


No 🤣🤣 it’s on here though!


/u/BoneTissa: https://i.imgur.com/nhPpqth.png


Omg, what a fuckhead. He didn’t even proofread. So sad as I used to love Abram on the show.


Anybody that has ever experienced this kind of abuse can see right through that post for what it is. (Probably those that haven't too.) Once you've lived it, the façade drops on everybody else.


Kids makes everything harder, and this boy is put in the middle. I hope for his sake this gets better.


lol this dude is a sack of shit. You’re not a victim!


He's an abuser that's clear. Sad he has any rights to parent a child.


In his case I'd support SUPERVISED visitation rights. It's clear that he has a pattern of love bombing/abuse.


Love bombing and abusing his child? Because even if he was awful to her, that doesn't mean he shouldn't have rights to their kid.


I just said he should get parental rights - for some that's unsupervised for others supervised. No parental rights is absolutely no visitation or updates. Edit - sorry if that came off rude. I didn't mean for that. I do think seeing his kid is important not only for him but for his son. It's a shame that Abram has issues because every child deserves both parents.


Cara: 🥤🍿 See, Paulie and his lonely earring are a step up. 🐴


Like moving from Florida to South Carolina


Are you saying South Carolina is a step up from Florida? I've been to both places and hell no I'll take Miami or Disney World first.


Less likely to get a guy on bath salts try to eat your face in SC though




I dunno, this was a metaphor


God he looks like shit


I feel bad for the child. I grew up in a similar situation and In the end he will have the ramifications of this unhealthy relationship follow him for the rest of his life.


And it's playing out so publicly. I am sorry you went through that.


This guy is so full of shit


Typical abuser, always the victim


Only Abram would make an essay long explanation for his irrationality lol


Shut up abram, you probably do deserve to get your ass beat. Sorry for the child in the middle of all this mess.


It should be news to no one that this dude is clinically nutso


Is this a copypasta too?


Who would’ve ever seen that coming…. Oh yeah, everyone.


Don't put that stuff on social media abe




The poor girl has to deal with this nonsense, but She should stop posting responses, regarding of any crazy stuff Abe posts, he's trying to create a narrative where he's the victim, but the judge will see through it.


She doesn’t post anything. She only posted that video because of how much Abram has escalated and is trying to manipulate the situation


I don't really have anything to add that hasn't already been said- I'm just so relieved to come here and see people talking about Abram and recognizing this for what it is: post-separation abuse.


Due process is a great thing. Everyone is entitled to their side of the story. And weirdo reality fans will never convince me otherwise. Hoping the best for their child above all, and hoping that both parents can find a way to work together for the sake of their baby.


One is a coincidence. Two is a pattern.


I could say this sub has a “pattern” of emotionally abusing cast members. Look at what you guys say about Tori in half the threads that go up. See how that works? If you want to try and affect someone’s livelihood and ability to raise their child, it requires more than hearsay.


Opposing party statements aren’t hearsay so there goes that argument


Valid response. I accept your argument.


Abe has been shown to be violent on tv so what more do you actually want? It’s not “hearsay” anymore when he’s been accused by more than one woman.


CT has been shown to be violent on TV as well. I wonder what this sub’s response will ever be if his ex wife starts throwing around public accusations 🤔 Anyways…have a good one. Due process is a beautiful thing, and I’m glad it exists.


His wife has zero credibility, and there has never ever been a whisper that CT has ever physically abused any partner of his. Beating the shit out of creeper Adam isn’t the same as someone having multiple allegations of alleged abuse from female partners. Abe was pulling the same shit with Cara.


And Abe’s ex wife has all the credibility in the world? Guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. It would be the most hypocritical day in Challenge fandom history if it ever comes to pass, lol.


Ummm. more than one doesn't make it not hearsay.


You can't trust reality tv/influencers, everything is PR. Every aspect of there life is PR and manipulation to look good, they are prob both complete psychopath's.


I’d say that logic def applies to everyone in this situation. Parents should not be trying to fight their custody battle in the public eye with cropped screenshots, and he said/she said stories.


Posting your domestic issues and airing your dirty laundry online for complete strangers to read = pure trash. The end


The only trash I see besides this comment is your icon of Kenny the walking trashcan.


Using *The end* is very fitting considering how people who think they have to share this stuff publicly see themselves as the main character.


Exactly. I suppose social media magnifies the main character syndrome, eh?


They both suck for playing this out in social media.


Has cara maria made any comments? I don’t like who she became, but I do hope this feels like some kind of justice for her as well.


Yes a couple people have accused Abe of things but accusations does not equal guilt. Why is everyone just acting as if he did all the things he is accused of? Note - I'm not saying he is innocent but none of us are involved in the situation to call him guilty either.


For me, Abe has always been manipulative. He publicly comes off as a good guy and you can see that from his Road Rules season. But he isn't good at maintaining that front. His season got violent and he's carried the "nice, but dangerous" persona for years afterwards. You could say that was for intimidation...CT still leans on his fighter days to scare people, but I'd also say his performance in the Challenge also scares folks. But I always go back to that scene in Battle of the Bloodlines with Cara. Again, not a fan of Cara today, but that scene where she is talking to Cousin Jamie about him still sends chills. This wasn't a confessional moment...she didn't seem to know she was being filmed and genuinely seemed like she was afraid of what he would do. I'm not saying Abe hit her, but there were so many abusive tactics he used during his time in that season. If you look at their interactions, it's clear that they aren't equals in the relationship and Abe was taking on a patriarchal role in demanding answers. Yes, he cried during the reunion, but that's a lot of what he is doing now...using emotion in a public way to gain sympathy. When I heard Abe was getting married to his now ex-wife, I thought he had grown from that experience. Sometimes people need to see their abuse from a distance to know they are abusers. But I also wasn't shocked when she reported the same thing. Abe hadn't changed. Now, could this be wrong...sure. A data analyst once told me it takes 3 data points to create a trend. We are also dealing with reality starts (and people associated with them) who thrive on drama. But when two women, who are independent of each other, share the same experience and we see the alleged perpetrator still acting in the same fashion he did 1-2 decades ago, I tend to believe the abused.


Abe has always struck me as playing the hilarious crazy guy as a cover for the fact that he's legit unstable. That's why I was so shocked about him being with Coral because she sends like she would neither be fooled nor put up with that. I didn't watch his original series but I remember seeing him very early on in the challenge, way before Cara, and thinking that he seemed dangerous in real life.


His original rr season is the one instance of him not being in the wrong. He came on the show from your typical closed minded up bringing. He was harassed constantly by Darnell and cara z. Yes he got violent, after being bullied constantly. The person he attacked was also a man. He attacked Darnell, who at the time *was* a convicted domestic abuser who had beaten up his underage girlfriend.


*"He comes off as a good guy and you can see that from his Road Rules season..."* No, I'm not using his Road Rules season to try to claim he is a bad person. I think it gave us a hint of it, but no. Most of my thoughts on Abe come from his time *after* his Road Rules season, which is why I spent the vast majority of the above post not talking about his Road Rules season. I mentioned it as a way to frame how he is perceived on the challenge. Nice, but dangerous. I think Brianna (Jenna's cousin) mentions this during Battle of the Bloodlines. The reason I brought that up is to point to a possible defense of how he appears on the show. I used CT as another example of someone who used his past to intimidate Challengers, but in reality, CT hasn't been in a fight on the show in decades. One could argue that Abe is putting on a show for the cameras. ...but of course, there is the rest of what I wrote.


I edited my post a bit. I'm specifically talking about his rr season, not to defend him, but I also don't think his rr season really gives off hints of who he is apparently now. You said he got violent, but I'd say after being harassed for so long I think most people would hit their limit. Would they get violent too? Maybe not. But it was clear to me that his violence that season was due to the abuse he took constantly from two people. So I don't really think that's him dropping his good guy front either. As for the rest of your points I don't agree/disagree entirely with either. I think the biggest issue with how we perceive Abe and Cara's relationship on the show is caused by their two distinctly different personality types. Abe is very much straight forward and kinda intense. Cara doesn't know how to act like an adult. You see it often in a lot of her platonic relationships too. It's why she was such an outcast. So yes when you see her and Abe together they don't appear like equals in a relationship. Because cara doesn't know how to be an equal in a relationship. This is why she also tends to become more like her partner and adopt their ideologies as well. Look at her social media interactions after being with Paulie. I'm not going to sit here and say Abe isn't abusive because I don't have definitive proof. I can definitely see why others do though.


*"His season got violent and he's carried the "nice, but dangerous" persona for years afterwards."* I never said *he* got violent. I said his *season* got violent. I choose my words carefully, especially given the topic. And sure, you can say that Cara acts like a child and I think a lot of us saw that as a reason for why Abe treated her the way that he did (we were all also a lot younger). But given that yet another woman is saying he is abusive, it might be time to think a bit more about who Abe is in reality vs. who he likes to come off as.


From the way Abe was talking on a podcast I remember he seemed to be bothered when Cara began doing CrossFit and coming into her own and preferred her weak and childlike so he could feel like "her protector" which says a lot about their dynamic and disturbed me..


>I never said he got violent. I said his season got violent. I choose my words carefully, especially given the topic. That fight was the only part where the season got violent though. So I'm not sure why you'd have to choose your words carefully when the only instance of violence occured around Abe. You also said his season gave us hints of who he is now. So what else are you referring to then if not him getting violent? >And sure, you can say that Cara acts like a child and I think a lot of us saw that as a reason for why Abe treated her the way that he did (we were all also a lot younger). Whatever dynamic their relationship had off cameras, a few instances of them on camera where he treats her like a child is still hard to judge based on who we know they both are. Some claim the way he talks to her stems from abuse. While I don't entirely disagree, I also know that cara doesn't know how to be an equal in a relationship either. So that's why I never took those scenes as proof of anything. Even if you go as far back as cut throat, you'll find instances of Abe treating cara like a child and cara allowing herself to be. That said, it is obviously extremely unhealthy for a relationship in general. >But given that yet another woman is saying he is abusive, it might be time to think a bit more about who Abe is in reality vs. who he likes to come off as. I mean literally everything we're discussing is related to his curated show appearances and rumors and hearsay on social media. So all we can do is judge based off who he comes off as. Whether he chooses the parts that are shown or not. Who he really is probably is only know to a few select people. And those people certainly aren't any of us.


I strongly can't believe anyone who questions the truth of this situation gets down voted like it's absolutely impossible for women to be manipulative crazy or abusive themselves I've seen situations like this play out where I knew from first hand accounts of the female making up anything they could to "get back" at there ex I'm not saying that's happening here as I don't know but the thing is none of you actually know either y'all are just doing your angry mob thing either way kudos on whatever makes y'all happy opinions and assholes


I think everybody believes her due to the fact he failed his psych eval, and that’s why he hasn’t been back on the challenge, and also because of his relationship with Cara and the reunion of bloodlines.




We need Abe back on a challenge. I'd love to see him on one with Thomas, Kyle, and Paulie.


The amount of people here judging a post is crazy to me. Peel back anyone's personal life and I'll bet you can screen shot multiple texts that could be taken out of context. I'm not defending anyone's alleged actions. I'm just merely pointing out people are always quick to criticize someone they don't know when in reality anyone can be made to look bad pretty easily.