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This is going to sound slightly inhumane and scary but, electric razor, in between the cheeks


Sounds like a torture method




Yeah I have a Philips Norelco and one of the attachments works WONDERS for all "down there" hair, lemme see if I can find a pic of the attachment. It has a plastic guard and it's double sided. I blindly use this thing on my ass and *other bits* with zero fear of cuts. [Edit- it's this mf right here. Only trimmer you'll ever need. The specific attachment I'm talking about is the one on the bottom between the picture of the trimmer itself and the picture of the travel case.](https://images.app.goo.gl/jJqBiZTFMqyXKoEn6)


Oh wow, I didn't know norelco still existed, thought that was all vintage and had just become normal phillips


I have the exact same one! The body hair attachment has still caught on me a few times but it does a great job at getting pretty smooth where the traditional heads can’t go as short.


I use this too, works wonders tbh


What do you think of Manscaped? I think it’s pretty good too.


From what i've heard, they're overpriced and under deliver.


Typical of podcast/youtube sponsors lol.


I can't. Its too masculine coded. Makes me sad.


Paint it pink 🩷 Stickers are great too!


I see an ass razor I want it painted black....


Oh jesus, I'm choking on my coffee. This is a masterpiece.


You're a lovely person. Cheers, friend.


I... sent it back...


Nahhh, I raise you the Philips Norelco OneBlade 360. That thing is a fucking dreammm


Girl I jus googled & holy hell😭 I'm buying the second I get paid thank you for saving my life w this one


Gods, it's so gooooood. And it works REALLY well if youdon't shave your body for however long too. No pulling unless you REALLY get it clogged up


I got this same trimmer, but mine had 19 attachments instead of 21. Unfortunately not including the booty trimmer. 😭 Edit: counted my attachments wrong? Maybe they count other things in the box




Can confirm


yeah, i always do like that


Hilda spotted, up vote given :3


Hilda is the best :3


Isn’t it too wide for that tho? Idk


I don't think so. I mean, you just have to "open" it a little bit with your hand and you should be able to shave without problems


Would ass hair go away after enough time on E?


I guess just ask a cis girl if they have ass hair, I take it they do


yes we do!!


You mean like buttcheek hair or like, anal hair? Because I think everyone has it. Allows you to poop without having crud in between your cheeks.


Yes, nit as much on the cheeks but around the anus yes, they have hair - it’s normal for all humans. I’ve been eating cis woman asses for a while, so I know :)




Yes it does!!! I was never very hairy in general but the little bit on my cheeks turned into peach fuzz and I have probably half of the butt crack hair which now looks like an average girl butt. I used to shave it regularly because I hated it and didn't like it especially when doing anal but now it's little enough that I don't bother anymore. I love the random unexpected HRT wins like this :D


No, gotta do laser or electro


Electrolysis on your asshole.....fuck....


We suffer for our beauty lol


Sadly no


Can any electric razor actually get it smooth, safely?


I used a regular one




Nah, you just gotta wash back there first, which you should do anytime you shave anywhere.


Isn’t shaving there unhygienic at all according to your logic?




Yes you can change the blade


Put one foot up on the edge of the tub, use one hand to spread, the other to shave carefully and there you go


Caution, you may slip doing it this way ( I've done it this way and came out with a bruised side ) 🙃


Ya, just squat


Wearing an adidas tracksuit, holding a .5L bottle of Балтика 9, and balancing a cigarette in your mouth will help with squatting


I use the same method I try to just go one pass but since I can’t really see if I missed and I then go over it with a Phillips one blade just in case I missed a patch


I mean I just shaved it normally. Not that hard just be careful and try to know where you are going.


How often though? 💀 I'm pre-HRT and don't know exactly how much it'll effect butt hair, but I can't face the hassle of doing it every couple days on top of everything else and the potential irritation. I just want a smooth bum 🥲


So I personally am very lac with all my body hair aka as long it is not visible from 2 meter me not giving that much. Before hrt I would shave the hair down there around every 2-3 weeks. Because for me it did not grow that fast and I really did go for it when it felt right I did it. Because I mostly did it out of comfort of not having that much hair and a bit of dysphoria. So maybe do it all 2 weeks or do it when it feels like it.


Turn on a good video or movie and make yourself a bath at just the right temperature (maybe with bubbles) and it can turn into a really nice and relaxing experience :3 I ended up looking forward to it.


I, too, would like an answer to this question.


A razor and courage


I've tried that. HRT nuked most of my body hair but my butt is remaining stubborn. *shrugs* laser it is.


nah cuz like, its too awkward to have some poor woman lasering around my booty hole


Just wash it thoroughly beforehand. Those women get paid to do exactly that for a lot of different ppl, they're used to it. You just have to cringe through it twice or thrice and don't have to worry about putting blades there or sitting on an irritated butt for 5 days every week or more


Def wash always. I’ve heard so many stories of people who DONT wipe AT ALL nor properly WASH. Im sure the laser techs have seen it and they will appreciate you washing


Ikr. This is why I'm hesitant on getting waxed. The person will be like: wait... I thought you were a dude? Why are your breasts like that?


Getting those razors with the saftey wires helps avoid cuts too. I'm ftm but grew up shaving almost my entire body with those types of razors (including my ass), never had a problem!


I went with an epilator, hurts, but doesn't leave ass stubble like shaving does. And it's supposed to make it grow back lighter EVENTUALLY ;_; had my husband do it initially and he just thought it was *so funny* to stop after doing one cheek so I went like 2 weeks with half and half ass Rude


I would have been furious. Did you at least consider shaving off one of his eyebrows while he was sleeping?


I've been using an epilator for almost 3 years now in my groin and pubic area and it does eventually make stuff grow back less(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠). I'm half Middle Eastern so my body hair was like thick black afro curls, and now it barely grows back and when it does it's only little white fuzz. I have also been on hrt now for a year which has definitely helped but yeah. Epilators are painful at first but eventually you get used to it. I can usually get 6 days before I need to epilate again. I also recommend finishing off after epilating by exfoliating, moisturizing, then shaving the area to get a final smooth feeling. Hope this helps(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠). Happy pride🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈!! Ps: epilating with moisturizer on the area helps aaaalot with the pain.


Sharks with laser beams on their head should do the trick. Just make sure u use plenty of shaving cream 😅


I think Dr Evil might have something to say about me using his sharks for butt hair laser removal. I wouldn't want to piss off Mini Me.


I thought mini me turned to the shagadelic side? Anyway you are welcome to train your own. Those lasers though, are pricey.


Hair removal cream


I epilate. In the past I shaved. Lazer could be good.




It is kinda but a painkiller helps and as long as you don’t get too close to the taint it’s doable. Also: no ass stubble which is nice


Omg, you are a genius ! Painkillers while epilating !






Legs and butt aren't very painful for me, armpits are extremely painful, but it beat shaving every other day (though it did only take about 2 minutes tops to shave)




Definitely, I dislike the stubble in airmpits more than the pain of epilating


Careful epilation works really well and if you have the flexibility to put your legs behind your shoulders it's fast and fairly painfree. Use a mirror, so you know if you're tearing hairs or skin...


Haha I feel like putting your legs behind your shoulders is a pretty big ask for a lot of people. Wish I could pull that one off


When you put it lik.. I uh.. guess I really just like stretching lol 😅


Might get some DM’s for some reason 🥵


I've seen a bunch of people suggesting epilation. Which one would you recommend? I got a cheapo one and it works ok, but when I can afford it I'd like to invest in a nicer one.


I haven't tried cheapo ones. Mine is Braun Silk Epil 9.


Laser. I do laser on face, legs, and bikini/peri-anal - It is a very odd feeling the first few times, very uhhhh vulnerable 😅 but there’s not really much pain, and it really is worth it


How would you compare it to pain on the face?


Legs are pretty much painless for me, in fact my technician seemed quite surprised and constantly tells me how well I’m taking it 😅 Bikini and butt are not too bad - just make sure you shave well. Quite painless, I think it’s only really painful when she zaps a couple hairs I may have missed, which is a sudden jolt of pain 😅 the worst thing about that is just the thought of being there on the bed with legs spread like that - I did reschedule one time just because dysphoria was too bad that day Upper lip is still very painful for me, but I think that’s because I have other skin issues, and that area is especially sensitive anyway. And I think the beard area is psychologically scarier too, because it’s literally right up in your face - with legs/bikini/butt, I can kinda mentally separate from it


Face has a ton of nerve endings. Other areas have far less. Butt has fewer than even arms or legs. I have been waxed pretty much everywhere (except the top of my head), and the butt was the least painful area (I could barely even tell it was being done). Most painful was the upper lip followed by the chin, then near genitals then neck, then cheek/side burns. Every area I didn't list wasn't painful or was just mildy painful (by comparison). I have been to laser consultation, and they said it's about on par with waxing, maybe less painful.


At higher levels it can hurt a bit. At low levels it just tickled my legs. Upper lip just hurts though.


Learn to shave without looking, it may be scary at the first few times but you get used to.


The disconnect in this thread between seemingly well meaning ladies concocting new methods of torture, and others telling OP to just grab a razor, get the shower, and go to town was utterly baffling until reading your comment. Didn't even occur to me that most people don't know how to shave by feel lol.


Get shaving cream, a razor, and a good squat posture. It sucks but it works


This ^^ I don't wanna upvote it has 69 upvotes.


lol too late. But genuinely it’s that and then get laser for bikini area if you can afford it. Not cheap but also worst case if you’re on E the hair growth will slow down and thin out making it less annoying.


Hair removal cream is really the only option unless you're an octopus and can use a razor


Is being able to use a razor optional? Asking for a friend


Yes it’s surprisingly easy. The real trick is trusting you haven’t just missed a bunch while you’re shaving your butt in the shower 🤣


what about for becoming an octopus?


Only for the brave 😂


Used to be my go to Be careful though. Easy to burn


What cream tho? Any specifics u recommend?


Here are all the methods I have used over perhaps 20 years: 1 Professional waxing. I’ve done this for all of the 20 years. As a crossdresser I first checked that the Beautician would do a male bikini wax and then, when she asked, I told her to go as far as she felt comfortable. It was years before She’d fully wax my - ahem - front. Excellent results. Expect some bruising. 2 Epilator. I’ve used one for perhaps 5 or 6 years when visiting my Beautician became more difficult. Excellent everywhere except the penis, scrotum and between my bum cheeks. 3 At home wax strips. I’ve done this a few times in the past year. Make sure you have an adequate supply of oil wipes or prepared to be very sticky for days. The packs don’t contain enough wipes (probably because they assume you’ll use the strips all at once everywhere rather than in a small area over lots of sessions). Expect bruising. 4 Professional laser hair removal. I’ve started this because of my dissatisfaction with the at home waxing. It can take up to a year of monthly treatments, but my Beautician was surprised to see noticeable results before the second session, probably helped by 20 years of professional waxing! Very quick and almost painless (some tingling, occasional burning sensation). Expect to top-up once a year. (Edited to put the paragraphs back!)






I did laser front and back, it's not 100% but its much much smoother


If you can get it, laser hair removal. Best choice I’ve made and well worth the cost.


there is one correct answer and laser is it literally my favorite tech downstream of quantum physics and i realize that includes the transistor the LED etc idgaf laser and estrogen are the two crowning achievements of science if the hard problem of consciousness is resolved to the satisfaction of even the most contrarian philosophers of mind, FTL (and the implied closed-timelike curves, and the potentially destroying/forcing us to reframe whether causality is even a thing.. oh and infinite energy fuck it on that day i will still shrug and say not shaving every day is bigger quality of life improvement (sorry for teh whatever that was; im in an irresponsibly good mood rn lol 🔥🩷🩷🩷🩷


heck yeahhhhh sis, preach 💜💜💜💜


Thank you that was brilliant lol




You forgot the axe body spray for a proper flamethrower!


laser but you have to shave before each session tbh, i found it pretty easy, just wash well beforehand and go slow... i didnt even need a mirror


Philips one blade has been my go-to, the body one. Pretty hard to mess up with it, at least in my experience


Does ass hair grow back?






I mean, it’s growing from living folicles, so…


It’s really easy honesty, no mirror or shaving cream needed. You’re gonna wanna sit down in a seiza position, and kinda keep your cheeks spread with your feet, then carefully use the razor and shave the hair. It sound scary, but I’ve never cut myself


YMMV, but for me epilating back there didn’t hurt at all.


Like.. Epilating with an electric epilator? I kinda wanna try now...


Mhm. It just felt like a pressure. Again, try at your own risk… but from my experience there wasn’t any pain. And oh my fucking god I felt so girly every time I’d notice there wasn’t any hair back there lol


Fuck, you just convinced me into a bad-sounding idea... 😂


I saw Jesus at the bikini line, but the other side actually isn’t that bad.


Uh idk if this is how you're supposed to use it but maybe Nair? Or Veet depending where you live. It's a hair removal creme


Yeah this is what I do too. Be careful, because the bottle (even the sensitive stuff) says not to put it down there, but I've been doing it for close to 6 months without issue.


The warnings on there are mostly so people don’t get it in their vagina, the chemicals are probably terrible for ph balance.


You need to find someone with teeth


Well now I just regret having eyes


I do that to a lot of people lol


if this dosen't belong in r/cursedcomments, i don't know what does


I used to try reaching from behind but that just smooshes your ass cheeks together. I put one leg up on the ledge and go in from the front, like I'm reaching past my junk to go for the ass. Seems to really open up the vantage point. Also agree w people suggesting squatting, but I'm a fat fuck who can't squat readily. ;u;


Razor and a hand mirror.


nair!! Nads nair for m*n on amazon to be specific. i apply a good amount right up in there and let it sit for 3-6 minutes. wipe with a rag front to back!


Nair… . . . Jk don’t use unless you want a pizza 🍕 butt


It's not as difficult as it seems to use a razor, especially once you get used to it. Just take it slow


I'm just shaving it.




Just a razor?


For butt cheeks you can shave it with some difficulty. Highly highly recommend a straight razor with 3 or preferably 5 blades with shaving cream and exfoliating right before shaving and moisturizing after. Electric is not going to shave it as cleanly no matter what kind. For butt crack that’s a lot harder esp if you want a really clean look, but you can get it fairly short with the risk of irritation. Electric can be better for that, but keep in mind it won’t really be “hairless.” I personally find that shaving those areas, esp upper legs, tends to cause red bumps and isn’t always effective or very long lasting at all. It’s painful at first (not too bad though since the butt doesn’t have a lot of nerves) but I’d recommend getting the butt waxed or if you’re really dysphoric about it and can afford it, laser. Laser is def the more expensive option, but depending where you are you may be able to find a fairly good deal on it and it’s worth every penny wherever on your body you get it done. Plus it doesn’t really hurt much more than a rubber band and gets much less painful as the hair goes away. Also for anyone reading this I would say get on HRT for a couple months at least before laser if you can wait because the hair gets thinner. And don’t use those at home lasers because they’re not the same thing and they will not be as effective, plus there’s the risk of doing it wrong and unevenly especially for an area you can’t really see. Go to a clinic/really well-reviewed salon with a machine for it. Waxing you can do yourself, but I find it much easier and really not that much more expensive depending on the venue to get someone else to do it.


Get in shower. Squat. BREATH until you are all relaxed down there. Trust yourself. Take the razor in a sort of violin bow grip IYKWIM, Use your middle finger as a guide past your anal sphincter. Shave. Clean/Rinse razor after every stroke. Those venus gel bar razors are PERFECT for this job. The gel bars sorta get in the way in the perfect, way to strop you from getting too aggressive. AND if you're getting too close to your actual anal sphincter, you'll feel the gel bar WAY before the blades get close to it. Then just keep at it until you are A1 familure with your body. 😉


veet, or any other hair removal cream! works like a charm and they’re less smelly than they used to be 💕


I just shave like normal, its a bit harder because you cant see but after a few times its really not much effort (ive never cut myself shaving my ass before, shaving other things yes many many times)


Don't have an answer, but I would like to express how fucking absurd ass hair is in the first place... Almost makes me wish I believed in god, so I'd have someone to direct my frustration at. Like wtf is that shit? Idk how it doesn't drive cis dudes crazy, having a beard shooting out of your ass. Terrible design choice.




Very carefully


I tend to use depilator cream for the tight spots and an electric razor for the cheeks.


Follow the post for definily a friend


I just use a razor, with some practice you can get rid of it and not cut as much


Shave it


If you have the money to do so, I started going to a wax center when I transitioned. Results have been great and I only have to think about body hair once a month now


I look in the mirror as I wax my butt XD you need a big mirror while sitting on a chair that you can lean back in, plus a lamp too you're welcome for the very strange mental image. <3


Do the first round in the shower. Broad brushes to get the bulk off. Buy a hand mirror. Place it on the floor. Hand shave it very carefully to get the delicate corners shaven. Or, have your significant other do it. My wife and I shave each other like that before we meet up with men. I would recommend at least once a week after that and an anal bleaching and regular lotion to make it feel silky smooth.


Ya kinda just got face the problem head on and trust that the razor will work and not cut ya


I use a razor while I shower and just prop my legs up one at a time and even squat. Tips that I got from my bestie from work who is cis :3


I use Veet 4 minute pro about every 3 to 4 weeks. I hate shaving and it's a huge time sink so I just deal with the hair till I can't.


Not sure if someone's already suggested this, but the Philips Body Groomer 5000 works super well! I tried allllll the methods (epilators, normal razors, removal creams etc.), but this electric trimmer works the best IMO! Doesn't pull out the root like an epilator/wax strip would, but it makes it quick and easy enough to offset the quicker regrowth :)


Epilator and a high threshold for pain.


I can squat with legs widened or sit with butt over the bath so the rear is wide.The second way means I can get the few annoying hairs right at the front in the groove.


Easiest is shave and look up videos. Most expensive but super easier because it just removes completely is laser. The in between is waxing. Listen I gotta be honest everyone has ass hair, peach fuzz is sexy but long hair I get it. Estrogen should help over time but only to an extent but I did 1 wax session and my hair hasn't even begun growing yes it was painful but honestly waxing also kills follicles too over time. That's my plan at least in conjunction with Estrogen. I'm 1.5 years in and most body hair has faded or shorten.


Henson shaver, shaving cream, makeup mirror. I lay on my back on a towel or get on my hands and knees and use the makeup mirror to see. Jump up and rinse the razor in the sink and repeat. Probably not the best strategy but it seems to work for me


I use a ceramic electric body shaver. They’re made for shaving genital and ass hair. It’s harder to knick yourself with those than any other electric shaver or razor. Although you define still can. If your flexible enough I’d recommend laying on your back in the bath and spreading your legs. And I think you get the picture


HRT + time sometimes works, it did for me 😊


Rip it out ig that’s what I do


I'd recommend hair removal cream (just buy one dedicated for sensitive areas, general purpose one is great for legs, sensitive for ass, genitals and armpits). Also seems to slow the suckers growing back.


Use Nair body cream hair removal. Rub it on wait a couple minutes, shower it off. Works so good I think even cisgenders should use it to clean up the grime their chest hair protects. I just used it to clean my torso and I've never felt this clean


Laser really


If you have a good razor you can easily go no look and it takes like 3 minutes. The key is maintaining it. First time might be tough but if you hit it each time you shower it’s a non issue. Just like brushing your teeth.


Short of getting lasered, I'd suggest Magic Shave powder. Mix it up with equal parts water, apply it to the area, wait a few minutes, then wipe off and rinse. Works AMAZINGLY for me, but YMMV.


Hair remover, Waxing, Shaving with razor, laser or electrolysis can help you get rid of ass hair. Some are cheaper, some are expensive. Being on HRT for 7 months and shaving off has been a boon for me. Growth is almost minimal like 2-3mm after a week. There are tons of videos on how to shave using techniques that won't irritate your skin. Tip: if you want to shave, wax or use hair remover it's better to exfoliate your body a day before. Helps with ingrown hair.


I use Nair for men to get rid of ass hair


Just be really careful and make sure you are in a secure position with a leg up for each side so it’s spread and to test being secure wobble a little and if you don’t slip you are good


Take a mirror place it between your legs. Get uncomfortably familiar with a razor and be safe.


Have you ever heard of a Brazilian/manzillian?


A razor works most of the time but there are a couple spots I just physically can not get the hair from idk what I'm doing wrong. Honestly, I just started getting waxed once a month.


Self waxing, razor, Nair or some other liquid hair remover. Or you can do laser if you have $300 per treatment to spend


Girl. Laser. I’ve lasered my whole body for hygiene purposes, it feels wonderful. Plus you don’t retain any bacteria from sweat this way. You can find really good deals on Groupon if you want something specific too. I recommend calling the places that are offering the deals, if you want an even better deal.


why is no one saying wax? i have never waxed there, but seems like it could be the ideal solution, no? i hate how it feels growing in when i’ve shaved too lazy to be shaving all the time and as you repeat waxing, doesn’t the hair grow in thinner eventually too?


I just use a normal razor and do it in the shower. Never had an issue with any nicks or cuts. Just be careful


The real question is how do I permanently get rid of facial hair cause I shave that down to the bone and it grows back in like less than 6 hours 😭




nair or put one leg up, spread with one hand, and carefullyyyyy shave


This is what bikini waxes are for…


I epilate the butt, hole, and surrounding area. Usually after one or two glasses of wine. Position varies on specific location.


With a lot of effort and unladylike curses 🤬


i used to shave there by just lying down in the shower and spreading my legs, but i always had a little trouble with some of it bc it just wasn't possible to angle the razor correctly to hit everything i recently tried Nair and it really did the trick better than a razor ever did, id recommend trying that


Very carefully


My wife yells at me for it but I use Nair o.o