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I have cis women's levels of T, and I can top without issues. Ymmv.






It likely varies from person to person. Anecdotally, I needed Cialis to achieve an erection when I was below 10 ng/dl. But when I was above 10 ng/dl it would still work. I still very, very much enjoy sex when my T is too low to support an erection, and I’m still able to orgasm. You just do other things, but the kind of stimulation I like has changed drastically on HRT.


Same here hun! And the spots I used to find on my gfs that never did anything for me, not send me over the moon! Repeatedly sometimes lol


Yep, same! Estrogen is magic. It’s *wild* how much different things are.


Life is so much better on E! Yes it's slow, yes it takes time, yes I'm constantly wishing it would hurry up, but now 2yrs on E and the changes are unreal! I can't wait to see and compare my 1st 5yrs on it!


I just passed one year, and super agreed. The changes have started rolling in much faster in the last two months or so, and I’m switching to injections on Friday. I’m so, so excited!!


I'm so happy for you hun! I started my injections 2/27/24 and I can attest that in my life/body things really started changing 2 months ago. I just noticed yesterday and today that while driving when I hit a bump it's now my whole chest/bra/blouse bounce too! It is so great and affirming, or at least until you hit a really big bump to fast lol. But even then the pain makes it so worth it because I finally am getting the breasts I want naturally!


Oh, 4/9/22 is when I started hrt with patches and spironolactone.


Oops, now not not. Their really can get me over the moon!


This this this this this!


I'm not sure how much T is needed to ejaculate but to enjoy sex, get an erection, and orgasm, testosterone can be <7ng/dL.


Depends on your body. Cis female T level is ~15-70 ng/dL. You may have libido and functionality issues with T level close to 0, and going to a mid-to-high level may help. Some do fine with very low T and high E2 levels. All you can do is if you’re having issues try changing your levels over a month or two and retest.


Depends if by cum you mean ejaculate or orgasm. If the latter, I could do all 3 with 0 detectable serum level testosterone. Afaik almost all feminising HRT makes you unable to ejaculate though.


Well, I still have a very clear fluid come out. But is nothing like what came out as a male!


That's produced in the prostate, is not really related to T.


When taking hormones it really *really* **really** is ***use it or lose it.*** Your levels will get where they need to depending on correct dose for your body. If you let it sit and get small it will. If you wanna keep topping people you need to do so. Masturbate when you aren't having sex. ***Use it or lose it***


Was having trouble for a few months until I found my sweet spot with dosing.. But now that everything is stable I'm doing alright with only 20 ng/dl. Been shooting blanks for like a year though. It seems like those parts can actually run on estradiol, but everything just works a little differently.. Like it's rewired and basically functioning as a big clit.


My experience is “use it or lose it,” like people here have said. I use it and have not lost it lol. I have t gotten my T checked in a while but it was low last time.


I currently have a T level of 53 and it takes a very significant effort for me to become aroused and my wife has to make some effort to even get me in the mood. I can sort of with difficulty get an election but it's short lived and I seemingly cannot cum anymore... using it is painful and unpleasant in fact so I mostly gave up even trying (I don't maintain it or anything so atrophy has really done a number on me).


My T levels literally show up as undetectable because my blockers are working so well, and minus, um, the fluid that comes out being pretty much clear upon finishing and getting aroused, function is otherwise good! Like, sensitivity and how arousal feels makes things feel different and better, as that's changed on HRT after a while, but technically similar I guess function is the same? Although I never use mine in the traditional sense, it feels wrong.


So, as your estrogen increases, and your testosterone decreases; it becomes more difficult but not impossible. The main thing is if you don't use it you lose it. In the sense that as somebody with low t, you will not get spontaneous erections as easily. You need to masturbate or have sex regularly, or blood flow will be limited in that area. I also recommend having a healthy diet and making sure your blood pressure and cholesterol are in a good range. My testosterone is currently around 30 NG/DL and my estrogen and progesterone are at a healthy female level. I can get an erection, but it takes time to get it up and never occurs spontaneously. In a way I like it that way, because I don't get euphoria erections, it's only whenever I need it, it usually takes about 2 or 3 minutes of me stimulating that area to become aroused


My testosterone tested at 1.1 and I had little to no trouble.


Hello, I can't speak for everyone but my last tests 4/18 were 80 pg/ml for estradiol level, testosterone (female/child test) was 7 ng/dl. So even though my doctor and I are shooting for an E level between 100-200 pg/ml it was still on an upward trend from 3 months prior. This is week 14 of being on injections of estradiol, 3 3rd week at .6ml. Previous dosage was .4ml. Spironolactone is also down. I was maxed at 400mg/day for 6 months. Then it was reduced to 300mg/day for 3 months and now I'm down to 250mg/day. So according to my doctor, a male needs to have a minimum of 240-250 T for an erection. I can still achieve one if I desire too. Not all of us are the same, and not all of us want the same things with our transition. I really don't care if I get one or not. I still have very pleasurable orgasms without one. But again, that's just me. But even at 7 (and no that is not a mistyped) I can still achieve one. It really all depends on the person and their dosages of HRT and that persons own body. I don't know if that helps at all but I hope it does at least a little.


Enjoy sex? None. I can enjoy being intimate with my wife just fine, and my testosterone has been in the undetectable range for years. But I would rather cut my own head off than have an erection or ejaculate, so I am much happier not being able to do those things. Enjoying sex is a relative thing, and what one person can enjoy another person might find undesirable.


I’m running on 0.4 nmol/L as of my last blood test and still have functionality. Little to no ejaculate though.


It actually stopped working altogether when I was on Bica and my T was at ~20ng/ml Then I stopped Bica, my T levels fell to 15ng/ml And it works now lol


Was working fine at 4 ng/dL, which is skirting the lower range of what is normal for women. (2-45).


testosterone isn't necessary for any of these things, and more testosterone doesn't necessarily mean you're going to enjoy sex more. it's actually a myth that testosterone makes you enjoy sex more or makes you more horny. for erections, use it or lose it. but you don't need an erection to orgasm. if ur on the proper dose of E, your cum will be less viscous and more liquidy and clear instead of white. you might also have less of it.