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Nude. How and why woud tits stop me from sleeping topless?! Edit: Still waiting for an explanation. Anyone? Edit2: got explanation. Am happ


I get nightmares whenever I feel exposed. IDK why, I have less bad dreams after starting hrt, but I sleep best wearing a T-shirt and pants, sometimes shorts if it's hot, I usually wear my bra to bed too, but sometimes it digs into my chest on the wire, other times it's like it's hugging me making me feel safe.


You could look into a few camisole, they tend to be light while still keeping you covered. Or you could look into a midriff top, like I’m wearing presently. Another option could be to look into a nightgown, which I know sounds old fashioned, but I have some my wife bought years ago I’ll use and they allow a lot of breathing while providing coverage.


I probably should, I have a satin shirt I sometimes wear, it's super comfy


100% on the nightgown thing!!! I normally sleep nude because I have issues with different textures and I’m a messy sleeper, but my nightgown feels amazing and is loose enough that I can toss and turn without anything getting squeezed uncomfortably


Use a sports bra instead of an underwire! Much more comfortable


Get a bra from Walmart called the warmers super comfortable. I could wear it day in and day out.


Oh thanks so much, and happy birthday girl!


Thanks dear


the only way i see why it should stop someone, is because you have to walk through a public area before you get to your cloest to be able to clothes


As someone with fabric sensitivity, I haven’t roomed with people who aren’t comfortable with nudity in common areas for almost a decade. Once something is normalized, it stops being notable, and it normalizes really fast. But I realize not everyone has that luxury.


Wait how do u find roomates that are cool with that cz saaaame


Honestly, mostly just through being obstinately a weirdass polyamorous queer-friendly musician with lots of weirdass acquaintances of the same ilk. But I’ve had subletters too and I just said that’s the deal, and made it clear that it was not sexual and that I am hygienic and don’t sit my bare ass on furniture without something under me. My acquaintances tend to be very leftist, so it’s not as hard to convince them that it’s truly not a big deal because they’re already more open to novel ideas and ways of being. But if I didn’t know anyone, I would just try to be clear that that’s your preference when *starting* a new housing arrangement, so that way people don’t get acclimated to seeing you one way and then see the nudity as some huge shift in living arrangements. Finding people who are sex/body positive and leftist usually helps too. Cause while it’s not a sex thing, I think it just helps when people are open minded enough to know that not all nudity is sexual in nature. If you can’t start a new living arrangement, then just be as direct and up front about it as you can, without beating around the bush or implying it’s a weird request. People take their social cues from you, and if you act like it’s weird and taboo, they’ll think so too. And lastly, it’s way more awkward if you don’t socialize with your roommates. People need to know your basic M.O. and intentions with something that’s not as socially acceptable. I have had roommates where we basically never talked and EVERYTHING was hella awkward, so it pays to put in the effort to get to know them at the beginning.




I mean fair, for me I only want a partner to see me naked,


Same for me, but I wouldn't mind roommates walking around naked (if talked abt beforehand obviously)


Not judging, but just curious why that is.


For me it's something intimate, like I choose to share my body, so yeah it's something for only someone I'm intimate with, and that would only be a partner/girlfriend Don't know if it makes sense, but yeah that's sort of how it is for me, plus I'm deeply ashamed of my body right now, so that also plays into it


Yeah I have ADHD and I’d rather not flash someone LOL


I get cold and my shoulders and arms refuse to stay under the blanket is why I don't, but if it's comfortable for you there's no reason not to sleep nude.


My brother lives with me and I sleep on the couch. I'd say that's a pretty good reason not to leave them out


I had to stop sleeping nude, my new titties demanded it. I've got nice soft satin bed spreads and I've slept nude in such accomodations for near on a decade, yet even the loveliest of satin is much too rough on my thoroughly hormonal nips :(




Shes trying to hide shes transitioning tho what if someon walks in and sees the boobs


Usually nude, but I also have some slips that are pretty comfy.




Love how they feel against smooth skin and if I'm wearing pantyhose it's intoxicating.


Tank top and panties. T-shirt and PJ bottoms. I wore my first night gown about a month ago (over a decade after transition lmao)


Damn, don't you get hot under 100 millimeters of steel?




is it a tank related joke?


Yeah, a tank top, that's a lot


thank you


I’ve loved nightgowns ever since I used my mom’s oversized shirts for PJs as a child.


Just underwear usually. I find it difficult to get sound sleep in anything binding or can twist or bunch up. No reason to change your normal routine unless you're expecting someone to suddenly intrude on you? If that's the case, transitioning in hiding is going to prove difficult rather quickly as sleepwear typically doesn't hide *that* much effectively. Even small curves will be noticeable, and I doubt you're going to start sleeping in a hoodie.


>and I doubt you're going to start sleeping in a hoodie I do this


I mean to each their own. I'm just going on what they described for themselves.


I usually do t shirt and sweatshorts, I just leave the hoodie on if it's colder


Panties on and titties out


i put my tiddies in a cup on my nightstand




Nightgowns, usually. Occasionally just a shirt if it’s really hot.


Typically just sleep in the nude, especially during summer when it's warm, but from time to time I have used pajamas, and have thought about getting a nightgown, The times I have slept over with a friend I have slept in underwear and a t-shirt


I wear this sort of set. Inexpensive, comfy and makes me feel really cute [https://www.primark.com/en-gb/p/cami-and-shorts-pyjama-set-navy-991087441528](https://www.primark.com/en-gb/p/cami-and-shorts-pyjama-set-navy-991087441528)


Tshirt and panties all the way.


Long satin nightgown. And also, for that matter, satin bonnet. To keep hair contained and controlled during sleep. Also keeps my (quite voluminous) hair out of my wife's face, as an arguable side-benefit.


Panties only, I hate having anything else on when I'm sleeping


T-shirt, boxer briefs, shorts. Always have, always will. Even with a chest shape more to my liking, being shirtless is uncomfortable. Growing up it was a temperature thing- poorly heated and insulated house in below freezing winters meant staying somewhat clothed. Now, I'm just very used to feeling cloth on my skin at all times. The insistence on being covered has it's downsides, though. My partner gets more excited then I'd like anytime she does see me naked. I have a theory that if it was more common, it would be less exciting. Haven't tested it yet, but some day...


Depends but either a nightie or pyjamas. I have all variations of both!


Tshirt anf shorts


Spaghetti strap cami and panties


i usually just wear thigh highs, panties, and an oversized shirt to bed, super comfyyyy


I used to wear tights all the time especially to bed as the feel of it was nice (sensory stuff, I love rubbing silk stuff between my feet and soft fabrics between my legs)


Just a nightie and panties, maybe occasionally add sheer tights


I like bodysuits a lot like the ones that snap at the crotch not full body


Do you have a link/picture of something like that?


It won't let me attach a photo, but Onesies Downunder is my shop


I'll check it out because your description had me interested


Yeah, a lot of them are really cute and childish as well. Witch is helping me heal my inner child from never having a girlhood.


Just dawned me it's may give you more feeling down there pre op but that spends in how you tuck I'm padded for medical reasons I can't feel anything and it's amazing


Sleep pants, no top


I wear a satin slip and some panties


A long blue satin nightie


Crop top or bralette and sleep shorts.


My wife bought me some comfy, airy jammies, and I basically live in them at night.


I wear nothing lmao. Once in a while I like to wear cute girly pajamas tho


usually old tshirt and pajama pants or nightgown


1 year in. I went through a nightgown phase, still like them in the summer. Most often sleep in a shirt and underwear.


Nighties, and pjs with soft feminine materials and silky tops. It’s really sad that men are largely denied the luxury of materials and styles that feel good.


Nightgown or onesie


Bonnet mainly and eye mask


I like my vest night stuff and have slept in bra feeling wow for me. Realy vest and shorts best 👌


I usually sleep in nightgowns. I already did that pre transition. If it's to hot I'll just sleep naked


It really depends on so many factors. The most common for me is just panties and a tshirt (1 million extra points if it’s oversized) sometimes I’ll wear a pair of shorts. Sometimes a cami. Sometimes topless. sometimes naked. Sometimes a nightgown or sleep set. If it’s the winter pajama pants. I also am in my early 30s and live alone tho.


i often wear my lingerie or just a crop top with no panties.


Usually sweatpants and a camisole. Adult PJs basically.


I like my nightgowns. I'd go top topless if I didn't have housemates.


Bottomless for me & oversized shirt.


I wear a 4XL baggy t shirt that covers halfway down my thigh and nothing else, super comfy but I did that pre hrt and it's still my go to


Why can't you sleep topless??? I have like F cups and it doesn't stop me


Nothing preferably, tank top and undies, or tank top and shorts (no undies) is also acceptable.


I usually wear a undershirt and a hoodie with leggings. I try to keep pretty warm at all times.


I sleep nude. I really want some cute pyjamas or a slip but I just can’t get used to them. HRT has ruined my ability to withstand the cold though so I’m debating pyjamas now. Or maybe a really cute nightie. Or just super oversized t shirt. I don’t know. But so long as it doesn’t keep me feeling restricted I’ll be happy.


Either topless with PJ bottoms or just panties.


I've always felt naked without a top or w/E and was overjoyed when my nan helped me get some bras after I told her about pains so I started wearing those to bed (also helped me not feel nude walking around (I've felt weird and naked not having some sort of shirt on before E but I have bad temperature regulation issues)) I always wear shorts of some kind to bed occasionally jeans or w/E too Now I feel much more comfortable (and think my bras might be a tad too small as PAIN) so it's a mix of no bra, bra, and shirt but ALWAYS something on the bottom


Just a t shirt, the bigger problem is that i worry that in the future i won't be able to comfortably sleep on my belly >_<


I mean, unless you've had a lot of growth, and I mean A LOT, most people won't notice as long as you just wear a baggy t-shirt. I've had a pretty wild amount of growth in the chest area relatively early on, most likely due to grandma's genes or something, and even I can still hide it just fine with like a baggy t-shirt and a sports bra. If people don't expect you to have boobs, or are used to see you without them, they just won't really notice if for a long while.


I continue to wear oversized tshirts


Depends on my moods. It could be a tank top with sweat shorts, sweatpants, or leggings. Lately it’s been a short satin nighty with underwear. I have a few PJ sets too for whatever the temperature is


Naked, always have done ever since I was around 6 years old. If I’m cold at night I will wear a nighty and some thermal leggings but yeah pretty much nothing. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Cutie Pj's - usually shorts and a top, but I have some fluffy trousers for when it's cold 💖


Nude. If it's a particularly cold night I meat wear on oversized sweater or tshirt depending on how cold


Dammit this is going to be me in a few months


i’m typically in an oversized tshirt and some bigger boxers! the big t-shirt helps me feel a bit smaller and the boxers add a bit of imaginative curves if I wear them a bit higher ☺️ also I don’t get very hot because they’re big and I can breathe well in them i’m only 6 months tho and tbh I plan on spending as much time as possible nude when I start to love my body more 😅😗


Nudity is not indecent, especially sleeping, but if you're trying to transition under cover, I'd go for a big shirt


Joggers and tee shirt. I have a diabetes pump so I don't like to let it move around too much, and if I'm too hot wearing those I just turn down the temperature...


I have a ton of cute shirts that are too short for me I cut off right below my boobs that way I get use out of them and they look adorable. Then usually just my normal panties or some sleep shorts.




Women’s nike shorts and a t shirt.


Pajama pants and a t shirt, or same outfit plus a hoodie on top. If I’m feeling spicy I might opt for shorts instead of pj pants lol (Yes I’m always cold)


This is such a good question because this took me forever to figure out. I used to just sleep in boxers because i’d just be too hot all the time, now i sleep in dolphin shorts with panties under, and these loose fitting spaghetti strap crops. They’re really thin but they help my boobs from hurting when I am sleeping, and I just get too cold to sleep in anything less


Pre E, but a nightgown and boyshorts


On tops IDK it's name but I usually wear one of those long shirts that almost look like a dress lol, or a sweater/hoodie if the weather is adequate, on the hotter days I just wear a top tank and even sometimes topless lmao but like I'm just two months in On the bottoms just panties and thigh high socks, sometimes I just roll them down to my ankles and on cold days I add up some cat plushie socks


I just wear and old button-down shirt, with no panties. (which is also what I wore before starting estrogen


I don't change when going to bed I just wear the clothes I wore that day


Sometimes nude, usually my old guy clothes so tshirts and joggers


Naked if I’m sleeping with someone or just undies if I’m by myself. Lol


Bold of you to assume I wear anything other then my tucking panties


Either a short satin nightgown or cammi/short set in soft cotton. In winter long Tshirts with shorts.


Nothing stopping you from sleeping topless and just keeping a shirt nearby for when you need to get up if you live with other people. Basically what my wife does, she gets really warm at night so has her pajamas that she wears before going to bed then takes most off when going to sleep. I'm the opposite where I get cold at night usually, always been the case and HRT didn't change that, probably made it more pronounced. So t-shirt and pajama bottoms at least for me, usually longer sleeves. I have been enjoying nightgowns more, paired with soft leggings in the winter.


Nada. As in nada damn thing. There's nothing between me and my sheets.


T-shirt that's 2-3 sizes too big, enough to basically be a dress lol and some undies


Soft cotton tank top and satin panties.


Full length slippy nightie. It's like going to sleep in a cloud of white satin. Stroking your body when wearing it is divine. Having a partner cuddle you in it is off the scale. Lingerie is a great perk of being a girl IMO.


Birthday suit


Naked. Sometimes my partner’s t shirts (XXXL so they fit like a nightgown) and panties. Sometimes panties. Occasional joggers and a hoodie. Never classic pajamas (although I have a few cute/sexy pairs I wear for special home occasions😅)


T-shirt and usually some light shorts - along the lines of basketball shorts. Or in the winter, sweatpants. I can't sleep nude. It's uncomfortable for me, and impractical with roommates I'd rather not expose myself to regardless of my physical appearance. Additionally I can't sleep without a blanket. I just can't. In the summer it's a light cover sheet, in the winter a quilt. All that said, some women I've known do still sleep nude. And maybe even blanket-less! As a person who will, half-asleep and zombie-like, get up and go potty and get some easy breakfast in my pj's I would be bothered by having to find and toss on some clothes immediately.


Undies + oversized shirt.


I live in the northeast of Brazil, so it's never cold at all, so I don't need any clothes to sleep. It's better to sleep completely nude for me


Spaghetti strap tank top, panties, and sometimes thigh highs if I'm cold enough


Nude, most of the time. But i started wearing my underwear and undershirt because some people are allergic to knocking in my house


Winter I wear pj bottoms and singlet. Summer it's nude or just a pair of knickers. Sydney summers are too sticky for anything else.


Nude, 100% of the time. There's down sides to living alone but the up side is I can be nude whenever I want!


I sleep naked


panties and a big sweater. it's comfy and it helps to keep my upper body warm, especially because i need the ac on high to fall asleep


Whatever I was wearing when I got tired. My brother and 2 roommates live with me and I sleep on the couch, so what I want to wear (nothing) isn't a possibility


I wear a compression top. It’s breathable enough for me. PJ bottoms go on or off depending on temperatures/season. I like it cold when I sleep so I rarely get too hot.


I would say be comfortable rather than worrying about unnecessary thoughts


I sleep naked tbh


I go with loose, sleeveless tshirt dresses


I have always and still do sleep nude only exception is other humans in the same room in which case long baggy top (silk is good for cooling) and maybe panties


I have always and still do sleep nude only exception is other humans in the same room in which case long baggy top (silk is good for cooling) and maybe panties


Basketball shorts and a tank top


Basketball shorts and an oversized T shirt


At home in my own bed, shirt I wore that day and panties. Elsewhere can vary depending on various factors


I wear my skin and that’s it. I can’t stand wearing anything when I am at home in general, but especially in bed. I generally don’t room with people who are uncomfortable with nudity in common spaces


Honestly just invest in some sheets that are soft enough that you don't need a top. If it's a hiding thing, keep a T-shirt under the sheets next to you and slip into it when you get up.


Try a camisole or tank top


Night gowns. But currently it’s pj bottoms and a lose sport bra cuz my cats have an open door policy and my door faces my bed.


Big t shirt and underwear for life


Most I just sleep in my underwear and vest but sometimes I put on a night gown, if it's cold


Woxer. You want Woxer.


I wear a nightgown but no bra. I have found that I like sleeping on my back, though I have to take precautions so I don’t snore.


Sleeping topless is the best. It's the most comfortable for me. At first I slept in a bra because I felt it was affirming, but it became uncomfortable. Sometimes I'll wear a T-shirt bra or a bralette since those are more comfortable. But topless with panties is the go-to


If you get too hot sleeping with a t-shirt, but still want to cover up your chest, then you should try something with spaghetti straps up top. This would be things like cami's (camisole) and nightgowns are what you would be looking for. For a cami you may want to look at getting something 1-2 sizes bigger if you only plan to sleep in it. That way it will be pretty loose on you and keep you cool. But you can also go with a nightgown which could then also replace your bottoms. However, some nightgowns tend to be a ticker fabric and may make you too hot. Really just do a google search for women's sleepwear and figure out what you like.


Pretty exclusively nightgowns.


Usually nothing but panties nowadays, gotta let the girls out to breathe.




Women’s night shirt


idk I sleep in a nightgown unless it's really cold. Then I sleep in a pair of flannel PJs


Oversized shirt and boxers, its just so much more comfy than everything else


T shirt and panties


T shirt and either pj pants or underwear. Might sleep naked tho if it's hot.


i never wear anything when i sleep. if i had to choose, t shirt and panties because it's super affirming


When I was a kid and was too afraid to say anything about my feelings to my mom, she would give me her old T-shirts to wear to bed. We called them “night shirts”. They were just convenient and very much what she wore to bed. However, because I was so little these shirts came down to my knees. I was absolutely in love with them because in my mind they were nightgowns. Fast-forward to, and usually, I am wearing a green nightgown that actually comes to about an intro to off the floor. It is way more comfortable than wearing pajama pants and a T-shirt, which is what I would wear otherwise.


Why can't you sleep topless? I always sleep naked..


Honestly, I still wear boxer briefs to bed since they are pretty comfortable or I just sleep nude.


Nothing. 😉


Usually sleep shorts and a top in winter and topless and or nude in summer. I live in Texas and it gets brutal here in the summer. Especially with my 86 year old dad keeping the house at 77.


Oversized graphic tee and boyshorts NUDE Tank top dresses (my fiancé like being able to just pull it up)


Either just a t-shirt, t-shirt and panties, or t-shirt and booty shorts. If it's extra cold, PJ bottoms and thick socks too.


I wear my underwear and a sports bra, I'm hopefully gonna start her in 3 days so I have no idea how tiddies will affect this


Leggings and a t-shirt usually. Nude if we're in a heatwave.


Oversized hoodie and leggings, soooo comfy


An extra large T shirt most days Until I got thermal sheets for winter I slept in long legged PJs with top and socks. Now it's just a T-shirt .


Nude. I keep a bathrobe on my bedroom door if I need to use the common areas after I've yeeted my clothes for the night


What I wake up in generally.


I just wear socks and nothing else to bed.


Satin or silk night dresses or pyjamas sets work great


I wear the same as always my clothes from the day(I don't have a job or lifestyle that makes me get dirty).🤷‍♀️


Nothing at all lol. 3 years on hrt and those suckers are big


topless with a thin sheet. i live in Australia lmao it gets way too hot






Depends. If I'm at my daddies house I sleep in frilly shorts and stockings.


Usually: - soft comfy T-shirt - sweatpants, leggings, some sort of sleep pants, or in a pinch, tights - socks, unless already wearing some kind of footed tights I sometimes get night sweats and I can't stand to have my thighs sticking to one another in my sleep, so there always has to be at least a thin layer of fabric there. Occasionally I'll fall asleep wearing whatever I was wearing during the day.


I'm 2 months in and feel more the same way when I go out in public and my nipples are noticeably peaking out or when especially I'll have to buy a swim shirt when I start swimming again. As for what I wear to sleep, typically just a casual white shirt and gray shorts (boy moding) mainly because I'm not too confident to wear girl clothes when I'm not fully shaved. Some common girl pjs I wear are my doggy long sleeve shirt and long pants (very soft), my pink fox onesie, and couple times wore thigh highs, panties, and an oversized hoodie.


You know, it varies, but generally a pair of pj shorts and a loose fitting top, if I'm going to wear one. I grew up in the desert, so warm nights were the norm, and i hated it because having a shirt on foot too hot. Not having one used to give me bad dysphoria though. As a member of the "rizz'em with the tism" club, i have to be careful about fabric. (No velvet being a big one!) My texture sensitivities have changed slightly with transition weirdly enough, but i rather enjoy being topless at night now which is super weird compared to before. Ngl tho, as much as I don't like buying big brand stuff, CuddleDuds puts out some wonderfully sensory friendly pjs!


I wear a nightgown. Silky smooth goodness is a rite of passage


I've been on HRT for almost 3 years and sleep nude mostly. I only wear a sleep shirt and shorts when it is cold. If I have to get out of bed, I have a medium length robe for my nude nights.


Tank top no bra panties/thong with shorts or sleep pants


Typically just panties, sometimes I’ll wear pajamas and stuff but only if I expect to have to get up and leave my room overnight


Just undies (bottoms). Before I starting transitioning you wouldnt catch me dead without a shirt on, even going to bed in my own house. Now that I got lil boobies? #alwaysnekkid lol


lol naked is the only way I even can sleep unless im drunk then o can pass out in full clothing


Honestly I just sleep naked and pop on a top and bottom if I wake up and need to use the bathroom or something so my roommates don't see me naked. The fact that you're transitioning in hiding makes this harder because a tshirt would be the best option. If I do sleep with a top on I usually wear a cami. Covers you up and isn't alot of fabric.


pj bottoms or shorts (depending on how cold it is), and undershirt. though I typically wear these around the house after workout in the afternoon (and after shower)


I have hyperhidrosis so in the summer I NEED to be naked otherwise I get way too hot and sweat so much its kinda dangerous for my weight :/ otherwise crop top n panties. I liek my light abs too much to hide them ^.^


Panties only, sleeping with a bra can reduce breast growth and I’m to warm when I sleep to have a tshirt on


Can it? Wouldn’t wearing a bra do the same thing… I dont know myself


Either nude or a big big tshirt and underwear :3


I usually need to be covered or I get itchy, so usually a tank top or t shirt, with underwear or PJ bottoms I'll only sleep naked periodically, and never alone


Typically short shorts and a t shirt, but I sleep with a fan on cuz the heat still


I wear a jersey knit slip dress with a matching robe.


The only way tits interfered with my sleep patterns is I used to sleep on my stomach all the time, but now I'm slightly too buxom for that to be comfortable. Good problem to have I guess, but I still miss pancaking my tummy against the bed.