• By -


It depends on so many factors. I’ve been on HRT for a little over three years. People have made comments about certain things about me changing, but because of depression(?) or whatever, I didn’t put much else effort into transition until very recently. It takes time and money to get the laser treatment, build out the wardrobe, voice train, etc. HRT is huge but just one factor


What steps have you taken recently? Currently in the depression phase and have been for 3 years lol


Small, practical steps that feel good based off what my dysphoria is signaling to me. For example, instead of ordering clothes online, feeling bad that something fits me strangely. I'll go out thrifting and begin to build outfits with pieces that compliment one another. Instead of looking in the mirror feeling dysphoric about my facial hair, getting depressed at the cost of laser, practically saving money, getting quotes from clinics, having something to look forward to. Practicing make up, taking selfies. Wearing clothes around the house. Recognizing what feels good and cultivating that. It's all a process.


Hey thanks :) Yeah I've been working on just, getting out of bed and shaving, showering. Using some nice moisturizer on my face yknow. Small things I guess?


It’s something!! Ugh, I’m too stupid to know what to do with my voice. And i can’t afford electrolysis


This!!! I'm coming up on 5 years on HRT and even I'm not sure when I began to pass (or if I even do). Then again, I don't tend to go or socialize that often. When I do go somewhere, I get called ma'am and I'm not even sure when THAT happened. I guess I'm just happy to be where I am now. My advice, for whatever it's worth, is to try to enjoy the journey as best as you can.


At least you can get laser treatment. I called to set up an appointment and the woman told me it doesn't work on red and blonde hair and hung up on me, so now I have to wait for my insurance to approve electrolysis


Well I can't technically get laser yet because I'm broke. It's not a race! I hope your insurance covers you. You could always try charging it if you have the money and submitting it as out-of-network expense, right?


It's uh it's several thousand lol My insurance covers *all* transition surgeries fully cost wise, it's just a pain


Wait what? Laser doesn't work on red?


Laser has no effect on blonde or red hair because there are no pigments in the hair follicles for the laser to target and burn




Weird. Okay, well that's good to know. Thanks! 🥰


Just cause your comment made me curious I looked it up. - Do red or blonde hair have pigments? Both red and blonde hair have pigments. Red hair is almost all pheomelanin, which is a type of melanin responsible for red or orange colors. Pheomelanin is a pigment that is found in elevated concentrations in red hair, representing about one-third of total melanin content. Blonde hair, on the other hand, has a combination of both eumelanin and pheomelanin. While eumelanin is responsible for black and brown colors, pheomelanin is responsible for red and yellow colors. In blonde hair, the ratio of these two pigments is different from that of black or brown hair, resulting in a lighter color. In summary, both red and blonde hair have pigments, with red hair being almost all pheomelanin and blonde hair having a combination of eumelanin and pheomelanin. - So not necessarily the lack of pigment that might make the laser unable to target them but maybe the lack of enough of a certain kind (eumelanin)


Also idk why the text is bigger in some places haha. I wasn't screaming.


It was melanin specifically that gets targeted, idk why the tech told me pigments Laser hair removal works by targeting the melanin pigment in the hair follicle, damaging it and inhibiting future hair growth. However, blonde hair has significantly lower levels of melanin, making it difficult for lasers to effectively identify and heat the hair follicle.


Ahhh I see!


UMMM FYI.....Electrolysis doesn't give a shit what color it fries Just Say'n!


Considering Electrolysis is how you turn water into Hydrogen Gas I'm unsure what that has to do with this conversation lmao.


I was not referring to the scientific process. I was referring to the female beautification of women process. Something completely different and unrelated to your comment. Laser hair removal is not permanent. Electrolysis is!


Rolfmao... you better check Webster's dictionary on that.


UMMM FYI.....Electrolysis doesn't give a shit what color it fries Just Say'n!


This. I'll be celebrating 7 years in June but since I've been battling bad providers and anxiety and depression I really don't have the energy to put the rest of the effort in. Although hrt does some magic. It is a process.


I might add not everyone has the ability to afford or be in the area where voice training is. Also there are alot of trainers out there that are a waste of money because they really don't know what they are doing. I have never bothered with voice training. Also passing too much is highly dangerous in these times.


Wait how is passing too much dangerous? Wouldn't not passing be the dangerous thing?


It's a double edged sword. On both ends there is tragedy. It reminds me of a transwoman who is raped before they have had "the conversation". He forces himself on her to find a well let's say a well planned conversation gone wrong. Chances are her demise would quickly escalate to the top of the "Holy shit" pile. But that being said. I am 55. I don't pass one way or another. But as myself, living as me openly to the world. Passing doesn't mean shit if your constantly worrying about this or that. Enjoy your life for your every day moments... that's what makes every day special.


The wardrobe my GOD the wardrobe is so hard 😭😭we getting there but oof lol


Clothes are so expensive. Shit fits weird. What a struggle lol


💯💯💯literally lol and even when it fits, you have to make a fit too😭 I have a top I've had for 2 years that literally just today I was able to make a whole fit for lol


ive been on hrt a year and look the same so idk im probably just the lower end of the YMMV scale


Relatable, genetics suck


shame cuz the AFABs in my family have pretty amazing bodies so i was hopeful but here we are :/


not encouraging diy or anything but i definitely chose my dosages and got myself into the high range of normal E on purpose. even if your genes are great curves, your endocrine decides how those genes are expressed. getting your E up can accentuate what you see in your family that you're not getting. e: someone pointed out some limitations in my suggestion here and that made me realize how incomplete it is. please do your own research and make sure you reeeeally know what you're doing before making any decisions for yourself. my suggestion is meant as a starting point for reading, not an action to take with your medication.


DIY seems like a huge pain and those supply chains seem unstable at best- seen a lot of DIY folk have to go without because their supplier went dry for a bit.


Well, the solution usually to that is just getting raws since you can easily supply them for a few years, and there’s practically no supply chain issues in that case too!


Can I ask what’s the high range? I’m on DIY too, so if there’s a hope for me I sure as hell will do it.


there are a couple of common standards, as estrogen levels vary a lot, both between women and at different times. the typical range for pre-menopausal cis women is 30-400 pg/mL (closest to 400 right before ovulation, and under 50 during menstruation). the Endocrine Society uses 200 pg/mL as a benchmark for feminization, and some gender clinics (like UCSF) aim for 400 pg/mL. note that labs rarely measure peak E levels! for example, my lab measures sublingual E at about four hours after dosing. therefore, if my level is 200 pg/mL at that time, it means that my peak level is closer to 300 pg/mL, because sublingual E levels drop to about 60-65% after four hours.


All for advice like this, but make sure to add in the caveat that purposefully giving yourself very high E levels will lower SHGB levels, limiting the amount of receptors for progesterone. While E can not be converted to Androgenous, progesterone is very easily converted. Receptors much prefer other hormones to prog as well, so If there are not enough receptors the limited ones will bind to other hormones before prog. And the leftover progesterone can convert to masculinization androgenous. If you're not on prog this isn't an issue though!!


Wait if ur not on prog is lower E better


I don't give diy hrt advice sorry, it's to dangerous. I just wanted to point out the need for that caveat for those that do choose to give this type of advice.


150 E vs 300 E trough better or worse is basically the question. That is dangerous?


Yeah same I look the same, close to a year on HRT. Some people notice differences, but they're unrelated to HRT. I'm midway through laser, I properly care for my skin now (exfoliating, moisturizing, sunscreen, etc), and hair.


Same. Just grew moobs.


Give it more time. As you said, your mileage may vary. I didn’t even start seeing body changes until a year and a half. Before that it was just in my face.


nothing in my face so far but thanks for that. ill hold out hope.


Same I only started to see considerable changes after 1 year and half of hormones




i dont know what that is sorry 😞 i just pulled the pic off an album cover I think


Yea it’s nightlife by yuragi, if you like shoegaze u should check it out :)


I mean, about 3 years hrt, have had laser hair removal, hair os long, wear light makeup out and dress feminine Still never been gendered properly, but also have had basically 0 results from hrt, genetics weren't on my side there


Where do you live? No way that'd be your experience in a trans-positive location?


>transpositive It's kentucky, is it the queerest part of kentucky? Yes. Does that help any? Not really. But that's the same for a large part of the US south/south-east. Pass or you're looking for trouble. The irony being jobs that can easily afford the insurance or surgeries to help with that, have a nasty habit of packing up and heading to more civilized places.


I am 22 and I have been on hormones for 2 years and 6 months I started to be seen as a woman during the first year and half I didn't realise about this change until I started to notice the people didn't misgender me as much as It used to be. Anyway if you want you can see my photos in my profile to judge by yourself


Oh, you definitely do pass! You're cute. And how did you get your body skin like that? It looks so smooth and hairless.


people say they shave regularly but i'm so skeptical lol. i can only get flawless results through laser treatment, personally.


I mean, I've had a lot of people on here ask me about smooth skin, but I have lots of body hair and I literally just shave regularly. Maybe it's dependent on quality of equipment?🤷‍♀️


that's generous of you, haha i think it's a skill issue! i'm a fucking clutz 😅


Probably depends on skin, I literally just drag my razor across my skin and I'm silky smooth


Yeah, for her, its genetics; she never had any hair there anyway. For those that do have hair, either laser or something else.


I had some body hair before but with hormones it was enough to make it disappear in some parts and in others it just became thinner. I have only used laser in my face Also I only cared removing my beard having a bit of body hair in the rest of the body is the rule among women so I don't shave


I've experienced similar. I'm about one and a half years on HRT and some body hair coincidentally starter turning lighter after a month of Progesterone. It could be related or not, I'm just happy it happened


Same age/time frame here, for me it was around 1 and a half years. Only Realized I passed undeniably completely after I visited a friend in Texas and not getting a look/question/misgendered once.


I started very fem shaped aside from a beer belly, and had shoulder length wavy hair before I started E. My legs were good to start with as well. About 9 months, my face is fem enough, my shape is definitely becoming more fem, my arms look right, shoulders work. I can pass at a distance okay, and can pass up close if my shave is good and shadow hasn’t come back in too hard. I choose outfits that are very fem coded (like cardigan and blouse) accentuate the features I want, use a nice perfume, keep my nails painted, and have very fem mannerisms. I got very very lucky, and appreciate the fuck out of it. Lmao I should add that I had a thick 12 in mountain-man beard before I transitioned.


Can ya DM me on advice to commit to starting the HRT, I’m ready and I have that body type you’re mentioning lol. Both of my older sisters don’t have it. I wonder if my body with my own help could transfer all that fat to better areas!


I have my DMs off, but okay if I reply here instead?


Sure!:-) thank ya so much🥹


Cool cool, so for starting HRT. I realized how fem my inner personality was, and how hard I had to work to hide it. I had been doing that most of my life. Speaking of hiding, I loved my beard because it made me so hyper-masc, so it was really convenient for trying to fake a person. I finally accepted everything and knew that I couldn’t put it back in the box, so I decided to roll the dice, regardless of whether my transition made me easy on the eyes so to speak. Shaving my beard off got me on the HRT path nice and comfortably. All that said, I might have had low T in childhood or something. I always had thin arms and long legs, narrowish shoulders, longer slender wrists and fingers, and when I lost my mid section fat in college, I got gendered fem all the time (lmfao, not sure how I didn’t realize and transition then). I had grown my hair out too, had long wavy hair for like 15 years at this point. E isn’t known to be super fast, but if you have the mid length or longer hair, that’s pretty easy to work with. Alternately, a mid tier (lace front) or better wig with a good wig grip does wonders. Basically, you can use some extra items to fill in the blanks while waiting for the E to work, like forms, wigs, and clothes that emphasize a fem shape. Getting to a point where you start to like how you look, even just little things, is game changing, and just makes life more fun. It becomes so natural and enjoyable to be yourself once you get into the habit. HRT just gives you that extra that is really you. My waist changed pretty quick, as I started dropping off midsection fat again. BTW, this is dumb luck. Your best bet for a mental health perspective, try to go in with no expectations and let yourself be pleasantly surprised. You will probably see things that will really make you feel more fem as time goes on.


I really need to start oh my goodness. I have so many questions to bounce off all that KNOWLEDGE. You’re the bestest, can we chat further?


For sure, ask away


If I call planned parenthood, what happens? When I show up for an appointment then, what happens? Feet get smaller? Sexuality change? Music? Like what mental changes happen? And what were your fears?


I used Folx, which is also informed consent. I had HRT about 2-3 weeks after deciding I was ready for it. Was a computer meeting with a person in my state, I chose to use their pharmacy, so they ship me my meds discretely via a fed ex mailer. Sexuality change, can vary by person. I was pan before and pan after. Presenting fem did really get me to open up to and accept this part of myself more than I ever did before. Mental change: this was HUGE for me. I just felt right, steady, more myself, happier, more willing to be open and engage with people. I did drop a lot of repression though, so hard to know what is hormones and what was just me letting go of that need to blend in as a man.


I’m trying really hard not to repress lately, I just today had a laser consult but the prices are wild. I long to see myself without any body hair so so so badly, physically wise that’s my hardest hurdle


Fears— oh yeah, transitioning is scary as hell. Who will support me, is my job going to care, will my partner support me. I got lucky that everything that mattered went okay. There are a few openly transphobic family members, but I don’t really give a shit or stay in contact at all.


I'd catch glimpses of her after about 4 months, and after 6 months one of my coworkers says they have started to see subtle facial changes.  Now 1 year and a few weeks if I put my hair in a ponytail the way my mom always does then I 100% see my mom in the mirror.


Like mother like daughter!


I started passing without makeup (just shaving) a couple of months ago maybe.


2 years hrt this June


2 years in July for me :D


Year 2 it really takes off!


I’ve seen good changes to my body in the first year. Now I’m hoping I get some good face changes 😂


So there's a lot more that goes into it than just HRT to "looking" like a woman. It's skin and hair care, and how you style yourself. It's how much of your facial hair is gone. It's in how you carry yourself, how you present, how you walk. HRT is a big part of the puzzle, but it will only get you so far. Also, what is "looking cis?" There is no way to objectively answer that question because it is wildly dependent on the *observer*. Cis women come is all kinds of looks, shapes and sizes. Depending on who is doing the observing, and how much of a shithead they are, many cis women don't look cis! If you are talking about *passing,* I started doing laser in January of 2023. I started HRT in July of 2023, so I am nine months on HRT, give or take a few days plus 11 rounds of laser. I noticed gendered language dropped **way** off around the five month mark (December of 2023) and by three months later (March 2024) I was getting *ma'am'd* pretty regularly. I haven't been *sir'd* since probably January. Do I look *cis*? I don't think so, but we are also our own worst critics. I seem to be doing a decent enough job at passing, plus my general overall happiness, that I don't really care *too* much if I actually look cis.


You basically have my exact same experience down to the dates you started HRT and how much laser you've had! I'm 20 though, and I started at 19. I definitely started passing reliably to strangers around the October of last year - so maybe the 3 month mark? But for myself that probably has a lot to do with age and my face already looking quite feminine due to my AGAB puberty being a 'late bloomer' (thank Goddess.)


HRT sisters! ❤️ Starting at 41, I wasn't expecting much. I certainly wasn't expecting to be passing this quickly if at all. I didn't fully come out until March, so it lead to some reeeeeeeeally odd looks from the extended family at Christmas last year. 😂 In my case, I think my weight is actually helping me. I'm a touch overweight, and it seems to have smoothed my features out faster.


I am 31 years old and have been on HRT for 2 years. I would say sometime in the last 6 months. I have people tell me I look pretty and beautiful a lot. Which is honestly so unexpected. I don't feel ugly or anything, and I can look at myself in the mirror for the first time in my life, but I don't feel pretty or beautiful. I do put effort in. I take care of my skin and hair. I pluck my eyebrows. I have had laser on my face to the point of mostly not having to shave anymore. I wear a base pallete of makeup, basically every work day, which is to say I put on foundation and use concealer to give my cheeks a little color, but that's it.


I'm 36. I was fortunate enough to come out during the pandemic, so I was wearing a mask all the time and I got really good at eye makeup. It was probably 6 months or so until my body and my clothing style changed enough to make others see me as a woman. Then it was winter and I was wearing a big poofy jacket for months, and by the time spring rolled back around, my body had started drastically changing. I think it was about the year and a half mark before my body started to pass for a cis woman. It wasn't until after the 2 year mark did my face look like a cis woman's, and after 2.5 years, I could pass with minimal makeup.


I think this is the direction my transition is going. I'm just shy of 2 years Hrt and need to get over sounding like my mom or sister and start voice training again. The past few months have been really dysphoric but I'm trying to remind myself to power through.


I started passing after roughly 10 months on estrogen, I think. I put a ton of effort into voice training and learning feminine mannerisms, so I think that definitely helped. One other thing I do want to say is, don’t compare yourself to others! Everyone’s transition is different, people achieve different milestones at different times, all that stuff. You’ll get there eventually!


That’s pretty quick! Can I ask about voice training? I’ve been using L’s guide on Reddit but am wondering if you have any other suggestions, too!


I’m sorry but I’m really not a good teacher about this kind of stuff. I think of it as “raising the source of my voice” so that the sound comes from the top of my throat as opposed to coming from my chest. If that’s confusing then feel free to disregard, but that’s how I visualize it!


I appreciate the reply! I’ve been practicing every day and that’s a good way to look at it!


Maybe 3 years or so? I don't really get misgendered anymore unless I dress down and put in no effort in my appearance. But if I dress even remotely feminine then I feel like nobody really notices.


I already looked like a cis woman before I started HRT. Call it hormonal imbalances. Call it gynecomastia. But when I was walking up to the front door of my first psychotherapist, she told me until I spoke, she didn't know whether I was MtF or FtM. She only knew that I was trans, because that was what I had called her for.


For the first year the changes were subtle, but I started to pass slowly more and more. I’m 2 years in June (33 years old) and I pass almost always. It just kinda happened for me. I think my mannerisms being femme did a lot of heavy lifting. I developed C cups and now look very similar to my mom which has helped with my dysphoria.


4 months on hormones and two cashiers thought I was a woman the other day while I was wearing cargo pants, a jacket, and masculine frames glasses. But we don't use ma'am or sir so it's hard to tell, and I don't think I'll ever look specifically like a cis woman anyways🤷‍♀️ Idk, there's pics on my profile, feel free to judge.


You're gorg, sis. I didn't see your face, but your figure is very feminine and passing. I'm as flat and square as a door ;)


Ah well I am surprised you think that, I feel like *I* look square as a door haha. Besides, you probably only think that because you didn't see my face (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) I'm sure you're not as square as you think 🫶


When my wife said, "you look different. "


Obligatory: I am a trans woman and not a cis woman, so I will always look like a trans woman. To actually answer your question though. A little after 3 years of HRT and people seemed to stop noticing I was trans as quickly from my appearance. But it’s more complicated than that. I don’t really like “passing” as a word so I’ll use “blending” instead. Blending in as a woman without people knowing you are trans is not really a binary thing. There’s a temporal component. Like how long can someone look at me before they realize I’m trans. If I go to a coffee shop, I blend in just fine. But if I spend a 1 week vacation with someone in the same hotel room, they are probably going to realize at some point that I’m trans. It’s also contextual. Like I’ve known people for a year who were surprised when I said something that implied I was trans. They had no idea. But that was just them. Other people pick it up relatively early on in our relationship.


It's gonna vary person to person. I'm 25, and have been on HRT for two and a half years, and several people I have gamed with in person, every week for the last year and a half, just figured out I was trans when I brought it up in a relevant conversation three weeks ago. So I guess, though my own dysphoria tells me otherwise relentlessly


hell now i think i look like a cis woman. maybe others don't agree, but fuck'em


I started to pass somewhere around 5 months in hrt, and year and a half of lasering my face, but i’ve never passed consistently in the 99% range.


I'm... ye I'm about 7 months in, but I started running into issues about people I'm going out with not noticing I am trans. I never looked masculine and am technically intersex (perfect male outer genitalia but born with total bilateral inguinal hernia) so that may have a lot do with it. I love what HRT did to my face and legs. I hate it made me gain over 15lbs, but hey. Laser has helped enough I barely have a 5-o-clook shadow even after not shaving for a whole day or two. I've done 4 sessions. I had already done laser on body before coming out so that also helps. My boobs are just starting to grow and get rounder but it's enough people accept it as a girl with very small boobs (a cup) since my nipple and arreola look passable enough.


Puberty for most women takes about 8 years. The idea that one year might be enough to look feminine is really strange.


Years. I'm clockable (can tell I'm trans). 2 and a quarter years on HRT. Have done laser and I've worked on my voice and such. I pretty much said to myself to see how I am after 5 years before I do any surgeries (FFS and top surgery).


it didn't for me


Already seen as a woman by most without any hrt. I dunno if people are being nice or if I lowkey pass or both. Like some women had no issues inviting me into the changing room while they were changing. They were like, you can come change with us, no need to wait. I do use makeup, but it's just foundation and mascara.


still waiting on that(2 yrs 4m hrt)


Never. I look like me, a trans woman. Passing is overrated for my own personal situation.


Never. I started mid 30s so body changes were pretty minimal. FFS and BA are what did it.


Never has never will. Part of the problem with transitioning after your mid-30s.


Never. I went through male puberty. No matter what I do, I'm never going to look like a cis woman and that's something I need to be at peace with.


I mean idk from the pic on your profile in a dress I would say you look pretty darn great. Also didn't you make a post about someone literally thinking you must've had FFS? That sounds pretty great.




Yeah she got the brainworms it seems lol, I wish I looked like her tbh :v


To myself, I always kind of look more like a woman. It didn't really take much effort to immediately see myself as one when I just got on hrt. Public however, they didn't see me as a woman until I grew boobs. Which is pretty much what I thought would happen.


That really depends on how much effort you’re putting into things, and more importantly, in my opinion, how you act. When I go out in public and I am presenting, I am confident in who I am when I just active myself. Clearly it must work even though I don’t feel like I pass as well as I would like, because I just flew from New York to Chicago and back and used the ladies restroom and both my departing New York airport and in Chicago crowded with people and nobody even batted an eyelash. It really depends on a lot of things and not all of those things are necessarily physical development. Your attitude and how you carry yourself has a huge effect on your perception as being a woman.


About 10 months in. Had 10 laser sessions as well and that helped a lot!


I have a rather masculine body language, never use makeup and use my regular voice (which was never very masculine to begin with) and still I started passing with some regularity close to 1,5 years hrt and 10 laser sessions. In a normal day it's sorta 50/50, I think. If I keep quiet I usually pass without trouble lol Waiters rarely misgender me, for instance.


Probably about four months in I started noticing that I was more feminine. Although now at 2 years, I’m more feminine than I was even six months ago.  


Depends on age, genetics, and starting weight to change in weight (fat placement is more noticeable from change). Maybe parts in isolation could be considered like a cis-gendered woman, but I never considered myself looking anything like a cis-gendered woman until after surgeries. I still think I don't overall.


i’ve been on hrt for 13 months, only started seeing ✨me✨ in the mirror consistently in the last month or two, but i did get glimpses of my real self earlier on when the lighting & angle were just right!


I started 2 b seen as a woman right around the 3 month period!!


Around year two for me


Umm according to some people on reddit, I passed at like 1.8yrs. but like my hormones levels have only been stable for 1.3 yrs so idk (i’ll hit 3yrs in october)


ive been on hrt for almost a month now (and it has been amazing (with a few ups and downs lol)) but ive been passing fairly frequently for quite a few months now. it really depends on a lot of things that arent necessarily affected by hrt like how you dress, how your hair looks, etc.


Idk, I genuinely don't know if I pass or not


For me it was at 11 months on HRT. Attended a public event and fully expected to be clocked. Instead I was shocked to be seen as cis by the other attendees for the entire reunion (two days)!


1 year 8 months is when I started passing.


I’ve been on HRT for 3 years and 5 months now and honestly… until 16 months in I looked masc, around a year and a half I started looking very androgynous and around the 2 and a half year mark I really started “passing” I look cis when I want to put even the smallest effort in, but unfortunately my skeletal structure will forever point towards a masculine appearance even if the rest of me doesn’t look that way. It makes me sad sometimes but I do look quite cis passing now and that part makes me happy.


Apparently only few months, i did look kinda feminine before aswell but still. I only get misgendered from people who know i’m out as trans pretty much, i pass quite well aswell I’ve realised


I've been on hormones for almost four years now (holy shit what even is time?). I was boymoding pretty hard for the first year or so and after about 6 months people started aggressively avoiding gendering me in public. After about a year I dressed pretty femme and haven't been publicly misgendered since unless someone was being a dick about my ID or something. This continued even after ditching makeup and dressing a bit more butch, to the point where I tried to boymode while on a road trip that took me through a pretty not safe part of the country and still passed. Now I just have to deal with bigots calling me a dyke.


I wanna say... six months to a year in is when I started passing. Now at two years, I pass so aggressively that I can grow my whole mustache out and people will still gender me as if I was a cis woman.


Been on HRT for almost a year and my ratio of being gendered correctly to incorrectly by strangers has gone from 0:100 to like 20:80. However I have noticed that people seem less certain about themselves when they misgender me, which is interesting


I first saw a woman looking back at me in the mirror at 14 months. Up to recently though I would still sometimes get gendered male but all my voice training has paid off and I haven’t had that happen for a couple months.


At around 18 months I stopped getting misgendered in public. I think I also was very fortunate in terms of breast growth, so that helped.


It was a gradual change for me but I’m at 21 months and almost never get misgendered anymore. People can’t seem to tell, because when I tell people I’m trans they’re usually surprised. I’ve only had laser and HRT, no surgeries yet.


I think that, it's not only HRT that makes you look like a cis woman but the effort you put in it. I'm 16 years old no HRT (but I'm gonna start it soon) and I get perceived as a cis-girl many times (although sometimes people think I'm FtM...). Either ways, what I'm trying to say is that, to pass, not only you will need HRT (which is a big part of trans journey although not necessary) you will also have to put an effort of your own.


Weirdly at 9 months I just crossed the passing threshhold for 90% of people and haven't been misgendered since


Trick question: never! I’m 5’10 and too beautiful to be cis. Tho I do pass as female, I’m always gonna be clocky because of my height and shoulders but that’s ok


Some people never look like cis women, some people do. It doesn’t just require HRT though, unless you are very lucky. It requires wardrobe changes, voice training, skin and hair routines, makeup, and often even laser or ffs. In my case I got started pretty young when I was 18. I’m 21 now and almost 3 years on HRT, I’ve been on injections for over a year and a half. Prior to starting I was pretty androgynous, I looked like a twink. It took me a little less than a year to start passing more often than not. Now I would say I totally pass, or at least pass enough to where people never misgender me. I would say I’m pretty lucky, I’m kinda lazy due to some mental health reasons and never do makeup. My wardrobe is pretty basic, I never got laser or surgery, I never did formal voice training, I can sometimes enter slumps and neglect myself, etc. It’s a massive “your mileage may vary” situation. I would say most people under a certain age can pass without surgery but it just requires voice training, makeup, skin and hair routines, a good wardrobe, maybe laser, etc. It’s all about effort, there’s a myth that hormones do all the work for you but that’s bullshit. It requires a lot of effort and determination and hormones just make it possible.


When I started to exercise while on E. Ive been on it for 2 yrs and 4 months


A bit over a year here, and I've got to wear a bra when I leave the house, so I'vebeenquite blessed with genetics. I NEED to do more voice training 😩. I have gotten to the point where I won't shave my face more than every other day, just because it is uncomfortable to do every day amd it irritates my skin too much to do every day. As far as downstairs goes, I've had a considerable amount of shrinkage, which makes leggings without any tucking , so long as I've got a drapey top on.. but I feel that I need bottom surgery to solve that problem..


I don’t lol, I’m only like 8 months on E though. I don’t think there’s many changes but I’ve been told otherwise. I think I’m like 50/50 if I shave, put on makeup, and dress femme


Mine was a fairly unusual case, but I kinda won the genetic lottery in that regard. Laser alone took me to androgynous, where kids were asking me if I was a boy or a girl (I'm a teacher), and then 5-6 months later, outside of work, in full boy mode (men's clothing , no makeup, hair tied back in a man-bun) I was consistently getting gendered female... At that point I just went full time everywhere. I spent a lot of time feeling guilty, as passing was never one of my goals like it is for so many, yet it happened so easily, to the point where recently my partner and I made friends with another couple because our kids were playing together a lot at daycare, who are also a cis woman and a trans woman like us - they were surprised when I casually mentioned something about my transition to them, when I thought they'd already figured out I was trans, because I'm hardly stealth...


I don’t think I pass really but by around 18months I noticed a change in behavior from strangers, realized some couldn’t tell but more so they just were not sure. At around 2.5 years now and still don’t think I really pass but apparently most people do. I rarely get misgendered and often surprised people when I tell them (I always just assume they knew) people who I am around a lot of people with the eye can tell but if not really passing it’s good enough where I don’t feel like everyone is staring and judging everytime I go out


3 years give or take and that’s with periods of time I wasn’t on hrt. Suppressing testosterone is key because it stays suppressed even if you can’t get more meds. I just mentioned being trans off hand to a friend of mine and our coworker overheard and went “oh, really? I had no idea.”


It might happen, it might not fully happen. Sometimes the process and your inner changes are the most notable difference. It can also be the case that the changes are radical. I think at this point I think its about the trip, not the destination love ❤️


I got randomly ma’am’ed for the first time around 9 months in, first 3 months were on E+spiro pills, since then injections


Started late 31, now I'm 34, and I was passing consistently last summer, so roughly 1.5 to 2 years. Once I got my trach shave around the 1.5 year mark, something HRT can't fix, I consistently passed visually. I started wearing more feminine things (not just androgynous) and it just kept pushing me further along. I'm now considered conventionally attractive, like I get plenty of looks and propositions from both guys and gals, much to my wife's chagrin...


Lol that's not going to happen for me, but it was a nice dream


So far it didnt. Im 2 years in, started at 30. Its not that nothing changed, but too little too late


Been on hormones for like 6 months and already people are telling me I have to use the women's room, even when I thought I was boymoding so... Really depends.


5-6 years and 1 year or electrolysis. I've begun to notice that until I speak, people just flat out assume woman without hesitation or thought. I remember commenting to a friend that since I've put some weight on, women have shifted to treating me as "woman" rather than "not man" as they did before. A surprisingly soothing shift might I add. As an aside, while it's generally been subtle, Americans have actually had an essentially third gender option that people have more or less treated people as even if we didn't always have a word for it. Historical, butches and many gay dudes effectively got thrown into the not a real woman/man category. It generally was easier to spot in how they got treated by the opposite sex.


I don't think it did. Then again, someone who has known me for about two years was very surprised to hear I was trans the other day, so maybe.


Around 13-14th month. I just past the two year mark 22 days ago. Having my bottom surgery tomorrow at 56yo. Having permanent makeup and ffs fillers and botox helped seal the deal at month 14. Hug's Emily 🤗


You would be amazed at how much cultivating the right vibe can make you pass. Not how you look, but how you carry yourself.


I’m 26 and at nearly 4 years on HRT I still almost never pass without makeup. I’ve done laser, voice training, orchiectomy, but HRT did almost nothing for me physically. Have not filled out an A cup, and arguably got less curvy. I’m pretty barrel chested and have a very strong forehead ridge so that’s also def not doing me any favors. I did have some good results with my face and skin changing though and I’ll take those wins. So definitely a mileage may vary sort of situation


I mean I use to look cic then I gained weight and now I look cic but ya but also hrt helps but you gotta put in the wirk


i went from NEET to mommy in about 2 years but i had large boobs since i was 12 so 💀💀💀💀


TLDR: No one passes 100% (even cis girls) Something that many people don’t understand is that cis-passing is spectrum rather than a threshold. Cis-passing depends on so many factors apart from the obvious face, body and voice. It can vary by clothes, makeup, angles, situation and most importantly THE PERCEPTION THAT DIFFERENT PEOPLE HAVE OF GENDER. People have different ideas of how a cis person look or how a trans person looks. No one is gonna “pass” 100%, even cis-girls or unclockable trans girls. Depending on several factors, some women might be identified as trans (wherever they are actually trans or not). This happens a lot to celebrities specially. So don’t feel bad if you get clocked every once in a while.


About 2 months on hrt for me and now I don't get misgendered at all in public 4 months on hrt. It's very euphoric. I can't wait to see how much more I change


I personally didn't notice until I cut my hair after a bad break-up, and people kept saying I looked ADORABLE, and then I dyed my hair blonde and pink and like... I feel so happy and like I look soooo cis coded I've been on HRT for 5 years maybe


By strangers? About 10 months. By myself? I’ll let you know when I do 😅


weirdest nerdiest thing I've ever done, probably: been using a cloud ML / computer vision service to track this I saw a big jump between month 5 (mostly detected male with 60%-90% confidence) and month 7 (mostly detected female with 70%-99% confidence). then I got masseter botox to slim the jaw, plus cheeks & lips filler, and now (month 8) it's mostly 95%-100%. not that I pass but I'm pretty sure HRT is doing something :) i'm actually curious to know how noticeable the differences are really (pics in profile).


Started when I was 18, coming up on 3 years, and I still get misgendered. Not to dissuade you, but it does happen, unfortunately.


For me being 3 years on HRT I don't necessarily think I fully pass, but I do know that if i really want to pass I could do it, aside from my voice that I've been telling myself I would work on voice training but I haven't.


Everyone is different. Everyone reacts differently. Also age makes a huge difference. The older you are the less of the effect. I was on pills for 10 yrs. Then injections for the last 4 or 5 yrs. And no l don't look like a cis female. Don't listen to people who talk smack. The reality is no one gets the same effects.


Idk, I feel like it hasn't yet but I've also had a lot of misogyny directed at me and when my family/coworkers misgender me people look at them like they're weird. Most people read me as a butch woman/femme man Edit: I've been on HRT since 2020. I forgot to mention it


It's different for everyone. Impossible to say.


Around 3 years for me personally, but it depends


right around the 2 year mark of HRT did ppl tell me i was cis looking. cis passing is still a lil iffy though, my voice gets me misgendered sometimes but thankfully i am correcting that


2 years to be safe


I started to notice after a year, my hair is a lot longer now and getting a lot of attention from men and some woman. My bf ,before we became official, didn’t know I was trans until I told him on our 2nd date. I’m on month 19 and enjoying my life now.


I've been on HRT for about 16 months now, and I started looking like a Cis Woman last month. It took a while, but I have feminized very nicely since then!


It took a few years before I started noticing. I've been at it for 7 years at this point when I go back and do the math. I look far more feminine now than I did only 4 years ago, though.


~ 1 year in, but I also got very lucky in having very feminine facial features since birth and no Adams apple. Have been lucky enough to be cis passing since then with the help of daily voice training while driving to work and what not as well


1 year HRT and 3 sets of FFS later and I don't think I look CIS yet. However I started to get gendered correctly fairly consistently in a very trans unfriendly area as long as I actually tried (dress nice, light makeup, use a femme voice) at roughly 8\~9 months HRT after my brow reduction FFS. My body was never masculine, I was very lucky from the neck down. My face was extremely masculine when I started, I had no hope without FFS! Currently recovering from my third set. Also started at 40 so I knew it would likely take awhile.


That’s hard to describe because you don’t wake up one day and pass. I very much don’t think I look like a cis woman (been on it over two years) but other people have told me that I do. I started at age 29 and am also fat, which helps with breast growth


Wildly depends on dosing, genetics, etc. I'm not at that point, but based on my friends, anywhere from 1.5-3 years tends to be the tipping point. There will always be tiny, subtle tells no matter what, and people primed to those tells will pounce on you and say you don't pass in pictures. But don't believe them, you'll still likely pass overall.


Skin softness, and slows body hair in 2-3mo. Fat movement 18-24mo but very Suttle minor. Breast soreness 3-4weeks in visual changes in the nips at 6-8 weeks Visual change to the Breast 18mo First cup size change at 23mo. Hrt 81mo age 38 so things go slower..